3,121 research outputs found

    Describing many-body localized systems in thermal environments

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    In this work we formulate an efficient method for the description of fully many-body localized systems in weak contact with thermal environments at temperature T. The key idea is to exploit the representation of the system in terms of quasi-local integrals of motion (l-bits) to efficiently derive the generator for the quantum master equation in Born-Markov approximation. We, moreover, show how to compute the steady state of this equation efficiently by using quantum-jump Monte-Carlo techniques as well as by deriving approximate kinetic equations of motion. As an example, we consider a one-dimensional disordered extended Hubbard model for spinless fermions, for which we derive the l-bit representation approximately by employing a recently proposed method valid in the limit of strong disorder and weak interactions. Coupling the system to a global thermal bath, we study the transport between two leads with different chemical potentials at both of its ends. We find that the temperature-dependent current is captured by an interaction-dependent version of Mott's law for variable range hopping, where transport is enhanced/lowered depending on whether the interactions are attractive or repulsive, respectively. We interpret these results in terms of spatio-energetic correlations between the l-bits

    Thermal susceptibility of the Planck-LFI receivers

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    This paper is part of the Prelaunch status LFI papers published on JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/jinst . This paper describes the impact of the Planck Low Frequency Instrument front end physical temperature fluctuations on the output signal. The origin of thermal instabilities in the instrument are discussed, and an analytical model of their propagation and impact on the receivers signal is described. The experimental test setup dedicated to evaluate these effects during the instrument ground calibration is reported together with data analysis methods. Finally, main results obtained are discussed and compared to the requirements.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Instrumentation. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at 10.1088/1748-0221/4/12/T1201

    Winter pruning: Effect on root density, root distribution and root/canopy ratio in vitis vinifera cv. Pinot Gris

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    As in any other plant, the grapevine roots play a vital role in terms of anchorage, uptake of water and nutrients, as well as storage and production of chemicals. Their behaviour and development depend on various factors, namely rootstock genetics, soil physical and chemical features, and field agronomic practices. Canopy management, involving techniques such as defoliation and pruning, could greatly influence root growth. To date, most of the studies on grapevine winter pruning have focused on the effects on yield and quality of the grapes achievable through different pruning systems and techniques, while knowledge regarding root distribution, development, and growth in relation to winter pruning is still not completely understood. In this context, the purpose of our study was to investigate the effect of winter pruning on the root system of field-grown Vitis vinifera cv. Pinot Gris grafted onto rootstock SO4. We compared two pruning treatments (pruned-P and no pruned-NP) and analysed the effect on root distribution and density, the root index, and the root sugar reserve. Root data were analysed in relation to canopy growth and yield, to elucidate the effect of winter pruning on the root/yield ratio. Our data indicated that: (1) winter pruning stimulated the root growth and distribution; (2) canopy development was not negatively affected by this technique; (3) no pruned treatment produced less growth of the roots but a larger canopy. Information regarding both root growth and root canopy ratio is important as it gives us an understanding of the relationship between the aerial and subterranean parts of the plant, how they compete, and finally, offers us the possibility to ponder on the cultural practices

    A dataset of tracer concentrations and meteorological observations from the Bolzano Tracer EXperiment (BTEX) to characterize pollutant dispersion processes in an Alpine valley

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    Abstract. The paper describes the dataset of concentrations and related meteorological measurements collected during the field campaign of the Bolzano Tracer Experiment (BTEX). The experiment was performed to characterize the dispersion of pollutants emitted from a waste incinerator in the basin of the city of Bolzano, in the Italian Alps. As part of the experiment, two controlled releases of a passive gas tracer (sulfur hexafluoride, SF6) were performed through the stack of the incinerator on 14 February 2017 for two different time lags, starting, respectively, at 07:00 and 12:45 LST. Samples of ambient air were collected at target sites with vacuum-filled glass bottles and polyvinyl fluoride bags, and they were later analyzed by means of a mass spectrometer (detectability limit 30 pptv). Meteorological conditions were monitored by a network of 15 surface weather stations, 1 microwave temperature profiler, 1 sodar and 1 Doppler wind lidar. The dataset represents one of the few examples available in the literature concerning dispersion processes in a typical mountain valley environment, and it provides a useful benchmark for testing atmospheric dispersion models in complex terrain. The dataset described in this paper is available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.898761 (Falocchi et al., 2019)

    Dynamic validation of the Planck/LFI thermal model

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    The Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) is an array of cryogenically cooled radiometers on board the Planck satellite, designed to measure the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the cosmic microwave backgrond (CMB) at 30, 44 and 70 GHz. The thermal requirements of the LFI, and in particular the stringent limits to acceptable thermal fluctuations in the 20 K focal plane, are a critical element to achieve the instrument scientific performance. Thermal tests were carried out as part of the on-ground calibration campaign at various stages of instrument integration. In this paper we describe the results and analysis of the tests on the LFI flight model (FM) performed at Thales Laboratories in Milan (Italy) during 2006, with the purpose of experimentally sampling the thermal transfer functions and consequently validating the numerical thermal model describing the dynamic response of the LFI focal plane. This model has been used extensively to assess the ability of LFI to achieve its scientific goals: its validation is therefore extremely important in the context of the Planck mission. Our analysis shows that the measured thermal properties of the instrument show a thermal damping level better than predicted, therefore further reducing the expected systematic effect induced in the LFI maps. We then propose an explanation of the increased damping in terms of non-ideal thermal contacts.Comment: Planck LFI technical papers published by JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/1748-022

    Threshold J/ψ−J/\psi- production in nucleon-nucleon collisions

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    We analyze J/ψ−J/\psi- production in nucleon-nucleon collisions near threshold in the framework of a general model independent formalism, which can be applied to any reaction N+N→N+N+V0N+N\to N+N+V^0, where V0=ωV^0=\omega, ϕ\phi, or J/ψJ/\psi. Such reactions show large isotopic effects: a large difference for pppp- and pnpn-collisions, which is due to the different spin structure of the corresponding matrix elements. The analysis of the spin structure and of the polarization observables is based on symmetry properties of the strong interaction. Using existing experimental data on the different decays of J/ψ−J/\psi-meson, we suggest a model for N+N→N+N+J/ψN+N\to N+N+J/\psi, based on t−t-channel η+π\eta+\pi-exchanges. We predict polarization phenomena for the n+p→n+p+J/ψn+p\to n+p+J/\psi-reaction and the ratio of cross sections for npnp and pppp-collisions. For the processes η(π)+N→N+J/ψ\eta(\pi)+N\to N+J/\psi we apply two different approaches: vector meson exchange and local four-particle interaction. In both cases we find larger J/ψJ/\psi-production in npnp-collisions, with respect to pppp-collisions.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Theory of solvation in polar nematics

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    We develop a linear response theory of solvation of ionic and dipolar solutes in anisotropic, axially symmetric polar solvents. The theory is applied to solvation in polar nematic liquid crystals. The formal theory constructs the solvation response function from projections of the solvent dipolar susceptibility on rotational invariants. These projections are obtained from Monte Carlo simulations of a fluid of dipolar spherocylinders which can exist both in the isotropic and nematic phase. Based on the properties of the solvent susceptibility from simulations and the formal solution, we have obtained a formula for the solvation free energy which incorporates experimentally available properties of nematics and the length of correlation between the dipoles in the liquid crystal. Illustrative calculations are presented for the Stokes shift and Stokes shift correlation function of coumarin-153 in 4-n-pentyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (5CB) and 4,4-n-heptyl-cyanopiphenyl (7CB) solvents as a function of temperature in both the nematic and isotropic phase.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Effect of Fourier filters in removing periodic systematic effects from CMB data

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    We consider the application of high-pass Fourier filters to remove periodic systematic fluctuations from full-sky survey CMB datasets. We compare the filter performance with destriping codes commonly used to remove the effect of residual 1/f noise from timelines. As a realistic working case, we use simulations of the typical Planck scanning strategy and Planck Low Frequency Instrument noise performance, with spurious periodic fluctuations that mimic a typical thermal disturbance. We show that the application of Fourier high-pass filters in chunks always requires subsequent normalisation of induced offsets by means of destriping. For a complex signal containing all the astrophysical and instrumental components, the result obtained by applying filter and destriping in series is comparable to the result obtained by destriping only, which makes the usefulness of Fourier filters questionable for removing this kind of effects.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Polarization effects in the reaction e++e−→ρ++ρ−e^++e^-\to \rho^+ +\rho^- and determination of the ρ−\rho - meson form factors in the time--like region

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    The electron positron annihilation reaction into four pion production has been studied, through the channel e++e−→ρˉ+ρe^++e^-\to \bar \rho+\rho . The differential (and total) cross sections and various polarization observables for this reaction have been calculated in terms of the electromagnetic form factors of the corresponding Îłâˆ—ÏÏ\gamma^*\rho\rho current. The elements of the spin--density matrix of the ρ−\rho -meson were also calculated. Numerical estimations have been done, with the help of phenomenological form factors obtained in the space--like region of the momentum transfer squared and analytically extended to the time-like region.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys Rev
