28 research outputs found

    The Lake Baikal neutrino experiment: selected results

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    We review the present status of the lake Baikal Neutrino Experiment and present selected physical results gained with the consequetive stages of the stepwise increasing detector: from NT-36 to NT-96. Results cover atmospheric muons, neutrino events, very high energy neutrinos, search for neutrino events from WIMP annihilation, search for magnetic monopoles and environmental studies. We also describe an air Cherenkov array developed for the study of angular resolution of NT-200.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures. To appear in the Procrrdings of International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics, June 28 - July 3, 1999, Dubna, Russi

    Using shell tools in Mesolithic and early Neolithic coastal sites from Northern Spain: experimental program for use wear analysis in malacological materials.

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    RESUMEN: Uno de los debates más extendidos en la historiografía sobre el Mesolítico y el Neolítico inicial en la región cantábrica es el de la escasez de tecnologías “tradicionales” en la mayor parte de los contextos existentes, especialmente en aquellos con grandes acumulaciones de conchas. Actualmente, varias de las hipótesis propuestas atribuyen este fenómeno a diferencias en la organización espacial de los asentamientos, al aumento en la utilización de materiales perecederos o a cambios en las estrategias de subsistencia. A partir del hallazgo de siete instrumentos de concha en el yacimiento de Santimamiñe (Kortezubi, Bizkaia), que a su vez constituyen la primera evidencia de su categoría en la región cantábrica, se propone como hipótesis el empleo de tecnologías de concha en algunas de las actividades productivas desarrolladas por los grupos de cazadores recolectores de los períodos indicados. Con el objetivo de confirmar/refutar los resultados obtenidos mediante el análisis funcional de estos instrumentos se ha llevado a cabo un programa experimental con diferentes especies de moluscos para procesar madera, piel fresca/seca y planta no leñosa. Los resultados del programa experimental confirman la utilización de estos instrumentos en diversas actividades productivas orientadas al procesado de algunas de estas materias.ABSTRACT: One of the most common debates surrounding the Mesolithic and early Neolithic periods in northern Spain focuses on the scarcity of lithic and osseous technologies identified in large shell midden contexts. Currently, several hypotheses have been proposed that attribute this phenomenon to differences in site spatial organization, increases in perishable material use, or changes in subsistence strategies. However, recently shell tools have been identified in the early Neolithic levels at Santimamiñe cave located in the Basque Country of northern Spain. These artifacts are the first evidence of shell tools to be identified in Northern Spain in an early Neolithic shell midden context. This paper proposes the hypothesis that shell tools were being used in subsistence activities. To test this hypothesis, the authors developed an experimental programme using different types of mollusc shells to examine evidence of functional use on wood, dry/fresh animal skin and non-woody plants. The experimental results were then used to examine the patterns of use on the seven shell tools from Santimamiñe. The results of the comparisons indicate that the seven shell tools have similar use patterns as the experimental shells. This evidence supports the proposed hypothesis that shell tools may have been used frequently in shell midden contexts during the Mesolithic and early Neolithic for the working of wood, plants or animal skin.La Universidad de Cantabria financió esta investigación a través de una beca y un contrato predoctorales concedidos a dos de los autores (D.C.S. e I.G.Z.). Manuel R. González Morales, Alejandro García Moreno y Juan Carlos López Quintana nos ayudaron en diversas cuestiones relacionadas con este trabajo

    The most important families of coleoptera in agriculture

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    Najvažnije porodice iz reda Coleopterasu svrstane u četiri podreda, od kojih su dva podreda važna za poljoprivredu. To su podred Adephaga i Polyphaga. U podred Adephaga se ubrajaju prodica trčaka – Carabidae. Trčci su prirodni neprijatelji brojnim štetnicima kao što su krumpirova zlatica, hrušt, žičnjaci i dr. U podredu Polyphagase ubrajaju brojne porodice, od kojih ću spomenuti porodice listorožaka – Scarabaeidae, klisnjaka/žičnjaka – Elateridae, božjih ovčica – Coccinellidae, zlatica – Chrysomelidae i pipa – Curculionidae. Listorošci, kao odrasli oblici neki nanose štetu (voćke, loza) – neki ne, a kao ličinke velika većina nanosi štetu. Klisnjaci, odrasli oblici ne nanose veliku štetu, dok ličinke koje se nazivaju žičnjacima, nanose veliku štetu na ratarskim usjevima. Božje ovčice – štetna vrsta je dvadesetčetiri-točkasta bubamara. Mnogobrojnije su korisne vrste bubamara koje uništavaju lisne uši, neke vrste paukova, grinje, crvce i dr. Zlatice, postoji više potporodica ove porodice. Većina podvrsta su štetnici, dok se druge koriste za suzbijanje korova. Najviše štete kukuruzu, krumpiru i lucerni. Pipe ili žišci su najbrojnija porodica. Uglavnom su štetnici, štete lucerni, vinovoj lozi, repi, maslini, jagodi, mahunarkama, kukuruzu, jabuci, kruški, malini i dr.The most important families from order of the beetles are classified in four suborders, and only two suborders are relevant for agriculture. Those suborders are Adephaga and Polyphaga. In suborder Adephaga family Carabidae is counted. Carabidaeare natural enemies of numerous pests such as potato beetles, cockchafers, wirewormsetc. In suborder Polyphagaare counted many families of which I will mention the families of Scarabaeidae, Elateridae, Coccinellidae, Chrysomelidaeand and Curculionidae. Scarabaeidae, some of adult form are pests and all larvae are pests. Elateridae, adult forms don't make any significant damage, however their larvae which are named wireworms do tremendous damage on crops. Ladybugs (Coccinelidae) the pest specie is the 24-spot ladybug. Many species of lady bugs are helpful because they destroy pests such as aphids, some species of spiders, mites etc. Rootworms have many subfamilies. Most of the subfamilies are pests while others are used against weeds. Rootworms harm the most maize, potato and alfalfa. Weevils are the most numerous family. Mostly they are pests, they damage alfalfa, vine, beets, olives, strawberries, legumes, maize, apples, pears, raspberries etc

    Traditional plant species of infields of Kapela (Brod-Posavina County)

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    Značaj tradicionalnih vrtova Slavonije, nije samo u koloritu, obliku i brojnosti biljnih vrsta, njegov najveći značaj je što on svojim skromnim izgledom pridonosi očuvanju biološke raznolikosti i očuvanju starih biljnih vrsta cvijeća, drveća, grmlja, a ponajprije voća, povrća i vinove loze, kao i tradicije arhitekture stambenih naselja ruralnog krajobraza. Obzirom na sve moderniji način života i napuštanja sela potrebno je istraživati hortikulturnu povijest određenog kraja, te je na taj način moguće pridonijeti očuvanju tradicije i tradicionalnih biljnih vrsta. Eko-etno selo Stara Kapela je dobar primjer borbe protiv zaborava tradicionalnog slavonskog sela. To je malo mjesto u općini Nova Kapela, koja se nalazi u Brodsko-posavskoj županiji u južnom dijelu slavonske nizine, na prostoru između Psunja, Požeškog i Diljskog gorja. Cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi koje su se sve ukrasne vrste tradicionalno koristile na okućnicama i inventarizirati hortikulturnu floru na području Eko-etno sela Stara Kapela i na području susjednih sela, te na temelju tih rezultata dati valjan prijedlog uređenja Eko-etno sela u skladu s tradicijom toga kraja. Ukupno je na 30 okućnica inventarizirano 118 biljnih vrsta iz 59 porodica, najzastupljenija porodica je Rosaceae sa 13 biljnih vrsta, upravo taj podatak i odgovara tradiciji slavonskog sela.Significance of the traditional gardens of Slavonia isn't just in the colours, or shapes or number of plant species, it's most important feature is that with it's humble appearance it helps the preservation of biological diversity and old plant species of flowers, trees, shrubs preferably fruits, vegetables and grapevines. It also enables preservation of traditional architecture of housing in rural landscapes. With regards to a modern way of life and abandoning of the villages, it has become necessary to investigate horticultural history of a particular area to contribute to the preservation of traditions and traditional plant species. Eco-ethno village Stara Kapela is a good example of a „fight“ against oblivion of traditional Slavonian village. Stara Kapela is a small village in borough of Nova Kapela, located in Brod-Posavina County, on the southern part of the Slavonian lowlands in between mountains Psunj, Pozeska and Dilj highlands. The aim of this thesis is to conduct field research and inventory of horticultural flora of the area of Stara Kapela and vicinal villages, to establish which decorative species have been traditionally used in the infields and based on those results, give a valid suggestion of arrangement eco-ethno villages according to the tradition of that area. On 30 infields the total of plant species inventory is 118 species from 59 families, the most represented is family Rosaceae with 13 plant species, which is exactly what matches the tradition of Slavonian village

    Traditional plant species of infields of Kapela (Brod-Posavina County)

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    Značaj tradicionalnih vrtova Slavonije, nije samo u koloritu, obliku i brojnosti biljnih vrsta, njegov najveći značaj je što on svojim skromnim izgledom pridonosi očuvanju biološke raznolikosti i očuvanju starih biljnih vrsta cvijeća, drveća, grmlja, a ponajprije voća, povrća i vinove loze, kao i tradicije arhitekture stambenih naselja ruralnog krajobraza. Obzirom na sve moderniji način života i napuštanja sela potrebno je istraživati hortikulturnu povijest određenog kraja, te je na taj način moguće pridonijeti očuvanju tradicije i tradicionalnih biljnih vrsta. Eko-etno selo Stara Kapela je dobar primjer borbe protiv zaborava tradicionalnog slavonskog sela. To je malo mjesto u općini Nova Kapela, koja se nalazi u Brodsko-posavskoj županiji u južnom dijelu slavonske nizine, na prostoru između Psunja, Požeškog i Diljskog gorja. Cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi koje su se sve ukrasne vrste tradicionalno koristile na okućnicama i inventarizirati hortikulturnu floru na području Eko-etno sela Stara Kapela i na području susjednih sela, te na temelju tih rezultata dati valjan prijedlog uređenja Eko-etno sela u skladu s tradicijom toga kraja. Ukupno je na 30 okućnica inventarizirano 118 biljnih vrsta iz 59 porodica, najzastupljenija porodica je Rosaceae sa 13 biljnih vrsta, upravo taj podatak i odgovara tradiciji slavonskog sela.Significance of the traditional gardens of Slavonia isn't just in the colours, or shapes or number of plant species, it's most important feature is that with it's humble appearance it helps the preservation of biological diversity and old plant species of flowers, trees, shrubs preferably fruits, vegetables and grapevines. It also enables preservation of traditional architecture of housing in rural landscapes. With regards to a modern way of life and abandoning of the villages, it has become necessary to investigate horticultural history of a particular area to contribute to the preservation of traditions and traditional plant species. Eco-ethno village Stara Kapela is a good example of a „fight“ against oblivion of traditional Slavonian village. Stara Kapela is a small village in borough of Nova Kapela, located in Brod-Posavina County, on the southern part of the Slavonian lowlands in between mountains Psunj, Pozeska and Dilj highlands. The aim of this thesis is to conduct field research and inventory of horticultural flora of the area of Stara Kapela and vicinal villages, to establish which decorative species have been traditionally used in the infields and based on those results, give a valid suggestion of arrangement eco-ethno villages according to the tradition of that area. On 30 infields the total of plant species inventory is 118 species from 59 families, the most represented is family Rosaceae with 13 plant species, which is exactly what matches the tradition of Slavonian village

    Traditional plant species of infields of Kapela (Brod-Posavina County)

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    Značaj tradicionalnih vrtova Slavonije, nije samo u koloritu, obliku i brojnosti biljnih vrsta, njegov najveći značaj je što on svojim skromnim izgledom pridonosi očuvanju biološke raznolikosti i očuvanju starih biljnih vrsta cvijeća, drveća, grmlja, a ponajprije voća, povrća i vinove loze, kao i tradicije arhitekture stambenih naselja ruralnog krajobraza. Obzirom na sve moderniji način života i napuštanja sela potrebno je istraživati hortikulturnu povijest određenog kraja, te je na taj način moguće pridonijeti očuvanju tradicije i tradicionalnih biljnih vrsta. Eko-etno selo Stara Kapela je dobar primjer borbe protiv zaborava tradicionalnog slavonskog sela. To je malo mjesto u općini Nova Kapela, koja se nalazi u Brodsko-posavskoj županiji u južnom dijelu slavonske nizine, na prostoru između Psunja, Požeškog i Diljskog gorja. Cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi koje su se sve ukrasne vrste tradicionalno koristile na okućnicama i inventarizirati hortikulturnu floru na području Eko-etno sela Stara Kapela i na području susjednih sela, te na temelju tih rezultata dati valjan prijedlog uređenja Eko-etno sela u skladu s tradicijom toga kraja. Ukupno je na 30 okućnica inventarizirano 118 biljnih vrsta iz 59 porodica, najzastupljenija porodica je Rosaceae sa 13 biljnih vrsta, upravo taj podatak i odgovara tradiciji slavonskog sela.Significance of the traditional gardens of Slavonia isn't just in the colours, or shapes or number of plant species, it's most important feature is that with it's humble appearance it helps the preservation of biological diversity and old plant species of flowers, trees, shrubs preferably fruits, vegetables and grapevines. It also enables preservation of traditional architecture of housing in rural landscapes. With regards to a modern way of life and abandoning of the villages, it has become necessary to investigate horticultural history of a particular area to contribute to the preservation of traditions and traditional plant species. Eco-ethno village Stara Kapela is a good example of a „fight“ against oblivion of traditional Slavonian village. Stara Kapela is a small village in borough of Nova Kapela, located in Brod-Posavina County, on the southern part of the Slavonian lowlands in between mountains Psunj, Pozeska and Dilj highlands. The aim of this thesis is to conduct field research and inventory of horticultural flora of the area of Stara Kapela and vicinal villages, to establish which decorative species have been traditionally used in the infields and based on those results, give a valid suggestion of arrangement eco-ethno villages according to the tradition of that area. On 30 infields the total of plant species inventory is 118 species from 59 families, the most represented is family Rosaceae with 13 plant species, which is exactly what matches the tradition of Slavonian village

    The most important families of coleoptera in agriculture

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    Najvažnije porodice iz reda Coleopterasu svrstane u četiri podreda, od kojih su dva podreda važna za poljoprivredu. To su podred Adephaga i Polyphaga. U podred Adephaga se ubrajaju prodica trčaka – Carabidae. Trčci su prirodni neprijatelji brojnim štetnicima kao što su krumpirova zlatica, hrušt, žičnjaci i dr. U podredu Polyphagase ubrajaju brojne porodice, od kojih ću spomenuti porodice listorožaka – Scarabaeidae, klisnjaka/žičnjaka – Elateridae, božjih ovčica – Coccinellidae, zlatica – Chrysomelidae i pipa – Curculionidae. Listorošci, kao odrasli oblici neki nanose štetu (voćke, loza) – neki ne, a kao ličinke velika većina nanosi štetu. Klisnjaci, odrasli oblici ne nanose veliku štetu, dok ličinke koje se nazivaju žičnjacima, nanose veliku štetu na ratarskim usjevima. Božje ovčice – štetna vrsta je dvadesetčetiri-točkasta bubamara. Mnogobrojnije su korisne vrste bubamara koje uništavaju lisne uši, neke vrste paukova, grinje, crvce i dr. Zlatice, postoji više potporodica ove porodice. Većina podvrsta su štetnici, dok se druge koriste za suzbijanje korova. Najviše štete kukuruzu, krumpiru i lucerni. Pipe ili žišci su najbrojnija porodica. Uglavnom su štetnici, štete lucerni, vinovoj lozi, repi, maslini, jagodi, mahunarkama, kukuruzu, jabuci, kruški, malini i dr.The most important families from order of the beetles are classified in four suborders, and only two suborders are relevant for agriculture. Those suborders are Adephaga and Polyphaga. In suborder Adephaga family Carabidae is counted. Carabidaeare natural enemies of numerous pests such as potato beetles, cockchafers, wirewormsetc. In suborder Polyphagaare counted many families of which I will mention the families of Scarabaeidae, Elateridae, Coccinellidae, Chrysomelidaeand and Curculionidae. Scarabaeidae, some of adult form are pests and all larvae are pests. Elateridae, adult forms don't make any significant damage, however their larvae which are named wireworms do tremendous damage on crops. Ladybugs (Coccinelidae) the pest specie is the 24-spot ladybug. Many species of lady bugs are helpful because they destroy pests such as aphids, some species of spiders, mites etc. Rootworms have many subfamilies. Most of the subfamilies are pests while others are used against weeds. Rootworms harm the most maize, potato and alfalfa. Weevils are the most numerous family. Mostly they are pests, they damage alfalfa, vine, beets, olives, strawberries, legumes, maize, apples, pears, raspberries etc