46 research outputs found

    Proactive environmental strategy in a supply chain context: The mediating role of investments

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    Abstract: There is a growing body of knowledge on the link between environmental management and supply chain management, but there is contradicting evidence on the impact of a proactive environmental strategy on environmental performance. Therefore, this paper investigates the impact of proactive environmental strategy on environmental performance as mediated by environmental investments. We also consider the antecedents of the adoption of proactive environmental strategy. We develop and test hypotheses, using data collected from 96 Turkish manufacturers through an online questionnaire. The model was tested using Partial Least Squares (PLS), a structural equation modelling method. The results show that a proactive environmental strategy leads to higher environmental investments; both internally and externally in collaboration with suppliers. Our findings support our hypothesis that environmental investments acts as a mediating variable between proactive environmental strategy and environmental performance. The results also show that customer pressure and, particularly, organizational commitment positively impact the extent to which firms adopt a proactive environmental strategy

    Innerbetriebliche Ecopreneure durch Umweltmanagementsysteme? : eine Langzeitanalyse von Bedingungen für proaktives Umweltschutzverhalten

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)Die vorliegende Arbeit thematisiert, welche Unterstützungspotentiale Umweltmanagementsysteme (UMS) für Innerbetriebliches Ecopreneurship – proaktives, umweltbewusstes Arbeitsverhalten aller Unternehmensmitglieder – bieten. Eine Längsschnittuntersuchung in sechs deutschen Unternehmen ermittelt situative und personelle Faktoren, die Ecopreneurship maßgeblich beeinflussen. Unternehmen mit UMS-Aktivitäten weisen positivere Einschätzungen in den relevanten Verhaltensbedingungen und dem Ecopreneurship auf, aber keine kontinuierliche Verbesserungen von Ecopreneurship im Zeitverlauf. Daraus ergeben sich weitere Forschungsfragen, etwa zur Volatilität des proaktiven Arbeitsverhaltens

    The thalamic mGluR1-PLC??4 pathway is critical in sleep architecture

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    The transition from wakefulness to a nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep state at the onset of sleep involves a transition from low-voltage, high-frequency irregular electroencephalography (EEG) waveforms to large-amplitude, low-frequency EEG waveforms accompanying synchronized oscillatory activity in the thalamocortical circuit. The thalamocortical circuit consists of reciprocal connections between the thalamus and cortex. The cortex sends strong excitatory feedback to the thalamus, however the function of which is unclear. In this study, we investigated the role of the thalamic metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (mGluR1)-phospholipase C ??4 (PLC??4) pathway in sleep control in PLC??4-deficient (PLC??4-/-) mice. The thalamic mGluR1-PLC??4 pathway contains synapses that receive corticothalamic inputs. In PLC??4-/- mice, the transition from wakefulness to the NREM sleep state was stimulated, and the NREM sleep state was stabilized, which resulted in increased NREM sleep. The power density of delta (??) waves increased in parallel with the increased NREM sleep. These sleep phenotypes in PLC??4-/- mice were consistent in TC-restricted PLC??4 knockdown mice. Moreover, in vitro intrathalamic oscillations were greatly enhanced in the PLC??4-/- slices. The results of our study showed that thalamic mGluR1-PLC??4 pathway was critical in controlling sleep architecture.ope

    Human brain slices for epilepsy research:pitfalls, solutions and future challenges

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    Increasingly, neuroscientists are taking the opportunity to use live human tissue obtained from elective neurosurgical procedures for electrophysiological studies in vitro. Access to this valuable resource permits unique studies into the network dynamics that contribute to the generation of pathological electrical activity in the human epileptic brain. Whilst this approach has provided insights into the mechanistic features of electrophysiological patterns associated with human epilepsy, it is not without technical and methodological challenges. This review outlines the main difficulties associated with working with epileptic human brain slices from the point of collection, through the stages of preparation, storage and recording. Moreover, it outlines the limitations, in terms of the nature of epileptic activity that can be observed in such tissue, in particular, the rarity of spontaneous ictal discharges, we discuss manipulations that can be utilised to induce such activity. In addition to discussing conventional electrophysiological techniques that are routinely employed in epileptic human brain slices, we review how imaging and multielectrode array recordings could provide novel insights into the network dynamics of human epileptogenesis. Acute studies in human brain slices are ultimately limited by the lifetime of the tissue so overcoming this issue provides increased opportunity for information gain. We review the literature with respect to organotypic culture techniques that may hold the key to prolonging the viability of this material. A combination of long-term culture techniques, viral transduction approaches and electrophysiology in human brain slices promotes the possibility of large scale monitoring and manipulation of neuronal activity in epileptic microcircuits

    Control of somatosensory cortical processing by thalamic posterior medial nucleus: A new role of thalamus in cortical function

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Current knowledge of thalamocortical interaction comes mainly from studying lemniscal thalamic systems. Less is known about paralemniscal thalamic nuclei function. In the vibrissae system, the posterior medial nucleus (POm) is the corresponding paralemniscal nucleus. POm neurons project to L1 and L5A of the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) in the rat brain. It is known that L1 modifies sensory-evoked responses through control of intracortical excitability suggesting that L1 exerts an influence on whisker responses. Therefore, thalamocortical pathways targeting L1 could modulate cortical firing. Here, using a combination of electrophysiology and pharmacology in vivo, we have sought to determine how POm influences cortical processing. In our experiments, single unit recordings performed in urethane- anesthetized rats showed that POm imposes precise control on the magnitude and duration of supra- and infragranular barrel cortex whisker responses. Our findings demonstrated that L1 inputs from POm imposed a time and intensity dependent regulation on cortical sensory processing. Moreover, we found that blocking L1 GABAergic inhibition or blocking P/Q-type Ca2+ channels in L1 prevents POm adjustment of whisker responses in the barrel cortex. Additionally, we found that POm was also controlling the sensory processing in S2 and this regulation was modulated by corticofugal activity from L5 in S1. Taken together, our data demonstrate the determinant role exerted by the POm in the adjustment of somatosensory cortical processing and in the regulation of cortical processing between S1 and S2. We propose that this adjustment could be a thalamocortical gain regulation mechanism also present in the processing of information between cortical areas.This work was supported by a grant from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (BFU2012- 36107


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