164 research outputs found

    Els ocells del massís del Mont

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    It Takes a Mouth to Eat and a Nose to Breathe: Abnormal Oral Respiration Affects Neonates' Oral Competence and Systemic Adaptation.

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    Review ArticleInternational audienceMammalian, including human, neonates are considered to be obligate nose breathers. When constrained to breathe through their mouth in response to obstructed or closed nasal passages, the effects are pervasive and profound, and sometimes last into adulthood. The present paper briefly surveys neonates' and infants' responses to this atypical mobilisation of the mouth for breathing and focuses on comparisons between human newborns and infants and the neonatal rat model. We present the effects of forced oral breathing on neonatal rats induced by experimental nasal obstruction. We assessed the multilevel consequences on physiological, structural, and behavioural variables, both during and after the obstruction episode. The effects of the compensatory mobilisation of oral resources for breathing are discussed in the light of the adaptive development of oromotor functions

    Análisis de calidad de páginas Web sobre hipertensión arterial en países de habla hispana = Quality analysis of websites on hypertension in Spanish speaking countries

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    Resumen: Justificación: La hipertensión arterial es una enfermedad crónica que afecta en España a diez millones de personas. Dado que el recurso más utilizado para obtener información es Internet, es interesante realizar un estudio sobre la calidad de páginas web sobre este tema. Metodología: Diseño transversal. Se estudiaron 25 webs, de las que sólo pudieron analizarse 22, por encontrarse 3 sin acceso. Se ha utilizado para ello el “Cuestionario para evaluar sitios webs sanitarios según criterios europeos”. El objetivo es conocer la calidad de las páginas webs sobre hipertensión arterial en países de habla hispana. Resultados principales: Sólo 6 países de habla hispana cuentan con página web de hipertensión atendiendo a los criterios anteriormente citados. Los resultados oscilaron entre 17 puntos (nº19) la puntuación más baja y 32 (nº1) la más alta. Casi todas cumplen con requisitos como especificación del responsable del sitio web, objetivos, lenguaje adecuado, letra de tamaño adecuado, etc. Ninguna de ellas cuenta con una política editorial. Conclusiones: Aunque por regla general la calidad de las web es de media a alta, sigue habiendo aspectos mejorables. Los países que no cuentan con páginas web deberían promover su creación, ya que, aunque algunas sí que cuentan con asociación o fundación, la población desconoce su existencia.Palabras clave: hipertensión arterial, páginas web, calidad Abstract: Rationale: Hypertension is a chronic disease that affects tens of millions in Spain. Since Internet is most commonly used to obtain information, it is interesting to conduct a study on the quality of web pages on this subject. I decided to do it on societies, foundations or associations. Methodology: cross design. 25 Websites, of which only could be analysed 22, find 3 without access have been studied. The "questionnaire for assessing health web sites according to European standards" where items are collected has been used for this as: specification of the population, of the minutes Objectives: to know the quality of Web pages on hypertension in Spanish-speaking countries, in order to know what kind of information the users have access and thus know what aspects can be improved. Main results: only 6 of Spanish-speaking countries web page of hypertension in response to the aforementioned criteria. The results ranged from 17 points (n ° 19) the lowest score and 32 (No. 1) the highest. All or almost all meet objective requirements as responsible for the website specification, appropriate language, letter of size, etc. None of them has an editorial policy. Conclusions: Although generally the quality of the web is of medium to high, still having areas for improvement (sources of financing, editorial policy specification). Countries that do not have web pages should promote its creation, that, although some if that association or Foundation, the population has no access or simply are unaware of their existence. Keywords: hypertension, websites, qualit

    Conflictividades, negociaciones y resistencias : Dinámica simbólica de un barrio boliviano de la ciudad de Córdoba en tanto espacio social

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    Con el propósito de caracterizar la dimensión simbólica de Barrio Nuestro Hogar III de la ciudad de Córdoba -identificado como uno de los “barrios bolivianos”-, nos preguntamos por la dinámica social que se va configurando a partir de las relaciones sociales entre vecinos de pertenencia nacional local y vecinos de origen boliviano. Teniendo en cuenta el contexto histórico de las formas que ha ido adoptando en Argentina el proceso migratorio regional, más específicamente en relación a las migraciones de bolivianos y bolivianas a nuestro país y en especial a Córdoba; como así también las modificaciones que pueden leerse como avances en el plano normativo en torno a las migraciones regionales, cabe reconocer que las relaciones entre miembros de la sociedad local y migrantes regionales dista de adoptar el carácter inclusivo al que alude discursivamente la nueva legislación migratoria. Retomando estos aspectos y considerando también la pertenencia nacional opera con mayor peso en la definición de diferencias entre grupos en el barrio en tanto exigencias tácitas como principios de selección, división y exclusión reales, aquí nos proponemos comenzar a desglosar parte del complejo entramado de relaciones entre vecinos de ambas nacionalidades.Mesa 17: El campesino polacoFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Increased ROS Production: A Component of the Longevity Equation in the Male Mygalomorph, Brachypelma albopilosa

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    The diversity of longevities encountered in wildlife is one of the most intriguing problems in biology. Evolutionary biologists have proposed different theories to explain how longevity variability may be driven by bad genes expression in late life or by gene pleiotropic effects. This reflexion has stimulated, in the last ten years, an active research on the proximal mechanisms that can shape lifespan. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), i.e., the by-products of oxidative metabolism, have emerged as the main proximate cause of ageing. Because ROS are mainly produced by the mitochondria, their production is linked to metabolic rate, and this may explain the differences in longevity between large and small species. However, their implication in the sex difference in longevity within a species has never been tested, despite the fact that these differences are widespread in the animal kingdom.Mitochondrial superoxide production of hemolymph immune cells and antioxidant and oxidative damages plasma levels were measured in adult male and female B. albopilosa at different ages. We found that female spiders are producing less mitochondrial superoxide, are better protected against oxidative attack and are then suffering less oxidative damages than males at adulthood.In tarantulas, once reaching sexual maturity, males have a life expectancy reduced to 1 to 2 years, while females can still live for 20 years, in spite of the fact that females continue to grow and moult. This study evidences an increased exposure of males to oxidative stress due to an increase in mitochondrial superoxide production and a decrease in hemolymph antioxidant defences. Such a phenomenon is likely to be part of the explanation for the sharp reduction of longevity accompanying male tarantula maturity. This opens several fundamental research roads in the future to better understand how reproduction and longevity are linked in an original ageing model

    Adult fly age estimations using cuticular hydrocarbons and Artificial Neural Networks in forensically important Calliphoridae species

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    Blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) are forensically important as they are known to be one of the first to colonise human remains. The larval stage is typically used to assist a forensic entomologists with adult flies rarely used as they are difficult to age because they remain morphologically similar once they have gone through the initial transformation upon hatching. However, being able to age them is of interest and importance within the field. This study examined the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) of Diptera: Calliphoridae species Lucilia sericata, Calliphora vicina and Calliphora vomitoria. The CHCs were extracted from the cuticles of adult flies and analysed using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS). The chemical profiles were examined for the two Calliphora species at intervals of day 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 and up to day 10 for L. sericata. The results show significant chemical changes occurring between the immature and mature adult flies over the extraction period examined in this study. With the aid of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), samples were seen to cluster, allowing for the age to be established within the aforementioned time frames. The use of ANNs allowed for the automatic classification of novel samples with very good performance. This was a proof of concept study, which developed a method allowing to age post-emergence adults by using their chemical profiles

    Divergence in female damselfly sensory structures is consistent with a species recognition function but shows no evidence of reproductive character displacement

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    Males and females transmit and receive signals prior to mating that convey information such as sex, species identity, or individual condition. In some animals, tactile signals relayed during physical contact between males and females before and during mating appear to be important for mate choice or reproductive isolation. This is common among odonates, when a male grasps a female's thorax with his terminal appendages prior to copulation, and the female subsequently controls whether copulation occurs by bending her abdomen to complete intromission. It has been hypothesized that mechanosensory sensilla on the female thoracic plates mediate mating decisions, but is has been difficult to test this idea. Here, we use North American damselflies in the genus Enallagma (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) to test the hypothesis that variation in female sensilla traits is important for species recognition. Enallagma anna and E. carunculatum hybridize in nature, but experience strong reproductive isolation as a consequence of divergence in male terminal appendage morphology. We quantified several mechanosensory sensilla phenotypes on the female thorax among multiple populations of both species and compared divergence in these traits in sympatry versus allopatry. Although these species differed in features of sensilla distribution within the thoracic plates, we found no strong evidence of reproductive character displacement among the sensilla traits we measured in regions of sympatry. Our results suggest that species‐specific placement of female mechanoreceptors may be sufficient for species recognition, although other female sensory phenotypes might have diverged in sympatry to reduce interspecific hybridization.This work was supported by funds from the University of Oklahoma. We are grateful to assistance with publication costs from OU's University Libraries Open Access fund.Ye

    Au fil des Araignées : les recherches actuelles

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    National audienc

    La receptivite sexuelle de Calliphora vomitoria (Dipteres) au cours du premier cycle gonadotrope : approches comportementale et physiologique

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    SIGLECNRS T 56543 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Variation des hydrocarbures cuticulaires pendant la période de gardiennage des jeune chez l'araignée, Pardosa saltans

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    International audienceLes araignées offrent une gamme étendue d’organisations sociales, différant par la complexité des interactions entre congénères ainsi que par leur durée. Cette gamme va des espèces solitaires, où les interactions entre les individus sont limitées au comportement reproducteur, jusqu’aux espèces sociales où un nombre important d’individus de tout âge coexistent au sein de sociétés permanentes. Entre ces deux extrêmes, on rencontre des formes intermédiaires d’organisation chez lesquelles la vie sociale est limitée à une période plus ou moins longue de la vie juvénile (extension temporelle du groupement mère-jeune), ou bien ne se manifeste que dans certaines conditions écologiques (agrégation d'individus adultes favorisée par l'abondance des ressources alimentaires). L'observation de la vie grégaire avec tolérance mutuelle (mère-jeunes et jeunes-jeunes) constitue actuellement une base de travail pour rechercher les facteurs capables d'inciter les jeunes à rester groupés et à se tolérer jusqu'à l'âge adulte. Notre étude sur l'évolution du groupement mère-jeunes chez une araignée vagabonde, Pardosa saltans, montre que le passage de la vie grégaire des jeunes à la vie solitaire est accompagné par un changement des profils chimiques cuticulaires et l'apparition de la prédation