316 research outputs found

    Expression, Purification, Crystallization and Preliminary X-Ray Analysis of \u3cem\u3ePseudomonas aeuginosa\u3c/em\u3e AlgX

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    AlgX is a periplasmic protein required for the production of the exopolysaccharide alginate in Pseudomonas sp. and Azotobacter vinelandii. AlgX has been overexpressed and purified and diffraction-quality crystals have been grown using iterative seeding and the hanging-drop vapor-diffusion method. The crystals grew as flat plates with unit-cell parameters a=46.4, b=120.6, c=86.9Å, β=95.7°. The cyrstals exhibited the symmetry of space group P21 and diffracted to a minimimum d-spacing of 2.1Å. On the basis of the Matthews coefficient (VM=2.25Å3 Da-1), two molecules were estimated to be present in the asymmetric unit

    Expression and purification of AlgX in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Abstract only availablePseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative bacterium that is the leading cause of hospital acquired infections. While this bacteria is present in water and soil, this bacteria only severely affects severely ill patients, such as those with cystic fibrosis. In cystic fibrosis patients, the bacteria will lodge in the lungs and form a coating, called a biofilm, around itself to protect it from the natural defenses of the body and antibiotics. This biofilm is formed by exopolysacchride sugar, known as alginate. The goal of this project is to, by isolating some of the proteins that help produce the biofilm, find the three-dimensional structure of those proteins. This will make it easier for various pharmaceutical research companies to create a drug to inhibit the specific active site in the proteins, preventing biofilm formation and allowing the infection to be treated with traditional antibiotics. The proteins encoded by two genes were picked for this study, algK and algX. Both are believed good targets because they have been shown in previously written papers to be critical to formation of the biofilm in P. aeruginosa. (1, 2) The cloned genes (in the form of a plasmid) previously obtained were used in the transformation step into E. coli. The lab protocol for general transformations was followed. To show that the bacteria were actually producing the protein we needed, the growth tubes were harvested; the cells lysed, and run on a 10% acrylamide gel to check for protein expression in the experimental versus control sample. The algK gel was inconclusive, however algX clearly overexpresses in large quantities. While most of the protein is insoluble, enough is soluble to warrant complete purification of the protein to set up crystallization trays. The current problem is how to optimize purification, because it co-elutes from a nickel column with contaminating proteins. A slow concentration bump of the buffers used to purify is being tested to see if it helps with this problem. References 1. Antonette Robles-Price, Thiang Yian Wong, Havard Sletta, Svein Valla, Neal L. Schiller. 2004. AlgX Is a Periplasmic Protein Required for Alginate Biosynthesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J. of Bacteriology. 186:7369-7377. 2. Jain, Sumita, Franklin, Michael J., Ertesvag, Helga, Valla, Svein, Ohman, Dennis E. 2003. The dual roles of AlgG in C-5-epimerization and secretion of alginate polymers in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Molecular Microbiology. 47. 1123-1133NSF-REU Program in Biological Sciences & Biochemistr

    Estimating body composition in adolescent sprint athletes : comparison of different methods in a 3 years longitudinal design

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    A recommended field method to assess body composition in adolescent sprint athletes is currently lacking. Existing methods developed for non-athletic adolescents were not longitudinally validated and do not take maturation status into account. This longitudinal study compared two field methods, i.e., a Bio Impedance Analysis (BIA) and a skinfold based equation, with underwater densitometry to track body fat percentage relative to years from age at peak height velocity in adolescent sprint athletes. In this study, adolescent sprint athletes (34 girls, 35 boys) were measured every 6 months during 3 years (age at start = 14.8 +/- 1.5yrs in girls and 14.7 +/- 1.9yrs in boys). Body fat percentage was estimated in 3 different ways: 1) using BIA with the TANITA TBF 410; 2) using a skinfold based equation; 3) using underwater densitometry which was considered as the reference method. Height for age since birth was used to estimate age at peak height velocity. Cross-sectional analyses were performed using repeated measures ANOVA and Pearson correlations between measurement methods at each occasion. Data were analyzed longitudinally using a multilevel cross-classified model with the PROC Mixed procedure. In boys, compared to underwater densitometry, the skinfold based formula revealed comparable values for body fatness during the study period whereas BIA showed a different pattern leading to an overestimation of body fatness starting from 4 years after age at peak height velocity. In girls, both the skinfold based formula and BIA overestimated body fatness across the whole range of years from peak height velocity. The skinfold based method appears to give an acceptable estimation of body composition during growth as compared to underwater densitometry in male adolescent sprinters. In girls, caution is warranted when interpreting estimations of body fatness by both BIA and a skinfold based formula since both methods tend to give an overestimation

    A survey of orphan enzyme activities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Using computational database searches, we have demonstrated previously that no gene sequences could be found for at least 36% of enzyme activities that have been assigned an Enzyme Commission number. Here we present a follow-up literature-based survey involving a statistically significant sample of such "orphan" activities. The survey was intended to determine whether sequences for these enzyme activities are truly unknown, or whether these sequences are absent from the public sequence databases but can be found in the literature.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that for ~80% of sampled orphans, the absence of sequence data is bona fide. Our analyses further substantiate the notion that many of these enzyme activities play biologically important roles.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This survey points toward significant scientific cost of having such a large fraction of characterized enzyme activities disconnected from sequence data. It also suggests that a larger effort, beginning with a comprehensive survey of all putative orphan activities, would resolve nearly 300 artifactual orphans and reconnect a wealth of enzyme research with modern genomics. For these reasons, we propose that a systematic effort to identify the cognate genes of orphan enzymes be undertaken.</p

    Two Major Autoantibody Clusters in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic autoimmune disease of complex clinical presentation and etiology and is likely influenced by numerous genetic and environmental factors. While a large number of susceptibility genes have been identified, the production of antibodies against a distinct subset of nuclear proteins remains a primary distinguishing characteristic in disease diagnosis. However, the utility of autoantibody biomarkers for disease sub-classification and grouping remains elusive, in part, because of the difficulty in large scale profiling using a uniform, quantitative platform. In the present study serological profiles of several known SLE antigens, including Sm-D3, RNP-A, RNP-70k, Ro52, Ro60, and La, as well as other cytokine and neuronal antigens were obtained using the luciferase immunoprecipitation systems (LIPS) approach. The resulting autoantibody profiles revealed that 88% of a pilot cohort and 98% of a second independent cohort segregated into one of two distinct clusters defined by autoantibodies against Sm/anti-RNP or Ro/La autoantigens, proteins often involved in RNA binding activities. The Sm/RNP cluster was associated with a higher prevalence of serositis in comparison to the Ro/La cluster (P = 0.0022). However, from the available clinical information, no other clinical characteristics were associated with either cluster. In contrast, evaluation of autoantibodies on an individual basis revealed an association between anti-Sm (P = 0.006), RNP-A (P = 0.018) and RNP-70k (P = 0.010) autoantibodies and mucocutaneous symptoms and between anti-RNP-70k and musculoskeletal manifestations (P = 0.059). Serologically active, but clinically quiescent disease also had a higher prevalence of anti-IFN-α autoantibodies. Based on our findings that most SLE patients belong to either a Sm/RNP or Ro/La autoantigen cluster, these results suggest the possibility that alterations in RNA-RNA-binding protein interactions may play a critical role in triggering and/or the pathogenesis of SLE

    Resistance training with soy vs whey protein supplements in hyperlipidemic males

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most individuals at risk for developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) can reduce risk factors through diet and exercise before resorting to drug treatment. The effect of a combination of resistance training with vegetable-based (soy) versus animal-based (whey) protein supplementation on CVD risk reduction has received little study. The study's purpose was to examine the effects of 12 weeks of resistance exercise training with soy versus whey protein supplementation on strength gains, body composition and serum lipid changes in overweight, hyperlipidemic men.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-eight overweight, male subjects (BMI 25–30) with serum cholesterol >200 mg/dl were randomly divided into 3 groups (placebo (n = 9), and soy (n = 9) or whey (n = 10) supplementation) and participated in supervised resistance training for 12 weeks. Supplements were provided in a double blind fashion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All 3 groups had significant gains in strength, averaging 47% in all major muscle groups and significant increases in fat free mass (2.6%), with no difference among groups. Percent body fat and waist-to-hip ratio decreased significantly in all 3 groups an average of 8% and 2%, respectively, with no difference among groups. Total serum cholesterol decreased significantly, again with no difference among groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Participation in a 12 week resistance exercise training program significantly increased strength and improved both body composition and serum cholesterol in overweight, hypercholesterolemic men with no added benefit from protein supplementation.</p

    Treatment effects may remain the same even when trial participants differed from the target population

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    Objective RCTs have been criticised for lacking external validity. We assessed whether a trial in people with type I diabetes mellitus (T1DM) mirrored the wider population, and applied sample-weighting methods to assess the impact of differences on our trial's findings. Study design and setting The REPOSE trial was nested within a large UK cohort capturing demographic, clinical and quality of life (QoL) data for people with T1DM undergoing structured diabetes-specific education. We firstly assessed whether our RCT participants were comparable to this cohort using propensity score modelling. Following this we re-weighted the trial population to better match the wider cohort and re-estimated the treatment effect. Results Trial participants differed from the cohort in regards to sex, weight, HbA1c and also QoL and satisfaction with current treatment. Nevertheless, the treatment effects derived from alternative model weightings were similar to that of the original RCT. Conclusions Our RCT participants differed in composition to the wider population but the original findings were unaffected by sampling adjustments. We encourage investigators take steps to address criticisms of generalisability, but doing so is problematic: external data, even if available, may contain limited information and analyses can be susceptible to model misspecification

    Cross Adaptation - Heat and Cold Adaptation to Improve Physiological and Cellular Responses to Hypoxia

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    To prepare for extremes of heat, cold or low partial pressures of O2, humans can undertake a period of acclimation or acclimatization to induce environment specific adaptations e.g. heat acclimation (HA), cold acclimation (CA), or altitude training. Whilst these strategies are effective, they are not always feasible, due to logistical impracticalities. Cross adaptation is a term used to describe the phenomenon whereby alternative environmental interventions e.g. HA, or CA, may be a beneficial alternative to altitude interventions, providing physiological stress and inducing adaptations observable at altitude. HA can attenuate physiological strain at rest and during moderate intensity exercise at altitude via adaptations allied to improved oxygen delivery to metabolically active tissue, likely following increases in plasma volume and reductions in body temperature. CA appears to improve physiological responses to altitude by attenuating the autonomic response to altitude. While no cross acclimation-derived exercise performance/capacity data have been measured following CA, post-HA improvements in performance underpinned by aerobic metabolism, and therefore dependent on oxygen delivery at altitude, are likely. At a cellular level, heat shock protein responses to altitude are attenuated by prior HA suggesting that an attenuation of the cellular stress response and therefore a reduced disruption to homeostasis at altitude has occurred. This process is known as cross tolerance. The effects of CA on markers of cross tolerance is an area requiring further investigation. Because much of the evidence relating to cross adaptation to altitude has examined the benefits at moderate to high altitudes, future research examining responses at lower altitudes should be conducted given that these environments are more frequently visited by athletes and workers. Mechanistic work to identify the specific physiological and cellular pathways responsible for cross adaptation between heat and altitude, and between cold and altitude, is warranted, as is exploration of benefits across different populations and physical activity profiles
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