134 research outputs found

    Enlace de encuestas: una propuesta metodológica y aplicación a la encuesta de presupuestos de tiempo

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    Tratamos el problema de completar dos ficheros con registros conteniendo un subconjunto común de variables. La técnica investigada utiliza árboles de regresión y/o clasificación. Se propone y estudia una extensión para variables respuesta multivariantes, ilustrando su empleo sobre la Encuesta de Presupuestos de Tiempo (EPT-93)

    Laringuectomía total y traqueostomía permanente en un perro, por un adenocarcinoma laríngeo infraglótico

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    Perra Rottweiler de 8 años de edad con historial de cansancio progresivo y dificultad respiratoria. Tras una exploración física y radiológica se sospechó la presencia de una masa en la luz de la laringe que se confirmó con la exploración directa. Se realizó una citología y el informe anatomopatológico indicó que presumiblemente se trataba de una neoplasia de carácter maligno. Se realizó una laringuectomía total conjuntamente con una traqueostomía permanente. La evolución fue satisfactoria pero a los 12 días del alta, el paciente falleció de muerte súbita

    Genotype x dose of artificial insemination interaction for buck fertility

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar los parámetros genéticos de la fertilidad tras la IA con 3 tipos de dosis obtenidas de eyaculados de machos de la línea Caldes: 1) tipo 10: con 10 x 106 espermatozoides/ml y 24h de conservación en un diluyente comercial tipo A. 2) tipo 40: con 40 x 106 espermatozoides/ml y las mismas condiciones de conservación que las del tipo 10. 3) tipo X: dosis preparadas tras diluir los eyaculados con un diluyente comercial tipo B (1:5) siendo desconocida la concentración y sin periodo de conservación. Se realizaron 3,628 IA con dosis del tipo 10 sobre hembras cruzadas, 3,027 con dosis del tipo 40 y la misma población de hembras, y 5,779 con dosis del tipo X sobre hembras puras de la línea Caldes. La fertilidad tras la IA con dosis del tipo 10 (F10), 40 (F40) y X (FX) fue considerada un carácter distinto en cada caso, de tipo binario. Los datos se analizaron utilizando un modelo umbral tri-carácter. La estima de la media de la distribución marginal posterior (DMP) de F10 menos F40 fue de -0.13. Este resultado indica un claro efecto de la concentración sobre la fertilidad, que podría no ser lineal. Las medias de la DMP de F10 menos FX y F40 menos FX fueron -0.37 y -0.23, respectivamente, lo que indica que el efecto de las condiciones de conservación sobre la fertilidad podría ser más importante que el de la concentración ya que FX fue muy próxima a la fertilidad tras la MN y la concentración del tipo de dosis X sería en promedio de unos 50 x 106 espermatozoides/ml. Las heredabilidades parecen ser similares para F10 y F40 y ambas mayores que las correspondientes a la fertilidad tras la MN y a FX. La interacción del genotipo x concentración de la dosis de IA es prácticamente despreciable debido a que las varianzas genéticas fueron similares para F10 y F40 y a que su correlación genética fue próxima a 1. Sin embargo, la interacción podría ser de mayor importancia entre el genotipo y las condiciones de conservación.The aim of this research was to estimate genetic parameters of male fertility after AI with three different types of AI doses obtained from ejaculates of bucks belonging to the Caldes line: 1) type 10: doses with 10 x 106 spermatozoa/ml and a period of 24 h of storage at 18ºC in a saline extender A. 2) type 40: doses with 40 x 106 spermatozoa/ml and the same storage conditions as type 10. 3) type X, doses prepared with semen diluted (1:5) with a saline extender B, but with unknown sperm dosage and no storage period. 3,628 AI were performed with the type 10 doses using crossbred females, 3,027 with the type 40 doses and the same population of females, and 5,779 with the type X doses, using purebred M. Piles et al. ITEA (2008), Vol. 104 (2), 160-168 16 females from the Caldes line in a different farm. Fertility after AI with type 10 doses (F10), type 40 doses (F40) and type X doses (FX) was considered as three different binary traits. Data were analyzed under a three-trait threshold model. The mean of the marginal posterior distribution (MPD) for F10 minus F40 was estimated to be -0.13. This result indicates a clear effect of the sperm dosage on fertility, which could be non-linear. The mean of the MPD of F10 minus FX and F40 minus FX were respectively, -0.37 and -0.23 which indicates that the effect of the storage conditions on fertility could be even more important on fertility than sperm dosage, since FX was very close to fertility after NM and sperm dosage of this type of doses was in average lower than 50 x 106 spermatozoa/ml. Heritabilities seem to be similar for F10 and F40 and both of them could be higher than heritability of male fertility after NM and FX. Variance of the genotype x sperm dosage interaction was almost negligible since additive variances were similar for F10 and F40 and their genetic correlation was close to 1. However, this interaction could be more important between the genotype and the storage conditions

    Predictive ability of genome-assisted statistical models under various forms of gene action

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    Recent work has suggested that the performance of prediction models for complex traits may depend on the architecture of the target traits. Here we compared several prediction models with respect to their ability of predicting phenotypes under various statistical architectures of gene action: (1) purely additive, (2) additive and dominance, (3) additive, dominance, and two-locus epistasis, and (4) purely epistatic settings. Simulation and a real chicken dataset were used. Fourteen prediction models were compared: BayesA, BayesB, BayesC, Bayesian LASSO, Bayesian ridge regression, elastic net, genomic best linear unbiased prediction, a Gaussian process, LASSO, random forests, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces regression, ridge regression (best linear unbiased prediction), relevance vector machines, and support vector machines. When the trait was under additive gene action, the parametric prediction models outperformed non-parametric ones. Conversely, when the trait was under epistatic gene action, the non-parametric prediction models provided more accurate predictions. Thus, prediction models must be selected according to the most probably underlying architecture of traits. In the chicken dataset examined, most models had similar prediction performance. Our results corroborate the view that there is no universally best prediction models, and that the development of robust prediction models is an important research objective

    The history and evolution of the clinical effectiveness of haemophilia type a treatment: a systematic review.

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    First evidence of cases of haemophilia dates from ancient Egypt, but it was when Queen Victoria from England in the 19th century transmitted this illness to her descendants, when it became known as the "royal disease". Last decades of the 20th century account for major discoveries that improved the life expectancy and quality of life of these patients. The history and evolution of haemophilia healthcare counts ups and downs. The introduction of prophylactic schemes during the 1970s have proved to be more effective that the classic on-demand replacement of clotting factors, nevertheless many patients managed with frequent plasma transfusions or derived products became infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis C virus during the 1980s and 1990s. Recombinant factor VIII inception has decreased the risk of blood borne infections and restored back longer life expectancies. Main concerns for haemophilia healthcare are shifting from the pure clinical aspects to the economic considerations of long-term replacement therapy. Nowadays researchers' attention has been placed on the future costs and cost-effectiveness of costly long-term treatment. Equity considerations are relevant as well, and alternative options for less affluent countries are under the scope of further research. The aim of this review was to assess the evidence of different treatment options for haemophilia type A over the past four decades, focusing on the most important technological advances that have influenced the natural course of this "royal disease"

    A new family of soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitors: in vivo evaluation in a murine model of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain

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    Trabajo presentado en el 22nd European Symposium on Organic Chemistry, celebrado en Ghent (Bélgica), del 9 al 13 de julio de 2023Thisworkwasfundedbythethe Grant PID2020-118127RB-I00 fundedbyMCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033andby“ERDFAwayofmakingEurope”toS.V.,andthe Xunta de Galicia (ED431G2019/02andED431C2018/21).PartialsupportwasprovidedbyNIH-NIEHSRiverAwardR35ES03443,NIH-NIEHSSuperfundProgramP42ES004699,NINDSR01DK107767,andNIDDKR01DK103616toB.D.H

    Litter size components in a full diallel cross of four maternal lines of rabbits

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    [EN] A crossbreeding experiment between 4 Spanish maternal lines of rabbits was performed to estimate crossbreeding effects on litter size components. The experiment was designed as a complete diallel cross involving 4 lines selected for litter size at weaning (A, V, H, and LP [L]) and their 12 simple crosses. Does from these 16 genetic groups were distributed among 4 Spanish farms, but only V line was present in all farms, allowing connectivity of the data. A total of 2,015 does in the third, fourth, or fifth gestations were subjected to laparoscopy. The recorded traits were ovulation rate (OR), number of implanted embryos (IE), total born (TB), embryo survival (ES), foetal survival (FS), and prenatal survival (PS). The differences in direct genetic effects, maternal genetic effects, and individual heterosis between the lines were estimated according to Dickerson s model. Line A was significantly inferior to lines V and H, whereas line LP was similar to A line, but for FS and PS, line A showed the best values, followed by line LP. Comparing crossbred groups to line V, significant differences were shown favoring crossbred groups for OR and IE. The crossbred groups presented high implantation rate, but the foetal survival was lower than in V line. Important values for commercial production were presented by some crosses for OR (HV, 1.26 ova), IE (AH, 1.50 embryos; HV, 1.41 embryos), and TB (AH, 0.82 rabbits; HV, 0.78 rabbits). Relevant and significant reciprocal effects were found, especially for OR in all cases except the LV and VL crosses. These differences become nonsignificant in most of the other traits. Regarding direct genetic effects, line A presented lower estimates than the other lines with important values for OR, but the opposite was observed for FS. The maternal effects were significant only for some contrasts in OR and revealed that the LP line was inferior to the others (1.08 ova compared to the A line, 1.23 compared to the H line, and 0.38 compared to the V line). In general, high positive values for heterosis were found in crossbred does for OR and IE. The crosses, where lines A and H were involved, showed significant heterosis. The highest values were obtained by crossing lines A and H (1.18 ova for OR, 1.87 embryos for IE) followed by the cross between lines H and V. Crosses between line LP and the other lines had a negative heterosis for FS and PS.This work was supported by the Spanish project AGL2011-30170 from the Spanish National Research Plan.Mohamed Ragab, M.; Sánchez Serrano, JP.; Mínguez Balaguer, C.; Vicente Antón, JS.; Baselga Izquierdo, M. (2014). Litter size components in a full diallel cross of four maternal lines of rabbits. Journal of Animal Science. 92(8):3231-3236. https://doi.org/10.2527/jas.2013-7286S3231323692

    Progressive Telomere Dysfunction Causes Cytokinesis Failure and Leads to the Accumulation of Polyploid Cells

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    Most cancer cells accumulate genomic abnormalities at a remarkably rapid rate, as they are unable to maintain their chromosome structure and number. Excessively short telomeres, a known source of chromosome instability, are observed in early human-cancer lesions. Besides telomere dysfunction, it has been suggested that a transient phase of polyploidization, in most cases tetraploidization, has a causative role in cancer. Proliferation of tetraploids can gradually generate subtetraploid lineages of unstable cells that might fire the carcinogenic process by promoting further aneuploidy and genomic instability. Given the significance of telomere dysfunction and tetraploidy in the early stages of carcinogenesis, we investigated whether there is a connection between these two important promoters of chromosomal instability. We report that human mammary epithelial cells exhibiting progressive telomere dysfunction, in a pRb deficient and wild-type p53 background, fail to complete the cytoplasmatic cell division due to the persistence of chromatin bridges in the midzone. Flow cytometry together with fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated an accumulation of binucleated polyploid cells upon serial passaging cells. Restoration of telomere function through hTERT transduction, which lessens the formation of anaphase bridges by recapping the chromosome ends, rescued the polyploid phenotype. Live-cell imaging revealed that these polyploid cells emerged after abortive cytokinesis due to the persistence of anaphase bridges with large intervening chromatin in the cleavage plane. In agreement with a primary role of anaphase bridge intermediates in the polyploidization process, treatment of HMEC-hTERT cells with bleomycin, which produces chromatin bridges through illegimitate repair, resulted in tetraploid binucleated cells. Taken together, we demonstrate that human epithelial cells exhibiting physiological telomere dysfunction engender tetraploid cells through interference of anaphase bridges with the completion of cytokinesis. These observations shed light on the mechanisms operating during the initial stages of human carcinogenesis, as they provide a link between progressive telomere dysfunction and tetraploidy

    Synthesis, in Vitro Profiling, and in Vivo Evaluation of Benzohomoadamantane-Based Ureas for Visceral Pain: A New Indication for Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitors

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    The soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) has been suggested as a pharmacological target for the treatment of several diseases, including pain-related disorders. Herein, we report further medicinal chemistry around new benzohomoadamantane-based sEH inhibitors (sEHI) in order to improve the drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics properties of a previous hit. After an extensive in vitro screening cascade, molecular modeling, and in vivo pharmacokinetics studies, two candidates were evaluated in vivo in a murine model of capsaicin-induced allodynia. The two compounds showed an anti-allodynic effect in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, the most potent compound presented robust analgesic efficacy in the cyclophosphamide-induced murine model of cystitis, a well-established model of visceral pain. Overall, these results suggest painful bladder syndrome as a new possible indication for sEHI, opening a new range of applications for them in the visceral pain field

    In vivo evaluation of soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitors in murine models of allodynia, chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain and visceral pain

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    Trabajo presentado en el IX EFMC International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry, celebrado en Zagreb (Croacia), del 3 al 7 de septiembre de 2023Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitors (sEHI) are a new class of non-opioid analgesics, with a representative compound, EC5026, currently in clinical trials for the management of neuropathic pain [1]. Our group has recently designed, synthesized and pharmacologically evaluated novel series of potent benzohomoadamantane-based sEHI [2]. Herein, we report further medicinal chemistry around the abovementioned polycyclic scaffold to improve the potency and, particularly, the DMPK properties of previous hits. After an extensive in vitro screening cascade, molecular modeling, and in vivo pharmacokinetics studies, three candidates were selected for in vivo studies. Two compounds evaluated in a murine model of capsaicin-induced allodynia displayed potent anti-allodynic effect in a dose-dependent manner. Next, the most potent compound was evaluated in the cyclophosphamide-induced murine model of cystitis, a well-established model of visceral pain, presenting robust analgesic efficacy [3]. Finally, considering that chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain (CINP), a severe side effect of several anticancer agents, is a largely unmet medical need [4], our third candidate was evaluated in a murine model of paclitaxel-induced neuropathic pain. CINP was performed by a daily injection of paclitaxel via i.p. (2 mg/kg), for 5 consecutive days. Mice developed neuropathic mechanical allodynia, which peaked on day 10 after the first paclitaxel administration ¿time when the acute effects of sEHI were tested. Subcutaneous administration of this candidate (2.5-5 mg/kg) completely reversed in a dose dependent manner the sensory hypersensitivity. Additionally, administration of the sEHI (5 mg/kg, s.c.) 30 min before each paclitaxel injection completely prevented the development of neuropathic allodynia. Collectively, these results suggest interstitial cystitis/pain bladder syndrome and CINP as possible new indications for sEHI. Acknowledgements: This work was funded by the Grant PID2020-118127RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ¿ERDF A way of making Europe¿ to S.V