6 research outputs found

    A Glimpse into the Effects of Climate Adaptation on Shaping the Goat Genome

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    The goat is one of the most adaptable livestock species, present worldwide in many different environments. The ADAPTMAP consortium collected DNA from goats worldwide to investigate the genetic basis of adaptation to these environments. The major findings were that animals in the Tropical areas had genetic differences likely associated with genes that influence the size (smaller animals), while in the other environments, different forms of the same gene were seen in different environments suggesting natural or artificial selection

    Genome-wide patterns of homozygosity provide clues about the population history and adaptation of goats

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    Abstract Background Patterns of homozygosity can be influenced by several factors, such as demography, recombination, and selection. Using the goat SNP50 BeadChip, we genotyped 3171 goats belonging to 117 populations with a worldwide distribution. Our objectives were to characterize the number and length of runs of homozygosity (ROH) and to detect ROH hotspots in order to gain new insights into the consequences of neutral and selection processes on the genome-wide homozygosity patterns of goats. Results The proportion of the goat genome covered by ROH is, in general, less than 15% with an inverse relationship between ROH length and frequency i.e. short ROH ( 0.20) F ROH values. For populations from Asia, the average number of ROH is smaller and their coverage is lower in goats from the Near East than in goats from Central Asia, which is consistent with the role of the Fertile Crescent as the primary centre of goat domestication. We also observed that local breeds with small population sizes tend to have a larger fraction of the genome covered by ROH compared to breeds with tens or hundreds of thousands of individuals. Five regions on three goat chromosomes i.e. 11, 12 and 18, contain ROH hotspots that overlap with signatures of selection. Conclusions Patterns of homozygosity (average number of ROH of 77 and genome coverage of 248 Mb; F ROH < 0.15) are similar in goats from different geographic areas. The increased homozygosity in local breeds is the consequence of their small population size and geographic isolation as well as of founder effects and recent inbreeding. The existence of three ROH hotspots that co-localize with signatures of selection demonstrates that selection has also played an important role in increasing the homozygosity of specific regions in the goat genome. Finally, most of the goat breeds analysed in this work display low levels of homozygosity, which is favourable for their genetic management and viability

    Investigating the footprint of post-domestication dispersal on the diversity of modern European, African and Asian goats.

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    BACKGROUND Goats were domesticated in the Fertile Crescent about 10,000 years before present (YBP) and subsequently spread across Eurasia and Africa. This dispersal is expected to generate a gradient of declining genetic diversity with increasing distance from the areas of early livestock management. Previous studies have reported the existence of such genetic cline in European goat populations, but they were based on a limited number of microsatellite markers. Here, we have analyzed data generated by the AdaptMap project and other studies. More specifically, we have used the geographic coordinates and estimates of the observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosities of 1077 European, 1187 African and 617 Asian goats belonging to 38, 43 and 22 different breeds, respectively, to find out whether genetic diversity and distance to Ganj Dareh, a Neolithic settlement in western Iran for which evidence of an early management of domestic goats has been obtained, are significantly correlated. RESULTS Principal component and ADMIXTURE analyses revealed an incomplete regional differentiation of European breeds, but two genetic clusters representing Northern Europe and the British-Irish Isles were remarkably differentiated from the remaining European populations. In African breeds, we observed five main clusters: (1) North Africa, (2) West Africa, (3) East Africa, (4) South Africa, and (5) Madagascar. Regarding Asian breeds, three well differentiated West Asian, South Asian and East Asian groups were observed. For European and Asian goats, no strong evidence of significant correlations between Ho and He and distance to Ganj Dareh was found. In contrast, in African breeds we detected a significant gradient of diversity, which decreased with distance to Ganj Dareh. CONCLUSIONS The detection of a genetic cline associated with distance to the Ganj Dareh in African but not in European or Asian goat breeds might reflect differences in the post-domestication dispersal process and subsequent migratory movements associated with the management of caprine populations from these three continents

    Patterns of homozygosity in insular and continental goat breeds

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    Genetic isolation of breeds may result in a significant loss of diversity and have consequences on health and performance. In this study, we examined the effect of geographic isolation on caprine genetic diversity patterns by genotyping 480 individuals from 25 European and African breeds with the Goat SNP50 BeadChip and comparing patterns of homozygosity of insular and nearby continental breeds. Among the breeds analysed, number and total length of ROH varied considerably and depending on breeds, ROH could cover a substantial fraction of the genome (up to 1.6 Gb in Icelandic goats). When compared with their continental counterparts, goats from Iceland, Madagascar, La Palma and Ireland (Bilberry and Arran) displayed a significant increase in ROH coverage, ROH number and F values (P value < 0.05). Goats from Mediterranean islands represent a more complex case because certain populations displayed a significantly increased level of homozygosity (e.g. Girgentana) and others did not (e.g. Corse and Sarda). Correlations of number and total length of ROH for insular goat populations with the distance between islands and the nearest continental locations revealed an effect of extremely long distances on the patterns of homozygosity. These results indicate that the effects of insularization on the patterns of homozygosity are variable. Goats raised in Madagascar, Iceland, Ireland (Bilberry and Arran) and La Palma, show high levels of homozygosity, whereas those bred in Mediterranean islands display patterns of homozygosity that are similar to those found in continental populations. These results indicate that the diversity of insular goat populations is modulated by multiple factors such as geographic distribution, population size, demographic history, trading and breed management. The online version of this article (10.1186/s12711-018-0425-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Signatures of selection and environmental adaptation across the goat genome post-domestication

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    Since goat was domesticated 10,000 years ago, many factors have contributed to the differentiation of goat breeds and these are classified mainly into two types: (i) adaptation to different breeding systems and/or purposes and (ii) adaptation to different environments. As a result, approximately 600 goat breeds have developed worldwide; they differ considerably from one another in terms of phenotypic characteristics and are adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions. In this work, we analyzed the AdaptMap goat dataset, which is composed of data from more than 3000 animals collected worldwide and genotyped with the CaprineSNP50 BeadChip. These animals were partitioned into groups based on geographical area, production uses, available records on solid coat color and environmental variables including the sampling geographical coordinates, to investigate the role of natural and/or artificial selection in shaping the genome of goat breeds. Several signatures of selection on different chromosomal regions were detected across the different breeds, sub-geographical clusters, phenotypic and climatic groups. These regions contain genes that are involved in important biological processes, such as milk-, meat- or fiber-related production, coat color, glucose pathway, oxidative stress response, size, and circadian clock differences. Our results confirm previous findings in other species on adaptation to extreme environments and human purposes and provide new genes that could explain some of the differences between goat breeds according to their geographical distribution and adaptation to different environments.These analyses of signatures of selection provide a comprehensive first picture of the global domestication process and adaptation of goat breeds and highlight possible genes that may have contributed to the differentiation of this species worldwide

    Genome-wide SNP profiling of worldwide goat populations reveals strong partitioning of diversity and highlights post-domestication migration routes

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    Goat populations that are characterized within the AdaptMap project cover a large part of the worldwide distribution of this species and provide the opportunity to assess their diversity at a global scale. We analysed genome-wide 50K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data from 144 populations to describe the global patterns of molecular variation, compare them to those observed in other livestock species, and identify the drivers that led to the current distribution of goats. A high degree of genetic variability exists among the goat populations studied. Our results highlight a strong partitioning of molecular diversity between and within continents. Three major gene pools correspond to goats from Europe, Africa and West Asia. Dissection of sub-structures disclosed regional gene pools, which reflect the main post-domestication migration routes. We also identified several exchanges, mainly in African populations, and which often involve admixed and cosmopolitan breeds. Extensive gene flow has taken place within specific areas (e.g., south Europe, Morocco and Mali-Burkina Faso-Nigeria), whereas elsewhere isolation due to geographical barriers (e.g., seas or mountains) or human management has decreased local gene flows. After domestication in the Fertile Crescent in the early Neolithic era (ca. 12,000 YBP), domestic goats that already carried differentiated gene pools spread to Europe, Africa and Asia. The spread of these populations determined the major genomic background of the continental populations, which currently have a more marked subdivision than that observed in other ruminant livestock species. Subsequently, further diversification occurred at the regional level due to geographical and reproductive isolation, which was accompanied by additional migrations and/or importations, the traces of which are still detectable today. The effects of breed formation were clearly detected, particularly in Central and North Europe. Overall, our results highlight a remarkable diversity that occurs at the global scale and is locally partitioned and often affected by introgression from cosmopolitan breeds. These findings support the importance of long-term preservation of goat diversity, and provide a useful framework for investigating adaptive introgression, directing genetic improvement and choosing breeding targets