702 research outputs found

    Vuxenmobbning inom Försvarsmakten - Ett genusperspektiv

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    The aim of this study was to investigate adult workplace bullying from a gender perspective within the Swedish Armed Forces. Do women consider themselves more exposed to bullying at a workplace dominated by men like the Swedish Armed Forces? The concept of work-related bullying is defined as repeated, negative acts that ridicule and isolate an employee. These actions may force the employee to quit their job. Adult bullying has been found to be a serious social stress factor and may be seen as a critical life event. The instrument used in this study was the NAQ-R (Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised) questionnaire with 22 items, a widely used and reliable instrument that measures workplace bullying. The results of this study showed no significant difference between women and men in perceived bullying. This result is supported by previous research. Previous research did not find significant differences from a gender perspective regarding exposure to bullying. However, in this study greater differences in the mean value for perceived bullying in other demographic data of the study; employment status and age were demonstrated. The findings in this study may be due to the Swedish Armed Forces method and criteria when recruiting personnel. It may also be due to the Swedish Armed Forces code of conduct, that is being honored at authority level and at the individual level regarding, among other things, equality and gender equality.Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vuxenmobbning på arbetsplatsen inom Försvarsmakten ur ett genusperspektiv. Upplever kvinnor på en mansdominerad arbetsplats såsom Försvarsmakten sig oftare utsatta för mobbning än vad män gör? Begreppet arbetsrelaterad mobbning definieras som upprepade, negativa handlingar som förlöjligar, isolerar och kan leda till att den anställde fördrivs från arbetsplatsen. Vuxenmobbning har visat sig vara en allvarlig social stressfaktor och kan ses som en kritisk livshändelse. Det mätinstrument som användes i studien var NAQ-R (Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised) enkät med 22 items, ett välbeprövat instrument som mäter mobbning på arbetsplatsen. Resultatet i denna studie visade inte på några signifikanta skillnader mellan kvinnor och män i upplevd mobbning. Resultatet stöds av tidigare forskning som inte heller funnit signifikanta skillnader ur ett könsperspektiv beträffande utsatthet för mobbning. Däremot visade denna studie större skillnader i medelvärde för upplevd mobbning för övrig demografisk data;anställningsform och ålder. Fynden i denna studie kan bero på Försvarsmaktens urvalskriterier vid rekrytering. Försvarsmakten har även en värdegrund på myndighetsnivå och en uppförandekod på individnivå, som uttrycker Försvarsmaktens och dess personals syn på bland annat jämställdhet och jämlikhet, vilket kan vara en bidragande faktor

    Vilka aspekter stödjer och/eller hindrar arbetsterapeuter i primärvården att arbeta med patienter som har aktivitetsbegränsningar relaterat till psykisk ohälsa.

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    Bakgrund: Sjukskrivningarna relaterat till psykisk ohälsa har ökat de senaste åren och behandlingarna rapporteras vara otillräckliga. Det saknas kunskap och resurser för att arbeta med individer med psykisk ohälsa. Primärvården är oftast den instans individer vänder sig till i första skedet och där kan arbetsterapeutiska interventioner användas som en del av behandlingen vid psykisk ohälsa. Syfte: Att undersöka stödjande/hindrande faktorer för arbetsterapeuter inom primärvården i arbetet med patienter som har aktivitetsbegränsningar relaterade till psykisk ohälsa, och vilka bedömningar/interventioner arbetsterapeuterna använder. Metod: En egenkonstruerad webbenkät skickades ut. För att analysera svaren från enkäten användes deskriptiv analys och kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Studien visade på att arbetsterapeuterna hade intresse att arbeta med målgruppen men upplevde att de inte hade stöd i de nationella riktlinjerna. Målgruppen blev remitterade till arbetsterapeuterna men det saknades kunskap om vad arbetsterapeuter kan göra för denna målgrupp. Slutsats: Flertalet av arbetsterapeuterna inom primärvården arbetade med individer med psykisk ohälsa och ansåg att det viktigaste att förbättra var främst ökad kunskap om arbetsterapi inom verksamheten samt teamarbetet med andra vårdprofessioner.Background: Sick leave due to mental illness have increased in recent years and the treatments are reported to be insufficient. There is a lack of knowledge and resources to work with individuals with mental illness. Primary health care is usually the instance individuals meet at first stage, and occupational therapy interventions can be used as part of the treatment of mental illness. Purpose: To investigate what support/prevent occupational therapists in primary health care to work with patients who have activity constraints related to mental illness, and which assessments/interventions occupational therapists use. Method: A self-designed web-survey was sent out. To analyze the answers from the survey, descriptive analysis and qualitative content analysis were used. Results: The study showed that occupational therapists were interested in working with this group but they had no support in the national guidelines. Individuals with mental illness were remitted to the occupational therapists but there was lack of knowledge of what occupational therapists can do for this group. Conclusion: Occupational therapists in primary health care worked with individuals with mental illness and felt that the most important thing to improve was to increased knowledge of occupational therapy and teamwork with other care professionals

