19 research outputs found

    Pαx6 Expression in Postmitotic Neurons Mediates the Growth of Axons in Response to SFRP1

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    During development, the mechanisms that specify neuronal subclasses are coupled to those that determine their axonal response to guidance cues. Pax6 is a homedomain transcription factor required for the specification of a variety of neural precursors. After cell cycle exit, Pax6 expression is often shut down in the precursor progeny and most postmitotic neurons no longer express detectable levels of the protein. There are however exceptions and high Pax6 protein levels are found, for example, in postmitotic retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), dopaminergic neurons of the olfactory bulb and the limbic system in the telencephalon. The function of Pax6 in these differentiating neurons remains mostly elusive. Here, we demonstrate that Pax6 mediates the response of growing axons to SFRP1, a secreted molecule expressed in several Pax6-positive forebrain territories. Forced expression of Pax6 in cultured postmitotic cortical neurons, which do not normally express Pax6, was sufficient to increment axonal length. Growth was blocked by the addition of anti-SFRP1 antibodies, whereas exogenously added SFRP1 increased axonal growth of Pax6-transfected neurons but not that of control or untransfected cortical neurons. In the reverse scenario, shRNA-mediated knock-down of Pax6 in mouse retinal explants specifically abolished RGCs axonal growth induced by SFRP1, but had no effect on RGCs differentiation and it did not modify the effect of Shh or Netrin on axon growth. Taken together these results demonstrate that expression of Pax6 is necessary and sufficient to render postmitotic neurons competent to respond to SFRP1. These results reveal a novel and unexpected function of Pax6 in postmitotic neurons and situate Pax6 and SFRP1 as pair regulators of axonal connectivity

    Hox10 Genes Function in Kidney Development in the Differentiation and Integration of the Cortical Stroma

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    Organogenesis requires the differentiation and integration of distinct populations of cells to form a functional organ. In the kidney, reciprocal interactions between the ureter and the nephrogenic mesenchyme are required for organ formation. Additionally, the differentiation and integration of stromal cells are also necessary for the proper development of this organ. Much remains to be understood regarding the origin of cortical stromal cells and the pathways involved in their formation and function. By generating triple mutants in the Hox10 paralogous group genes, we demonstrate that Hox10 genes play a critical role in the developing kidney. Careful examination of control kidneys show that Foxd1-expressing stromal precursor cells are first observed in a cap-like pattern anterior to the metanephric mesenchyme and these cells subsequently integrate posteriorly into the kidney periphery as development proceeds. While the initial cap-like pattern of Foxd1-expressing cortical stromal cells is unaffected in Hox10 mutants, these cells fail to become properly integrated into the kidney, and do not differentiate to form the kidney capsule. Consistent with loss of cortical stromal cell function, Hox10 mutant kidneys display reduced and aberrant ureter branching, decreased nephrogenesis. These data therefore provide critical novel insights into the cellular and genetic mechanisms governing cortical cell development during kidney organogenesis. These results, combined with previous evidence demonstrating that Hox11 genes are necessary for patterning the metanephric mesenchyme, support a model whereby distinct populations in the nephrogenic cord are regulated by unique Hox codes, and that differential Hox function along the AP axis of the nephrogenic cord is critical for the differentiation and integration of these cell types during kidney organogenesis

    Synaptic Wnt signaling—a contributor to major psychiatric disorders?

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    Wnt signaling is a key pathway that helps organize development of the nervous system. It influences cell proliferation, cell fate, and cell migration in the developing nervous system, as well as axon guidance, dendrite development, and synapse formation. Given this wide range of roles, dysregulation of Wnt signaling could have any number of deleterious effects on neural development and thereby contribute in many different ways to the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders. Some major psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum disorders, are coming to be understood as subtle dysregulations of nervous system development, particularly of synapse formation and maintenance. This review will therefore touch on the importance of Wnt signaling to neurodevelopment generally, while focusing on accumulating evidence for a synaptic role of Wnt signaling. These observations will be discussed in the context of current understanding of the neurodevelopmental bases of major psychiatric diseases, spotlighting schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum disorder. In short, this review will focus on the potential role of synapse formation and maintenance in major psychiatric disorders and summarize evidence that defective Wnt signaling could contribute to their pathogenesis via effects on these late neural differentiation processes

    Mercury exposure and malaria prevalence among gold miners in Pará, Brazil

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    Economic development, including resource extraction, can cause toxic exposures that interact with endemic infectious diseases. Mercury is an immunotoxic metal used in the amalgamation of gold, resulting in both occupational exposures and environmental pollution. A cross-sectional medical survey was conducted in 1997 on 135 garimpeiros in Para, Brazil, because of their risks of both mercury exposure and malaria transmission. Mean levels of blood and urine mercury were well above non-exposed background levels. Twenty-six subjects had malaria parasitemia: Health symptoms consistent with mercury exposure were reported, but neither symptoms nor signs correlated with mercury levels in blood or urine. We did not find a dose response relationship between mercury exposure and likelihood of prevalent malaria infection, but there was a possible reduction in acquisition of immunity that may be associated with conditions in gold mining, including mercury exposure

    Exposição a mercúrio e prevalência de malária entre garimpeiros de ouro do Pará, Brasil

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    Pan American Health Organization, the W. Alton Jones Foundation, and the Heinz Family FoundationJohns Hopkins University. Bloomberg School of Public Health. Department of Environmental Health Sciences. Baltimore, MD, USA.University of Maryland. School of Medicine. Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. Baltimore, MD, USA.Johns Hopkins University. Bloomberg School of Public Health. Department of Environmental Health Sciences. Baltimore, MD, USA.University of Maryland. School of Medicine. Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. Baltimore, MD, USA.Ministério da Saúde. Fundação Nacional de Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Fundação Nacional de Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Economic development, including resource extraction, can cause toxic exposures that interact with endemic infectious diseases. Mercury is an immunotoxic metal used in the amalgamation of gold, resulting in both occupational exposures and environmental pollution. A cross-sectional medical survey was conducted in 1997 on 135 garimpeiros in Para, Brazil, because of their risks of both mercury exposure and malaria transmission. Mean levels of blood and urine mercury were well above non-exposed background levels. Twenty-six subjects had malaria parasitemia: Health symptoms consistent with mercury exposure were reported, but neither symptoms nor signs correlated with mercury levels in blood or urine. We did not find a dose response relationship between mercury exposure and likelihood of prevalent malaria infection, but there was a possible reduction in acquisition of immunity that may be associated with conditions in gold mining, including mercury exposure

    Expression of secreted frizzled related protein 1, a Wnt antagonist, in brain, kidney, and skeleton is dispensable for normal embryonic development

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    Secreted frizzled related protein-1 (sFRP1), an antagonist of Wnt signaling, regulates cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis and negatively regulates bone formation. The spatial and temporal pattern of endogenous sFRP1 expression and loss-of-function were examined in the sFRP1-LacZ knock-in mouse (sFRP1-/-) during embryonic development and post-natal growth. beta-gal activity representing sFRP1 expression is robust in brain, skeleton, kidney, eye, spleen, abdomen, heart and somites in early embryos, but sFRP1 gene inactivation in these tissues did not compromise normal embryonic and post-natal development. Kidney histology revealed increased numbers of glomeruli in KO mice, observed after 5 years of breeding. In the skeleton, we show sFRP1 expression is found in relation to the mineralizing front of bone tissue during skeletal development from E15.5 to birth. Trabecular bone volume and bone mineral density in the sFRP1-/- mouse compared to WT was slightly increased during post-natal growth. Calvarial osteoblasts from newborn sFRP1-/- mice exhibited a 20% increase in cell proliferation and differentiation at the early stages of osteoblast maturation. sFRP1 expression was observed in osteoclasts, but this did not affect osteoclast number or activity. These findings have identified functions for sFRP1 in kidney and bone that are not redundant with other sFRPs. In summary, the absence of major organ abnormalities, the enhanced bone formation and a normal life span with no detection of spontaneous tumors suggests that targeting sFRP1 can be used as a therapeutic strategy for increasing bone mass in metabolic bone disorders or promoting fracture healing by modulating Wnt signaling

    Secreted frizzled related protein 1 regulates Wnt signaling for BMP2 induced chondrocyte differentiation

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    Canonical Wnt signaling (beta-catenin/TCF) has emerged as a key regulator of skeletogenesis. In this study, chondrogenesis is examined in a mouse model in which the Wnt antagonist secreted frizzled related protein 1 (sFRP1) is non-functional and results in a high bone mass phenotype and activation through the canonical pathway of the Runx2 transcription factor that is essential for bone formation. We find during the period of rapid post-natal growth, shortened height of the growth plate and increased calcification of the hypertrophic zone (HZ) in the sFRP1-/- mouse, indicating accelerated endochondral ossification. Using mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) induced into the chondrogenic lineage, increased chondrogenesis and accelerating differentiation of hypertrophic chondrocytes in the sFRP1-/- MEFs was observed compared to WT cells. The induced maturation of hypertrophic chondrocytes in sFRP1(-/-) MEFs was inversely correlated to phospho-beta-catenin levels, indicating involvement of activated canonical Wnt signaling characterized by an increased expression of collagen type 2a1 and Sox 9. However, an absence of Indian hedgehog expression which occurs in WT cells was found. SFRP1-/- cells also exhibited an early induction of collagen type 10a1. Thus, these modifications in gene expression are contributing mechanism(s) for increased chondrocyte differentiation in SFRP1-/- cells. These studies have identified sFRP1 as a critical negative regulator of Wnt signaling for the normal progression of chondrocyte differentiation. Microarray gene profiling provided additional novel insights into the regulatory factors for appropriate Wnt signaling necessary for the control of chondrocyte maturation