1,000 research outputs found

    Fernão de Magalhães/Fernando de Magallanes: A state of the issue

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    La figura del portugués Fernão de Magalhães/Fernando de Magallanes es una importante página de la historia ibérica, ya que llevó a cabo la primera circunnavegación a la Tierra, hasta su muerte en Mactán. Sin embargo, su figura histórica se ha visto alterada con el paso de los siglos y con la incidencia de los contextos políticos o culturales. Por ello, se ofrece un amplio estudio historiográfico a la hora de proyectar la relevancia del personaje en la construcción de la Edad Moderna hasta el presente, así como una interpretación del personaje y del propio viajeThe Portuguese figure of the Fernão de Magalhães/Fernando de Magallanes marked an important turn in the Iberian history, since he carried out the first circumnavigation of the Earth, until he diedin Mactan. However, its historical figure has been altered with the passing of the centuries and the incidence of political or cultural contexts. Therefore, this paper offers an extensive historiographic study that highlights the relevance of the character in the construction of the Modern Age to the present, as well as an interpretation of the character and his own journe

    The molecular control of oil biosynthesis in Arabidopsis

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    The enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase exists in Arabidopsis as one plastidic heteromeric form and two homomeric isoforms, ACC1 and ACC2; with different subcellular localisations, ACC1 is cytosolic, while ACC2 is plastidial. Plants that are mutant for ACC1 show that this protein is essential for the synthesis of very long chain fatty acids in the developing seed of Arabidopsis, and is also required for correct patterning of cell division in the developing embryo. While the ACC1 gene is transcribed in both seed and leaves, the enzyme is only active in the seed at high levels, leading to the accumulation of storage triacyl glycerols (TAGs). In investigating the possible post-transcriptional control of ACC1 activity, we found that the ACC1 transcript is alternatively spliced. Analysis of ACC1 splice isoforms in both wildtype seedlings and in seedlings of the mdf1 loss-of-function mutant, which is defective in splicing control, shows that the ACC1 transcript has an alternative donor site in the 5' UTR, upstream of the translation start site. Leaf and seed show different proportions of spliced and non-spliced versions of the ACC1 transcript, with the non-spliced isoform being abundant in leaf, consistent with a role for splicing in regulating ACC1 activity. Mis-splicing of ACC1 in the mdf mutant or in transgenic MDF overexpressors is associated with aberrant cell division in the root meristem and ectopic lipid accumulation. Genetic complementation of the mdf mutant with a genomic sequence of the ACC1 gene under the control of the MDF gene promoter leads to a partial rescue of the meristematic activity in the root and shoot systems, enhancing the development of lateral roots and true leaves, respectively. These results show that correct splicing of ACC1 is required for both correct cell division and tissue development in Arabidopsis

    A differential diagnosis of inherited endocrine tumors and their tumor counterparts

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    Inherited endocrine tumors have been increasingly recognized in clinical practice, although some difficulties still exist in differentiating these conditions from their sporadic endocrine tumor counterparts. Here, we list the 12 main topics that could add helpful information and clues for performing an early differential diagnosis to distinguish between these conditions. The early diagnosis of patients with inherited endocrine tumors may be performed either clinically or by mutation analysis in at-risk individuals. Early detection usually has a large impact in tumor management, allowing preventive clinical or surgical therapy in most cases. Advice for the clinical and surgical management of inherited endocrine tumors is also discussed. In addition, recent clinical and genetic advances for 17 different forms of inherited endocrine tumors are briefly reviewed

    Food Insecurity and the Behavioral and Intellectual Development of Children: A Review of the Evidence

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    Background: Given that an alarming 1 in 5 children in the USA are at risk of hunger (1 in 3 among black and Latino children), and that 3.9 million households with children are food insecure, it is crucial to understand how household food insecurity (HFI) affects the present and future well-being of our children. Purpose: The objectives of this review article are to: (i) examine the association between HFI and child intellectual, behavioral and psycho-emotional development, controlling for socio-economic indicators; (ii) review the hypothesis that HFI is indeed a mediator of the relationship between poverty and poor child development outcomes; (iii) examine if the potential impact of HFI on caregivers’ mental health well-being mediates the relationship between HFI and child development outcomes. Methods: Pubmed search using the key words “food insecurity children.” For articles to be included they had to: (i) be based on studies measuring HFI using an experience-based scale, (ii) be peer reviewed, and (iii) include child intellectual, behavioral and/or socio-emotional development outcomes. Studies were also selected based on backward and forward Pubmed searches, and from the authors’ files. After reviewing the abstracts based on inclusion criteria a total of 26 studies were selected. Results: HFI represents not only a biological but also a psycho-emotional and developmental challenge to children exposed to it. Children exposed to HFI are more likely to internalize or externalize problems, as compared to children not exposed to HFI. This in turn is likely to translate into poor academic/cognitive performance and intellectual achievement later on in life. A pathway through which HFI may affect child development is possibly mediated by caregivers’ mental health status, especially parental stress and depression. Thus, HFI is likely to foster dysfunctional family environments. Conclusion: Findings indicate that food insecure households may require continued food assistance and psycho-emotional support until they transition to a “stable” food secure situation. This approach will require a much better integration of social policies and access to programs offering food assistance and mental health services to those in need. Findings also fully justify increased access of vulnerable children to programs that promote early in life improved nutrition as well as early psycho-social and cognitive stimulation opportunities

    Reverse engineering for industrial-environment cad models

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    International audienceIndustrial-environment CAD models are commonly represented by triangular meshes, which do not preserve original information about implicit surfaces used during design. The reverse-engineering algorithms presented in this paper focus on reconstructing implicit information, recovering original data. We propose two different approaches, a numerical one and an original topological approach. We explore specificities found in CAD meshes to achieve high effectiveness, reconstructing 90% of information from massive models (with millions of triangles) after few minutes of processing

    Modelagem e análise de funções de proteção anti-ilhamento de geradores distribuídos fotovoltaicos e térmicos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) — Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2022.A integração de geradores distribuídos (GD) vem crescendo significativamente em âmbito nacional e mundial, tendo como origem a busca pelo aproveitamento de diferentes fontes primárias de energia e a reestruturação do setor elétrico. A conexão de GDs traz diversos benefícios, entretanto também afeta o sistema elétrico de diversas maneiras. Dessa forma, tendo em vista essa tendência crescente de utilização dos GDs, torna-se fundamental avaliar os seus impactos, e dentre eles a detecção do ilhamento não-intencional. Nesse sentido a proteção anti-ilhamento deve detectar tal condição operativa para desconectar o GD da rede ou chavear para outro modo de controle, e simultaneamente não deve atuar incorretamente para eventos de outra natureza. Neste contexto, esta dissertação de mestrado lida com a avaliação das proteções anti-ilhamento baseadas nas medições de tensão e frequência. Com o intuito de avaliar o desempenho destes elementos de proteção, simulações computacionais foram realizados em um sistema de distribuição modelado no software ATPDraw (Alternative Transients Program), contendo simultaneamente GDs fotovoltaicos, interfaceados por inversores, e térmico, conectados diretamente à rede via gerador síncrono (GS). As simulações computacionais consistiram na análise da resposta em regime transitório, além de análise de sensibilidade paramétrica. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verifica-se que os tempos de atuação das funções de detecção analisadas são significativamente afetados quando existem GSs conectados à ilha, e a depender da situação, como no caso da abertura monopolar, a operação das funções foram significativamente afetadas. Os resultados obtidos indicam a necessidade de maior cuidado na parametrização das funções de detecção, bem como a necessidade de complementação com funções de detecção mais robustas e sensíveis para os casos específicos analisados, a fim de garantir maior confiabilidade e segurança para a rede elétrica.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).The integration of distributed generators (DG) has been growing significantly nationally and worldwide, having its origin on the search for the use of different primary energy sources and the restructuring of the electric sector. The connection of DGs brings several benefits, however it also affects the electrical system in several ways. Thus, given this growing trend in the use of DGs, it is essential to assess their impacts, and among them the detection of unintentional islanding. In this context, the anti-islanding protection must detect such an operating condition to disconnect the DG from the network or switch to another control mode, and simultaneously it must not act incorrectly for events of another nature. In this context, this master’s dissertation deals with the evaluation of anti-islanding protections based on voltage and frequency measurements. In order to evaluate the performance of these protection elements, computer simulations were carried out in a distribution system modeled in ATPDraw (Alternative Transients Program), containing simultaneously photovoltaic GDs, interfaced by inverters, and thermoelectric, connected directly to the grid via a synchronous generator. The computer simulations consisted of the transient response analysis, in addition to parametric sensitivity analysis. According to the results obtained, it appears that the operating times of the analyzed detection functions are significantly affected when there are GSs connected to the island, and depending on the situation, as in the case of single-pole tripping, the operation of the functions were significantly affected. The results obtained indicate the need for greater care in the parameterization of the islanding detection functions, as well as the complementation of more robust and sensitive functions for the specific cases analyzed, in order to guarantee greater reliability and safety for the electrical network

