332 research outputs found

    Effects of addition of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes on digestibility and milk and meat production: A systematic review

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    El articulo esta publicado en una revista de Open accessExogenous fibrolytic enzymes (EFE) added to the ruminant diet can increase fiber digestibility and production efficiency. A systematic review was conducted to understand the interactions between EFE and diet on digestibility and animal performance. The database included variables from 384 experiments with EFE and 264 controls from 85 papers published since 2000 (classification criteria: 1) type of study (in vitro, in situ, in vivo), 2) type of ruminants (sheep, Buffaloes, goats, beef and dairy cattle), 3) primary EFE activity (Cellulases (Cel) or Xylanases (Xyl)), 4) forage proportion (FP), 5) type of plant (TP: legumes or grasses), 6) number of ingredients in diets, and 7) application time (AT)). In over of 52.85% of cases, EFE improved the degradability of dry matter (DMD), neutral and acid detergent fiber (NDFD and ADFD), in vitro gas production (GP), volatile fatty acids (VFA), the acetate: propionate ratio (A:P ratio), protein and fat milk, milk yield and average daily gain (ADG) (by 7.78–21.85%). Cel improved organic matter degradability (OMD), GP, VFA, milk yield, and milk protein and fat content. EFE in FP≥40% diets enhanced the ADG, and in grass-based diets increased the dry matter intake (DMI). The AT of EFE affected the DMD, NDFD, and ADFD. Significant correlations were found between the improvements of NDFD or ADFD with DMD (r>0.59), milk yield (r=0.64), and ADG (r=0.59). In conclusion, many factors interact with EFE supplementation effects, but EFE consistently enhanced the DMD, NDFD, and ADFD of ruminant diets, which are related to improvements in productive performance

    Dispositivo Holográfico Interactivo para Mejorar el Aprendizaje en Estudiantes de Primer Grado de Primaria de la I.E.P Jan Komensky

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    Una problemática nacional actual, es el nivel de aprendizaje desde el ciclo III de la educación básica regular; esta investigación se enmarca en ello. Los estudiantes de primer grado de primaria de la Institución Educativa Privada Jan Komensky ubicada en la Urbanización Santo Dominguito – Trujillo, tiene como punto crítico esta problemática respecto a dos materias los cuales son Razonamiento Matemático y Comunicación. Esta investigación fue realizada a lo largo de 4 meses con el objetivo principal de mejorar el aprendizaje con el desarrollo e implementación de un dispositivo holográfico interactivo llamado Ana a través de imágenes tridimensionales proyectadas en un prisma generando un holograma visible a 360 grados, logrando mejorar el aprendizaje en dichos estudiantes, basándonos en una investigación cuasi experimental tomando a dos grupos, uno experimental y otro de control, ambas con una muestra de 26 estudiantes. El dispositivo fue implementado en el salón correspondiente al grupo experimental; asimismo, para el desarrollo de este proyecto se tomó como marco de trabajo a la metodología Scrum, permitiendo dividir el trabajo en actividades para conseguir resultados favorables. Ana fue desarrollada en un entorno de desarrollo integrado llamada Visual Studio utilizando C# como lenguaje de programación empleando librerías para la interacción por voz, aplicando también la arquitectura de N capas, además implementada con otros programas componentes para su funcionalidad y usabilidad. Por último, se concluyó que al implementar el dispositivo holográfico interactivo se logró mejorar el aprendizaje en los estudiantes de primer grado de primaria de la I.E.P Jan Komensky

    La relación de la gestión administrativa con la calidad regulatoria para la satisfacción de la necesidad pública en la elaboración de regulaciones industriales del Ministerio de la Producción, durante el año 2020

