83 research outputs found

    Two simultaneous mycetomas caused by Fusarium verticillioides and Madurella mycetomatis

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    Mycetoma is a chronic granulomatous disease, classified into eumycetoma caused by fungi and actinomycetoma due to aerobic filamentous actinomycetes. Mycetoma can be found in geographic areas near the Tropic of Cancer. Mexico is one of the countries in which actinomycetoma is endemic. We report an extraordinary case of an adult male with double eumycetoma caused by Madurella mycetomatis and Fusarium verticillioides on both feet

    ¿Resistencia en el acné? Un metaanálisis a propósito de la controversia

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    ResumenAntecedentesEl acné es una de las afecciones dermatológicas con mayor incidencia a nivel mundial; su origen es multifactorial y, por lo tanto, su tratamiento puede ser complejo. Propionibacterium acnes tiene un papel primordial en la inflamación de esta dermatosis y para su tratamiento se usan antibióticos tópicos; entre los principales se encuentran eritromicina y clindamicina, en los que se ha documentado una amplia resistencia bacteriana, lo que genera controversia respecto a su uso. Por este motivo se presenta un metaanálisis de las publicaciones de los últimos 10 años para confirmar esta hipótesis.Material y métodosEn la literatura de los últimos 10 años se buscaron artículos sobre resultados de cultivos con antibiograma de pacientes con acné. Se realizaron búsquedas tipo MeSH con los términos «acne vulgaris», «Propionibacterium acnes», «topical administration», «treatment», «erythromycin», «clindamycin», «nadifloxacin», «antibacterial agent», «bacterial drug resistance», en los metabuscadores PubMed, Ovid, EBSCO, Cochrane, ScienceDirect y ClinicalKey.ResultadosSe encontraron 13 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La razón de momios promedio (OR 1.24, IC 95%) de los artículos demostró una ligera tendencia hacia la resistencia de Propionibacterium acnes.ConclusionesSe confirma el aumento en la resistencia bacteriana de Propionibacterium acnés a eritromicina y clindamicina tópica, por lo que recomendamos el uso de estos antibióticos combinados en casos selectos por periodos cortos y en combinación con peróxido de benzoilo, para obtener el mejor resultado clínico en los pacientes con Acne vulgaris.AbstractBackgroundAcne is one of the dermatological pathologies with the highest incidence around the world. It is a multifactorial disease and its treatment can be complex. Propionibacterium acnes play a key role in the inflammation of this dermatosis. Topical antibiotics, including mainly erythromycin and clindamycin, have been used, but there is controversy over their use due to the widely documented bacterial resistance. For this reason a meta-analysis of the publications over the past 10 years is presented in order to confirm this hypothesis.Material and methodsA search was made of the publications over the past 10 years that included the results of antibiogams of patients with acne. MeSH type searches were performed with the terms “acne vulgaris”, “Propionibacterium acnes”, “topical administration”, “treatment”, “erythromycin”, “clindamycin”, “nadifloxacin”, “antibacterial agent”, “bacterial drug resistance” in PubMed, Ovid, EBSCO, Cochrane, ScienceDirect and ClinicalKey meta-searches.ResultsA total of 13 articles were found that met the inclusion criteria. The mean odds ratio (OR 1.24, 95% CI) of the articles showed a slight tendency toward resistance of Propionibacterium acnes.ConclusionsAn increase in bacterial resistance to topical erythromycin and clindamycin can be confirmed, thus the use of these antibiotics is recommended in selective cases for short periods, and in combination with benzoyl peroxide for the best clinical outcome in patients with acne vulgaris

    Comparing Remote Laboratories from the Student Perspective

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    The objective of this paper is the identification of the variables which affect the acceptation by the students of two kinds of remote laboratories (photovoltaic panels and electric machines) in Higher Education. To achieve it, the Technology Acceptation Model is used and usability and usefulness are the considered factors. Two pilot experiences are carried out over a sample of 86 students which are studying the Energy Engineering Degree. 45 of them (52.3%) carry out the electric machines lab class and 41 (47.7%) the photovoltaic one. After a descriptive analysis, an exploratory and multivariate analysis is carried out. It allows the identification of relations between several variables which affect to the acceptation of both remote labs

    Exploring the usability of a remote laboratory for photovoltaic systems

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    In engineering, remote laboratories present a triple role: they provide to the students the necessary contact with real devices, introduce them in the use of new technologies and make possible that the students conduct lab classes when and where they want. In this paper we present a remote lab devoted to photovoltaic power. The experimental system consists of two photovoltaic panels connected to a variable load and illuminated by a variable luminary. It allows the students to obtain different characteristic curves. The user interface has been integrated in Moodle. The system access management is carried out by software developed by authors. A didactic valuation process has been carried out to establish the acceptation of the educational experience by the students and to identify underlying factors. The hardware and software developed for this remote lab are not specific, but reusable for other remote lab experiences besides the one presented here

    Mycetoma: experience of 482 cases in a single center in Mexico

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    Mycetoma is a chronic granulomatous disease. It is classified into eumycetoma caused by fungi and actinomycetoma due to filamentous actinomycetes. Mycetoma can be found in geographic areas in close proximity to the Tropic of Cancer. Mexico is one of the countries in which this disease is highly endemic. In this retrospective study we report epidemiologic, clinical and microbiologic data of mycetoma observed in the General Hospital of Mexico in a 33 year-period (1980 to 2013). A total of 482 cases were included which were clinical and microbiology confirmed. Four hundred and forty four cases (92.11%) were actinomycetomas and 38 cases (7.88%) were eumycetomas. Most patients were agricultural workers; there was a male predominance with a sex ratio of 3:1. The mean age was 34.5 years old (most ranged from 21 to 40 years). The main affected localization was lower and upper limbs (70.74% and 14.52% respectively). Most of the patients came from humid tropical areas (Morelos, Guerrero and Hidalgo were the regions commonly reported). The main clinical presentation was as tumorlike soft tissue swelling with draining sinuses (97.1%). Grains were observed in all the cases. The principal causative agents for actinomycetoma were: Nocardia brasiliensis (78.21%) and Actinomadura madurae (8.7%); meanwhile, for eumycetomas: Madurella mycetomatis and Scedosporium boydii (synonym: Pseudallescheria boydii) were identified. This is a single-center, with long-follow up, cross-sectional study that allows determining the prevalence and characteristics of mycetoma in different regions of Mexico

    The 1989 and 2015 outbursts of V404 Cygni: a global study of wind-related optical features

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    The black hole transient V404 Cygni exhibited a bright outburst in June 2015 that was intensively followed over a wide range of wavelengths. Our team obtained high time resolution optical spectroscopy (~90 s), which included a detailed coverage of the most active phase of the event. We present a database consisting of 651 optical spectra obtained during this event, that we combine with 58 spectra gathered during the fainter December 2015 sequel outburst, as well as with 57 spectra from the 1989 event. We previously reported the discovery of wind-related features (P-Cygni and broad-wing line profiles) during both 2015 outbursts. Here, we build diagnostic diagrams that enable us to study the evolution of typical emission line parameters, such as line fluxes and equivalent widths, and develop a technique to systematically detect outflow signatures. We find that these are present throughout the outburst, even at very low optical fluxes, and that both types of outflow features are observed simultaneously in some spectra, confirming the idea of a common origin. We also show that the nebular phases depict loop patterns in many diagnostic diagrams, while P-Cygni profiles are highly variable on time-scales of minutes. The comparison between the three outbursts reveals that the spectra obtained during June and December 2015 share many similarities, while those from 1989 exhibit narrower emission lines and lower wind terminal velocities. The diagnostic diagrams presented in this work have been produced using standard measurement techniques and thus may be applied to other active low-mass X-ray binaries.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 23 pages paper, plus a 9 pages appendix with extra tables and figures. 18 figures are included in the paper and 8 in the appendi

    Related Factors of Anemia in Critically Ill Patients : A Prospective Multicenter Study

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    Anemia is common in critically ill patients; almost 95% of patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) have hemoglobin levels below normal. Several causes may explain this phenomenon as well as the tendency to transfuse patients without adequate cause: due to a lack of adherence to protocols, lack of supervision, incomplete transfusion request forms, or a lack of knowledge about the indications, risks, and costs of transfusions. Daily sampling to monitor the coagulation parameters and the acid-base balance can aggravate anemia as the main iatrogenic factor in its production. We studied the association and importance of iatrogenic blood loss and other factors in the incidence of anemia in ICUs. We performed a prospective, observational, multicenter study in five Spanish hospitals. A total of 142 patients with a median age of 58 years (IQI: 48-69), 71.83% male and 28.17% female, were admitted to ICUs without a diagnosis of iatrogenic anemia. During their ICU stay, anemia appeared in 66.90% of the sample, 95 patients, (95% CI: 58.51-74.56%). Risk factors associated with the occurrence of iatrogenic anemia were arterial catheter insertion (72.63% vs. 46.81%, p -value = 0.003), venous catheter insertion (87.37% vs. 72.34%, p -value = 0.023), drainages (33.68% vs. 12. 77%, p -value = 0.038), and ICU stay, where the longer the stay, the higher the rate of iatrogenic anemia (p -value < 0.001). We concluded that there was a statistical significance in the production of iatrogenic anemia due to the daily sampling for laboratory monitoring and critical procedures in intensive care units. The implementation of patient blood management programs could address these issue