    Análise da estratégia de abertura monopolar na proteção de redes de distribuição

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    Trabalho de Conclusão Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2019.Neste trabalho é realizado uma análise da estratégia de abertura monopolar na proteção de sobrecorrente não-direcional de redes de distribuição. O objetivo principal é analisar o correto funcionamento dos equipamentos de proteção modelados, como sua coordenação e seletivi- dade, quando da implementação ou não da abertura monopolar em religadores de distribuição. Através do software ATP (Alternative Transients Program) foram modelados um circuito de distribuição aéreo real da CEB (Companhia Energética de Brasília) e os seus equipamentos de proteção, que consistem no relé de sobrecorrente, religadores e elos fusíveis. São apresentadas as considerações e os parâmetros utilizados para a modelagem do alimentador, bem como a localização e dimensionamento dos equipamentos de proteção utilizados. Posteriormente são avaliados os comportamentos dos equipamentos de proteção perante diversas situações e condi- ções de falta, avaliando a existência da coordenação e seletividade da proteção implementada. Dos resultados obtidos, pode-se constatar que a metodologia utilizada para o dimensionamento dos equipamentos é eficiente, porém nos casos em que se deseja implementar a abertura mono- polar, é necessário uma análise detalhada das correntes residuais geradas. Por fim constatou-se que devido às definições da resolução normativa e aos níveis de tensão obtidos na rede secun- dária, a redução dos indicadores de continuidade e da compensação ao cliente foram diferentes das esperadas.In this work an analysis of the strategy of single-phase tripping in the non-directional over- current protection of distribution networks is performed. The main objective is to analyze the correct operation of the modelled protection equipment, such as its coordination and selecti- vity, when implementing or not the single-phase tripping in reclosers. A real radial overhead distribution feeder of CEB (Companhia Energética de Brasília) and its protection equipment, which consists of the overcurrent relay, reclosers and fuses, were modelled through the software ATP (Alternative Transients Program). The parameters and considerations used to model the feeder are presented, as well as the location and settings commission of the equipment used for protection. Subsequently, the behavior of protective equipment is evaluated as an outcome for different faults conditions, evaluating the coordination and selectivity of the implemented protection. From the results obtained, it can be verified that the methodology used to deter- mine the protective equipment adjustment is efficient, but when single-phase tripping is used an ground residual current analysis is needed. Lastly, it was found that due to the definitions of the normative resolution and the voltage levels obtained in the secondary network, the re- duction of indicators of continuity and reduction of customer compensation were not as good as initially expected


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    Neste número da Revista REDD, publicamos o dossiê temático A Política Científica e Tecnológica no Contexto da Geração de Empregos, Trabalho e Renda: atores, críticas e experiências no Brasil e no mundo”ˆ. O dossiê objetivou congregar trabalhos que pudessem analisar, do ponto de vista teórico, reflexivo e empírico o papel da Política de Ciência e Tecnologia (PCT) no Brasil e no mundo. O cenário que as sociedades enfrentam  diante de uma realidade complexa, globalizante e com o impacto de pandemias, como a do Covid-19, colocam as Políticas de Ciência e Tecnologia no centro dos debates sobre a geração de soluções em um contexto de crise. Como poderão observar nos trabalhos que perfazem o presente volume, a PCT é uma política pública “de meio” que, interdisciplinarmente, engendra lastros para demais políticas públicas de âmbito industrial, agrícola, de educação, de saúde e de inclusão social..

    La contaminación de residuos urbanos en la Comunidad Valenciana. Situación actual y propuestas de mejora

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    [ES] El objeto de estudio de este trabajo es entender los residuos urbanos como uno de los elementos de contaminación a los que cada día están expuestas las personas, consecuencia de la tendencia actual del crecimiento de la generación de residuos en las grandes aglomeraciones. Veremos qué valores, derechos, principios y bienes quedan afectados por los residuos urbanos, y las normas que inciden sobre ello, hasta llegar a la regulación que la Comunidad Valenciana tiene sobre ellos. También veremos las actuaciones realizadas por el conjunto de administraciones y los sectores implicados durante los años de vigencia del I Plan Nacional de Residuos Urbanos, tanto en la construcción y mejora de infraestructuras como en la implantación de diferentes modelos de gestión de los residuos urbanos de origen domiciliario. Sin embargo, éstos no han dejado de aumentar manteniendo un paralelismo con el crecimiento económico y con el aumento de la población. La legislación nacional aplicable a estos residuos es: - Ley 22/2011, de 28 de julio de Residuos y Suelos Contaminados, que sustituye a la anterior Ley 10/1998, de 21 de abril. - Ley 11/1997, de 24 de abril, de Envases y el Reglamento que la desarrolló, aprobado por el Real Decreto 782/1998 y las modificaciones de ambos. - Real Decreto 653/2003, de 30 de mayo, sobre incineración de residuos. - Real Decreto 1481/2001, de 27 de diciembre, por el que se regula la eliminación de residuos mediante depósito en vertedero. - Ley 16/2002, de 1 de julio, de Prevención y Control Integrados de la contaminación. Como norma general se ha aprobado la Directiva 2008/98/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 19 de noviembre de 2008 sobre residuos y por las que se derogan determinadas directivas. La presente Directiva establece medidas destinadas a proteger el medio ambiente y la salud humana mediante la prevención o la reducción de los impactos adversos de la generación y gestión de los residuos, la reducción de los impactos globales del uso de los recursos y la mejora de la eficacia y de dicho uso. Con este trabajo se quiere conseguir realizar propuestas de mejora en las políticas de gestión de los residuos urbanos para reducir el nivel de contaminación de éstos en la Comunidad Valenciana, comparándolas con otras zonas, y lograr así una mayor calidad de vida y protección del medio ambiente. Nuestra propuesta se plantea para la Comunidad Valenciana, pero puede servir como punto de inflexión, y sería interesante que se considerara en otras comunidades como patrón a seguir.Toledo Rodrigo, E. (2012). La contaminación de residuos urbanos en la Comunidad Valenciana. Situación actual y propuestas de mejora. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/27122.Archivo delegad