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    La presente investigación denominada “La relación de la gestión administrativa con la calidad regulatoria para la satisfacción de la necesidad pública en la elaboración de regulaciones industriales del Ministerio de la Producción, durante el año 2020”, ha sido elaborada por los alumnos de Maestría en Gestión Pública de la Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, Kelly Vanessa Ruiz Miranda y Diego Tirado Moya Méndez. En la mencionada [investigación] se plantea con el objetivo de determinar la relación de la gestión administrativa con la calidad regulatoria para la satisfacción de la necesidad pública, en la elaboración de regulaciones industriales del Ministerio de la Producción, durante el año 2020; lo cual se traduce en la emisión de regulaciones de calidad y con el nivel necesario para resolver la problemática existente en el sector producción. Para lo cual, se exponen puntos críticos en el Ministerio de la Producción debido a la falta de políticas y herramientas para la implementación y ejecución de normas de calidad que permitan desarrollar una gestión administrativa coherente y efectiva, con la finalidad de fortalecer la mejora de la calidad regulatoria. Según diversas opiniones internacionales y nacionales la gestión administrativa es un fin para garantizar que los servicios que se presten satisfagan la necesidad de los ciudadanos, y que estos se brinden con la calidad que amerite. Lo cual, contrastado con los resultados obtenidos de las entrevistas planteadas a funcionarios de la Dirección General de Políticas y Análisis Regulatorio del Ministerio de la Producción, nos permite conocer los aspectos procedimentales para la elaboración, propuesta y aprobación de regulaciones industriales en este sector. El desarrollo de esta investigación se justifica en la importancia de proporcionar aportes para la mejora de la gestión administrativa en la elaboración de regulaciones industriales para el aseguramiento de la calidad regulatoria y la satisfacción de la necesidad pública, generando valor público. Por lo que, resulta adecuado explorar los factores que estarían limitando el proceso en su implementación. Finalmente, cabe mencionar que, el presente trabajo de investigación ha sido elaborado con un enfoque cualitativo, con recopilación de información cualitativa; viéndose por conveniente que el alcance de la investigación sea de carácter descriptivo. En suma, al cierre de la investigación, no se evidenció la existencia de instrumentos de gestión administrativa con los que se cuenta en el sector industria del Ministerio de la Producción; evidenciándose la necesidad de plantear una propuesta de solución que sirva de guía y permita a los funcionarios públicos conocer la correcta gestión administrativa durante el proceso regulatorio.Escuela de Postgrad

    IFA and PIFA Size Reduction by Using a Stub Loading

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    A proposed technique for size reduction of a conventional inverted-F antenna (IFA) and a planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) by employing a reactive load generated by a short-circuited stub is presented. The reduction factor of both antennas is around 30%, and the main parameters of the devices are preserved, including a fractional bandwidth of 4% and a gain of −2 dB. Both antennas operate around 1.5 GHz

    Potential effects of delphinidin-3-O-sambubioside and cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. on ruminant meat and milk quality

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    El articulo esta publicado en una revista de Open accessThe objective was to review the potential effects of adding anthocyanin delphinidin-3-O-sambubioside (DOS) and cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside (COS) of HS in animal diets. One hundred and four scientific articles published before 2021 in clinics, pharmacology, nutrition, and animal production were included. The grains/concentrate, metabolic exigency, and caloric stress contribute to increasing the reactive oxygen species (ROS). COS and DOS have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anthelmintic activities. In the rumen, anthocyanin might obtain interactions and/or synergisms with substrates, microorganisms, and enzymes which could affect the fiber degradability and decrease potential methane (CH4) emissions; since anthocyanin interferes with ruminal fatty acids biohydrogenation (BH), they can increase the n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), linoleic acid (LA), and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in milk and meat, as well as improving their quality. Anthocyanins reduce plasma oxidation and can be deposited in milk and meat, increasing antioxidant activities. Therefore, the reduction of the oxidation of fats and proteins improves shelf-life. Although studies in ruminants are required, COS and DOS act as inhibitors of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACEi) and rennin expression, regulating the homeostatic control and possibly the milk yield and body weight. By-products of HS contain polyphenols as calyces with positive effects on the average daily gain and fat meat quality

    Plan de entrenamiento para el desarrollo de salto y desplazamientos como habilidades coordinativas del tenis de campo en los estudiantes del grado 5 de la Institución Educativa Fe y Alegría del municipio de Medellín

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    Consideramos que al ser el tenis de campo un deporte poco explorado en contextos escolares, ya que se ha relegado fundamentalmente a clubes deportivos o escuelas de entrenamiento deportivo privadas, este trabajo constituye una excelente oportunidad para iniciar un proceso desde el cual se potencie su práctica deportiva desde el conocimiento académico, buscado de igual manera con ello dejar una guía para que los docentes de educación física potencien a través de su práctica las habilidades coordinativas de los estudiantes, impactando con ello de manera directa la formación integral del estudiante ya que el tenis de campo es un deporte de bastante complejidad, por los esfuerzos tanto físicos como psicológicos que requieren los atletas.We consider that being the tennis field a little explored sport in contexts school, since it has been relegated primarily to sports clubs or training schools private sports, this work is an excellent opportunity to start a process from which enhances their sports practice from academic knowledge, sought equally way with that leave a guide for physical education teachers to empower through their practice the students' coordination skills, thereby directly impacting the integral training of the student since the tennis of field is a sport of quite complexity, for the physical and psychological efforts that athletes require

    In vitro gas production and digestibility of oat and triticale forage mixtures ensiled with fibrolytic enzymes and inoculants

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    Objective: To evaluate the fibrolytic enzymes (FE) and acid-lactic bacterial inoculants (ALB) added to 40 d silages with oats and triticale (O:T) on the proportion and composition of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and its further in vitro gas production (GP) and digestibility of dry matter (IVDMD). Design/methodology/approach: pH, NDF, acid detergen fiber and lignin (ADF, ADL), hemicellulose (Hem), cellulose (Cel), dry matter (DM), and crude protein (PC), along with the PG (Maximum velocity (Vmax), fractional rate (S), Lag), and IVDMD (24h) of silages O:T (forage proportions (FP): 60:40%, 80:20%) treated with EF (control=0, low dose (LD)=075, medium (MD)=1, and high (HD)=1.25 g/kg of forage in humid base (HB)), and ALB (Control=0, LD=0.188, MD=0.25, and HD=0.31 g/kg HB). Variance analysis (ANOVA) included complete randomized designs (CRD) with factorial and divided parcels arrangements, considering fixed (doses, additives, and FP) and random (place/moment of sampling). Results: ALB improved the IVDMD24 of 60:40 and 80:20 O:T silages. FE did not reduce the NDF of 60:40 silages, but LD and MD increased the Hem and CP, and reduced the ADF, ADL, and Cel, that correlated (r) with the improvement of pH pattern, GP, and IVDMD24. Limitations/implications: The differences in the NDF of mixtures of FP could affect the effectiveness of FE and ALB. Findings/conclusions: Although FE and ALB could not reduce the NDF, they would change the proportions of ADF, ADL, Hem, Cel, and CP of silages, that might improve the GP and IVDMD24.Objective: To assess the effects of adding fibrolytic enzymes (FE) or lactic acid bacteria (LAB) inoculants to 40 d silages with oat and triticale (O:T) mixtures on the ratio and composition of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and its subsequent in vitro gas production (GP) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) at 24 h. Design/Methodology/Approach: Silages elaborated with two O:T ratios (60:40 and 80:20) treated with low (LD), medium (MD), and high (HD) doses of FE (0.75, 1, and 1.25 g/kg forage in wet basis (WB), respectively), and LAB (0.188, 0.25, and 0.31 g/kg WB, respectively). In both cases (FE and LAB), the control had a value of 0. Subsequently, pH, NDF, acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), hemicellulose (HEM), cellulose (CEL), dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), GP parameters, and IVDMD were assessed. GP parameters included maximum velocity (Vmax), fractional rate (S), and lag. Experiments were planned in complete randomized designs (CRD), including factorial and split-plot arrangements. Variance analysis (ANOVA) models included fixed (doses, additives, and FR) and random (place/moment of sampling) effects. Results: LAB improved the IVDMD at 24 h of 60:40 and 80:20 O:T silages. FE did not reduce the NDF of 60:40 silages, but LD and MD increased the HEM and CP, and reduced the ADF, ADL, and CEL; these results are correlated (r) with the improvement of pH pattern, GP, and IVDMD. Study Limitations/Implications: The differences in the NDF of FR mixtures could affect the effectiveness of FE and LAB. Findings/Conclusions: Although FE and LAB did not reduce the NDF, they changed the ratios of ADF, ADL, HEM, CEL, and CP of silages, potentially improving the GP and IVDMD

    The effects of polydispersity and metastability on crystal growth kinetics

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    We investigate the effect of metastable gas-liquid (G-L) separation on crystal growth in a system of either monodisperse or slightly size-polydisperse square well particles, using a simulation setup that allows us to focus on the growth of a single crystal. Our system parameters are such that, inside the metastable G-L binodal, a macroscopic layer of the gas phase "coats" the crystal as it grows, consistent with experiment and theoretical free energy considerations. Crucially, the effect of this metastable G-L separation on the crystal growth rate depends qualitatively on whether the system is polydisperse. We measure reduced polydispersity and qualitatively different local size ordering in the crystal relative to the fluid, proposing that the required fractionation is dynamically facilitated by the gas layer. Our results show that polydispersity and metastability, both ubiquitous in soft matter, must be considered in tandem if their dynamical effects are to be understood.Comment: Published in Soft Matter. DOI: 10.1039/C3SM27627

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (9)

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    Sumario : Investigación: Las colas de polvo de los cometas.-- Agua en el Universo.-- Ventana Abierta: Sobre la enseñanza de la ciencia en la educación secundaria.-- Charlas con… Max Pettini.-- Actualidad Científica: La luz y los colores de las nebulosas planetarias.-- Magnetares.-- Actividades IAA.-- Agenda.Esta revista se publica con la ayuda de la Acción Especial DIF 2001-4284-E del Programa Nacional de Difusión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología.Peer reviewe

    Diffusion and interaction effects on molecular release from collapsed microgels

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    The transport of biomolecules, drugs, or reactants in stimuli-responsive polymer networks in aqueous media is fundamental for many material and environmental science applications, including drug delivery, biosensing, catalysis, nanofiltration, water purification, and desalination. The transport is particularly complex in dense polymer media, such as collapsed hydrogels, where the molecules strongly interact with the polymer network and diffuse via the hopping mechanism. In this study, we employ the Dynamical Density Functional Theory (DDFT) to investigate the non-equilibrium release kinetics of non-ionic subnanometer-sized molecules from collapsed microgel particles. The theory is consistent with previous molecular dynamics simulations of collapsed poly(NN-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) polymer matrices, accommodating molecules of varying shapes and sizes. We found that, despite the intricate physico-chemical properties involved in the released process, the kinetics is predominantly dictated by two material parameters: the diffusion coefficient of the molecules inside the microgel (DD^*) and the interaction free energy of the molecules with the microgel (ΔG\Delta G). Our results reveal two distinct limiting regimes. For large, slowly diffusing molecules weakly attracted to the polymer network, the release is primarily driven by diffusion, with a release time scaling as τ1/21/D\tau_{1/2} \sim 1/D^*. Conversely, for small molecules strongly attracted to the polymer network, the release time is dominated by the interaction, scaling as τ1/2exp(ΔG/kBT)\tau_{1/2} \sim \exp(-\Delta G/k_{\textrm{B}} T). Our DDFT calculations are directly compared with an analytical equation for the half-release time, demonstrating excellent quantitative agreement. This equation represents a valuable tool for predicting release kinetics from collapsed microgels of non-ionic molecules.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure