208 research outputs found

    CCS and NH_3 Emission Associated with Low-Mass Young Stellar Objects

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    In this work we present a sensitive and systematic single-dish survey of CCS emission (complemented with ammonia observations) at 1 cm, toward a sample of low- and intermediate-mass young star-forming regions known to harbor water maser emission, made with NASA's 70 m antenna at Robledo de Chavela, Spain. Out of the 40 star-forming regions surveyed in the CCS (2_(1)-1_(0)) line, only six low-mass sources show CCS emission: one transitional object between the prestellar and protostellar Class 0 phase (GF9-2), three Class 0 protostars (L1448-IRS3, L1448C, and B1-IRS), a Class I source (L1251A), and a young T Tauri star (NGC 2071 North). Since CCS is considered an "early-time" (≲10^5 yr) molecule, we explain these results by either proposing a revision of the classification of the age of NGC 2071 North and L1251A, or suggesting the possibility that the particular physical conditions and processes of each source affect the destruction/production of the CCS. No statistically significant relationship was found between the presence of CCS and parameters of the molecular outflows and their driving sources. Nevertheless, we found a significant relationship between the detectability of CCS and the ammonia peak intensity (higher in regions with CCS), but not with its integrated intensity. This tendency may suggest that the narrower ammonia line widths in the less turbulent medium associated with younger cores may compensate for the differences in ammonia peak intensity, rendering differences in integrated intensity negligible. From the CCS detection rate we derive a lifetime of this molecule of ≃(0.7-3) × 10^4 yr in low-mass star-forming regions

    High-Resolution Observations in B1-IRS: ammonia, CCS and water masers

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    We present a study of the structure and dynamics of the star forming region B1-IRS (IRAS 03301+3057) using the properties of different molecules at high angular resolution (~4''). We have used VLA observations of NH3, CCS, and H2O masers at 1 cm. CCS emission shows three clumps around the central source, with a velocity gradient from red to blueshifted velocities towards the protostar, probably due to the interaction with outflowing material. Water maser emission is elongated in the same direction as a reflection nebula detected at 2micron by 2MASS, with the maser spots located in a structure of some hundreds of AU from the central source, possibly tracing a jet. We propose a new outflow model to explain all our observations, consisting of a molecular outflow near the plane of the sky. Ammonia emission is extended and anticorrelated with CCS. We have detected for the first time this anticorrelation at small scales (1400 AU) in a star forming region.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 2004 European Workshop: "Dense Molecular Gas around Protostars and in Galactic Nuclei", Eds. Y.Hagiwara, W.A.Baan, H.J.van Langevelde, 2004, a special issue of ApSS, Kluwe

    Statistical Studies of Giant Pulse Emission from the Crab Pulsar

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    We have observed the Crab pulsar with the Deep Space Network (DSN) Goldstone 70 m antenna at 1664 MHz during three observing epochs for a total of 4 hours. Our data analysis has detected more than 2500 giant pulses, with flux densities ranging from 0.1 kJy to 150 kJy and pulse widths from 125 ns (limited by our bandwidth) to as long as 100 microseconds, with median power amplitudes and widths of 1 kJy and 2 microseconds respectively. The most energetic pulses in our sample have energy fluxes of approximately 100 kJy-microsecond. We have used this large sample to investigate a number of giant-pulse emission properties in the Crab pulsar, including correlations among pulse flux density, width, energy flux, phase and time of arrival. We present a consistent accounting of the probability distributions and threshold cuts in order to reduce pulse-width biases. The excellent sensitivity obtained has allowed us to probe further into the population of giant pulses. We find that a significant portion, no less than 50%, of the overall pulsed energy flux at our observing frequency is emitted in the form of giant pulses.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures; to be published in Astrophysical Journa

    Characterizing the transition from diffuse atomic to dense molecular clouds in the Magellanic clouds with [CII], [CI], and CO

