80 research outputs found

    ¿Independiente e interdependiente? ¿Agencial y comunal? Autoconceptos de personas fusionadas con un grupo.

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    Four studies were conducted to examine how self and group identity fusion is related to self-construals, self-perception of agentic and communal traits, and the desire for self- and group verification. In study 1 (N1 = 244), identity fusion in relation to country and gender was examined, while in studies 2 (N2 = 164), and 3 (N3 = 166) participants’ relations with social groups important to and chosen by them were analyzed. Study 4 (N4 = 796) included football fans, and they described their relations with other fans. The results showed that high identity fusion was described by (a) high results for interdependent and independent self-construal, except when fusion with country was considered (studies 1, 2, and 4); (b) simultaneously high agency and communion (studies 3 and 4); and (c) a strong desire for self-verification at the group and personal levels of self-description. Se llevaron a cabo cuatro estudios para examinar cómo la auto identidad y la fusión grupal se relacionan con los autoconceptos, la autopercepción de rasgos agentes y comunales y el deseo de autocomprobación grupal. En el estudio 1 (N1 = 244), se examinó la fusión de identidad en relación con el país y el género, mientras que en los estudios 2 (N2 = 164) y 3 (N3 = 166) las relaciones de los participantes con los grupos sociales importantes y elegidos por ellos analizado. El Estudio 4 (N4 = 796) incluyó a los fanáticos del fútbol, y describieron sus relaciones con otros fanáticos. Los resultados mostraron que la alta fusión de identidad fue descrita por (a) los altos resultados para autoevaluación independiente e interdependiente, excepto cuando se consideró la fusión con el país (estudios 1, 2 y 4); (b) simultáneamente, alta agencia y comunión (estudios 3 y 4); y (c) un fuerte deseo de autovaloración en los niveles colectivos y personales de autodescripción

    Football supporters : group identity, perception of in-group and out-group members and pro-group action tendencies

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    A study of 568 football supporters from club communities in Poland examined whether willingness to engage in collective action would be independently predicted by perceived communal relationship with in group members and by perceived disengagement from and lack of acceptance of out-group members. The role of feeling of self-expansion related to participation in sport events was tested as well. The results indicate (a) a positive relationship between collective action and identity fusion; (b) a positive relationship between collective action tendencies and negative perception of out-group members; (c) an interaction effect between perception of out-group members and identity fusion on collective action tendency; (d) a significant mediating effect of self-expansion and group efficacy on the relationship between identity fusion and collective actions.Un estudio de 568 aficionados al fútbol de las comunidades de clubes de Polonia examinó si la predisposición a participar en una acción colectiva se prevería independientemente por la relación comunitaria percibida con los miembros del grupo y por la desconexión y la falta de aceptación de los miembros de fuera del grupo. También se puso a prueba el papel del sentimiento de autoexpansión relacionado con la participación en eventos deportivos. Los resultados indican (a) una relación positiva entre la acción colectiva y la fusión de identidad; (b) una relación positiva entre las tendencias de acción colectiva y la percepción negativa de los miembros de fuera del grupo; (c) un efecto de interacción entre la percepción de los miembros de fuera del grupo y la fusión de identidad en la tendencia de acción colectiva; (d) un efecto mediador significativo de la autoexpansión y la eficacia del grupo sobre la relación entre fusión de identidad y acciones colectivas.Um estudo de 568 partidários de futebol de comunidades de clubes na Polônia examinou se a vontade de se envolver em ações coletivas seria predita de forma independente pelo relacionamento comunal percebido com membros do grupo e pelo desconhecimento e falta de aceitação de membros fora do grupo. O papel do sentimento de auto-expansão relacionado à participação em eventos esportivos também foi testado. Os resultados indicam (a) uma relação positiva entre ação coletiva e fusão de identidade; (b) uma relação positiva entre tendências de ação coletiva e percepção negativa de membros fora do grupo; (c) um efeito de interação entre a percepção dos membros fora do grupo e a fusão da identidade na tendência da ação coletiva; (d) um efeito mediador signicativo da auto-expansão e da ecácia grupal na relação entre fusão identitária e ações coletivas

    Polish version of the Cognitive Distortions Scale (CDS): Preliminary validation and personality correlates

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    BackgroundThe aim of the two research studies presented in this article was to test the reliability and validity of the Polish version of the Cognitive Distortions Scale (CDS). The relation of the CDS to psychological measures of well-being and other theoretically relevant variables was also explored.Participants and procedureTwo correlational studies were conducted with psychology undergraduate students and their family members (n = 196 and n = 90, respectively). Participants completed a paper-pencil set of questionnaires that contained measures of cognitive errors (study 1) and scales related to perceived quality of life and psychological well-being (study 2).ResultsPreliminary results supported the reliability of the Polish version of CDS (with Cronbach’s α .91 and .90) and convergent validity as indicated by correlations with maladaptive self-views and perceived relationship quality.ConclusionsThe Polish version of CDS appears to be a reliable and valid measure of cognitive distortions

    Country-level and individual-level predictors of men's support for gender 20 equality in 42 countries

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    Men sometimes withdraw support for gender equality movements when their higher gender status is threatened. Here, we expand the focus of this phenomenon by examining it cross5 culturally, to test if both individual- and country-level variables predict men’s collective action intentions to support gender equality. We tested a model in which men’s zero-sum beliefs about gender predict reduced collective action intentions via an increase in hostile sexism. Because country-level gender equality may threaten men’s higher gender status, we also examined whether the path from zero-sum beliefs to collective action intentions was stronger in countries higher in gender equality. Multilevel modeling on 6,781 men from 42 countries supported the individual-level mediation model, but found no evidence of moderation by country-level gender equality. Both country-level gender equality and individual-level zero-sum thinking independently predicted reductions in men’s willingness to act collectively for gender equality

    Materialist and Post-Materialist Concerns and the Wish for a Strong Leader in 27 Countries

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    There is evidence that democracies are under threat around the world while the quest for strong leaders is increasing. Although the causes of these developments are complex and multifaceted, here we focus on one factor: the extent to which citizens express materialist and post-materialist concerns. We explore whether objective higher levels of democracy are differentially associated with materialist and post-materialist concerns and, in turn, whether this is related to the wish for a strong leader. Testing this hypothesis across 27 countries (N = 5,741) demonstrated a direct negative effect of democracies' development on the wish for a strong leader. Further, multi-level mediation analysis showed that the relation between the Democracy Index and the wish for a strong leader was mediated by materialist concerns. This pattern of results suggests that lower levels of democracy are associated with enhanced concerns about basic needs and this is linked to greater support for strong leaders.Peer reviewe

    Materialist and Post-Materialist Concerns and the Wish for a Strong Leader in 27 Countries

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    There is evidence that democracies are under threat around the world while the quest for strong leaders is increasing. Although the causes of these developments are complex and multifaceted, here we focus on one factor: the extent to which citizens express materialist and post-materialist concerns. We explore whether objective higher levels of democracy are differentially associated with materialist and post-materialist concerns and, in turn, whether this is related to the wish for a strong leader. Testing this hypothesis across 27 countries (N = 5,741) demonstrated a direct negative effect of democracies' development on the wish for a strong leader. Further, multi-level mediation analysis showed that the relation between the Democracy Index and the wish for a strong leader was mediated by materialist concerns. This pattern of results suggests that lower levels of democracy are associated with enhanced concerns about basic needs and this is linked to greater support for strong leaders.Peer reviewe

    Measuring collective action intention toward gender equality across cultures

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    Collective action is a powerful tool for social change and is fundamental to women and girls’ empowerment on a societal level. Collective action towards gender equality could be understood as intentional and conscious civic behaviors focused on social transformation, questioning power relations, and promoting gender equality through collective efforts. Various instruments to measure collective action intentions have been developed, but to our knowledge none of the published measures were subject to invariance testing. We introduce the gender equality collective action intention (GECAI) scale and examine its psychometric isomorphism and measurement invariance, using data from 60 countries (N = 31,686). Our findings indicate that partial scalar measurement invariance of the GECAI scale permits conditional comparisons of latent mean GECAI scores across countries. Moreover, this metric psychometric isomorphism of the GECAI means we can interpret scores at the country-level (i.e., as a group attribute) conceptually similar to individual attributes. Therefore, our findings add to the growing body of literature on gender based collective action by introducing a methodologically sound tool to measure collective action intentions towards gender equality across cultures.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Measuring collective action intention toward gender equality across cultures

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    Collective action is a powerful tool for social change and is fundamental to women and girls’ empowerment on a societal level. Collective action towards gender equality could be understood as intentional and conscious civic behaviors focused on social transformation, questioning power relations, and promoting gender equality through collective efforts. Various instruments to measure collective action intentions have been developed, but to our knowledge none of the published measures were subject to invariance testing. We introduce the gender equality collective action intention (GECAI) scale and examine its psychometric isomorphism and measurement invariance, using data from 60 countries (N = 31,686). Our findings indicate that partial scalar measurement invariance of the GECAI scale permits conditional comparisons of latent mean GECAI scores across countries. Moreover, this metric psychometric isomorphism of the GECAI means we can interpret scores at the country-level (i.e., as a group attribute) conceptually similar to individual attributes. Therefore, our findings add to the growing body of literature on gender based collective action by introducing a methodologically sound tool to measure collective action intentions towards gender equality across cultures