112 research outputs found

    Avaliação do nível de conhecimento e de hidratação em adolescentes praticantes de Futebol

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    Introduction: The state of hydration is determinant for the practice of physical activities. Thus, assessing the knowledge and level of hydration is critical to avoiding health problems related to dehydration. Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge and hydration of adolescents who are part of a soccer project. Materials and Methods: This is an observational and longitudinal study, with adolescents of the basic categories of UFJF football, male, aged between 13 and 17 years. Nutritional status was assessed according to BMI. The knowledge about hydration was evaluated through questionnaire and the level of hydration through weight and urine test (staining, pH and gravity), both before and after training. Results: Twenty-seven players were evaluated. According to urine color, 48.1% presented moderate dehydration. Regarding urine pH, 63% are acidic. About 80% of the density is hydrated. In the evaluation of the questionnaire it was identified that 81.5% of the players have the habit of moisturizing themselves during games with only cold water. They reported having some symptoms of dehydration as an intense thirst, in addition to having received basic guidance on hydration. Discussion: To diagnose the practice of hydration of the players allows an effective action for the correction of their habits, with strategies for the consumption of liquids before, during and after the games. Conclusion: It was verified that the players have a previous knowledge about hydration. However, they did not have a technical instruction on the subject, interfering in the level of hydration.Introdução: O estado de hidratação é determinante para a prática de atividades físicas. Assim, avaliar o conhecimento e o nível de hidratação é fundamental para evitar problemas de saúde relacionados à desidratação. Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de conhecimento e de hidratação de adolescentes integrantes do um projeto de futebol. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional e longitudinal, com adolescentes das categorias de base do futebol UFJF, sexo masculino, com idade entre 13 e 17 anos. O estado nutricional foi avaliado segundo o IMC. Avaliou-se o conhecimento sobre hidratação através de questionário e o nível de hidratação através do peso e exame de urina (colorações, pH e gravidades), ambos antes e após o treino. Resultados: Foram avaliados 27 jogadores. Segundo a cor da urina, 48,1% apresentaram desidratação moderada. Em relação ao pH da urina, 63% encontram-se ácidas. Sobre a densidade, cerca de 80% encontram-se hidratados. Na avaliação do questionário foi identificado que 81,5% dos jogadores têm o costume de hidratar-se durante os jogos, somente com água gelada. Relataram ter alguns sintomas de desidratação como sede intensa, além de já terem recebido orientação básica sobre hidratação. Discussão: Diagnosticar a prática de hidratação dos jogadores permite uma ação efetiva para a correção de seus hábitos, com estratégias para o consumo de líquidos antes, durante e depois dos jogos. Conclusão: Constatou-se que os jogadores têm um conhecimento prévio sobre hidratação. Porém, não tiveram uma instrução técnica sobre o assunto, interferindo no nível de hidratação. ABSTRACT Assessment of the level of knowledge and hydration in adolescents practicing soccerIntroduction: The state of hydration is determinant for the practice of physical activities. Thus, assessing the knowledge and level of hydration is critical to avoiding health problems related to dehydration. Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge and hydration of adolescents who are part of a soccer project. Materials and Methods: This is an observational and longitudinal study, with adolescents of the basic categories of UFJF football, male, aged between 13 and 17 years. Nutritional status was assessed according to BMI. The knowledge about hydration was evaluated through questionnaire and the level of hydration through weight and urine test (staining, pH and gravity), both before and after training. Results: Twenty-seven players were evaluated. According to urine color, 48.1% presented moderate dehydration. Regarding urine pH, 63% are acidic. About 80% of the density is hydrated. In the evaluation of the questionnaire it was identified that 81.5% of the players have the habit of moisturizing themselves during games with only cold water. They reported having some symptoms of dehydration as an intense thirst, in addition to having received basic guidance on hydration. Discussion: To diagnose the practice of hydration of the players allows an effective action for the correction of their habits, with strategies for the consumption of liquids before, during and after the games. Conclusion: It was verified that the players have a previous knowledge about hydration. However, they did not have a technical instruction on the subject, interfering in the level of hydration

    Perfil clínico e demográfico de crianças e adolescentes portadores de estomia atendidos em serviço de referência - Clinical and demographic profile of children and adolescents with ostomy treated at a reference service

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    Objetivo: levantar o perfil clínico-epidemiológico de crianças e adolescentes com estomia atendidos em um serviço de referência. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal e quantitativo realizado em 13 prontuários de crianças e adolescentes estomizados atendidos em serviço de referência. Resultados: 38,4% eram lactentes e 30,8% pré-escolares. 76,9% eram do sexo masculino, 53.8% eram brancos, 23,1% tem renda familiar de até um salário mínimo e 76,9% têm a mãe como cuidadora. 38,4% tem a imperfuração anal como a causa mais comum da estomia. 100% das crianças tem colostomia, 53,8% tem o estoma em  caráter temporário e 46,2% apresentou a dermatite de contato como complicação. Conclusão: o estudo demonstrou uma prevalência de lactentes e pré-escolares, do sexo masculino, da raça branca. A imperfuração anal emergiu como a causa mais comum do estoma e a dermatite de contato foi considerada a complicação mais comum

    Sequelas tardias de retinopatia da prematuridade em paciente não exposto aos fatores de risco – Um relato de caso / Late sequelae of retinopathy of prematurity in a patient not exposed to risk factors - A case report

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    Objetivo: Relatar caso raro de paciente com retinopatia da prematuridade  sem exposição aos fatores de risco. Relato de caso: Paciente, 13 anos, com quadro de baixa acuidade visual, durante investigação levantada hipótese diagnóstica de retinopatia da prematuridade, diagnóstico confirmado posteriormente após realização de exames complementares. Conclusão: A ausência de exposição aos fatores de risco foi o principal fator determinante para um diagnóstico tardio de retinopatia da prematuridade, de modo a impedir o tratamento em tempo hábil para evitar a perda irreversível da visão.


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    Prochilodus brevis is a fish species with an important ecological and economic role. Therefore, its captive breeding, together with sperm cryopreservation, come as an alternative to improve its availability. To perform sperm cryopreservation with quality results, it is necessary to develop studies on cryomedia composition, such as non-permeable cryoprotectants. The aim of the study was to test the efficacy of two non-permeable cryoprotectants on post-thawed kinetic parameters of Prochilodus brevis sperm. Twenty reproductive mature P. brevis males were selected and induced to sperm with carp pituitary extract. The sperm was collected, and five pools were made. Pools were diluted in 5% glucose and 10% DMSO added or not with three different concentrations of egg yolk (5; 10 or 12%). The samples were placed on French straws, frozen in dry shipper and stored in liquid nitrogen. After thawing, the kinetic analyses of computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) were performed. There were no significant differences between the total motility of the control (60.48%) and treatments (49.0; 47.8 and 51.68%, respectively). The other kinetic parameters also showed no statistical difference. Thus, there is no need to use egg yolk in the freezing of P. brevis sperm when using a glucose and DMSO extender.Prochilodus brevis é uma espécie de peixe com importante papel ecológico e econômico. Portanto, sua criação em cativeiro, juntamente com a criopreservação do sêmen, surge como uma alternativa para melhorar sua disponibilidade. Para realizar a criopreservação de espermatozóides com resultados de qualidade, é necessário desenvolver estudos sobre a composição dos criomeios, como os crioprotetores não permeáveis. O objetivo do estudo foi testar a eficácia de dois crioprotetores não permeáveis nos parâmetros cinéticos pós-descongelamento do esperma de Prochilodus brevis. Vinte machos maduros reprodutivos de P. brevis foram selecionados e induzidos ao esperma com extrato de hipófise de carpa. O esperma foi coletado e cinco pools foram feitos. Os pools foram diluídos em glicose 5% e DMSO 10% adicionado ou não com três diferentes concentrações de gema de ovo (5; 10 ou 12%). As amostras foram colocadas em palhetas francesas, congeladas em dry shipper e armazenadas em nitrogênio líquido. Após o descongelamento, foram realizadas as análises cinéticas de espermatozoides assistidos por computador (CASA). Não houve diferenças significativas entre a motilidade total do controle (60,48%) e tratamentos (49,0; 47,8 e 51,68%, respectivamente). Os demais parâmetros cinéticos também não apresentaram diferença estatística. Assim, não há necessidade de usar gema de ovo no congelamento de esperma de P. brevis quando se usa um diluidor de glicose e DMSO

    Prospecção fitoquímica e avaliação das atividades antimicrobiana e antioxidante de espécies de Arecaceae

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    Introduction: The incidence of microorganisms resistant to conventional therapies awakens the need for development of new antimicrobials. Objective: In this study, we evaluated the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of ethanolic extracts of Bactris gasipaes Kunth leaves (BGFoEt), Manicaria saccifera Gaertn. (MSFoEt), fruits and roots of Mauritia flexuosa L.f. (MFFrEt and MFREt), seeds of Ptychosperma pullenii Essig (PPSEt), pulp of Raphia vinifera P. Beauv. (RVPoEt), Syagrusschizophylla (Mart.) Glassman fruits (SSFrEt) and the aqueous extract of Areca catechu L. fruits. (ACFrAq). Materials and methods: Phytochemical analyses, determination of flavonoid content, determination of antioxidant potential, through phosphomolybdenum complex reduction, DPPH radical reduction and inhibition of β-carotene/linoleic acid system, and antimicrobial activity, through determination of minimum inhibitory concentration, were performed. Results: Phytochemical prospection revealed the presence of alkaloids, coumarins, tannins, triterpenes, steroids, flavonoids and anthraquinones. The total flavonoid content ranged from 17.9 to 76.2 mg/g rutin equivalent. The MSFoEt, RVPoEt, PPSEt and MFREt extracts showed significant results for phosphomolybdenum complex reduction (83±0.3; 106±1.8; 25±1.6 and 29±4.5 % of antioxidant activity relative to quercetin, respectively) and DPPH radical inhibition (CE50 of 1.0±0.2; 1.7±0.2; 8.4±0.7 and 3.8±0.3 μg/mL, respectively). For these extracts, the β-carotene/linoleic acid method was performed, with oxidation inhibition percentage of 49.0±2.6; 41.4±0.6; 45.0±1.9 and 51.4±1.7 %, respectively. As for antimicrobial activity, all extracts inhibited at least one microorganism, and MFREt obtained more promising results, especially for Enterococcus faecalis (MIC 8 μg/mL) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (MIC 16 μg/mL), respectively. Conclusion: Arecaceae species extracts revealed significant antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Further studies are needed to understand the results found.Introdução: A incidência de microrganismos resistentes a terapias convencionais desperta a necessidade no desenvolvimento de novos antimicrobianos.  Além disso, o dano celular gerado em decorrência da produção de radicais livres na presença de patógenos também configura um fator importante para a busca de novos compostos bioativos. Objetivo: Avaliar as atividades antioxidante e antimicrobiana dos extratos etanólicos das folhas de Bactris gasipaes Kunth (BGFoEt), folhas de Manicaria saccifera Gaertn. (MSFoEt), frutos e raízes de Mauritia flexuosa L.f. (MFFrEt e MFREt), sementes de Ptychosperma pullenii Essig (PPSEt), polpa de Raphia vinífera P. Beauv. (RVPoEt), frutos de Syagrusschizophylla (Mart.) Glassman (SSFrEt) e do extrato aquoso de frutos de Areca catechu L. (ACFrAq). Materiais e Métodos: Foram realizadas análises fitoquímicas, determinação do teor de flavonoides, determinação do potencial antioxidante, através de redução do complexo fosfomolibdênio, redução do radical DPPH e inibição do sistema β-caroteno/ácido linoleico, e atividade antimicrobiana, através da determinação da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM). Resultados: A prospecção fitoquímica revelou a presença de alcalóides, cumarinas, taninos, triterpenos, esteroides, flavonoides e antraquinonas. O teor de flavonoides totais variou entre 17,9 e 76,2 mg/g equivalentes à rutina. Os extratos MSFoEt, RVPoEt, PPSEt e MFREt apresentaram resultados significativos para redução do complexo fosfomolibdênio (83±0,3; 106±1,8; 25±1,6 e 29±4,5 % da atividade antioxidante relativa à quercetina, respectivamente) e inibição do radical DPPH (CE50 de 1,0±0,2; 1,7±0,2; 8,4±0,7 e 3,8±0,3 μg/mL, respectivamente). Para estes extratos realizou-se o método β-caroteno/ácido linoleico, com porcentagem de inibição da oxidação de 49,0±2,6; 41,4±0,6; 45,0±1,9 e 51,4±1,7 %, respectivamente.  Conclusão: Neste trabalho foram identificados extratos de espécies da família Arecaceae com significativa atividade antioxidante e antimicrobiana com destaque para a espécie M. flexuosa. As atividades apresentadas podem estar relacionadas aos metabólitos encontrados nos extratos, principalmente os flavonoides. No entanto, mais estudos são necessários para compreender os resultados encontrados

    Erythrina velutina Willd. alkaloids: Piecing biosynthesis together from transcriptome analysis and metabolite profiling of seeds and leaves

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    Introduction: Natural products of pharmaceutical interest often do not reach the drug market due to the associated low yields and difficult extraction. Knowledge of biosynthetic pathways is a key element in the development of biotechnological strategies for plant specialized metabolite production. The scarce studies regarding non-model plants impair advances in this field. Erythrina spp. are mainly used as central nervous system depressants in folk medicine and are important sources of bioactive tetracyclic benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, which can act on several pathology-related biological targets. Objective: Herein the purpose is to employ combined transcriptome and metabolome analyses (seeds and leaves) of a non-model medicinal Fabaceae species grown in its unique arid natural habitat. The study tries to propose a putative biosynthetic pathway for the bioactive alkaloids by using an omic integrated approach. Methods: The Next Generation Sequencing-based transcriptome (de novo RNA sequencing) was carried out in a Illumina NextSeq 500 platform. Regarding the targeted metabolite profiling, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to a micrOTOF-QII, High Resolution Mass Spectrometer, were used. Results: This detailed macro and micromolecular approach applied to seeds and leaves of E. velutina revealed 42 alkaloids by metabolome tools. Based on the combined evidence, 24 gene candidates were put together in a putative pathway leading to the singular alkaloid diversity of this species. Conclusion: These results contribute by indicating potential biotechnological targets Erythrina alkaloids biosynthesis as well as to improve molecular databases with omic data from a non-model medicinal plant. Furthermore, they reveal an interesting chemical diversity in Erythrina velutina harvested in Caatinga. Last, but not least, this data may also contribute to tap Brazilian biodiversity in a rational and sustainable fashion, promoting adequate public policies for preservation and protection of sensitive areas within the Caatinga

    Câncer ginecológico e suas políticas públicas sob a perspectiva de Peplau

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    When paralleling the Interpersonal Theory with public health policies in Brazil and the assistance to women in health promotion, prevention or treatment of gynecological cancer, it is reflected that gynecological cancer in women is seen by the woman herself as a part of your self, is your femininity, your identity; concepts which are deeply crushed by the news of a cancer diagnosis. In view of the exchange of experiences at the time of assistance, Peplau states that the assistance and the relationship of those involved are influenced by the external environment (environment), internal environment (personality, lived experiences, religion, culture) and the professional's posture. In this scenario of a fragile and frightened woman, often without due privacy or attention due to the lack of inputs, structure and high demand from the public health service in Brazil, her assistance can be compromised, precisely because she does not have interpersonal skills, either in promotion health, prevention or treatment. It can be said that information is a precious asset when it comes to health care. In addition to the correct information, the nursing professional and the others who form the multidisciplinary team need to have an empathetic, humanized, welcoming attitude, based on science, ethics and respect for the woman's life, in order to pass the correct information in the correct way for greater adherence. Given “golden assistance”, it is only possible based on public training policies for its employees, which certainly not only update and train professionals, they save lives.Ao realizar um paralelo da Teoria Interpessoal com as políticas públicas de saúde do Brasil e a assistência à mulher na promoção da saúde, prevenção ou tratamento de câncer ginecológico, reflete-se que o câncer ginecológico em mulheres é visto pela própria mulher como uma parte do seu eu, é a sua feminilidade, sua identidade; conceitos os quais são profundamente esmagados com a notícia de um diagnóstico de câncer. Tendo em vista a troca de experiências na hora da assistência, Peplau afirma que a assistência e o relacionamento dos envolvidos são influenciados pelo meio externo (ambiente), meio interno (personalidade, experiências vividas, religião, cultura) e pela postura do profissional. Neste cenário de uma mulher fragilidade e amedrontada, muitas vezes sem a devida privacidade ou atenção pela falta de insumos, estrutura e alta demanda do serviço público de saúde do Brasil, sua assistência pode ser comprometida, justamente por não ter a interpessoalidade, seja na promoção da saúde, prevenção ou tratamento. Pode-se dizer que a informação é um bem precioso quando se trata de assistência à saúde. Além da informação correta, o profissional de enfermagem e os demais que formam a equipe multidisciplinar precisam ter uma postura empática, humanizada, de acolhimento, fundamentadas na ciência, ética e respeito à vida da mulher, a fim de passar a informação correta da forma correta para a maior adesão. Dada “assistência de ouro” só é possível a partir de políticas públicas de capacitação de seus colaboradores que, certamente, não apenas atualizam e capacitam o profissional, salvam vidas

    Erythrina velutina Willd. alkaloids : piecing biosynthesis together from transcriptome analysis and metabolite profiling of seeds and leaves

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    Introduction: Natural products of pharmaceutical interest often do not reach the drug market due to the associated low yields and difficult extraction. Knowledge of biosynthetic pathways is a key element in the development of biotechnological strategies for plant specialized metabolite production. Erythrina species are mainly used as central nervous system depressants in folk medicine and are important sources of bioactive tetracyclic benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIAs), which can act on several pathology-related biological targets. Objectives: In this sense, in an unprecedented approach used with a non-model Fabaceae species grown in its unique arid natural habitat, a combined transcriptome and metabolome analyses (seeds and leaves) is presented. Methods: The Next Generation Sequencing-based transcriptome (de novo RNA sequencing) was carried out in a NextSeq 500 platform. Regarding metabolite profiling, the High-resolution Liquid Chromatography was coupled to DAD and a micrOTOF-QII mass spectrometer by using electrospray ionization (ESI) and Time of Flight (TOF) analyzer. The tandem MS/MS data were processed and analyzed through Molecular Networking approach. Results: This detailed macro and micromolecular approach applied to seeds and leaves of E. velutina revealed 42 alkaloids, several of them unique. Based on the combined evidence, 24 gene candidates were put together in a putative pathway leading to the singular alkaloid diversity of this species. Conclusion: Overall, these results could contribute by indicating potential biotechnological targets formodulation of erythrina alkaloids biosynthesis as well as improve molecular databases with omic data from a non-model medicinal plant, and reveal an interesting chemical diversity of Erythrina BIA harvested in Caatinga

    Poly (A)+ Transcriptome Assessment of ERBB2-Induced Alterations in Breast Cell Lines

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    We report the first quantitative and qualitative analysis of the poly (A)+ transcriptome of two human mammary cell lines, differentially expressing (human epidermal growth factor receptor) an oncogene over-expressed in approximately 25% of human breast tumors. Full-length cDNA populations from the two cell lines were digested enzymatically, individually tagged according to a customized method for library construction, and simultaneously sequenced by the use of the Titanium 454-Roche-platform. Comprehensive bioinformatics analysis followed by experimental validation confirmed novel genes, splicing variants, single nucleotide polymorphisms, and gene fusions indicated by RNA-seq data from both samples. Moreover, comparative analysis showed enrichment in alternative events, especially in the exon usage category, in ERBB2 over-expressing cells, data indicating regulation of alternative splicing mediated by the oncogene. Alterations in expression levels of genes, such as LOX, ATP5L, GALNT3, and MME revealed by large-scale sequencing were confirmed between cell lines as well as in tumor specimens with different ERBB2 backgrounds. This approach was shown to be suitable for structural, quantitative, and qualitative assessment of complex transcriptomes and revealed new events mediated by ERBB2 overexpression, in addition to potential molecular targets for breast cancer that are driven by this oncogene