55 research outputs found

    La psicomotricidad y el trastorno del espectro autista (TEA)

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    El tema del este Trabajo de Fin de Grado pretende, dar a conocer la psicomotricidad como una disciplina que da al alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), la oportunidad de desarrollarse y adquirir conocimientos y habilidades, para mejorar así su desarrollo psicomotor. El trabajo empieza con una explicación teórica sobre la psicomotricidad y el Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), para luego dar paso a una propuesta de intervención realizada con un alumno autista de Educación Infantil. Tras la realización de dicha intervención, se expondrán los resultados obtenidos y las conclusiones, dónde se verá reflejado los beneficios que ha tenido esta intervención para el alumno.The theme of this Bachelor Thesis aims to present psychomotor skills as a discipline that gives students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the opportunity to develop and acquire knowledge and skills to improve their psychomotor development. The work begins with a theoretical explanation about psychomotor skills and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and then gives way to an intervention proposal made with an autistic student of Early Childhood Education. After the realization of this intervention, the results obtained and the conclusions will be exposed, where the benefits that this intervention has had for the student will be reflected.Departamento de PedagogíaGrado en Educación Primari

    Biomarcadores en tejido adiposo asociados a la temprana resolución de diabetes tipo 2 en pacientes sometidos a cirugía bariátrica

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    La obesidad se considera uno de los problemas más relevantes en salud pública. Existe una alta prevalencia de obesidad y sobrepeso en los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (DM). La cirugía bariátrica ha demostrado ser el tratamiento más eficaz en la pérdida de peso, así como en la mejoría o remisión de la DM. Sin embargo, se ha observado una respuesta interindividual variable, y algunos pacientes no alcanzan remisión de DM tras la intervención. El nexo de unión entre la obesidad y la DM no está aún claramente establecido. Se postula que la disfunción del tejido adiposo puede jugar un papel etiopatogénico fundamental en la respuesta a la cirugía bariátrica. Estudios recientes han señalado que la disminución en la expresión de los genes implicados en la lipogénesis puede estar implicada en la mejor evolución de los pacientes tras la cirugía. HIPÓTESIS Y OBJETIVO Valorar si la presencia de marcadores de inflamación en tejido adiposo visceral y subcutáneo podría estar implicada en la remisión de la diabetes a corto plazo tras la cirugía bariátrica. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS Estudiamos 43 pacientes diabéticos tratados con metformina con obesidad mórbida intervenidos de cirugía bariátrica (13 bypass gástrico, 13 derivación biliopancreátrica y 17 gastrectomía tubular) clasificados en función de la resolución o no de su diabetes a los 3 meses post-cirugía. Se definió remisión precoz de DM como glucemias basales ≤126mg/dl en ausencia de tratamiento farmacológico. Se determinaron los niveles de expresión génica en el tejido adiposo visceral (TAV) y subcutáneo (TAS) de IL-6, TNFalfa, CD11B, FASN, BCL2, CASP3 y PPARɣ. RESULTADOS Basalmente, los pacientes que presentaron remisión de DM no diferían antropométricamente de los pacientes que seguían siendo diabéticos a los 3 meses de la cirugía, excepto en los niveles de triglicéridos (p=0,046) y adiponectina (p<0,05). La mayoría de las variables medidas mejoran significativamente a los 3 meses tras la cirugía, tanto en aquellos pacientes que continúan siendo diabéticos como en los que se recuperan. Los obesos mórbidos a los que les desaparece la diabetes a los tres meses presentan en TAS una expresión génica significativamente más elevada de IL6 (p0,036), TNFα (p0,001) y CD11B (p0,048) que aquellos sujetos que continúan siendo diabéticos. En el análisis de regresión logística la única variable asociada a la presencia de diabetes a los tres meses de la cirugía fue TNFα en TAS (B-294,8, p0,014)(Cox-Snell R2 0,324). CONCLUSIONES Los obesos mórbidos que siguen siendo diabéticos tras la cirugía bariátrica no se diferencian antropométricamente de los que presentan remisión de DM a los 3 meses de la intervención. Un peor perfil inflamatorio del tejido adiposo subcutáneo, y en concreto, una mayor expresión de TNFalfa, está asociado a una mejor evolución de la DM a los 3 meses de la cirugía bariátrica

    Capacitação do cuidador informal para os cuidados a pessoas dependentes

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    No século XXI, um dos desafios para as nossas sociedades é o envelhecimento da população idosa. Com a idade avançada, as doença e/ou incapacidades conduzem à perda da autonomia, a uma maior dependência e a uma crescente necessidade de cuidados, quer de profissionais especializados, quer de cuidadores informais. Os cuidadores defrontam-se com necessidades e dificuldades que comprometem o autocuidado e, consequentemente, o bem- estar e a sua saúde, assim como os da pessoa cuidada. Com o objetivo de contribuir para a capacitação do cuidador informal para os cuidados a pessoas dependentes, foi desenvolvido um Projeto de Intervenção Comunitária, com base na metodologia do Planeamento em Saúde, tendo como referencial teórico a Teoria do Défice de Autocuidado de Orem, dirigido aos cuidadores informais do Concelho, com a aplicação de um questionário e da escala de Índice de Avaliação das Dificuldades do Cuidador na fase de diagnóstico de situação de saúde. Os resultados obtidos revelaram défice de autocuidado em várias áreas, tendo sido realizada intervenção utilizando como principal estratégia a educação para a saúde. As intervenções implementadas contribuíram para capacitar o cuidador informal a desenvolver estratégias de autocuidado que permitem minimizar os problemas e dificuldades sentidas, enfatizando a relevância do papel do enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem comunitária na promoção da saúde dos cuidadores informais.n the 21st century, one of the challenges for our societies is the ageing of the elderly population. With advanced age, illness and/or disability leads to loss of autonomy, increased dependence and a growing need for care, both from specialised professionals and informal carers. Caregivers face needs and difficulties that compromise self-care and, consequently, their well-being and health, as well as those of the person cared for. In order to contribute to the empowerment of the informal caregiver for the care of dependent people, a Community Intervention Project was developed, based on the Health Planning methodology, with Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory as a theoretical reference, aimed at informal caregivers in the Municipality, with the application of a questionnaire and the Caregiver Difficulties Assessment Index scale in the health situation diagnosis phase. The results obtained revealed a deficit in self-care in several areas, and an intervention was carried out using health education as the main strategy. The interventions implemented contributed to enable the informal caregiver to develop self-care strategies that allow minimising the problems and difficulties experienced, emphasising the relevance of the role of the nurse specialising in community nursing in promoting the health of informal caregivers

    O Direito à Participação nas Casas de Acolhimento Residencial

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    A discussão em torno dos direitos de participação que nesta dissertação se fez, irá refletir imagens, conceções e paradigmas vigentes sobre as crianças e jovens, emergindo assim a necessidade de as compreender como sujeitos de direitos, competentes e ativos, escutando-as nas decisões que afetam as suas vidas. O acolhimento residencial, enquanto resposta social, tem genericamente como objetivo a proteção da criança e jovem em situações que os seus direitos são violados, mas simultaneamente tem de os promover. Os resultados obtidos através da aplicação de questionários às crianças e jovens e às equipas educativas, afirmam que o direito à participação está presente no quotidiano das casas de acolhimento residencial. Relativamente às crianças e jovens, tem especial relevo nos assuntos que dizem respeito à definição do seu projeto de vida e assuntos relacionados com a escola, já nas equipas educativas, nos assuntos que dizem respeito a organização e dinâmica da casa de acolhimento residencial. Podemos ainda dizer que a equipa educativa considera importante que as crianças e jovens participem nos assuntos que lhe dizem respeito, nomeadamente o seu futuro, a escola, a família e os assuntos do dia-a-dia. / The discussion about participation rights in this dissertation will reflect existing images, conceptions and paradigms about children and young people, thus emerging the need to understand them as competent and active subjects of rights, listening to them in decisions that affect their lives. Residential Care, as a social response, is generally aimed at protecting children and young people in situations where their rights are violated, but at the same time have to promote them. The results obtained through the application of questionnaires to children and young people and educational teams, affirm that the right to participation is present in the daily life of residential homes. With regard to children and young people, it is especially important in matters relating to the definition of their life project and school-related matters, in educational teams, in matters concerning the organization and dynamics of the residential home. We can also say that the educational team considers it important that children and young people take part in matters that concern them, namely their future, school, family and everyday life

    Design of a molecularly imprinted stir-bar for isolation of patulin in apple and LC-MS/MS detection

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    Mycotoxins are a very diverse group of natural products produced as secondary metabolites by fungi. Patulin is produced by mold species normally related to vegetable-based products and fruit, mainly apple. Its ingestion may result in agitation, convulsions, edema, intestinal ulceration, inflammation, vomiting, and even immune, neurological or gastrointestinal disorders. For this reason, the European Commission Regulation (EC) 1881/2006 established a maximum content for patulin of 10 ppb in infant fruit juice, 50 ppb for fruit juice for adults and 25 ppb in fruit-derived products. In this work, a rapid and selective method based on magnetic molecularly imprinted stir-bar (MMISB) extraction has been developed for the isolation of patulin, using 2-oxindole as a dummy template. The final extraction protocol consisted of simply pouring in, stirring and pouring out samples and solvents from a beaker with the MMISB acting inside. The magnetic device provided satisfactory recoveries of patulin (60%–70%) in apple samples. The successful MMISB approach has been combined with high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) to determine patulin.This research was supported by the project EM 2012/153 from Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenacion Universitaria, Xunta de GaliciaS

    Magnetic molecularly imprinted stirring bar for isolation of patulin using grafting technique

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    The 19th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry session Polymer and Supramolecular ChemistryMycotoxins are low-molecular-weight natural products with great structural diversity produced as secondary metabolites by fungi. One of the principal toxic fungal metabolites is patulin (PAT), produced by over 30 genera of mold including species as Penicillium expansum or Penicillium griseofulvum, and normally related to vegetable-based products and fruit, mainly apple. These mold grow easily in damaged fruit or in derived-product as juices if storage conditions are deficient. Some of the most serious effects of PAT ingestion are agitation, convulsions, edema, ulceration intestinal, inflammation and vomiting. Thus, European Regulation 1881/2006 established a maximum content of 10 ppb in infant fruit juices, 50 ppb for fruit juices in adults and 25 ppb in fruit-derived products. Nowadays, the official analytical method for food adopted by AOAC International is HPLC with UV detection, using clean-up with ethyl acetate and sodium carbonate. However, the diverse drawbacks of this method (poor stability of PAT under alkaline extraction, poor resolution between PAT and co-extracted hydroxymethylfurfural) have originated interest in alternative options, such as LC methods coupled to mass spectrometry. In the last years, purification with molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) started to be used, and are becoming promising materials for extracting different analytes present in food. Mycotoxins are too toxic or too expensive to be used as template molecules in MIP preparation. Template “bleeding” may be an additional problem, especially when dealing with very low detection levels. In the present work, a rapid and selective method based on magnetic molecularly imprinted stir-bar (MMIB) extraction has been developed for the isolation of PAT. A structural analogue, 2-oxindole, was used as dummy template. The polymer was grafted to the silanized glass surface of the stir ba

    Development of a novel molecularly imprinted stir-bar for isolation of aflatoxins

