32 research outputs found

    Menjar sobre rodes: estudi de com l'abastiment dels supermercats defineix la ciutat

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    L’ocupació de l’espai públic que fan els milers de camions que entren cada dia a Barcelona per abastir als supermercats és un procés imprescindible i opac que passa desapercebut als ulls de la ciutadania tot i el gran impacte que té en el seu dia a dia. Aquest estudi, busca grafiar i entendre com funciona la logística alimentària dels supermercats en l’anomenada última milla. I ho fa, en primer lloc, des d’una vessant social i antropològica, per veure com els supermercats han sigut partícips de les principals decisions que s’han pres a l’hora de configurar la ciutat. I, en segon lloc, des d’un punt de vista més tècnic i analític en el qual, a través de diferents grafismes, s’identifiquen els elements més característics dels supermercats així com possibles mancances i problemes. Finalment, el treball busca veure com es podrien aplicar noves modalitats de transport per solucionar alguns dels problemes detectats. Afegint, també, una ullada a com la ciència-ficció ha imaginat les ciutats i la logística del futur.La ocupación del espacio público que realizan los miles de camiones que entran cada día en Barcelona para abastecer a los supermercados es un proceso imprescindible y opaco que pasa desapercibido a los ojos de la ciudadanía a pesar del gran impacto que tiene en su día a día. Este estudio busca grafiar y entender cómo funciona la logística alimentaria de los supermercados en la llamada última milla. Y lo hace, en primer lugar, desde una vertiente social y antropológica, para ver cómo los supermercados han sido partícipes de las principales decisiones que se han tomado a la hora de configurar la ciudad. Y, en segundo lugar, desde un punto de vista más técnico y analítico en el que, a través de distintos grafismos, se identifican los elementos más característicos de los supermercados así como posibles carencias y problemas. Por último, el trabajo busca ver cómo se podrían aplicar nuevas modalidades de transporte para solucionar algunos de los problemas detectados. Añadiendo, también, un vistazo a cómo la ciencia ficción ha imaginado las ciudades y la logística del futuro.The occupation of public space by the thousands of lorries that enter Barcelona every day to supply supermarkets is an essential and opaque process that goes unnoticed by the public despite the great impact it has on their daily lives. This study seeks to chart and understand how supermarket food logistics works in the so-called last mile. And it does so, firstly, from a social and anthropological perspective, to see how supermarkets have been involved in the main decisions that have been taken in shaping the city. And secondly, from a more technical and analytical point of view in which, through different graphics, the most characteristic elements of supermarkets are identified, as well as possible shortcomings and problems. Finally, the work seeks to see how new modes of transport could be applied to solve some of the problems detected. It also takes a look at how science fiction has imagined the cities and logistics of the future

    Checklist of Heteroptera of Catalonia (Insecta, Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Version 2

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    [cat] Han passat deu anys des de la primera versió de la Llista dels Heteròpters de Catalunya (Goula et al., 2010b), i tant els canvis taxonòmics generals dins del subordre Heteroptera (Schuh & Weirauch, 2020) com les sinonímies i les incorporacions que s’han anat produint en aquesta dècada feien indefugible revisar i esmenar el document anterior. Els treballs nous sobre faunística dels heteròpters de Catalunya, publicats del 2010 ençà, consten a la relació de referències bibliogràfiques. El resultat és que la llista s’ha engruixit amb 9 gèneres i 21 espècies. També hi ha moltes famílies noves, la majoria de les quals provenen de la reestructuració dels Lygaeoidea (Henry, 1997), i que constaven com a subfamílies en el document del 2010. Només els Aphelocheiridae constitueixen una veritable nova aportació al coneixement dels heteròpters de Catalunya. Es fa palesa, així mateix, l’arribada d’unes quantes espècies exòtiques més, algunes invasores i d’altres no, les quals considerem ja establertes a la nostra fauna. En aquesta dècada, han vist la llum publicacions d’interès en relació amb els heteròpters ibèrics, que naturalment inclouen els que es troben a casa nostra. Són les checklists dels Aradoidea, Coreoidea i Pyrrhocoroidea (Roca-Cusachs et al., 2018a), dels Lygaeoidea (Costas et al., 2018), dels Miroidea (Goula et al., 2018b), dels Pentatomoidea (Roca- Cusachs et al., 2018b) i dels Microphysoidea (Goula et al., 2020b). I com a eines de divulgació, el manual general d’heteròpters (Goula & Mata, 2015), amb una extensa bibliografia i webgrafia ibèriques, i la guia de camp (Goula et al., 2018a), necessàriament breu si es té en compte la rica fauna d’heteròpters del nostre país. Per a la nomenclatura i la sistemàtica, s’han seguit Aukema (2018) i Schuh & Weirauch (2020), respectivament. Els tàxons es presenten per ordre filogènetic fins a nivell de família, i alfabèticament de subfamília a subespècie, segons la pauta de les checklists ibèriques abans esmentades, publicades pel Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid). El nombre de gèneres és de 416 i el d’espècies de 1.073.[eng] It has been ten years since the first version of the Checklist of Heteroptera of Catalonia (Goula et al., 2010b), and both the general taxonomic changes within the suborder Heteroptera (Schuh & Weirauch, 2020) and the synonimies and incorporations that took place in this decade made it necessary to review and amend the previous document. The new papers related to the fauna of the heteropterans of Catalonia, published from 2010 onwards, are included in the list of bibliographical references. The result is that the list has been enlarged with 9 genera and 21 species newly found in Catalonia. There are also many new families, most of them as a result of Lygaeoidea’s restructuring (Henry, 1997), which were included as subfamilies in the document of 2010. Only Aphelocheiridae are a new family for the Catalan fauna of Heteroptera. There is also evidence of the arrival of a few more exotic species, some invaders and others not, which we consider already established in our fauna. In this decade, articles of interest in relation to Iberian heteropterans, which naturally include those found in Catalonia, have been published. These are the checklists of Aradoidea, Coreoidea and Pyrrhocoroidea (Roca-Cusachs et al., 2018a), Lygaeoidea (Costas et al., 2018), Miroidea (Goula et al., 2018b), Pentatomoidea (Roca-Cusachs et al., 2018b) and Microphysoidea (Goula et al., 2020b). In addition, as tools for the dissemination, the general manual of Heteroptera (Goula & Mata, 2015), with extensive Iberian bibliography and webography, and the field guide (Goula et al., 2018a), necessarily brief in relation to the rich fauna of true bugs in our country. Aukema (2018) and Schuh & Weirauch (2020), respectively, have been followed as a basis for the nomenclature and systematics. The taxa are arranged according to phylogenetic order down to the family level, and alphabetically from subfamily to subspecies, considering the guidelines of above-mentioned Iberian checklists, published by the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid). The number of genera is 416 and the number of species is 1,073

