841 research outputs found

    Trope Theory on the Mental/Physical Divide

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    In our everyday discourse, we distinguish without\ud fail between minds and bodies or between the mental and\ud the physical. Yet, in philosophy there is a tendency to get\ud rid of this divide. Roughly, the naturalist wants to reduce or\ud to identify the mental with the physical in order to provide a\ud unified basis for scientific research. The idealist, in\ud contrast, sticks to the mental as a precondition of grasping\ud the physical. The physical then tends to turn into mere\ud mental representations. These attempts to overcome the\ud divide, however, are not very promising. While the first\ud tries to assimilate the mental to the physical, the second\ud takes the opposite approach with the result that either the\ud mental or the physical goes by the board. Fortunately,\ud there is a third option: the realist maintains that the mental\ud exists along with the physical

    Genetic Monitoring in the Workplace: A Tool Not a Solution

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    The authors differentiate between genetic monitoring and screening, and discuss the potential risks and benefits of predictive testing technologies

    Search for eV-scale sterile neutrinos with IceCube DeepCore

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    Neutrinooszillationen sind das einzige PhĂ€nomen jenseits des Standardmodells, das experimentell mit hoher statistischer Signifikanz bestĂ€tigt wurde. Diese Arbeit prĂ€sentiert eine Messung der atmosphĂ€rischen Neutrinooszillationen unter Verwendung von acht Jahren an Daten, die zwischen 2011 und 2019 vom IceCube DeepCore-Detektor aufgenommen wurden. Die Ereignisauswahl wurde im Vergleich zu frĂŒheren DeepCore-Messungen verbessert, wobei ein besonderes Augenmerk auf ihre Robustheit gegenĂŒber systematischen Unsicherheiten in den Detektoreigenschaften gelegt wurde. Die Oszillationsparameter werden ĂŒber eine Maximum-Likelihood-Fit an gebinnte Daten in der gemessenen Energie und Zenitwinkel geschĂ€tzt, wobei die Erwartungswerte aus gewichteten simulierten Ereignissen abgeleitet werdem. Diese Arbeit diskutiert den Simulations- und Datenauswahlprozess sowie die statistischen Methoden, die verwendet werden, um einen genauen Erwartungswert unter variablen Detektoreigenschaften und anderen systematischen Unsicherheiten zu liefern. Die Messung wird zunĂ€chst unter Verwendung des Standardmodells der Drei-Flavor-Oszillation durchgefĂŒhrt, wobei das atmosphĂ€rische Massensplitting und der Mischwinkel auf Δm322=2.42−0.75+0.77×10−3;eV2\Delta m^2_{32} = 2.42_{-0.75}^{+0.77} \times10^{-3};\mathrm{eV}^2 und sin⁥2Ξ23=0.507−0.053+0.050\sin^2\theta_{23} = 0.507_{-0.053}^{+0.050} geschĂ€tzt werden. Das Drei-Flavor-Modell wird dann um einen zusĂ€tzlichen Masseneigenzustand erweitert, der einem sterilen Neutrino mit Massensplitting Δm412=1;eV2\Delta m^2_{41} = 1;\mathrm{eV}^2 entspricht und mit den aktiven ΜΌ\nu_\mu- und Μτ\nu_\tau-FlavorzustĂ€nden mischen kann. Es wird kein signifikantes Signal eines sterilen Neutrinos beobachtet, und die Mischungsamplituden zwischen den sterilen und aktiven ZustĂ€nden werden auf ∣UÎŒ4∣2<0.0534|U_{\mu 4}|^2 < 0.0534 und ∣Uτ4∣2<0.0574|U_{\tau 4}|^2 < 0.0574 bei 90\% C.L. begrenzt. Diese Grenzwerte sind um den Faktor zwei bis drei strenger als das vorherige DeepCore-Ergebnis, und die EinschrĂ€nkung von ∣Uτ4∣2|U_{\tau 4}|^2 ist die stĂ€rkste der Welt.Neutrino oscillations are the only phenomenon beyond the Standard Model that has been confirmed experimentally to a very high statistical significance. This work presents a measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillations using eight years of data taken by the IceCube DeepCore detector between 2011 and 2019. The event selection has been improved over that used in previous DeepCore measurements with a particular emphasis on its robustness with respect to systematic uncertainties in the detector properties. The oscillation parameters are estimated via a maximum likelihood fit to binned data in the observed energy and zenith angle, where the expectation is derived from weighted simulated events. This work discusses the simulation and data selection process, as well as the statistical methods employed to give an accurate expectation value under variable detector properties and other systematic uncertainties. The measurement is first performed first under the standard three-flavor oscillation model, where the atmospheric mass splitting and mixing angle are estimated to be Δm322=2.42−0.75+0.77×10−3  eV2\Delta m^2_{32} = 2.42_{-0.75}^{+0.77} \times10^{-3}\;\mathrm{eV}^2 and sin⁥2Ξ23=0.507−0.053+0.050\sin^2\theta_{23} = 0.507_{-0.053}^{+0.050}, respectively. The three-flavor model is then extended by an additional mass eigenstate corresponding to a sterile neutrino with mass splitting Δm412=1  eV2\Delta m^2_{41} = 1\;\mathrm{eV}^2 that can mix with the active ΜΌ\nu_\mu and Μτ\nu_\tau flavor states. No significant signal of a sterile neutrino is observed and the mixing amplitudes between the sterile and active states are constrained to ∣UÎŒ4∣2<0.0534|U_{\mu 4}|^2 < 0.0534 and ∣Uτ4∣2<0.0574|U_{\tau 4}|^2 < 0.0574 at 90\% C.L. These limits are more stringent than the previous DeepCore result by a factor between two and three and the constraint on ∣Uτ4∣2|U_{\tau 4}|^2 is the strongest in the world


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    This report consists of an inventory of the skeletal remains of case# 167, assessment of the minimum number of individuals (MNI), a biological profile if possible, and a literature review of the assessment and understanding of ballistic trauma. The skeletal remains are consistent with an MNI of one. The remains are likely from a male individual, and skeletal features are representative of a person of Caucasian ancestry. The individual is estimated to be between of 35-65 years old with an estimated stature of between 5’5” and 5’9”

    13 Terrestrial Wetlands

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    The objective of this chapter is to characterize the distribution of carbon stocks and fluxes in terrestrial wetlands within North America. The approach was to synthesize available literature from field measurements with analyses of resource inventory data to estimate wetland area, carbon stocks, and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of carbon and methane (CH4) fluxes of terrestrial wetlands (see Appendices 13A, p. 547, and 13B, p. 557, for details1). Then, the findings employed from large-scale simulation studies provided additional context, with consideration given to the effects of disturbance regimes, restoration and creation of terrestrial wetlands, and the application of modeling tools to assess the carbon cycle of terrestrial wetlands

    Long-Term Ecohydrologic Monitoring: A Case Study from the Santee Experimental Forest, South Carolina

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    Long-term research on gauged watersheds within the USDA Forest Service’s Experimental Forest and Range (EFR) network has contributed substantially to our understanding of relationships among forests, water, and hydrologic processes and watershed management, yet there is only limited information from coastal forests. This article summarizes key findings from hydrology and water-quality studies based on long-term monitoring on first-, second-, and third-order watersheds on the Santee Experimental Forest, which are a part of the headwaters of the east branch of the Cooper River that drains into the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. The watersheds are representative forest ecosystems that are characteristic of the low-gradient Atlantic Coastal Plain. The long-term (35-year) water balance shows an average annual runoff of 22% of the precipitation and an estimated 75% for the evapotranspiration (ET), leaving the balance to groundwater. Non-growing season prescribed fire, an operational management practice, shows no effects on streamflow and nutrient export. The long-term records were fundamental to understanding the effects of Hurricane Hugo in 1989 on the water balance of the paired watersheds that were related to vegetation damage by Hugo and post-Hugo responses of vegetation. The long-term precipitation records showed that the frequency of large rainfall events has increased over the last two decades. Although there was an increase in air temperature, there was no effect of that increase on annual streamflow and water table depths. The long-term watershed records provide information needed to improve design, planning, and assessment methods and tools used for addressing the potential impacts of hydrologic responses on extreme events; risk and vulnerability assessments of land use; and climate and forest disturbance on hydrology, ecology, biogeochemistry, and water supply

    The effects of living in a springboard house during one\u27s first year at the University of Northern Iowa

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    This study examines the effects and benefits of college students residing in a Springboard house community at UNI during one’s entire freshmen year. Springboard house communities are unique to the University of Northern Iowa as they provide a living environment in which first-year students can self-select to participate. However, there is no common class that complements the community. In addition, the RAs do not go through any separate training to learn how to work with the springboard house students, but they do offer programming that is geared towards first-year students. This study investigated the freshmen experience by gathering data regarding grade point average, on-campus recontracting rates, and active involvement, both on-campus activities as well as those within the residence hall house. Based on the data collected, students in Springboard houses earn higher GPAs, tend to return to live on campus at a higher percentage rate and are more involved in campus activities. In addition, students turn to their RA as a resource for many common themes with which freshmen students struggle. The data gathered from both first-year students and resident assistants in Springboard houses shows that there are benefits to living in a Springboard house community at UNI. Based on these facts, this research is relevant as it analyzes the impact of students being placed in a first-year learning environment without any additional components. Through participation in a springboard community, it is theorized that students feel more supported and, in turn become more involved on campus than the traditional college student. Additionally, it is believed that students participating in a Springboard house earn higher GPAs and have greater retention rates for returning to on-campus housing. Additionally, through the interview process and the sharing of stories and information, a greater understanding of the RA role is provided. Overall, the results of this study show that students who participate in springboard house communities have a positive experience that is rewarding to them both academically and socially. The Springboard program provides positive results that impact student participants. Moving forward, further development of the program based on the recommendations in chapter five can continue to benefit students during their first year at UNI

    Hydrologic Influences Within a Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetland

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    2012 S.C. Water Resources Conference - Exploring Opportunities for Collaborative Water Research, Policy and Managemen
