49 research outputs found

    Time to improve informed consent for dialysis: an international perspective

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    The literature reveals that current nephrology practice in obtaining informed consent for dialysis falls short of ethical and legal requirements. Meeting these requirements represents a significant challenge, especially because the benefits and risks of dialysis have shifted significantly with the growing number of older, comorbid patients. The importance of informed consent for dialysis is heightened by several concerns, including: (1) the proportion of predialysis patients and patients on dialysis who lack capacity in decision making and (2) whether older, comorbid, and frail patients understand their poor prognosis and the full implications to their independence and functional status of being on dialysis. This article outlines the ethical and legal requirements for a valid informed consent to dialysis: (1) the patient was competent, (2) the consent was made voluntarily, and (3) the patient was given sufficient information in an understandable manner to make the decision. It then considers the application of these requirements to practice across different countries. In the process of informed consent, the law requires a discussion by the physician of the material risks associated with dialysis and alternative options. We argue that, legally and ethically, this discussion should include both the anticipated trajectory of the illness and the effect on the life of the patient with particular regard to the outcomes most important to the individual. In addition, a discussion should occur about the option of a conservative, nondialysis pathway. These requirements ensure that the ethical principle of respect for patient autonomy is honored in the context of dialysis. Nephrologists need to be open to, comfortable with, and skillful in communicating this information. From these clear, open, ethically, and legally valid consent discussions, a significant dividend will hopefully flow for patients, families, and nephrologists alike

    Clean subglacial access:Prospects for future deep hot-water drilling

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    Accessing and sampling subglacial environments deep beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet presents several challenges to existing drilling technologies. With over half of the ice sheet believed to be resting on a wet bed, drilling down to this environment must conform to international agreements on environmental stewardship and protection, making clean hot-water drilling the most viable option. Such a drill, and its water recovery system, must be capable of accessing significantly greater ice depths than previous hot-water drills, and remain fully operational after connecting with the basal hydrological system. The Subglacial Lake Ellsworth (SLE) project developed a comprehensive plan for deep (greater than 3000 m) subglacial lake research, involving the design and development of a clean deep-ice hot-water drill. However, during fieldwork in December 2012 drilling was halted after a succession of equipment issues culminated in a failure to link with a subsurface cavity and abandonment of the access holes. The lessons learned from this experience are presented here. Combining knowledge gained from these lessons with experience from other hot-water drilling programmes, and recent field testing, we describe the most viable technical options and operational procedures for future clean entry into SLE and other deep subglacial access targets.</p

    P2Y Receptors Sensitize Mouse and Human Colonic Nociceptors.

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    Activation of visceral nociceptors by inflammatory mediators contributes to visceral hypersensitivity and abdominal pain associated with many gastrointestinal disorders. Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides (e.g., ATP and UTP) are strongly implicated in this process following their release from epithelial cells during mechanical stimulation of the gut, and from immune cells during inflammation. Actions of ATP are mediated through both ionotropic P2X receptors and metabotropic P2Y receptors. P2X receptor activation causes excitation of visceral afferents; however, the impact of P2Y receptor activation on visceral afferents innervating the gut is unclear. Here we investigate the effects of stimulating P2Y receptors in isolated mouse colonic sensory neurons, and visceral nociceptor fibers in mouse and human nerve-gut preparations. Additionally, we investigate the role of Nav1.9 in mediating murine responses. The application of UTP (P2Y2 and P2Y4 agonist) sensitized colonic sensory neurons by increasing action potential firing to current injection and depolarizing the membrane potential. The application of ADP (P2Y1, P2Y12, and P2Y13 agonist) also increased action potential firing, an effect blocked by the selective P2Y1 receptor antagonist MRS2500. UTP or ADP stimulated afferents, including mouse and human visceral nociceptors, in nerve-gut preparations. P2Y1 and P2Y2 transcripts were detected in 80% and 56% of retrogradely labeled colonic neurons, respectively. Nav1.9 transcripts colocalized in 86% of P2Y1-positive and 100% of P2Y2-positive colonic neurons, consistent with reduced afferent fiber responses to UTP and ADP in Na(v)1.9(-/-) mice. These data demonstrate that P2Y receptor activation stimulates mouse and human visceral nociceptors, highlighting P2Y-dependent mechanisms in the generation of visceral pain during gastrointestinal disease.This work was supported by The Medical Research Council (D.C.B.), a Wellcome Trust University Award (L.A.B.), Neusentis (D.C.B.), The Royal College of Surgeons of England (G.B.), The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (J.R.F.H.), Bowel & Cancer Research (M.A.T.), Pain Relief Foundation and Crohn's in Childhood Research Association (V.C.-G.), and The Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research (C.M.)

