153 research outputs found

    Barzan – Moulin du Fâ (la Grande Avenue)

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 204538 Date de l'opération : 2008 (FP) En relation avec les recherches archéologiques menées depuis une dizaine d’années à Barzan sur l’équipement monumental, notre programme a pour objectif l’étude de la trame viaire (Tranoy et al., 2008). À Barzan, plusieurs rues sont connues depuis 1975 par la photographie aérienne et reportées sur le plan publié en 1997 (Aupert, 1997). L’une d’entre elles – rue D1 - apparaît systématiquement sur les clichés ..

    Barzan – Moulin du Fâ (la Grande Avenue)

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 204538 Date de l'opération : 2009 (FP) L’étude de « La Grande Avenue » s’est poursuivie en 2009, le long de l’axe D1, dans les zones 1, 2 (élargie) et 4. Deux nouvelles zones ont été ouvertes : la zone 5 située entre les zones 1 et 2 et la zone 6, à 50 m au sud, à l’endroit où les vestiges de l’axe D2 avaient été prospectés électriquement en 2007 par Marion Druez. Ce nouveau secteur concerne des vestiges dont une grande partie est enfouie sous le che..

    Maurocellus vicarius

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    Réexamen du passage de la Chronique d’Hydace concernant une intervention militaire à Braga de Maurocellus portant le titre de vicarius, interprété habituellement comme désignant le vicaire du diocèse des Espagnes dont le siège se trouvait à Mérida.The article looks at the excerpt 66 (=74) of the Chronicle of Hydatius telling a military achievement at Braga by Maurocellus bearing the title of vicarius, usually understood as if he were a vicarius of the Diocesis Hispaniarum with Mérida as its capital

    Vaise, un quartier de Lyon antique

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    Longtemps limitée au centre de la cité et à ses monuments, l'étude de la ville antique se déplace vers la périphérie. Cet ouvrage présente les résultats de trois opérations de fouille préventive qui ont récemment exploré le sous-sol du faubourg de Vaise, quartier péri-urbain de Ludgunum au cours des premiers siècles de notre ère. Des bords de Saône au pied de la colline de Fourvière, l'archéologie en restitue différents aspects : entrepôts et commerces établis sur la berge, installations arti..

    Marcadores da paisagem e intervenção cadastral no território próximo da cidade de <i>Bracara Augusta (Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis)</i>

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    This paper focuses the organization of the rural landscape around the Roman town of <i>Bracara Augusta</i> and the identification of a Roman cadastre, perfectly adapted to the relief and to the main hydrographical network of the region. This cadastre is organized in modules of 20 by 20 <i>actus</i> with a predominant orientation of 16º NNW, what may be inferred by the clear intersection of some important axes. We have also detected two <i>cippi</i> with a cross engraved on their upper face, separated by 20 <i>actus</i>, probably connected with limits or <i>termini</i>.<br><br>Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar algunos de los resultados del estudio sobre el poblamiento y la organizacion del paisaje rural en torno a la ciudad romana de <i>Bracara Augusta</i>. La existencia de un cadastro romano con una orientación dominante de 16º NNO y una modulación de 20x20 <i>actus</i>, se confirma gracias a la documentación de algunos elementos de delimitación, de los que podemos destacar dos cipos con una distancia entre sí de 20 <i>actus</i>. [pt] Este artigo propõe-se apresentar os resultados do estudo do povoamento e da organização da paisagem em torno da cidade romana de <i>Bracara Augusta</i>. Este objectivo orienta-se, mais especificamente, para os dados relativos à identificação de um cadastro romano perfeitamente adaptado às formas estruturantes do relevo e da rede hidrográfica. Este cadastro possui uma orientação de cerca de 16º NNO com uma modulação de 20x20 <i>actus</i>, e encontra-se confirmado por alguns elementos demarcatórios, nomeadamente dois cipos que possuem entre si 20 <i>actus</i> de distância

    Microbial shifts in the aging mouse gut

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    YesBackground: The changes that occur in the microbiome of aging individuals are unclear, especially in light of the imperfect correlation of frailty with age. Studies in older human subjects have reported subtle effects, but these results may be confounded by other variables that often change with age such as diet and place of residence. To test these associations in a more controlled model system, we examined the relationship between age, frailty, and the gut microbiome of female C57BL/6 J mice. Results: The frailty index, which is based on the evaluation of 31 clinical signs of deterioration in mice, showed a near-perfect correlation with age. We observed a statistically significant relationship between age and the taxonomic composition of the corresponding microbiome. Consistent with previous human studies, the Rikenellaceae family, which includes the Alistipes genus, was the most significantly overrepresented taxon within middle-aged and older mice. The functional profile of the mouse gut microbiome also varied with host age and frailty. Bacterial-encoded functions that were underrepresented in older mice included cobalamin (B12) and biotin (B7) biosynthesis, and bacterial SOS genes associated with DNA repair. Conversely, creatine degradation, associated with muscle wasting, was overrepresented within the gut microbiomes of the older mice, as were bacterial-encoded β-glucuronidases, which can influence drug-induced epithelial cell toxicity. Older mice also showed an overabundance of monosaccharide utilization genes relative to di-, oligo-, and polysaccharide utilization genes, which may have a substantial impact on gut homeostasis. Conclusion: We have identified taxonomic and functional patterns that correlate with age and frailty in the mouse microbiome. Differences in functions related to host nutrition and drug pharmacology vary in an age-dependent manner, suggesting that the availability and timing of essential functions may differ significantly with age and frailty. Future work with larger cohorts of mice will aim to separate the effects of age and frailty, and other factors.This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) through an Emerging Team Grant to RGB, CIHR Operating Grants to Langille et al. Microbiome 2014, 2:50 Page 10 of 12 http://www.microbiomejournal.com/content/2/1/50 SEH (MOP 126018) and RAR (MOP 93718), and a CIHR Fellowship to MGIL. Infrastructure was supported by the Canada Foundation for Innovation through a grant to RGB. RGB also acknowledges the support of the Canada Research Chairs program
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