    Samboende partners upplevelser av aktiviteter i en gemensam vardag

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    Arbetsterapi har som mål att utifrån individens egna behov främja delaktighet genom utförandet av aktiviteter. Det finns få studier som riktar sig mot samboende partners gemensamma kontext, syftet med studien var därför att undersöka hur samboende partners upplever och beskriver aktiviteter i en gemensam vardag. En kvalitativ ansats användes för att fokusera på deltagarnas subjektiva upplevelser av sin vardag. Fyra samboende par deltog i studien; datainsamlingen genomfördes med strukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer bestående av frågor med öppna svarsalternativ. Data analyserades genom en innehållsanalys vilken ledde fram till fyra kategorier: perspektiv på tid i olika livsfaser, variation av grunder för aktivitetsutförande, olika uppfattningar om aktivitetsutförande och ansvar för hemmet. Resultatet visade att vardagen utformades olika beroende på var deltagarna befann sig i livet och att det fanns olika orsaker till varför deltagarna utförde aktiviteter. Studiens resultat har skapat en större förståelse för den vardagliga kontext samboende partners befinner sig i och vilken inverkan partnernas aktiviteter har på varandra

    Bostad – en vara eller icke vara?

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    Mallbo är ett projekt som arbetar med en ny bostadsförsörjningsmodell som syftar till att åstadkomma billiga bostäder för ekonomiskt utsatta grupper. Det unika med Mallbo-modellen är att den förenar insatser för att stärka strukturellt hemlösas ekonomiska situation, genom bland annat arbetsmarknadsåtgärder, samtidigt som man vill sänka produktions- och boendekostnaderna. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att belysa problem och lösningar i svensk bostadsförsörjning genom en fallstudie av Mallbo ur ett rättviseperspektiv. Detta har gjorts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och dokumentanalys. Fallstudiens resultat pekar på att det finns flera hinder i att göra bostadsförsörjningen mer rättvis. Exempel på detta är dyra byggprocesser och de involverade aktörernas olika incitament som försvårar samverkan. Vidare visar fallstudien att Mallbo-modellen kan komma att bidra till att strukturellt hemlösa kan efterfråga och tilldelas fler billiga och ändamålsenliga bostäder. Studien visar också att bostadsförsörjningsproblemet för betalningssvaga är komplext, vilket innebär att det behövs fler insatser än Mallbo för att göra bostadssituationen mer rättvis. Slutligen kan konstateras att synen på bostaden som vara och något att främst profitera på, bidrar till att de sociala aspekterna av bostaden hamnar i skymundan.Mallbo is a project working on a new housing supply model which aims to provide affordable housing for economically disadvantaged groups. The uniqueness of the Mallbo model is that it combines efforts to strengthen the economic situation for the structurally homeless, including actions on the labor market, while reducing production- and housing costs. The purpose of this thesis has been to highlight problems and solutions in the Swedish housing supply through a case study of Mallbo from a justice perspective. This has been done through semi-structured interviews and document analyses. The results of the case study indicate that there are several obstacles in making housing supply more just. Examples of this are expensive construction processes and the different incentives of the involved actors which complicate the cooperation. Furthermore, the study shows that the Mallbo model can contribute so that structurally homeless can request and be assigned more cheap and efficient housing. The study also shows that the housing supply problem regarding the group of economically disadvantaged is complex, which means that more efforts than Mallbo are required for making the housing law conditions more fair. Finally, it can be said that the perception of the housing as a good and something to make a profit of are contributing to the disregard of the social aspects of housing

    Mechanically reinforced, flexible, hydrophobic and uv impermeable starch-cellulose nanofibers (Cnf)-lignin composites with good barrier and thermal properties

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    Bio-based composite films have been widely studied as potential substitutes for conventional plastics in food packaging. The aim of this study was to develop multifunctional composite films by introducing cellulose nanofibers (CNF) and lignin into starch-based films. Instead of costly and complicated chemical modification or covalent coupling, this study optimized the performance of the composite films by simply tuning the formulation. We found that starch films were mechanically reinforced by CNF, with lignin dispersing as nanoparticles embedded in the matrix. The newly built-up hydrogen bonding between these three components improves the integration of the films, while the introduction of CNF and lignin improved the thermal stability of the starch-based films. Lignin, as a functional additive, improved hydrophobicity and blocked UV transmission. The inherent barrier property of CNF and the dense starch matrix provided the composite films with good gas barrier properties. The prepared flexible films were optically transparent, and exhibited UV blocking ability, good oxygen-barrier properties, high hydrophobicity, appreciable mechanical strength and good thermal stability. These characteristics indicate potential utilization as a green alternative to synthetic plastics especially for food packaging applications.publishedVersio

    Equine post-breeding endometritis: A review

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    The deposition of semen, bacteria and debris in the uterus of the mare after breeding normally induces a self-limiting endometritis. The resultant fluid and inflammatory products are cleared by 48 hours post cover. Mares that are susceptible to persistent post-breeding endometritis (PPBEM) have impaired uterine defence and clearance mechanisms, making them unable to resolve this inflammation within the normal time. This persists beyond 48 hours post-breeding and causes persistent fluid accumulation within the uterus. Mares with PPBEM have an increased rate of embryonic loss and a lower overall pregnancy rate than those without the condition. To enhance conception rates, mares at high risk need optimal breeding management as well as early diagnosis, followed by the most appropriate treatment. This article reviews the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of PPBEM and the management of affected mares

    Alginate and tunicate nanocellulose composite microbeads – Preparation, characterization and cell encapsulation

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    Alginate has been used for decades for cell encapsulation. Cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) from tunicates are desirable in biomedicine due to high molecular weight, purity, crystallinity, and sustainable production. We prepared microbeads of 400–600 μm of alginate and tunicate CNF. Greater size, dispersity and aspect ratio were observed in microbeads with higher fractions of CNF. CNF content in Ca-crosslinked alginate microbeads decreased stability upon saline exposure, whereas crosslinking with calcium (50 mM) and barium (1 mM) yielded stable microbeads. The Young's moduli of gel cylinders decreased when exchanging alginate with CNF, and slightly increased permeability to dextran was observed in microbeads containing CNF. Encapsulation of MC3T3 cells revealed high cell viability after encapsulation (83.6 ± 0.4%) in beads of alginate and CNF. NHDFs showed lower viability but optimizing mixing and production techniques of microbeads increased cell viability (from 66.2 ± 5.3% to 72.7 ± 7.5%).publishedVersio

    Biomaterial and biocompatibility evaluation of tunicate nanocellulose for tissue engineering

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    Extracellular matrix fibril components, such as collagen, are crucial for the structural properties of several tissues and organs. Tunicate-derived cellulose nanofibrils (TNC) combined with living cells could become the next gold standard for cartilage and soft-tissue repair, as TNC fibrils present similar dimensions to collagen, feasible industrial production, and chemically straightforward and cost-efficient extraction procedures. In this study, we characterized the physical properties of TNC derived from aquaculture production in Norwegian fjords and evaluated its biocompatibility regarding induction of an inflammatory response and foreign-body reactions in a Wistar rat model. Additionally, histologic and immunohistochemical analyses were performed for comparison with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) as a control. The average length of the TNC as determined by atomic force microscopy was tunable from 3 mu m to 2.4 mu m via selection of a various number of passages through a microfluidizer, and rheologic analysis showed that the TNC hydrogels were highly shear-thinning and with a viscosity dependent on fibril length and concentration. As a bioink, TNC exhibited excellent rheological and printability properties, with constructs capable of being printed with high resolution and fidelity. We found that post-print cross-linking with alginate stabilized the construct shape and texture, which increased its ease of handling during surgery. Moreover, after 30 days in vivo, the constructs showed a highly-preserved shape and fidelity of the grid holes, with these characteristics preserved after 90 days and with no signs of necrosis, infection, acute inflammation, invasion of neutrophil granulocytes, or extensive fibrosis. Furthermore, we observed a moderate foreign-body reaction involving macrophages, lymphocytes, and giant cells in both the TNC constructs and PTFE controls, although TNC was considered a nonirritant biomaterial according to ISO 10993-6 as compared with ePTFE. These findings represent a milestone for future clinical application of TNC scaffolds for tissue repair. One sentence summary: In this study, the mechanical properties of tunicate nanocellulose are superior to nanocellulose extracted from other sources, and the biocompatibility is comparable to that of ePTFE

    Transcriptomic analysis of dead end knockout testis reveals germ cell and gonadal somatic factors in Atlantic salmon

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    Sustainability challenges are currently hampering an increase in salmon production. Using sterile salmon can solve problems with precocious puberty and genetic introgression from farmed escapees to wild populations. Recently sterile salmon was produced by knocking out the germ cell-specific dead end (dnd). Several approaches may be applied to inhibit Dnd function, including gene knockout, knockdown or immunization. Since it is challenging to develop a successful treatment against a gene product already existing in the body, alternative targets are being explored. Germ cells are surrounded by, and dependent on, gonadal somatic cells. Targeting genes essential for the survival of gonadal somatic cells may be good alternative targets for sterility treatments. Our aim was to identify and characterize novel germ cell and gonadal somatic factors in Atlantic salmon.publishedVersio