    Functional and anatomical deficits in visceral nociception with age: a mechanism of silent appendicitis in the elderly?

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    The ability to sense visceral pain during appendicitis is diminished with age leading to delay in seeking health care and poorer clinical outcomes. To understand the mechanistic basis of this phenomenon, we examined visceral nociception in aged mouse and human tissue. Inflamed and noninflamed appendixes were collected from consenting patients undergoing surgery for the treatment of appendicitis or bowel cancer. Supernatants were generated by incubating samples in buffer and used to stimulate multiunit activity in intestinal preparations, or single-unit activity from teased fibres in colonic preparations, of young and old mice. Changes in afferent innervation with age were determined by measuring the density of calcitonin gene-related peptide-positive afferent fibres and by counting dorsal root ganglia back-labelled by injection of tracer dye into the wall of the colon. Finally, the effect of age on nociceptor function was studied in mouse and human colon. Afferent responses to appendicitis supernatants were greatly impaired in old mice. Further investigation revealed this was due to a marked reduction in the afferent innervation of the bowel and a substantial impairment in the ability of the remaining afferent fibres to transduce noxious stimuli. Translational studies in human tissue demonstrated a significant reduction in the multiunit but not the single-unit colonic mesenteric nerve response to capsaicin with age, indicative of a loss of nociceptor innervation. Our data demonstrate that anatomical and functional deficits in nociception occur with age, underpinning the atypical or silent presentation of appendicitis in the elderly

    The rise of \u27women\u27s poetry\u27 in the 1970s an initial survey into new Australian poetry, the women\u27s movement, and a matrix of revolutions

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    5-oxoETE triggers nociception in constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome through MAS-related G protein-coupled receptor D.

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that is characterized by chronic abdominal pain concurrent with altered bowel habit. Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) metabolites are increased in abundance in IBS and are implicated in the alteration of sensation to mechanical stimuli, which is defined as visceral hypersensitivity. We sought to quantify PUFA metabolites in patients with IBS and evaluate their role in pain. Quantification of PUFA metabolites by mass spectrometry in colonic biopsies showed an increased abundance of 5-oxoeicosatetraenoic acid (5-oxoETE) only in biopsies taken from patients with IBS with predominant constipation (IBS-C). Local administration of 5-oxoETE to mice induced somatic and visceral hypersensitivity to mechanical stimuli without causing tissue inflammation. We found that 5-oxoETE directly acted on both human and mouse sensory neurons as shown by lumbar splanchnic nerve recordings and Ca2+ imaging of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. We showed that 5-oxoETE selectively stimulated nonpeptidergic, isolectin B4 (IB4)-positive DRG neurons through a phospholipase C (PLC)- and pertussis toxin-dependent mechanism, suggesting that the effect was mediated by a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR). The MAS-related GPCR D (Mrgprd) was found in mouse colonic DRG afferents and was identified as being implicated in the noxious effects of 5-oxoETE. Together, these data suggest that 5-oxoETE, a potential biomarker of IBS-C, induces somatic and visceral hyperalgesia without inflammation in an Mrgprd-dependent manner. Thus, 5-oxoETE may play a pivotal role in the abdominal pain associated with IBS-C.BBSRC BB/R006210/1 to James R F Hockley and Ewan St John Smith Rosetrees 834 Postdoctoral Grant (A1296) awarded to James R F Hockley and Ewan St John Smit

    Ipomoeassin F Binds Sec61α to Inhibit Protein Translocation

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    Funding Information: We thank the Arkansas Nano & Bio Materials Characterization Facility at the Institute for Nano Sciences & Engineering for our imaging studies, and Prof Yoshito Kishi (Harvard University) for the kind gift of synthetic mycolactone A/B used by S.H. and R.S. W.S. is supported by Grant No. R15GM116032 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and startup funds from the University of Arkansas. This work was also supported in part by Grant No. P30 GM103450 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the NIH and by seed money from the Arkansas Biosciences Institute (ABI). S.O’K. is the recipient of a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Doctoral Training Programme Award (BB/J014478/ 1), and S.H. holds a Welcome Trust Investigator Award in Science (204957/Z/16/Z). The alpha-1 antitrypsin work was supported by the Alpha-1 Foundation (J.I. and M.J.I.). J.I. and M.J.H. were supported by the intramural program of NCATS, National Institutes of Health, projects 1ZIATR000048-03 (J.I.) and ZIATR000063-04 (M.J.H.). R.S. holds a Welcome Trust Investigator Award in Science (202843/Z/16/Z). C.D. received funding from the Institut Pasteur, the Institut National de la SantĂ© et de la Recherche Med́ icale, and the Fondation Raoul Follereau. N.B.’s synthesis and chemical biology studies of mycolactone were supported by CNRS, UniversitĂ© de Strasbourg, Fondations Potier et Follereau, and the Investisse-ment d’Avenir (Idex Unistra). V.O.P. is supported by the Academy of Finland (Grants 289737 and 314672) and the Sigrid Juselius Foundation. Funding Information: We thank the Arkansas Nano & Bio Materials Characterization Facility at the Institute for Nano Sciences & Engineering for our imaging studies, and Prof Yoshito Kishi (Harvard University) for the kind gift of synthetic mycolactone A/B used by S.H. and R.S. W.S. is supported by Grant No. R15GM116032 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and startup funds from the University of Arkansas. This work was also supported in part by Grant No. P30 GM103450 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the NIH and by seed money from the Arkansas Biosciences Institute (ABI). S.O'K. is the recipient of a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Doctoral Training Programme Award (BB/J014478/1), and S.H. holds a Welcome Trust Investigator Award in Science (204957/Z/16/Z). The alpha-1 antitrypsin work was supported by the Alpha-1 Foundation (J.I. and M.J.I.). J.I. and M.J.H. were supported by the intramural program of NCATS, National Institutes of Health, projects 1ZIATR000048-03 (J.I.) and ZIATR000063-04 (M.J.H.). R.S. holds a Welcome Trust Investigator Award in Science (202843/Z/16/Z). C.D. received funding from the Institut Pasteur, the Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale, and the Fondation Raoul Follereau. N.B.'s synthesis and chemical biology studies of mycolactone were supported by CNRS, Universite de Strasbourg, Fondations Potier et Follereau and the Investissement d'Avenir (Idex Unistra). V.O.P. is supported by the Academy of Finland (Grants 289737 and 314672) and the Sigrid Juselius Foundation. Publisher Copyright: © 2019 American Chemical Society.Ipomoeassin F is a potent natural cytotoxin that inhibits growth of many tumor cell lines with single-digit nanomolar potency. However, its biological and pharmacological properties have remained largely unexplored. Building upon our earlier achievements in total synthesis and medicinal chemistry, we used chemical proteomics to identify Sec61 alpha (protein transport protein Sec61 subunit alpha isoform 1), the pore-forming subunit of the Sec61 protein translocon, as a direct binding partner of ipomoeassin F in living cells. The interaction is specific and strong enough to survive lysis conditions, enabling a biotin analogue of ipomoeassin F to pull down Sec61 alpha from live cells, yet it is also reversible, as judged by several experiments including fluorescent streptavidin staining, delayed competition in affinity pulldown, and inhibition of TNF biogenesis after washout. Sec61 alpha forms the central subunit of the ER protein translocation complex, and the binding of ipomoeassin F results in a substantial, yet selective, inhibition of protein translocation in vitro and a broad ranging inhibition of protein secretion in live cells. Lastly, the unique resistance profile demonstrated by specific amino acid single-point mutations in Sec61 alpha provides compelling evidence that Sec61 alpha is the primary molecular target of ipomoeassin F and strongly suggests that the binding of this natural product to Sec61 alpha is distinctive. Therefore, ipomoeassin F represents the first plant-derived, carbohydrate-based member of a novel structural class that offers new opportunities to explore Sec61 alpha function and to further investigate its potential as a therapeutic target for drug discovery.Peer reviewe

    Inhibition of the inositol kinase Itpkb augments calcium signaling in lymphocytes and reveals a novel strategy to treat autoimmune disease

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    Emerging approaches to treat immune disorders target positive regulatory kinases downstream of antigen receptors with small molecule inhibitors. Here we provide evidence for an alternative approach in which inhibition of the negative regulatory inositol kinase Itpkb in mature T lymphocytes results in enhanced intracellular calcium levels following antigen receptor activation leading to T cell death. Using Itpkb conditional knockout mice and LMW Itpkb inhibitors these studies reveal that Itpkb through its product IP4 inhibits the Orai1/Stim1 calcium channel on lymphocytes. Pharmacological inhibition or genetic deletion of Itpkb results in elevated intracellular Ca2+ and induction of FasL and Bim resulting in T cell apoptosis. Deletion of Itpkb or treatment with Itpkb inhibitors blocks T-cell dependent antibody responses in vivo and prevents T cell driven arthritis in rats. These data identify Itpkb as an essential mediator of T cell activation and suggest Itpkb inhibition as a novel approach to treat autoimmune disease

    The effects of using the PReDicT Test to guide the antidepressant treatment of depressed patients: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background Antidepressant medication is commonly used to treat depression. However, many patients do not respond to the first medication prescribed and improvements in symptoms are generally only detectable by clinicians 4–6 weeks after the medication has been initiated. As a result, there is often a long delay between the decision to initiate an antidepressant medication and the identification of an effective treatment regimen. Previous work has demonstrated that antidepressant medications alter subtle measures of affective cognition in depressed patients, such as the appraisal of facial expression. Furthermore, these cognitive effects of antidepressants are apparent early in the course of treatment and can also predict later clinical response. This trial will assess whether an electronic test of affective cognition and symptoms (the Predicting Response to Depression Treatment Test; PReDicT Test) can be used to guide antidepressant treatment in depressed patients and, therefore, hasten treatment response compared to a control group of patients treated as usual. Methods/design The study is a randomised, two-arm, multi-centre, open-label, clinical investigation of a medical device, the PReDicT Test. It will be conducted in five European countries (UK, France, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands) in depressed patients who are commencing antidepressant medication. Patients will be randomised to treatment guided by the PReDicT Test (PReDicT arm) or to Treatment as Usual (TaU arm). Patients in the TaU arm will be treated as per current standard guidelines in their particular country. Patients in the PReDicT arm will complete the PReDicT Test after 1 (and if necessary, 2) weeks of treatment. If the test indicates non-response to the treatment, physicians will be advised to immediately alter the patient’s antidepressant therapy by dose escalation or switching to another compound. The primary outcome of the study is the proportion of patients showing a clinical response (defined as 50% or greater decrease in baseline scores of depression measured using the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms – Self-Rated questionnaire) at week 8. Health economic and acceptability data will also be collected and analysed. Discussion This trial will test the clinical efficacy, cost-effectiveness and acceptability of using the novel PReDicT Test to guide antidepressant treatment selection in depressed patients

    Possible interactions between bacterial diversity, microbial activity and supraglacial hydrology of cryoconite holes in Svalbard

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    The diversity of highly active bacterial communities in cryoconite holes on three Arctic glaciers in Svalbard was investigated using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of the 16S rRNA locus. Construction and sequencing of clone libraries allowed several members of these communities to be identified, with Proteobacteria being the dominant one, followed by Cyanobacteria and Bacteroidetes. T-RFLP data revealed significantly different communities in holes on the (cold) valley glacier Austre BrĂžggerbreen relative to two adjacent (polythermal) valley glaciers, Midtre LovĂ©nbreen and Vestre BrĂžggerbreen. These population compositions correlate with differences in organic matter content, temperature and the metabolic activity of microbial communities concerned. No within-glacier spatial patterns were observed in the communities identified over the 2-year period and with the 1 km-spaced sampling. We infer that surface hydrology is an important factor in the development of cryoconite bacterial communities