170 research outputs found

    Preliminary results on Macroalgae distribution in destructive processes

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    It has been shown, that the destruction of the coastal strip in region of action of Mikhailovsky landslide results in change of species structure and dominant species photophilous Cystoseira barbara on sciophylous Gracilaria verrucosa. In accordance with increasing sediments amount in sea water biomass and the morpho-functional parameters of the photophilous species are reducing, and at the sciophylous are growing. Progressing phenomenon of epiphytism is observed in algal populations in the southern part of researched region which is possible to consider as response reaction, leads to increase a synthesizing surface. Decreasing physiological activity is compensated by growth of the total surface of macrophytes. The increase of a sea water sediments leads to lowering ratio of long and shortwave pigments level of ATP-ase activity and raising concentration of the total sum of pigments in thalli


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    Subject of Research. We compare the effectiveness of the procedure for automatic object classification according to 3d-lidar data, built on the basis of single-photon counting technology, with the efficiency of the classification procedure with the usage of the conventional linear lidar data. Lidars based on the single-photons counting technology (SPCT) significantly exceed the ordinary linear lidars for a whole range of target parameters, including: spatial resolution - by more than an order of magnitude; the performance of the land surface scanning process - by an order of magnitude; by weight and size indicators - few times less. Unlike linear lidars, each laser point in the case of a SPCT-lidar is described not only by its coordinates and the intensity of the reflected signal, but by coordinates and an additional data block that characterizes the surface relief of the probed object in the direction of the probing photon flux. The presence of this additional data block for each laser point makes it possible to consider the received images as 3d-images, that simplifies the solution of not only the photogrammetric problem, but also the task of automatic objects classification on SPCT-image. Method. We consider the automatic object classification task solution based on SPCT-data with the use of the machine learning methods (XGBoost and multilayered neural networks - ANN). Main Results. The results of the numerical simulation carried out within the framework of the present study showed that, other things being equal, the efficiency of solving the classification problem based on SPCT-data, in practically important cases, increases up to 20% compared with the case where the linear-lidar data was used. Practical Relevance. The obtained results can be used in the design of the mobile SPCT-lidars enabling the detection and classification of objects on the Earth's surface in real time with high reliability

    Stop Bleeding Mobile Device "Plasmamed" Based on Low-temperature Gas Plasma

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    Creation of a mobile device to stop bleeding, sterilize biological tissues and other surfaces (bandages), disinfect food, beverages, air, and stimulate rapid healing of wound surfaces is observed in this article. Plasmomed is based on the current (available) technologies of medical application of low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma. The multi-digit combined plasma gun is created as part of the developed mobile device which is designed to achieve a coagulation effect, to stimulate accelerated healing of wound surfaces based on the use of low-temperature gas plasma of atmospheric pressure, which allows for effective hemostasis of wound surfaces with simultaneous sterilization of surrounding tissues and dressing materials. In addition, due to the using several types of high-frequency electromagnetic plasma production in one device, it was possible to significantly simplify the final product, to automate its operation modes, which provides mass-dimensional characteristics for its mobile use. Keywords: plasma, medical device, stopping bleeding, low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma

    Effect of a Temperature Mode of Radiation-thermal Sintering the Structure and Magnetic Properties of Mn-Zn-ferrites

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    2000NM Mn-Zn-ferrites have been produced by radiation-thermal sintering (RTS). We have studied the effect of RTS on the electromagnetic properties of ferrites. X-ray diffraction have been used to investigate general aspects of phase transformations during the radiation-thermal sintering of green compacts

    Effect of a Temperature Mode of Radiation-thermal Sintering the Structure and Magnetic Properties of Mn-Zn-ferrites

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    2000NM Mn-Zn-ferrites have been produced by radiation-thermal sintering (RTS). We have studied the effect of RTS on the electromagnetic properties of ferrites. X-ray diffraction have been used to investigate general aspects of phase transformations during the radiation-thermal sintering of green compacts

    Long-lived magnetoexcitons in 2D-fermion system

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    The paper addresses the experimental technique that, when applied to a 2D-electron system in the integer quantum Hall regime with filling factor ν = 2 (the Hall insulating state), allows resonant excitation of magnetoexcitons, their detection, control of an ensemble of long-lived triplet excitons and investigation of their radiationless decay related to exciton spin relaxation into the ground state. The technique proposed enables independent control of photoexcited electrons and Fermi-holes using photoinduced resonance reflection spectra as well as estimate with a reasonable degree of accuracy the resulting density of photoinduced electron-hole pairs bound into magnetoexcitons. The mere existence of triplet excitons was directly established by inelastic light scattering spectra which were analyzed to determine the value of singlet-triplet exciton splitting. It was found that the lifetimes of triplet excitons conditioned by electron spin relaxation in highly perfect GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with highly mobile 2D electrons are extremely long exceeding 100  μs at T < 1 K. The paper presents a qualitative explanation of the long-spin relaxation lifetimes which are unprecedented for translation-invariant 2D systems. This enabled us to create sufficiently high concentrations of triplet magnetoexcitons, electrically neutral excitations following Bose–Einstein statistics, in a Fermi electron system and investigate their collective properties. At sufficiently high densities of triplet magnetoexcitons and low temperatures, T < 1 K, the degenerate magnetofermionic system exhibits condensation of the triplet magnetoexcitons into a qualitatively new collective state with unusual properties which occurs in the space of generalized moments (magnetic translation vectors). The occurrence of a condensed phase is accompanied with a significant decrease in the viscosity of the photoexcited system, which is responsible for electron spin transport at macroscopic distances, as well as with the effects of threshold enhancement of the system response to the external action of the electromagnetic field and emergence of a new intensive radiative recombination channel

    Peculiarities of the seasonal variability of the external thermal balance and its components on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean

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    The results of the investigations of the peculiarities of spatial distribution and seasonal variability of the external heat budget on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean and its components – net radiation budget and latent and sensible heat fluxes, are presented. It is shown that maximum values of the radiation balance are observed on the tropical peripheries of the subtropical centers of high atmospheric pressure in both hemispheres. Extreme values of the sensible and latent flux are in good correlation well with the wind field parameters in the tropical zone of the ocean and in the area of the Antarctic Circumpolar currents as well as with the characteristics of the meridian large-scale currents. Maximum of seasonal variations of external heat balance are characteristic of the Gulf Stream zone, the western Southern subtropical anticyclonic circulation and the Falkland current area. The study was carried out using up-to-date satellite data sets.Представлены результаты исследований особенностей пространственного распределения и сезонной изменчивости внешнего теплового баланса на поверхности Атлантического океана и его компонентов – радиационной составляющей и составляющей, связанной с турбулентным обменом (поток явного тепла и скрытая теплота испарения). Показано, что максимальные значения радиационного баланса наблюдаются на тропических перифериях субтропических центров высокого атмосферного давления в обоих полушариях. Экстремальные значения составляющей, связанной с турбулентным обменом, хорошо коррелируют с параметрами поля ветра в тропической зоне океана и в области Антарктического Циркумполярного течения, а также с характеристиками меридиональных крупномасштабных течений. Максимальные сезонные вариации внешнего теплового баланса характерны для зоны Гольфстрима, западной части Южного субтропического антициклонического круговорота и района Фолклендского течения. Работа выполнена на базе современных массивов спутниковых наблюдений.Представлено результати досліджень особливостей просторового розподілу і сезонної мінливості зовнішнього теплового балансу на поверхні Атлантичного океану та його компонентів – радіаційної складової і складової, пов'язаної з турбулентним обміном (потік явного тепла і схована теплота випару). Показано, що максимальні значення радіаційного балансу спостерігаються на тропічних периферіях субтропічних центрів високого атмосферного тиску в обох півкулях. Екстремальні значення складової теплового балансу, пов'язаної з турбулентним обміном, добре корелюють з параметрами поля вітру в тропічній зоні океану та в області Антарктичної Циркумполярної течії, а також з характеристиками меридіональних великомасштабних течій. Максимальні сезонні варіації зовнішнього теплового балансу характерні для зони Гольфстріму, західної частини Південного субтропічного антициклонічного круговороту і району Фолклендської течії. Робота виконана на базі масивів сучасних супутникових спостережень

    Les facteurs de la formation de la conduite destructive des infectés par le VIH

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    On sait que le VIH est une maladie infectieuse, qui provoque médiatement le développement des maladies mentales, en conséquence de la réaction à la maladie, des nécessités de se tenir au traitement de longue durée, du développement des défaites organiques de l'encéphale. Ces dernières armées l'intérêt pour le style particulier de la conduite des infectés de l’VIH, qui est le sérieux problème médico-social (il complique le traitement, contribue à la diffusion du VIH), a augmenté

    Limits on the production of scalar leptoquarks from Z (0) decays at LEP

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    A search has been made for pairs and for single production of scalar leptoquarks of the first and second generations using a data sample of 392000 Z0 decays from the DELPHI detector at LEP 1. No signal was found and limits on the leptoquark mass, production cross section and branching ratio were set. A mass limit at 95% confidence level of 45.5 GeV/c2 was obtained for leptoquark pair production. The search for the production of a single leptoquark probed the mass region above this limit and its results exclude first and second generation leptoquarks D0 with masses below 65 GeV/c2 and 73 GeV/c2 respectively, at 95% confidence level, assuming that the D0lq Yukawa coupling alpha(lambda) is equal to the electromagnetic one. An upper limit is also given on the coupling alpha(lambda) as a function of the leptoquark mass m(D0)