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    The 19th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry session Polymer and Supramolecular ChemistryMycotoxins are natural substances produced as secondary metabolites by a wide variety of different species of filamentous fungi. One of the most important groups in terms of occurrence and toxicity, is the group of aflatoxins (AFs). The major members of this group are aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2, M1 and M2. Exposure to AFs can cause chronic and acute toxic effects or death, as they can be carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic and immunosuppressive. AFB1 is considered as the strongest carcinogen of natural origin and it is normally predominant in crops as well as in food products. Aflatoxin M1 is a major metabolite of aflatoxin B1 in humans and animals and it may be present in milk from animals fed with contaminated feed. Although the toxicity of M1 is about ten times lower than B1, it is known for its hepatotoxic and carcinogenic effects. Solid phase extraction (SPE) or the clean-up with organic solvents or immunoaffinity columns (IAC) have been frequently applied in the analysis of mycotoxins from cereals and/or milk. IAC in combination with HPLC are increasingly used as reference method due to their high selectivity and good elimination of matrix interferences. However, the cost of analysis is usually high. In recent years, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) have been become very popular and promising materials for extracting different analytes. AFs are too toxic to be used in MIP preparation and template bleeding may be an additional problem, especially when dealing with very low levels. For this reason, a dummy template was preferred for MIP synthesis. A rapid and selective extraction method based on magnetic MIP (MMIP) has been developed for the isolation of aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2, M1) using a combination of imprinted polymer and magnetite. The successful MMIP stirring “cake” (used as a stir-bar) has been combined with HPLC-MS/MS for the determination of AFM1 in milk powder (infant formulas) to demonstrate its applicability to real sample

    Quatro ilusões e um ano de guerra

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    Ao completar-se um ano sobre o início da guerra na Ucrânia, o IDN publica um Brief com um conjunto de análises e reflexões a cargo de académicos, militares e outros especialistas em relações internacionais. É unânime a conclusão que as ondas de choque desencadeadas a 24 de fevereiro de 2022 vão ter consequências perenes no campo da geopolítica e geoeconomia mundiais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of Adipose Tissue Zinc-Alpha 2-Glycoprotein Gene Expression and Its Relationship with Metabolic Status and Bariatric Surgery Outcomes in Patients with Class III Obesity

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    Zinc-α2 glycoprotein (ZAG) is an adipokine involved in adipocyte metabolism with potential implications in the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders. Our aim was to evaluate the relationship between visceral (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) ZAG expression and metabolic parameters in patients with class III obesity, along with the impact of basal ZAG expression on short- and medium-term outcomes related to bariatric surgery. 41 patients with class III obesity who underwent bariatric surgery were included in this study. ZAG gene expression was quantified in SAT and VAT. Patients were classified into two groups according to SAT and VAT ZAG percentile. Anthropometric and biochemical variables were obtained before and 15 days, 45 days, and 1 year after surgery. The lower basal SAT ZAG expression percentile was associated with higher weight and waist circumference, while the lower basal VAT ZAG expression percentile was associated with higher weight, waist circumference, insulin, insulin resistance, and the presence of metabolic syndrome. Basal SAT ZAG expression was inversely related to weight loss at 45 days after surgery, whereas no associations were found between basal VAT ZAG expression and weight loss after surgery. Additionally, a negative association was observed between basal SAT and VAT ZAG expression and the decrease of gamma-glutamyl transferase after bariatric surgery. Therefore, lower SAT and VAT ZAG expression levels were associated with an adverse metabolic profile. However, this fact did not seem to confer worse bariatric surgery-related outcomes. Further research is needed to assess the clinical significance of the role of ZAG expression levels in the dynamics of hepatic enzymes after bariatric surgeryThis study has been co-funded by FEDER funds (“A way to make Europe”). M.M. and L.G.S. are also supported by UMA18-FEDERJA-285 and UMA20-FEDERJA-144, co-funded by Malaga University, Junta de Andalucía and FEDER funds, CB06/03/0018, PI-0297-2018 and PI-0194-2017, co-funded by FEDER funds and Consejería de Salud y Familias, Junta de Andalucía, and CP17/00133, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag