7 research outputs found

    Uncommon oral manifestation of lichen sclerosus : critical analysis of cases reported from 1957 to 2016

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    Lichen sclerosus is a mucocutaneous autoimmune disease which might be initiated by infectious pathogens as Borrelia Bugrdorferi and HPV. This disease shows destructive potential and is rarely diagnosed in oral mucosa. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the characteristics of cases described in literature from 1957 to 2016, looking to provide valuable evidence about clinicopathologic features of this disease. A MedLine search was performed aiming to find oral lichen sclerosus cases in literature and discuss its demographical and pathological characteristics as well as treatment methods performed for these cases. 34 oral lichen sclerosus cases with histological confirmation and one clinicopathologic study linked with this disease were found in literature. Oral lichen sclerosus affected most commonly female patients, were asymptomatic and not associated to skin or genital lesions. Furthermore, affected patients in a range of 7 ? 70-years old (Average age = 31.81). Oral lichen sclerosus is a rare pathologic process with slight predilection for prepubertal girls, for which topical corticosterois have demonstrated satisfactory therapeutic value

    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in young patients : a 26-year clinicopathologic retrospective study in a Brazilian specialized center

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    To describe the clinicopathologic profile of young patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and compare to middle-aged and elderly adults. Patients? individual records were reviewed for clinicopathologic data. Eighty-nine patients with age 18-45 years old met the inclusion criteria of the study. Two additional groups of middle-aged (n=89) and old (n=89) adults were set to comparative analysis. Young patients represented 11.9% of all patients diagnosed with HNSCC. Women were more affected by HNSCC in the young and elder groups (p= 0.04), and young patients were more prone to be non-smokers (p= 0.01) and have lymph node metastasis at the time of diagnosis (p=0.04). In the young group, patients diagnosed with the disease in advanced stages were more prone to have a positive familial history of cancer (p= 0.04), a positive status of alcohol consumption (p= 0.03), and to be heavy drinkers (p= 0.01). Survival was not different for the young group in comparison to the other groups. HNSCC in young patients had a different profile when compared to older patients, especially regarding sex and exposure to the classic risk factors for this disease. The survival of the young group is similar to the older groups and advanced clinical stage is predictor of worse survival

    Lesão bucal em paciente com sífilis: relato de caso / Oral lesion in a patient with syphilis: a case report

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    A sífilis é uma doença sexualmente transmissível ou congênita, oriunda da bactéria Treponema pallidum. Esta doença desenvolve-se em três fases, nas quais podem ocorrer diferentes manifestações orais. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar um caso de sífilis com manifestação oral. Paciente do sexo masculino, 20 anos de idade, feoderma, rocurou atendimento no Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas (CEO) no município de Fernandópolis/SP. Ao exame intraoral, foi observada uma mancha arredondada eritematosa em região mediana do palato mole e assintomática. Durante a anamnese o paciente relatou ter realizado exame de sífilis 2 semanas após o aparecimento da lesão e obteve resultado positivo. Iniciou-se o tratamento com Penicilina Benzatina e após 3 semanas do uso do medicamento, houve completa regressão da lesão. A sífilis é uma infecção bacteriana que pode mimetizar várias doenças, por este motivo, o conhecimento das manifestações orais em todos os seus estágios pelos cirurgiões-dentistas é fundamental para que eles estejam capacitados a executar um correto diagnóstico e tratamento das lesões

    Diagnosis and treatment of oral lichen sclerosus in a pediatric patient

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    Lichen sclerosus is an uncommon chronic inflammatory disease, which rarely affects the oral mucosa. Here, we describe the occurrence of oral lichen sclerosus with gingival destruction in a 12-year-old female patient. After diagnostic confirmation by histopathology, intralesional injection of corticosteroid was performed, producing satisfactory remission of the lesion36697897