    Trends in citations to books on epidemiological and statistical methods in the biomedical literature

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    Background: There are no analyses of citations to books on epidemiological and statistical methods in the biomedical literature. Such analyses may shed light on how concepts and methods changed while biomedical research evolved. Our aim was to analyze the number and time trends of citations received from biomedical articles by books on epidemiological and statistical methods, and related disciplines. Methods and Findings: The data source was the Web of Science. The study books were published between 1957 and 2010. The first year of publication of the citing articles was 1945. We identified 125 books that received at least 25 citations. Books first published in 1980-1989 had the highest total and median number of citations per year. Nine of the 10 most cited texts focused on statistical methods. Hosmer & Lemeshow's Applied logistic regression received the highest number of citations and highest average annual rate. It was followed by books by Fleiss, Armitage, et al., Rothman, et al., and Kalbfleisch and Prentice. Fifth in citations per year was Sackett, et al., Evidence-based medicine. The rise of multivariate methods, clinical epidemiology, or nutritional epidemiology was reflected in the citation trends. Educational textbooks, practice-oriented books, books on epidemiological substantive knowledge, and on theory and health policies were much less cited. None of the 25 top-cited books had the theoretical or sociopolitical scope of works by Cochrane, McKeown, Rose, or Morris. Conclusions: Books were mainly cited to reference methods. Books first published in the 1980s continue to be most influential. Older books on theory and policies were rooted in societal and general medical concerns, while the most modern books are almost purely on methods

    Multiple glacial refugia and contemporary dispersal shape the genetic structure of an endemic amphibian from the Pyrenees

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    Historical factors (colonization scenarios, demographic oscillations) and contemporary processes (population connectivity, current population size) largely contribute to shaping species’ present-day genetic diversity and structure. In this study, we use a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers to understand the role of Quaternary climatic oscillations and present-day gene flow dynamics in determining the genetic diversity and structure of the newt Calotriton asper (Al. Dugès, 1852), endemic to the Pyrenees. Mitochondrial DNA did not show a clear phylogeographic pattern and presented low levels of variation. In contrast, microsatellites revealed five major genetic lineages with admixture patterns at their boundaries. Approximate Bayesian computation analyses and linear models indicated that the five lineages likely underwent separate evolutionary histories and can be tracked back to distinct glacial refugia. Lineage differentiation started around the Last Glacial Maximum at three focal areas (western, central and eastern Pyrenees) and extended through the end of the Last Glacial Period in the central Pyrenees, where it led to the formation of two more lineages. Our data revealed no evidence of recent dispersal between lineages, whereas borders likely represent zones of secondary contact following expansion from multiple refugia. Finally, we did not find genetic evidence of sex-biased dispersal. This work highlights the importance of integrating past evolutionary processes and present-day gene flow and dispersal dynamics, together with multilocus approaches, to gain insights into what shaped the current genetic attributes of amphibians living in montane habitats.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics

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    Progress in genome sequencing now enables the large-scale generation of reference genomes. Various international initiatives aim to generate reference genomes representing global biodiversity. These genomes provide unique insights into genomic diversity and architecture, thereby enabling comprehensive analyses of population and functional genomics, and are expected to revolutionize conservation genomics

    Checklist of Heteroptera of Catalonia (Insecta, Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Version 2

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