755 research outputs found

    VIDIGAL NIGHTS: Big Dreams in a Small Favela

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    This 14-minute documentary follows Tatiane and Rafa, two aspiring actors in Rio de Janeiro\u27s favela of Vidigal in Brazil. They are both performing in “Noites de Vidigal” (Nights of Vidigal) a community play about their favela and the challenges it has faced in the last decades. As we follow Tatiane and Rafa while they rehearse and perform, viewers are offered a window into their lives and the world around them. Tatiane and Rafa aren\u27t just aspiring actors but community members who experience firsthand the joys and hardships of living in a favela. Vidigal, the favela Tatiane and Rafa live in, plays a major role in the documentary. As with most of Rio’s favelas the government has significantly neglected it since it began to form in the early 1900s. Vidigal developed without government supervision, which lead to lack of infrastructure and opportunity, as well as a strong sense of community. To provide the historic and broad view necessary to fully understand the favela, Andrea, a local barman and active resident of Vidigal guides viewers through these larger realities. Realities that are reflected in Tatiane and Rafa’s lives and are further understood through the play they perform in as well as everyday street scenes of the favela. As most coverage of favelas tends to focus on gangs, guns and violence, this documentary aims to show a different side of favela life anchored in a strong sense of community, theater and empowerment through the arts. However, the documentary doesn\u27t gloss over the challenges that come with living in a favela and aims to help viewers witness these complexities as lived by our characters. Watch the full video here: http://www.christinathornell.com/special-projects

    Synthesis and Characterization of Model Acrylic-Based Polymer Gels

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    Materials made from polymer gel networks are important to many everyday applications in health care to building materials. These gel materials can be easily synthesized in various ways, but characterizing the overall material mechanics and properties are challenging due to the soft nature of their respective bulk structures. Model acrylic-based copolymer gels were investigated to understand the fundamental characteristics and mechanical properties from different crosslinking and gelation processes. First, model hydrogels with fracture-healing characteristics similar to materials needed for injectable drug delivery systems were studied using shear rheology to determine timescales of fully healed networks. The industrially available gel was a thermoreversible triblock copolymer composed of poly(methyl methacrylate)-poly(n-butyl acrylate)-poly(methyl methacrylate) in 2-ethyl hexanol to form a physical gel from polymer-solvent interactions. A methodology of quantifying healing was developed from an applied constant shear rate and monitoring the shear stress response of the samples. The maximum shear stress responses observed during fracture and re-fracture after allowing the sample to rest indicated gel healing. Given sufficient time, gel healing was determined to be dependent on testing temperature and polymer volume fraction. The time for fully healed networks was achieved on the order of minutes for the lowest volume fraction of 5 vol. % at temperatures of 28 and 25°C to several hours for the highest volume fraction of 6 vol. % at lower temperatures of 23 and 20°C. Lastly, spherical superabsorbent polymer (SAP) gels with silica nanoparticles (SiO2) were synthesized from inverse suspension polymerization to form chemically crosslinked composite hydrogels of polyacrylamide and poly(acrylic acid). The hydrogels were studied for understanding the interaction of SiO2 nanoparticles within polyelectrolyte networks for use as a chemical admixture for internal curing of high performance concrete. The composite SAP hydrogels were produced with bare or silane-functionalized SiO2 particles to investigate the effects on swelling performance, shape, and cement paste microstructure

    No Evidence of Linkage Between 35 Genetic Markers and the Spider Lamb Syndrome Gene in Sheep

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    Spider Lamb Syndrome (SLS) is a semi-lethal congenital disorder affecting the Suffolk and Hampshire sheep breeds. The clinical manifestations of the syndrome include severe skeletal and muscular abnormalities with long, fine-boned legs, curvature of the spine and nasal septum, minimal muscling and severe muscle atrophy. The affected animals have a difficult time walking and most lambs do not survive past the first six months of life. A single autosomal recessive gene causes the disorder. Researchers believe the SLS gene arose as a single source mutation in a popular Suffolk blood line in the 1970s. Heterozygous carriers of the SLS gene appear normal in phenotype and currently can only be identified through progeny testing. If researchers could identify a genetic marker that cosegregates with the SLS locus, this marker could be used for low-cost carrier screening. In this study, we tested 35 bovine and ovine dinucleotide microsatellite markers as possible markers for the Spider Lamb Syndrome gene. No strong evidence for linkage between the tested microsatellite markers and the SLS gene was found

    Indian America: Another Country?

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    Investigation of Fracture and Healing Behavior of Thermoreversible Gels via Oscillation Rheology

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    Thermoreversible gels have the unique ability to self-heal, or repair themselves, once they are fractured. They are physically cross-linked, thus providing them with the capability to reform their broken bonds as a function of temperature. The objective of this project is to determine the extent of the gels’ recovery. If self-healing does in fact occur, these gels can be applied in various industries, including medicine for drug delivery or paints and coatings. The tri-block polymer poly(methyl methacrylate)-poly(n-butyl acrylate)-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA-PnBA-PMMA) was heated and stirred with 2-ethyl-1-hexanol to create a polymer gel. Through the use of a rheometer, a shear stress was applied to fracture the bonds. The fixture was then oscillated to gently probe the polymer gel at 28°C, 25°C, 23°C, and 21°C. This data was compared to the unfractured gel to determine the degree of recovery. It was found that the bonds did, indeed, reform, as over 100% recovery was presented in the storage modulus for all four temperatures and in the loss modulus at 23°C and 21°C. However, the plane of fracture is in question. The exact location of the fractured gel hasn’t been found, thus to determine exactly how much has been fractured, the applied shear stress time can be extended. Other further experimentation includes using a rheo-PIV (particle image velocimetry) system to properly determine whether the rheometer recorded the fractured or original gel

