1,408 research outputs found

    Online contrastive divergence with generative replay: experience replay without storing data

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    Conceived in the early 1990s, Experience Replay (ER) has been shown to be a successful mechanism to allow online learning algorithms to reuse past experiences. Traditionally, ER can be applied to all machine learning paradigms (i.e., unsupervised, supervised, and reinforcement learning). Recently, ER has contributed to improving the performance of deep reinforcement learning. Yet, its application to many practical settings is still limited by the memory requirements of ER, necessary to explicitly store previous observations. To remedy this issue, we explore a novel approach, Online Contrastive Divergence with Generative Replay (OCD_GR), which uses the generative capability of Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) instead of recorded past experiences. The RBM is trained online, and does not require the system to store any of the observed data points. We compare OCD_GR to ER on 9 real-world datasets, considering a worst-case scenario (data points arriving in sorted order) as well as a more realistic one (sequential random-order data points). Our results show that in 64.28% of the cases OCD_GR outperforms ER and in the remaining 35.72% it has an almost equal performance, while having a considerably reduced space complexity (i.e., memory usage) at a comparable time complexity

    Radiochemical Separation and Measurement by Mass Spectrometry with Magnetic Sector with Inductively Coupled Plasma source (ICP-SFMS) of Plutonium Isotopes in Soil Samples

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    The aim of this work is twofold: to optimize the radiochemical separation of Plutonium (Pu) from soil samples, and to measure the Pu concentration. Soil samples were prepared using acid digestion assisted by microwaves; then, Pu purification was carried out with Pu AG1X8 resin. Pu isotopes were measured using Mass Spectrometry with Magnetic Sector with Inductively Coupled Plasma source (ICP-SFMS). In order to reduce the interference due to the presence of 238UH+ in the samples a desolvation system (Apex) was used. The limit of detection (LOD) of Pu was determined. The efficiency of Pu recovery from soil samples varies from 70 to 93%

    IoT Smart Parking System Based on the Visual-Aided Smart Vehicle Presence Sensor: SPIN-V

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    Humanity is currently experiencing one of the short periods of transition thanks to novel sensing solutions for smart cities that bring the future to today. Overpopulation of cities demands the development of solid strategic plannings that uses infrastructure, innovation, and technology to adapt to rapid changes. To improve mobility in cities with a larger and larger vehicle fleet, a novel sensing solution that is the cornerstone of a smart parking system, the smart vehicular presence sensor (SPIN-V, in its Spanish abbreviation), is presented. The SPIN-V is composed of a small single-board computer, distance sensor, camera, LED indicator, buzzer, and battery and devoted to obtain the status of a parking space. This smart mobility project involves three main elements, namely the SPIN-V, a mobile application, and a monitoring center, working together to monitor, control, process, and display the parking space information in real-time to the drivers. In addition, the design and implementation of the three elements of the complete architecture are presented.ITESO, A.C

    Vortices and domain walls in a Chern-Simons theory with magnetic moment interaction

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    We study the structure and properties of vortices in a recently proposed Abelian Maxwell-Chern-Simons model in 2+12 +1 dimensions. The model which is described by gauge field interacting with a complex scalar field, includes two parity and time violating terms: the Chern-Simons and the anomalous magnetic terms. Self-dual relativistic vortices are discussed in detail. We also find one dimensional soliton solutions of the domain wall type. The vortices are correctly described by the domain wall solutions in the large flux limit.Comment: To be published in Phys RevD 23 pages, RevTex, 5 figure

    Probing the innermost regions of AGN jets and their magnetic fields with RadioAstron II. Observations of 3C 273 at minimum activity

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    RadioAstron is a 10 m orbiting radio telescope mounted on the Spektr-R satellite, launched in 2011, performing Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry (SVLBI) observations supported by a global ground array of radio telescopes. With an apogee of about 350 000 km, it is offering for the first time the possibility to perform {\mu}as-resolution imaging in the cm-band. We present observations at 22 GHz of 3C 273, performed in 2014, designed to reach a maximum baseline of approximately nine Earth diameters. Reaching an angular resolution of 0.3 mas, we study a particularly low-activity state of the source, and estimate the nuclear region brightness temperature, comparing with the extreme one detected one year before during the RadioAstron early science period. We also make use of the VLBA-BU-BLAZAR survey data, at 43 GHz, to study the kinematics of the jet in a 1.5-year time window. We find that the nuclear brightness temperature is two orders of magnitude lower than the exceptionally high value detected in 2013 with RadioAstron at the same frequency (1.4x10^13 K, source-frame), and even one order of magnitude lower than the equipartition value. The kinematics analysis at 43 GHz shows that a new component was ejected 2 months after the 2013 epoch, visible also in our 22 GHz map presented here. Consequently this was located upstream of the core during the brightness temperature peak. These observations confirm that the previously detected extreme brightness temperature in 3C 273, exceeding the inverse Compton limit, is a short-lived phenomenon caused by a temporary departure from equipartition. Thus, the availability of interferometric baselines capable of providing {\mu}as angular resolution does not systematically imply measured brightness temperatures over the known physical limits for astrophysical sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis with AQP4 antibodies revealing ovarian teratoma.

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    Paraneoplastic myelitis is a rare inflammatory disorder most frequently associated with solid tumors or lymphoproliferative disorders. Patients often harbor onconeuronal antibodies and their prognosis is usually poor. Here we report a 42-year old woman with longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis and aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibodies that led to the diagnosis of ovarian teratoma. After tumor removal and immune therapy (including corticosteroids, plasma exchange, intravenous immunoglobulins and rituximab) the patient progressively improved achieving complete recovery. Histological study of the teratoma demonstrated neural tissue containing AQP4 expressing cells and intense inflammatory infiltrates, providing evidence for a possible paraneoplastic link between both disorders

    Symmetry-adapted formulation of the combined G-particle-hole hypervirial equation and Hermitian operator method

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    High accuracy energies of low-lying excited states, in molecular systems, have been determined by means of a procedure which combines the G-particle-hole hypervirial (GHV) equation method (Alcoba et al. in Int J Quantum Chem 109:3178, 2009) and the Hermitian operator (HO) one (Bouten et al. in Nucl Phys A 202:127, 1973). This work reports a suitable strategy to introduce the point group symmetry within the framework of the combined GHV-HO method, which leads to an improvement of the computational efficiency. The resulting symmetry-adapted formulation has been applied to illustrate the computer timings and the hardware requirements in selected chemical systems of several geometries. The new formulation is used to study the low-lying excited states torsional potentials in the ethylene molecule.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada