84 research outputs found

    Occitan Musicians, Immigration, and Postcolonial Regionalism in Southern France

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    Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in southern France, this dissertation analyzes contemporary Occitan musical expression in relation to postcolonial immigration. “Occitan” refers to a group of linguistic practices found in the south of France, including Provençal and Languedocien. Throughout this study, I discuss commonalities between postcolonial and regionalist history and theory, shedding light on notions of cultural citizenship that have defined French sociopolitics in recent decades. The historian Herman Lebovics (2004) coined the term “postcolonial regionalism” in reference to the impact of decolonization on regional protest movements in France during the 1970s. During that time, singer/songwriters of the nòva cançon occitana incorporated the internal colonialism thesis into their song lyrics. Drawing on the theoretical writings of the poet and philosopher Édouard Glissant, I argue that Occitan music reveals a new articulation of postcolonial regionalism. I demonstrate that, since the 1980s, decolonization has been replaced by postcolonial immigration as a social fact that informs Occitan song and discourse. The Occitan music scene contains a wide variety of music styles and transnational borrowings. I profile four musicians, Daniel Loddo, Claude Sicre, Tatou (né François Ridel), and Manu Théron. These performers critique French official culture, research and reinterpret local music history, and create transnational musical alliances in the form of citation and/or collaboration. I demonstrate that they espouse a simultaneously deterritorializing and rooting discourse that serves to position their anti-centralist search for cultural roots in contradistinction to right-wing evocations of territory. I situate my argument within a broad historical framework in order to examine how concepts such as universalism and what Glissant termed mondialité (world-ness) have informed Occitan music and discourse

    Dielectric constant of glasses: first observation of a two-dimensional behavior

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    The 1kHz real part χ\chi' of the dielectric constant of a structural glass was measured at low temperature TT down to 14 mK. Reducing the sample thickness hh to 10 nm suppresses the usual minimum of χ\chi' for measuring fields E<.5E<.5 MV/m. This contradicts the Two Level System (TLS) model but is well accounted for by including TLS-TLS interactions where excitations delocalize between TLS's through a EE-induced mechanism recently designed: for small hh's this interaction is reduced, which explains the two-dimensional behavior of χ(T)\chi'(T). Hence, interactions play a key role in standard thick samples.Comment: latex finesse3.tex, 5 files, 4 figures, 4 pages [SPEC-S02/050], submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Central nesfatin-1-expressing neurons are sensitive to peripheral inflammatory stimulus

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    Recently, a novel factor with anorexigenic properties was identified and called nesfatin-1. This protein (82 aac) is not only expressed in peripheral organs but it is also found in neurons located in specific structures including the hypothalamus and the brainstem, two sites strongly involved in food intake regulation. Here, we studied whether some of the neurons that become activated following an injection of an anorectic dose of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) exhibit a nesfatin-1 phenotype. To this end, we used double immunohistochemistry to target the expression of the immediate-early gene c-fos and of nesfatin-1 on coronal frozen sections of the rat brain. The number of c-Fos+/nesfatin-1+ neurons was evaluated in the immunosensitive structures reported to contain nesfatin-1 neurons; i.e. paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN), supraoptic nucleus (SON), arcuate nucleus (ARC) and nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). LPS strongly increased the number of c-Fos+/nesfatin-1+ neurons in the PVN, SON and NTS, and to a lesser extent in the ARC. Triple labeling showed that a portion of the nesfatin-1 neurons activated in response to LPS within the NTS are catecholaminergic since they co-express tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Our data therefore indicate that a portion of nesfatin-1 neurons of both the hypothalamus and brainstem are sensitive to peripheral inflammatory signals, and provide the first clues suggesting that centrally released nesfatin-1 may contribute to the neural mechanisms leading to endotoxaemic anorexia

    Leptin is required for hypothalamic regulation of miRNAs targeting POMC 3 ′ UTR

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    International audienceThe central nervous system (CNS) monitors modifications in metabolic parameters or hormone levels and elicits adaptive responses such as food intake regulation. Particularly, within the hypothalamus, leptin modulates the activity of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons which are critical regulators of energy balance. Consistent with a pivotal role of the melanocortin system in the control of energy homeostasis, disruption of the POMC gene causes hyperphagia and obesity. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short noncoding RNA molecules that post-transcriptionally repress the expression of genes by binding to 3 ′-untranslated regions (3 ′ UTR) of the target mRNAs. However, little is known regarding the role of miRNAs that target POMC 3 ′ UTR in the central control energy homeostasis. Particularly, their interaction with the leptin signaling pathway remain unclear. First, we used common prediction programs to search for potential miRNAs target sites on 3 ′ UTR of POMC mRNA. This screening identified a set of conserved miRNAs seed sequences for mir-383, mir-384-3p, and mir-488. We observed that mir-383, mir-384-3p, and mir-488 are up-regulated in the hypothalamus of leptin deficient ob/ob mice. In accordance with these observations, we also showed that mir-383, mir-384-3p, and mir-488 were increased in db/db mice that exhibit a non-functional leptin receptor. The intraperitoneal injection of leptin down-regulated the expression of these miRNAs of interest in the hypothalamus of ob/ob mice showing the involvement of leptin in the expression of mir-383, mir-384-3p, and mir-488. Finally, the evaluation of responsivity to intracerebroventricular administration of leptin exhibited that a chronic treatment with leptin decreased mir-488 expression in hypothalamus of C57BL/6 mice. In summary, these results suggest that leptin modulates the expression of miRNAs that target POMC mRNA in hypothalamus

    Advancing Age Alters the Contribution of Calcium Release From Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Stores in Superior Cervical Ganglion Cells

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    In superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons calcium-induced calcium release (CICR), mediated by ryanodine receptors (RyRs), contributes to stimulation-evoked intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) transients. Hypothesis: The contribution of CICR to electrical field stimulation (EFS)–evoked [Ca2+]i transients in SCG cells declines with senescence and may be partially recovered in the presence of caffeine. We measured EFS-evoked [Ca2+]i transients in isolated fura-2–loaded SCG cells from Fischer-344 rats aged 6, 12, and 24 months with either the RyR antagonist ryanodine to block the contribution of CICR to [Ca2+]i transients or caffeine to sensitize CICR to EFS. EFS-evoked [Ca2+]i transients increased from 6 to 12 months and declined at 24 months and ryanodine decreased [Ca2+]i transients in SCG cells from 6- and 12-month-old animals only. Caffeine significantly increased EFS-evoked [Ca2+]i transients in all age groups. These data suggest that CICR declines with senescence and residual CICR function may be reclaimed in senescent cells with caffeine

    New function for the RNA helicase p68/DDX5 as a modifier of MBNL1 activity on expanded CUG repeats

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    Myotonic Dystrophy type I (DM1) is caused by an abnormal expansion of CTG triplets in the 3′ UTR of the dystrophia myotonica protein kinase (DMPK) gene, leading to the aggregation of the mutant transcript in nuclear RNA foci. The expanded mutant transcript promotes the sequestration of the MBNL1 splicing factor, resulting in the misregulation of a subset of alternative splicing events. In this study, we identify the DEAD-box RNA helicase p68 (DDX5) in complexes assembled onto in vitro-transcribed CUG repeats. We showed that p68 colocalized with RNA foci in cells expressing the 3′UTR of the DMPK gene containing expanded CTG repeats. We found that p68 increased MBNL1 binding onto pathological repeats and the stem–loop structure regulatory element within the cardiac Troponin T (TNNT2) pre-mRNA, splicing of which is misregulated in DM1. Mutations in the helicase core of p68 prevented both the stimulatory effect of the protein on MBNL1 binding and the colocalization of p68 with CUG repeats, suggesting that remodeling of RNA secondary structure by p68 facilitates MBNL1 binding. We also found that the competence of p68 for regulating TNNT2 exon 5 inclusion depended on the integrity of MBNL1 binding sites. We propose that p68 acts as a modifier of MBNL1 activity on splicing targets and pathogenic RNA

    Etude électrophysiologique des transmissions cholinergique et glycinergique dans la lamina X de la moëlle épinière de rat

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    Les neurones préganglionnaires de la moelle épinière (NPS) constituent les derniers relais centraux des voies autonomes sympathiques. Les NPS sont contenus dans quatre noyaux médullaires : le funiculus latéral dans la substance blanche, la colonne intermédiolatérale et le noyau intercalé dans la lamina VII et l'aire autonome centrale (AC) contenue dans la lamina X qui est située autour du canal de l'épendyme. L'ensemble de ces noyaux contribue à la régulation globale des contrôles sympathiques. Néanmoins, l'AC présenterait la particularité d'intégrer directement des informations nociceptives viscérales et pourrait donc participer à l'élaboration de réflexes viscéro-autonomes. Dans l'UMR 7519, avait été montrée dans la lamina X la présence de récepteurs nicotiniques (nAChRs) sur les NPS et sur des interneurones ainsi que sur les afférences glutamatergiques. Nos résultats démontrent l'existence de plusieurs classes de récepteurs nicotiniques sur les neurones de la lamina X de la moelle épinière de rat. Ces récepteurs nicotiniques ont une localisation postsynaptique et/ou présynaptique. Au niveau postsynaptique : les nAChR de type a7 sont localisés synaptiquement et sont impliqués dans une transmission synaptique cholinergique.les nAChR de type non a7 ont une localisation extrasynaptique.Au niveau présynaptique :-les nAChR sont localisés sur les terminaisons glycinergiques qui projettent sur les NPS. Ces récepteurs seraient de type a7 et non a7.Nous avons analysé en détail la transmission synaptique glycinergique et avons porté particulièrement notre attention sur le rôle potentiel des transporteurs de la glycine dans la détermination des propriétés biophysiques des courants synaptiques glycinergiques. Mon travail montre que le blocage des transporteurs neuronaux et gliaux de la glycine:- augmente le décours des courants synaptiques glycinergiques. - potentialise la composante NMDA de la transmission glutamatergique.The preganglionic neurones of the spinal cord (SPN) establish the last central relays of the sympathetic autonomic ways. The NPS is contained in four medullary nuclei: the lateral funiculus, the intermediolateral column, the intercalated nuclei in the lamina VII and the central autonomic area (CA) contained in lamina X which is located around the central canal. The whole of these nuclei contributes to the regulation of controls sympathetic nerves. Nevertheless, CA would have the particularity of integrating directly visceral noxious information and could thus take part in the development of viscéro-autonomic reflexes. In the UMR 7519, had been shown in lamina X the presence of nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) on the SPN and interneurones like on the glutamatergic afferences. Our results show the existence of several nicotinic receptors on the neurons of lamina X of the rat spinal cord. These nicotinic receptors have a postsynaptic and/or presynaptic localization. On the postsynaptic level : the a7 nAChR are localised synaptically and are implied in a cholinergic synaptic transmission.the non a7 nAChR have a extrasynaptic localization. At the presynaptic level :the nAChR are localised on the glycinergic axons which project on the SPN. These receptors would be of type a7 and non a7.We analyzed in detail the glycinergic synaptic transmission and paid particularly our attention on the potential role of the glycine transporters in the determination of the biophysics properties of the glycinergic synaptic currents. My work shows that the inhibition of the neuronal and glial glycine transporters : - increases the decay times of the glycinergic synaptic currents. - potentiates the NMDA component of the glutamatergic transmission.STRASBOURG-Sc. et Techniques (674822102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Stochastic study of nitrate's concentrations variations with several variables

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    Nitrate's concentrations increased a lot in water for last thirty years. From that comes risks for drinking water and feed eutrophication. In order to evaluate, understand and fit good means to fight against this nitrogen transfers from agriculture which is the main source, to water, the Cemagref studied them on catchments in Brittany, those of the Coët-Dan and of the Yar. Nitrate's concentrations variations in the water of the stream at the outlet of the basins are linked to husbandry density and meteorological and hydrological variables by statistical treatment. This gives equations which describe the influence of those factors on nitrate's transfer and shows the functional characteristics of each basin. / Les concentrations en nitrate ont beaucoup augmenté dans les eaux au cours des dernières décennies. Cela induit des risques pour la potabilité des eaux et alimente le développement excessif des végétaux aquatiques. Pour évaluer, comprendre et mettre au point des moyens de limiter les transferts d'azote de l'agriculture qui en est le principal pourvoyeur, vers le milieu aquatique, le Cemagref les a étudié sur deux bassins versants bretons, Ceux du Coët-Dan et du Yar. Les variations de concentration en nitrate dans l'eau du ruisseau à l'exutoire des bassins à diverses échelles de temps ont été mises en relation statistiquement avec la densification du cheptel et avec des variables météorologiques et hydrologiques. Les équations qui en résultent permettent de décrire l'influence de ces facteurs sur le transfert du nitrate, de les hiérarchiser et de mettre en évidence des caractéristiques de fonctionnement de chaque bassin