860 research outputs found

    Publicidad y alcohol: situación de España como país miembro de la Unión Europea = Advertising and alcohol: situation in Spain as a member of the European Union

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    Resumen: Introducción: En la legislación de la publicidad de bebidas alcohólicas existen diferencias entre los países miembros de la UE, no existe un control restrictivo. Hay relación entre el consumo de alcohol en los menores de edad y la publicidad de productos alcohólicos. Objetivos: Conocer la situación de la legislación de la publicidad del alcohol en España, realizar una comparativa de la situación a nivel europeo y analizar la necesidad de mejoras. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo a través de una revisión bibliográfica de las Estrategias de la Organización Mundial de la Salud(OMS) para reducir el consumo de alcohol, El Eurobarómetro de la Comisión Europea 2007 y la legislación nacional vigente. Resultados: No existe regulación comunitaria de la publicidad del alcohol. Se han creado propuestas de regulación Europea ante el gran problema de salud pública que supone. Discusión: Las propuestas de la OMS hasta el momento han resultado ineficaces en cuestión del control de la publicidad del alcohol. El Eurobarómetro arroja que el 76% de la población europea apoya la prohibición de dicha publicidad orientada a menores. Conclusión: Son necesarias medidas restrictivas, en especial en la publicidad orientada a menores de edad. Resulta factible la prohibición total de la publicidad orientada a este grupo.Palabras clave: publicidad, alcohol, legislación, jóvenes Abstract: Background: In the legislation on advertising of alcoholic beverages varies between EU member states, there is no restrictive control. Is no relationship between the consumption of alcohol among minors and advertising of alcoholic products. Objectives: To determine the status of the legislation on advertising of alcohol in Spain, making a comparison of the situation at European level and analyze the need for improvement. Methods: A descriptive study through a literature review of the Strategies of the World Health Organization (WHO) to reduce the consumption of alcohol, the European Commission Eurobarometer 2007 and national legislation. Results: There is no EU regulation of advertising alcohol. Have been developed proposed regulations to the European major public health problem posed. Discussion: OMS´s proposals have so far proved ineffective in the control of alcohol advertising. The Eurobarometer shows that 76% of the population supports a ban on advertising aimed at minors. Conclusion: Restrictive measures are needed, especially in advertising aimed at minors. It is possible the ban on advertising aimed at this group. Keywords: advertising, alcohol, law, young peopl

    Modelling magnetic flux emergence in the solar convection zone

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    [Abridged] Bipolar magnetic regions are formed when loops of magnetic flux emerge at the solar photosphere. Our aim is to investigate the flux emergence process in a simulation of granular convection. In particular we aim to determine the circumstances under which magnetic buoyancy enhances the flux emergence rate (which is otherwise driven solely by the convective upflows). We use three-dimensional numerical simulations, solving the equations of compressible magnetohydrodynamics in a horizontally-periodic Cartesian domain. A horizontal magnetic flux tube is inserted into fully developed hydrodynamic convection. We systematically vary the initial field strength, the tube thickness, the initial entropy distribution along the tube axis and the magnetic Reynolds number. Focusing upon the low magnetic Prandtl number regime (Pm<1) at moderate magnetic Reynolds number, we find that the flux tube is always susceptible to convective disruption to some extent. However, stronger flux tubes tend to maintain their structure more effectively than weaker ones. Magnetic buoyancy does enhance the flux emergence rates in the strongest initial field cases, and this enhancement becomes more pronounced when we increase the width of the flux tube. This is also the case at higher magnetic Reynolds numbers, although the flux emergence rates are generally lower in these less dissipative simulations because the convective disruption of the flux tube is much more effective in these cases. These simulations seem to be relatively insensitive to the precise choice of initial conditions: for a given flow, the evolution of the flux tube is determined primarily by the initial magnetic field distribution and the magnetic Reynolds number.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Pessimistic cognitive bias is associated with enhanced reproductive investment in female zebrafish

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    Optimistic and pessimistic cognitive biases have been described in many animals and are related to the perceived valence of the environment. We, therefore, hypothesize that such cognitive bias can be adaptive depending on environmental conditions. In reward-rich environments, an optimistic bias would be favoured, whereas in harsh environments, a pessimistic one would thrive. Here, we empirically investigated the potential adaptive value of such bias using zebrafish as a model. We first phenotyped female zebrafish in an optimistic/pessimistic axis using a previously validated judgement bias assay. Optimistic and pessimistic females were then exposed to an unpredictable chronic stress protocol for 17 days, after which fish were euthanized and the sectional area of the different ovarian structures was quantified in both undisturbed and stressed groups. Our results show that zebrafish ovarian development responded to chronic stress, and that judgement bias impacted the relative area of the vitellogenic developmental stage, with pessimists showing higher vitellogenic areas as compared with optimists. These results suggest that pessimism maximizes reproductive investment, through increased vitellogenesis, indicating a relationship between cognitive bias and life-history organismal decisions.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hormonal and emotional responses to competition using a dyadic approach: Basal testosterone predicts emotional state after a defeat

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    The present study analyzes the testosterone (T), cortisol (C) and emotional response in competitive interactions between dyads, as well as the relationship between basal T and the emotional response. Seventy-two men and women (36 dyads) participated in same-sex dyads in a face-to-face laboratory competition, and thirty-two men and women (16 dyads) carried out the same task in a non-competitive condition. Salivary samples (5 ml of saliva, plastic vials) were provided at three time points (baseline, task, and post-task), and subsequently T (pg/ml) and C (nmol/L) concentrations were measured using ELISA method. Participants completed self-reported measures of emotional valence, emotional arousal and perceived dominance by means of the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM), at three time points (pre-task, task, and post-task). Two-level crossed Multilevel Models (MLM) showed a participants' stability in C (Mean ± SEM: baseline: 3.84 ± 0.28, task: 2.92 ± 0.28 and post-task: 2.62 ± 0.3), emotional valence (pre-task: 4 ± 0.06, task: 3.66 ± 0.1 and post-task: 3.84 ± 0.09), arousal (pre-task: 3.29 ± 0.09, task: 3.83 ± 0.09 and post-task: 3.38 ± 0.1) and dominance (pre-task: 3.28 ± 0.08, task: 3.4 ± 0.1 and post-task: 3.44 ± 0.09) values, which in the case of emotional valence and dominance was modulated by time-point, outcome and sex. Furthermore, analyses revealed that opponents' C, arousal and dominance values at one time-point influenced participants' values at the following time-point modulated by outcome, sex and time-point. Moreover, MLM indicated that in loser men, individuals higher in basal T (126.31 ± 6.4) displayed higher negative emotional valence after the defeat (post-task: 3.6 ± 0.21), while in women basal T (99.78 ± 12.6) was not significantly related to post competition emotional valence. These findings reinforce the importance of studying the relationship between hormonal and psychological changes in dyadic competition, and confirm that men and women differ in their psychophysiological responses to competition

    A 12-bit@40MS/s Gm-C Cascade 3-2 Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulator

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    This paper reports the transistor-level design of a 130-nm CMOS continuous-time cascade ΣΔ modulator. The modulator topology, directly synthesized in the continuous-time domain, consists of a third-order stage followed by a second-order stage, both realized using Gm-C integrators and a 4-bit internal quantizer. Dynamic element matching is included to compensate for the non-linearity of the feedback digital-to-analog converters. The estimated power consumption is 70 mW from a 1.2-V supply voltage when is clocked at 240MHz. CADENCE-SPECTRE simulations show 12-bit effective resolution within a 20-MHz signal bandwidth.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (with support from the European Regional Development Fund) under contract TEC2004-01752/MIC.Peer reviewe

    Firm-local community relationships in polluting industrial agglomerations: How firms' commitment determines residents' perceptions

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    This research contributes to the literature on the management of firm–local community relationships in polluting industrial agglomerations. Taking as reference a previous quantitative study on residents' perceptions of economic benefits and risk in the vicinity of two Spanish petrochemical complexes (Castellón and Tarragona), the aim of this paper is to analyse how companies in the two areas have built and manage, individually and collectively, their relations with the local community, while assessing the extent to which a more committed management has resulted in a more favourable perception by the public. For this purpose, we conducted in-depth interviews with managers of the main companies on the two sites. The results show different patterns of behaviour by firms in the two industrial agglomerations. Companies located in the area of Tarragona, where citizens' perceptions were more favourable, have historically been more committed to building stronger socio-economic links with the local community and encouraging a sense of community, and to making greater efforts to engage local residents through a process of dialogue. Moreover, the existence of a collective strategy in Tarragona, coordinated through a local industry association, has also played an important role in facilitating the industry's relationship with the local community. The findings of the study suggest the need to consider the industrial agglomeration and the firms' collective actions in research on relationships with the local community alongside actions by individual companies

    The Mesolithic materials of the Cova del Mas del Gelat (Alcoi, l’Alcoià, Alacant)

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    El jaciment arqueològic de la Cova del Mas del Gelat (Alcoi, Alacant) és conegut des de fa més de trenta anys. L’estudi del sílex i de les restes faunístiques recuperades al jaciment confirmen l’existència d’un nivell mesolític. Els utensilis lítics són tècnicament semblants als d’altres estacions de la regió, i també la fauna ens ofereix informació relacionada amb la seua cronologia holocènica, evidències que amplien la nostra informació sobre el complex cultural mesolític regional. Paraules clau: Holocé. Materials mesolítics. Restes de fauna. País ValenciàThe archaeological site of the Cova del Mas del Gelat in Alcoi (Alacant, Spain) has been known for more than thirty years. The study of flint and faunal remains recovered at the site give us a cultural horizon similar to other Mesolithic sites of the region. We are dealing with lithic tools that are technically close to those from other sites of the Valencian Central region. Faunal remains offer us an interesting information related to their Holocenic chronologies as well. Furthermore, all these new pieces of evidence and the preliminary results give us some more information about the regional trend of these Mesolithic cultural complexes. Key words: Holocene. Mesolithic artifacts. Faunal remains. Valencia Region.El yacimiento arqueológico de la Cova del Mas del Gelat (Alcoi, Alacant) es conocido desde hace más de treinta años. El estudio del sílex y los restos de fauna recuperados en el yacimiento, confirman la existencia de un nivel mesolítico. Los útiles líticos son técnicamente semejantes a los de otras estaciones de la región, y también la fauna nos ofrece información relacionada con su cronología holocénica, evidencias que amplían nuestra información sobre el complejo cultural mesolítico regional. Palabras clave: Holoceno. Materiales mesolíticos. Restos de fauna. País Valencià

    Effects of environmental variables on the distribution of juvenile cubomedusae Carybdea marsupialis in the coastal Western Mediterranean

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    [EN] Relationships between environmental factors and oscillations in jellyfish abundance, especially in the early life stages, could help to interpret past increases and also predict scenarios in a changing future. For the first time, we present cubozoan spatial and temporal distributions in the earliest stages and their relationships with different factors. Abundances ofCarybdea marsupialismedusae showed high interannual variability from 2008 to 2014 along the Denia coast (SE Spain, W Mediterranean). During 2015, samples were collected from 11 beaches along 17 km of coastline, 8 times from January to November in order to determine the effects of environmental factors on the distribution of juvenileC.marsupialis. Juveniles (<= 15 mm diagonal bell width) were present from May to July, with more sampled near shore (0-15 m). Most of them occurred in June when their numbers were unequal among beaches (average 0.05 ind m(-3), maximum 6.71 ind m(-3)). We tested distributions of juveniles over time and space versus temperature, salinity, nutrients (N, P and Si), chlorophyll-a(Chl-a), and zooplankton abundance. Temperature and cladocerans (zooplankton group) were significantly positively correlated with juvenile distribution, whereas Chl-aconcentration was weakly negative. By contrast, in 2014, high productivity areas (Chl-aand zooplankton) overlapped the maximum adult abundance (5.2 ind m(-3)). The distribution of juveniles during 2015 did not spatially coincide with the areas where ripe adults were located the previous year, suggesting that juveniles drift with the currents upon release from the cubopolyps. Our results yield important insights into the complexity of cubozoan distributions.This study has received funding through European Commission's LIFE programme [LIFE08 NAT ES64 CUBOMED.eu to C.B. from the Alicante University and V.L.F. from the Institute of Marine Science, CSIC, Spain], and from the D.G Sostenibilidad de la Costa y el Mar from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, the Fundacion Biodiversidad, and the D.G. Agua -Generalitat Valenciana. It has also received support from Parques Nacionales and Ajuntament de Denia. We are grateful for the collaboration of Fundació Baleària, Marina El Portet de Dénia and Marina de Dénia. This work is a contribution from the ¿Ramon Margalef¿ Environmental Research Institute (IMEM) from the University of Alicante, Spain. We are especially grateful for the sampling and laboratory support provided in the Montgó Research Station by NGO ACIF Marina Alta volunteers: Ángela Alba, Ainara Ballesteros, Miguel Escolano, Ángel Fernández, Marta Gil, Héctor Gutiérrez, Ainara Lacalle and Alba Pérez. We would also like to extend our thanks to Jordi Alventosa and Júlia Escrivá from IGIC-Polytechnic Valencia University for their contribution to nutrient analysis. Editing services were provided by Sea Pen Scientific Writing.Bordehore, C.; Fonfría, E.; Alonso, C.; Rubio-Tortosa, B.; Acevedo, M.; Canepa, A.; Falco, S.... (2020). Effects of environmental variables on the distribution of juvenile cubomedusae Carybdea marsupialis in the coastal Western Mediterranean. PLoS ONE. 15(6):1-20. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0230768S120156Purcell, J., Uye, S., & Lo, W. (2007). Anthropogenic causes of jellyfish blooms and their direct consequences for humans: a review. 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Abundance patterns of cubozoans on and near the Great Barrier Reef. Hydrobiologia, 690(1), 257-268. doi:10.1007/s10750-012-1041-0ACEVEDO, M. J., STRAEHLER-POHL, I., MORANDINI, A. C., STAMPAR, S. N., BENTLAGE, B., MATSUMOTO, G. I., … FUENTES, V. L. (2019). Revision of the genus Carybdea (Cnidaria: Cubozoa: Carybdeidae): clarifying the identity of its type species Carybdea marsupialis. Zootaxa, 4543(4), 515. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4543.4.3Bordehore, C., Fuentes, V. L., Atienza, D., Barberá, C., Fernandez-Jover, D., Roig, M., … Gili, J. M. (2011). Detection of an unusual presence of the cubozoan Carybdea marsupialis at shallow beaches located near Denia, Spain (south-western Mediterranean). Marine Biodiversity Records, 4. doi:10.1017/s1755267211000650Canepa, A., Fuentes, V., Bosch-Belmar, M., Acevedo, M., Toledo-Guedes, K., Ortiz, A., … Gili, J.-M. (2017). 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