    Основи інформатики з елементами програмування та сучасні інформаційні технології навчання. Ч. І. Основи інформатики

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    У посібнику представлено загальні відомості з основ інформатики: апаратне забезпечення інформаційних систем; операційні системи; прикладне програмне забезпечення; комп’ютерна графіка; текстовий і табличний процесори; бази даних та системи управління базами даних. Посібник складається з двох частин: «Теоретична частина» і «Лабораторні роботи». Посібник містить приклади, рекомендації виконання завдань та примітки у вигляді порад для їхнього раціонального виконання. Навчальний посібник призначений для супроводу курсу «Основи інформатики з елементами програмування та сучасні інформаційні технології навчання», який передбачено навчальним планом для студентів напрямів підготовки: «Початкова освіта», «Дошкільна освіта». Також посібник адресовано педагогічним працівникам і студентам інших напрямів підготовки

    Trends in open storm water management : a mapping of the past 40 years

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    Dagvatten orsakar en rad problem i våra tätbebyggda områden, bland annat överbelastning av ledningssystemen vilket leder till översvämningar och nedsmutsning av recipienter. Den här typen av miljöförstöring har lett till ökad miljömedvetenhet inom området, och en helhetssyn där man både kan rena och samtidigt utnyttja dagvattnet för olika syften har vuxit fram. Istället för att som förr lösa problemet med för stora dagvattenflöden genom att öka ledningarnas storlek och bygga underjordiska magasin, försöker man idag använda sig av naturligare system för att så lokalt som möjligt både fördröja och rena dagvattnet innan det rinner vidare till reningsverk och recipienter. Lösningen kan vara dammar, våtmarker, gröna tak, infiltration, diken och tillfälliga magasin på grönytor. Från att enbart ha varit ett problem som måste lösas, har hanteringen av dagvatten kommit att ses i vissa sammanhang som en resurs där ett områdes status kan höjas i samband med anläggandet av öppna dagvattensystem. Genom åren har en mängd olika system för öppen dagvattenhantering tagits fram, utvecklats och inkorporerats i stadsbyggandet. Man har också återupptäckt gamla system som tidigare setts som en olägenhet, ett exempel är våtmarker som förr dikades ut för att vinna åkermark men som nu ses som en tillgång för både dagvattenhanteringen och den biologiska mångfalden. I den här uppsatsen undersöks hur trenderna i öppen dagvattenhantering sett ut under åren 1970-2010, vilka system som varit mest använda och vilka system som ser ut att vara på uppgång idag. Dels ges en kortfattad beskrivning av var och ett av systemen med för- och nackdelar, och dels presenteras statistik över hur frekvent de olika systemen förekommit genom åren. Grunden för den statistiska undersökningen är artiklar i två branschtidningar, där rapporteringar om system för öppen dagvattenhantering speglar systemens användning i samhället

    Identifying human waste contribution of phosphorus loads to domestic wastewater

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    This paper describes an approach to identify the phosphorus contribution of faeces and urine in domestic wastewater as part of a model verification exercise for a collaborative project between UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR), Scotland & Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (SNIFFER) and UK Technical Advisory Group (UKTAG). The approach develops a methodology used in recent investigations by University of Abertay Dundee, by combining behaviour questionnaire with in sewer sampling and flow monitoring. The approach aimed to reduce the uncertainties associated with the apportionment of Total Phosphorus (TP) and Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (SRP) from domestic sources as identified during the literature review as part of the collaborative project. A domestic sub-catchment was identified which could be isolated, sampled and analysed to identify domestic contribution of SRP and TP load in domestic foul water. This data analysed with the results of product usage questionnaires, was used to verify a generic model developed to determine the significance of laundry and dishwasher phosphorus contributions to domestic wastewater. Conclusions were drawn regarding the effectiveness of this approach in identifying and quantifying the sources of phosphorus to wastewater treatment works

    Розширення технологічних можливостей гвинтових механізмів машин

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    Schlieren imaging is a method to visualize differences in refractive index within a medium. It is an inexpensive, yet powerful and straightforward tool, for sensitive and high-resolution visualization of gas flows. Here, heated cold gas microthrusters were studied with schlieren imaging techniques. The thruster chips are manufactured using MEMS technology, and measure 22*22*0.85 mm. The nozzles are approximately 20 µm wide at the throat, and 350 µm wide at the exit. Through these studies, verification and direct visualization of the functionality of the thrusters were possible. At atmospheric pressure, slipping of the exhaust was observed, due to the severe overexpansion of the nozzle. In vacuum, the nozzle was underexpanded, and the flow was seen to be supersonic. There was a measurable change in the exhaust with heaters activated. It was also shown that the method can be used to detect leaks, making it a valuable, quick, safe, and inexpensive aid in quality control of the thrusters