292 research outputs found

    Paradigmatic Frames from British Colonization to Today, and Beyond

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    This paper offers a template for understanding and analyzing racialization as a paradigm. Further, the template is applied to the North American case – an important one because it has endured and spread across the globe despite the enormous weight of scientific evidence against it. The fallacy of race (and in particular the North American origin Anglo variant) endures for two reasons. First, social agents seeking to gain or maintain power and control over paradigm-relevant resources benefit from reinvesting in pseudoscientific racial paradigms. Second, new science proving the fallacy of race is ignored because ignoring new paradigmatic science is in fact the way normal science operates. Thus, a paradigmatic analysis of race may help to explain why current social science approaches to the demise of racial thought may be ineffective

    Reagents and Strategies for the Total Synthesis of Halogenated Natural Products

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    Chapter 1. Introduction Natural product total synthesis has long fulfilled many roles in synthetic organic chemistry, one of the foremost being inspiration of the development of novel methods and strategies to access particular structures. The halogenated natural products represent one class of secondary metabolites that can serve to inspire new chemical methods. Although nature's enzymatic machinery is capable of installing halogen atoms onto organic frameworks efficiently, synthetic chemists often lack these same tools. In particular, the development of halonium-induced polyene cyclization, asymmetric halogenation, and medium-ring haloether formation would facilitate access to hundreds of halogenated natural products, but these reactions have traditionally proven challenging. Chapter 2. The Discovery of BDSB and Initial Investigations into Halonium-Induced Polyene Cyclizations Currently available electrophilic bromination reagents are often not suitable initiators for halonium-induced polyene cyclizations, likely due to competing inter- and intramolecular processes. As such, we explored bromosulfonium salts for this purpose and in doing so developed a novel bromonium reagent (BDSB, bromodiethylsulfonium bromopentachloroantimonate). This easily synthesized and handled reagent proved capable of cyclizing an array of polyene precursors rapidly, in good yield, and with high diastereocontrol. The chlorinated analogue (CDSC) proved somewhat successful for initiating the analogous chloronium-induced polyene cyclizations. Chapter 3. The Total Syntheses of 4-Isocymobarbatol, Peyssonol A, and Peyssonoic Acid A, and Evaluation of Peyssonol A Analogues for Anti-HIV Activity Our novel reagent, BDSB, was applied to the successful total syntheses of three brominated natural products (4-isocymobarbatol, peyssonol A, and peyssonoic acid A). These syntheses were predicated upon bromonium-induced polyene cyclizations of substrates of increasing complexity. The total synthesis of peyssonol A uncovered a structural mischaracterization, one that would require the synthesis of four diastereomeric final products to rectify. Given that the anti-HIV properties of peyssonol A have been documented, we undertook an exploration of the structure-activity relationship of peyssonol A utilizing the many synthetic precursors and analogues at our disposal. These studies indicated that both the aromatic and aliphatic portions of peyssonol A contributed to its observed bioactivity. Chapter 4. Enantioselective Halogenation Chiral variants of BDSB, CDSC, and IDSI (the iodinated analogue) were synthesized from chiral sulfides and applied to halonium-induced polyene cyclizations and other asymmetric halogenation reactions. While no enantioselectivity was observed for cyclization reactions, moderate e.e. values (up to 63%) were observed for both asymmetric dichlorination and asymmetric iodohydroxylation of alkenes. Additionally, we developed an effective two-step surrogate for asymmetric halonium-induced polyene cyclizations that proved capable of affording the desired cyclic products in good yield and with moderate enantiomeric excess (up to 81%). Chapter 5. Bromonium-Induced Ring Expansion for Accessing 8-Membered Bromoethers and Application of this Reaction to the Formal Total Synthesis of (E)- and (Z)-Pinnatifidenyne A fortuitous rearrangement led to the development of a novel method for bromonium-induced ring expansion, one that transforms tetrahydrofurans into brominated oxocanes (8-membered ring ethers). This BDSB-mediated process is high yielding and both regio- and diastereoselective, making it ideal for application to the synthesis of lauroxocanes: a large family of natural products built around an 8-membered ring bromoether core. This synthetic utility was demonstrated during the application of this strategy to the formal total synthesis of (E)- and (Z)-pinnatifidenyne; the completed route represents the most expedient total synthesis (of more than two dozen) of any lauroxocane natural product

    O ESTADO RACIAL DA UNIÃO: compreendendo raça e desigualdade racial nos Estados Unidos da América

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    Este artigo investiga o papel da raça e do racismo nos Estados Unidos da AmĂ©rica. Ele trata de raça como conceito, explorando, primordialmente, o motivo da existĂȘncia de categorias raciais e da desigualdade racial. TambĂ©m, nele, examinamos a atual situação da raça nos Estados Unidos ao expor suas manifestaçÔes sociais, econĂŽmicas e polĂ­ticas. ApĂłs explorar a magnitude da desigualdade racial nos Estados Unidos, trabalhamos para desvendar os mecanismos que perpetuam e sustentam, tanto estrutural quanto culturalmente, as disparidades raciais. Em razĂŁo de açÔes e crenças racistas terem sempre sofrido resistĂȘncias por parte dos movimentos sociais, atos coletivos, e resistĂȘncia individual, nĂłs analisamos a natureza e os resultados dos esforços da luta contra o racismo norte-americano. ConcluĂ­mos com uma anĂĄlise das perspectivas atuais relativas Ă  transformação racial e das possibilidades para a emergĂȘncia da igualdade racial. Assim, neste artigo, trazemos uma anĂĄlise abrangente da situação atual das dinĂąmicas raciais nos Estados Unidos e das forças determinadas a combater o racismo. THE RACIAL STATE OF THE UNION: understanding race andr acial inequality in the United States of America This paper interrogates the role of race and racism in the United States of America. The paper grapples with race conceptually as it explores why racial categories and racial inequality exist in the first place. We also examine the current state of race in North America by laying bare it social, economic and political manifestations. After exploring the magnitude of racial inequality in the United States, we labor to unravel the mechanisms both structurally and culturally that perpetuates and sustains racial disparities. Because racist actions and beliefs have always been resisted by social movements, collection action, and resistance at the personal level, we assess the nature and outcomes of struggles to overthrow North American racism. We conclude by assessing the current prospects for racial transformation and the possibilities for the emergence of racial equality. Thus, in this paper, we provide an overarching analysis of the current state of racial dynamics in the United States and the forces determined to dismantle racism.Key words: Race. Racism. Racial regimes. Black movements. Inequality.ÉTAT RACIAL DE L’UNION: comprendre la race et les inĂ©galitĂ©s raciales aux États-Unis d’AmĂ©rique Notre article Ă©valuera le rĂŽle de la race et du racisme en AmĂ©rique. Le document aborde conceptuellement la race en explorant pourquoi les catĂ©gories raciales et l’inĂ©galitĂ© raciale existent en premier lieu. Le document passe Ă  l’examen de l’état actuel de la race en AmĂ©rique en mettant Ă  nu les manifestations sociales, Ă©conomiques et politiques. Étant donnĂ© l’ampleur de l’inĂ©galitĂ© raciale aux États-Unis, le document cherche Ă  dĂ©mĂȘler les mĂ©canismes Ă  la fois structurels et culturels qui perpĂ©tuent et maintiennent les disparitĂ©s raciales. Parce que le mouvement raciste a toujours Ă©tĂ© combattu en AmĂ©rique par des mouvements sociaux, des actions de collecte et de rĂ©sistance au niveau personnel, le journal Ă©valuera la nature et les rĂ©sultats des luttes pour renverser le racisme amĂ©ricain. Ainsi, l’article fournira une analyse de l’état actuel de la dynamique raciale aux États-Unis ainsi que des forces dĂ©terminĂ©es Ă  dĂ©manteler le racisme.Mots-clĂ©s: Race. Racisme. RĂ©gimen racial. Movement nĂšgre. InegalitĂ©.

    Emotion in the German Lutheran Baroque and the development of subjective time consciousness

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    This study examines some of the ways in which it was possible to understand emotion in Lutheran church music of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. It suggests that emotion related to music more through association and contextual factors than through a fixed relationship, thus explaining the ways in which musical passages and techniques could be taken from a secular context to serve a sacred purpose. With these factors in mind, it is possible to suggest ways in which a listener's likely emotional association with music can be harnessed through particular compositional procedures. SchĂŒtz's setting of part of the Song of Songs may well engage with the listener's consciousness over time, stretching it and reinforcing the ‘useful’ emotional associations that the sacred context might bring. The opening aria of Bach's cantata ‘Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen’ achieves something similar over a longer span and with greater emotional intensity. Here there is the added sense of the believer finding, losing and then rediscovering the object of spiritual adoration. The music thus implies the potential alienation of the listener, something both supported and overcome through the very structuring of the music. Its repetitive ritornello process is sometimes hidden but always latent, thus playing on the potential for subconscious recognition. Together, these two examples suggest that music can be used as a powerful demonstration of the historical development of modern forms of consciousness as related to emotional states over time

    Using Explainable Deep Learning and Logistic Regression to Evaluate Complementary and Integrative Health Treatments in Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders

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    There is an increasing interest in the use of Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH) for treatment of pain as an alternative to opioid medications. We use a novel explainable deep learning approach compared and contrasted to a traditional logistic regression model to explore the impact of musculoskeletal disorder related factors on the use of CIH. The impact scores from the neural network show high correlation with the log-odds ratios of the logistic regression, showing the promise that neural networks can be used to identify high impact factors without depending on a priori assumptions and limitations of traditional statistical models

    3 Punkte zur ’Crucifixum’-Diskussion

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    [zum ’Crucifixum in carne’]

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    (I) zur Kritik des ijberlieferungsbefundes - die Frage nach der 'Reconstruction' und ihre Konsequenzen fĂŒr die Interpretation - Alternativen zu herkömmlichen Kriterien, wie 'mĂŒndlich'-'schriftlich', Komposition' 'Improvisation' - Wandlungen im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert - Konsequenzen fĂŒr die Frage nach 'Peripherie' und 'Zentrum', unter Einbezug des Tropus-Repertoires - (II) analytische Beobachtungen zu Beispielen: Bernart de Ventadorn 'Aram conseillatz' und 'Pos pregatz'; Tropus 'Dulciter agnicolae' zum Intr. 'Introduxit'; 'Catolicorum concio'; 'Iudea et Jerusalem'. Dokument enthĂ€lt auch die nachfolgende Diskussion

    [zur Kritik der Fragestellung ”Peripherie” versus ”Zentrum”]

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    An updated checklist of the scarab beetle fauna of Asinara Island, Sardinia, Italy (Coleoptera: Trogidae, Geotrupidae, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiidae, Cetoniidae, Dynastidae, Hybosoridae)

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    The island of Asinara, located in the northwest of Sardinia, is characterized by a large number of feral grazing mammals belonging to four herbivorous species (horse, donkey, mouflon, and goat) and an omnivorous one (wild boar). Hand-collections of scarabs in 2014 and the examination of unpublished records revealed the presence of five species new for Asinara (Trox nodulosus, Ateuchetus laticollis, Sisyphus schaefferi, Caccobius schreberi and Cetonia carthami). Based on all records (published and unpublished) we present a new checklist of the scarab beetle fauna of Asinara which increased from 30 to 43 species belonging to seven families: 2 Trogidae, 2 Geotrupidae, 13 Scarabaeidae, 19 Aphodiidae, 5 Cetoniidae, 1 Dynastidae, and 1 Hybosorida