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    We present and analyze deep Herschel/HIFI observations of the [CII] 158um, [CI] 609um, and [CI] 370um lines towards 54 lines-of-sight (LOS) in the Large and Small Magellanic clouds. These observations are used to determine the physical conditions of the line--emitting gas, which we use to study the transition from atomic to molecular gas and from C^+ to C^0 to CO in their low metallicity environments. We trace gas with molecular fractions in the range 0.1<f(H2)<1, between those in the diffuse H2 gas detected by UV absorption (f(H2)<0.2) and well shielded regions in which hydrogen is essentially completely molecular. The C^0 and CO column densities are only measurable in regions with molecular fractions f(H2)>0.45 in both the LMC and SMC. Ionized carbon is the dominant gas-phase form of this element that is associated with molecular gas, with C^0 and CO representing a small fraction, implying that most (89% in the LMC and 77% in the SMC) of the molecular gas in our sample is CO-dark H2. The mean X_CO conversion factors in our LMC and SMC sample are larger than the value typically found in the Milky Way. When applying a correction based on the filling factor of the CO emission, we find that the values of X_CO in the LMC and SMC are closer to that in the Milky Way. The observed [CII] intensity in our sample represents about 1% of the total far-infrared intensity from the LOSs observed in both Magellanic Clouds.Comment: 32 pages, 21 figures, Accepted to Ap

    DSS-28: a novel wide bandwidth radio telescope devoted to educational outreach

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    We have recently equipped the 34-meter DSS-28 radio telescope at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex with a novel wide bandwidth radiometer and digital signal processor as part of the Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) educational outreach program operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Lewis Center for Educational Research. The system employs a cryogenically cooled wide bandwidth quad-ridge feed and InP low noise amplifiers to achieve excellent noise performance from 2.7 to 14 GHz; a fractional bandwidth better than 4:1. Four independently tunable dual-polarization receivers each down-convert a 2 GHz block to baseband, providing access to 8 GHz of instantaneous bandwidth. A flexible FPGA-based signal processor has been constructed using CASPER FPGA hardware and tools to take advantage of this enormous bandwidth. This system demonstrates many of the enabling wide bandwidth technologies that will be crucial to maximizing the utility of future large centimeter-wavelength arrays, in particular the Square Kilometer Array. The GAVRT program has previously used narrow bandwidth total power radiometers to study flux variability of quasars and the outer planets. The versatility of DSS-28 will enable other projects including spectroscopy and SETI. Finally, the wide instantaneous bandwidth available makes this system uniquely suited for studying transient radio pulses. A configuration of the digital signal processor has been developed which provides the capability of recording a burst of raw baseband voltage data triggered by a real-time incoherent dedispersion system which is very sensitive to pulses from a known source, such as the Crab Nebula pulsar

    Probing ISM Structure in Trumpler 14 & Carina I Using The Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory 2

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    We present observations of the Trumpler 14/Carina I region carried out using the Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory 2 (STO2). The Trumpler 14/Carina I region is in the west part of the Carina Nebula Complex, which is one of the most extreme star-forming regions in the Milky Way. We observed Trumpler 14/Carina I in the 158 μ\mum transition of [C\,{\sc ii}] with a spatial resolution of 48'' and a velocity resolution of 0.17 km s1^{-1}. The observations cover a 0.25^\circ by 0.28^\circ area with central position {\it l} = 297.34^\circ, {\it b} = -0.60^\circ. The kinematics show that bright [C\,{\sc ii}] structures are spatially and spectrally correlated with the surfaces of CO clouds, tracing the photodissociation region and ionization front of each molecular cloud. Along 7 lines of sight that traverse Tr 14 into the dark ridge to the southwest, we find that the [C\,{\sc ii}] luminosity from the HII region is 3.7 times that from the PDR. In same los we find in the PDRs an average ratio of 1:4.1:5.6 for the mass in atomic gas:dark-CO gas: molecular gas traced by CO. Comparing multiple gas tracers including HI 21cm, [C\,{\sc ii}], CO, and radio recombination lines, we find that the HII regions of the Carina Nebula Complex are well-described as HII regions with one-side freely expanding towards us, consistent with the champagne model of ionized gas evolution. The dispersal of the GMC in this region is dominated by EUV photoevaporation; the dispersal timescale is 20-30 Myr.Comment: ApJ accepte

    Radio continuum emission and water masers towards CB 54

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    We present high angular resolution observations of water masers at 1.3 cm and radio continuum emission at 1.3, 3.6 and 6 cm towards the Bok globule CB 54 using the Very Large Array. At 1.3 cm, with subarsecond angular resolution, we detect a radio continuum compact source located to the south-west of the globule and spatially coincident with a mid-infrared embedded object (MIR-b). The spectral index derived between 6 and 1.3 cm (alpha=0.3+/-0.4) is flat, consistent with optically thin free-free emission from ionized gas. We propose the shock-ionization scenario as a viable mechanism to produce the radio continuum emission observed at cm frequencies. Water masers are detected at two different positions separated by 2.3'', and coincide spatially with two mid-infrared sources: MIR-b and MIR-c. The association of these mid-IR sources with water masers confirms that they are likely protostars undergoing mass-loss, and they are the best candidate as driving sources of the molecular outflows in the region.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in A

    High-Resolution Molecular Line Observations of the Environment of the Class 0 Source B1-IRS

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    In this work we present VLA observations of the NH3, CCS, and H2O maser emission at 1 cm from the star forming region B1-IRS (IRAS 03301+3057) with ~ 5" (=1750 AU) of angular resolution. CCS emission is distributed in three clumps around the central source. These clumps exhibit a velocity gradient from red- to blueshifted velocities toward B1-IRS, probably due to an interaction with the outflow from an embedded protostar. The outflow and its powering source are traced by a reflection nebula and an associated infrared point source detected in a 2MASS K-band image. We find that this infrared point source is associated with water maser emission distributed in an elongated structure (~ 450 AU size) along the major axis of the reflection nebula and tracing the base of the outflow of the region. Ammonia emission is extended and spatially anticorrelated with CCS. This is the first time that this kind of anticorrelation is observed in a star forming region with such a high angular resolution, and illustrates the importance of time-dependent chemistry on small spatial scales. The relatively large abundance of CCS with respect to ammonia, compared with other star forming regions, suggests an extreme youth for the B1-IRS object (<10E+5 yr). We suggest the possibility that CCS abundance is enhanced via shock-induced chemistry.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    H-alpha emitters in z~2 proto-clusters: evidence for faster evolution in dense environments

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    This is a study of H-alpha emitters in two dense galaxy proto-clusters surrounding radio galaxies at z~2. We show that the proto-cluster surrounding MRC 1138-262 contains 14+/-2 times more H-alpha candidates than the average field (9 sigma significance), and the z=2.35 radio galaxy 4C+10.48 is surrounded by 12+/-2 times more emitters than the field (5 sigma), so it is also likely to reside in a dense proto-cluster environment. We compared these H-alpha emitters, situated in dense environments, to a control field sample selected from 3 separate fields forming a total area of 172 arcmin^2. We constructed and compared H-alpha and rest-frame R continuum luminosity functions of the emitters in both environments. The star formation density is on average 13 times greater in the proto-clusters than the field at z~2, so the total star formation rate within the central 1.5Mpc of the proto-clusters exceeds 3000Msun/yr. However, we found no significant difference in the shape of the H-alpha luminosity functions, implying that environment does not substantially affect the strength of the H-alpha line from strongly star forming galaxies. The proto-cluster emitters are typically 0.8mag brighter in rest-frame R continuum than field emitters, implying they are twice as massive as their field counterparts at the same redshift. We also show the proto-cluster galaxies have lower specific star formation rates than field galaxies, meaning the emitters in the dense environments formed more of their stars earlier than the field galaxies. We conclude that galaxy growth in the early Universe was accelerated in dense environments, and that cluster galaxies differed from field galaxies even before the cluster had fully formed.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA