504 research outputs found

    Planet formation in highly inclined binaries

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    We explore planet formation in binary systems around the central star where the protoplanetary disk plane is highly inclined with respect to the companion star orbit. This might be the most frequent scenario for binary separations larger than 40 AU, according to Hale (1994). We focus on planetesimal accretion and compute average impact velocities in the habitable region and up to 6 AU from the primary.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    A new code to study structures in collisionally active, perturbed debris discs. Application to binaries

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    Debris discs are traditionally studied using two distinct types of numerical models: statistical particle-in-a-box codes to study their collisional and size distribution evolution, and dynamical N-body models to study their spatial structure. The absence of collisions from N-body codes is in particular a major shortcoming, as collisional processes are expected to significantly alter the results obtained from pure N-body runs. We present a new numerical model, to study the spatial structure of perturbed debris discs at dynamical and collisional steady-state. We focus on the competing effects between gravitational perturbations by a massive body (planet or star), collisional production of small grains, and radiation pressure placing these grains in possibly dynamically unstable regions. We consider a disc of parent bodies at dynamical steady-state, from which small radiation-pressure-affected grains are released in a series of runs, each corresponding to a different orbital position of the perturber, where particles are assigned a collisional destruction probability. These collisional runs produce successive position maps that are then recombined, following a complex procedure, to produce surface density profiles for each orbital position of the perturbing body. We apply our code to the case of a circumprimary disc in a binary. We find pronounced structures inside and outside the dynamical stability regions. For low eBe_B, the disc's structure is time varying, with spiral arms in the dynamically "forbidden" region precessing with the companion star. For high eBe_B, the disc is strongly asymmetric but time invariant, with a pronounced density drop in the binary's periastron direction. (better resolution version of the paper at http://lesia.obspm.fr/perso/philippe-thebault/theb2011.pdf)Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics /// There is a problem with the way Fig.1 looks on the astro-ph file. You can retrieve a correct version of the full paper at http://lesia.obspm.fr/perso/philippe-thebault/theb2011.pd

    Superpositions of the cosmological constant allow for singularity resolution and unitary evolution in quantum cosmology

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    A novel approach to quantization is shown to allow for superpositions of the cosmological constant in isotropic and homogeneous mini-superspace models. Generic solutions featuring such superpositions display unitary evolution and resolution of the classical singularity. Physically well-motivated cosmological solutions are constructed. These particular solutions exhibit characteristic features of a cosmic bounce including universal phenomenology that can be rendered insensitive to Planck-scale physics in a natural manner.Comment: Version accepted to Physics Letters B. Minor revisions, clarifications added. 7 pages, 3 figure

    On the eccentricity of self-gravitating circumstellar disks in eccentric binary systems

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    We study the evolution of circumstellar massive disks around the primary star of a binary system focusing on the computation of disk eccentricity. In particular, we concentrate on its dependence on the binary eccentricity. Self-gravity is included in our numerical simulations. Our standard model assumes a semimajor axis for the binary of 30 AU, the most probable value according to the present binary statistics.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    Vertical structure of debris discs

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    The vertical thickness of debris discs is often used as a measure of these systems' dynamical excitation and as clues to the presence of hidden massive perturbers such as planetary embryos. However, this argument could be flawed because the observed dust should be naturally placed on inclined orbits by the combined effect of radiation pressure and mutual collisions. We critically reinvestigate this issue and numerically estimate what the "natural" vertical thickness of a collisionally evolving disc is, in the absence of any additional perturbing body. We use a deterministic collisional code, following the dynamical evolution of a population of indestructible test grains suffering mutual inelastic impacts. Grain differential sizes as well as the effect of radiation pressure are taken into account. We find that, under the coupled effect of radiation pressure and collisions, grains naturally acquire inclinations of a few degrees. The disc is stratified with respect to grain sizes, with the smallest grains having the largest vertical dispersion and the bigger ones clustered closer to the midplane. Debris discs should have a minimum "natural" observed aspect ratio hmin∌0.04±0.02h_{min}\sim 0.04\pm0.02 at visible to mid-IR wavelengths where the flux is dominated by the smallest bound grains. These values are comparable to the estimated thicknesses of many vertically resolved debris discs, as is illustrated with the specific example of AU Mic. For all systems with h∌hminh \sim h_{min}, the presence (or absence) of embedded perturbing bodies cannot be inferred from the vertical dispersion of the discComment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (full abstract in the pdf file

    Debris discs in binaries: a numerical study

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    Debris disc analysis and modelling provide crucial information about the structure and the processes at play in extrasolar planetary systems. In binary systems, this issue is more complex because the disc should in addition respond to the companion star's perturbations. We explore the dynamical evolution of a collisionally active debris disc for different initial parent body populations, diverse binary configurations and optical depths. We focus on the radial extent and size distribution of the disc at a stationary state. We numerically follow the evolution of 10510^{5} massless small grains, initially produced from a circumprimary disc of parent bodies following a size distribution in dN∝s−3.5dN \propto s^{-3.5}ds . Grains are submitted to both stars' gravity as well as radiation pressure. In addition, particles are assigned an empirically derived collisional lifetime. For all the binary configurations the disc extends far beyond the critical semimajor axis acrita_crit for orbital stability. This is due to the steady production of small grains, placed on eccentric orbits reaching beyond acrita_crit by radiation pressure. The amount of matter beyond acrit depends on the balance between collisional production and dynamical removal rates: it increases for more massive discs as well as for eccentric binaries. Another important effect is that, in the dynamically stable region, the disc is depleted from its smallest grains. Both results could lead to observable signatures. We have shown that a companion star can never fully truncate a collisionally active disc. For eccentric companions, grains in the unstable regions can significantly contribute to the thermal emission in the mid-IR. Discs with sharp outer edges, especially bright ones such as HR4796A, are probably shaped by other mechanisms.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Hawking Radiation and Analogue Experiments: A Bayesian Analysis

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    We present a Bayesian analysis of the epistemology of analogue experiments with particular reference to Hawking radiation. First, we prove that such experiments can be confirmatory in Bayesian terms based upon appeal to 'universality arguments'. Second, we provide a formal model for the scaling behaviour of the confirmation measure for multiple distinct realisations of the analogue system and isolate a generic saturation feature. Finally, we demonstrate that different potential analogue realisations could provide different levels of confirmation. Our results provide a basis both to formalise the epistemic value of analogue experiments that have been conducted and to advise scientists as to the respective epistemic value of future analogue experiments.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Relative velocities among accreting planetesimals in binary systems: the circumbinary case

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    We numerically investigate the possibility of planetesimal accretion in circumbinary disks, under the coupled influence of both stars' secular perturbations and friction due to the gaseous component of the protoplanetary disk. We focus on one crucial parameter: the distribution of encounter velocities between planetesimals in the 0.5 to 100km size range. An extended range of binary systems with differing orbital parameters is explored. The resulting encounter velocities are compared to the threshold velocities below which the net outcome of a collision is accumulation into a larger body instead of mass erosion. For each binary configuration, we derive the critical radial distance from the binary barycenter beyond which planetesimal accretion is possible. This critical radial distance is smallest for equal-mass binaries on almost circular orbits. It shifts to larger values for increasing eccentricities and decreasing mass ratio. The importance of the planetesimals' orbital alignments of planetesimals due to gas drag effects is discussed.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Outer edges of debris discs: how sharp is sharp?

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    Ring-like features have been observed in several debris discs. Outside the main ring, while some systems exhibit smooth surface brightness profiles (SB) that fall off roughly as r**-3.5, others display large luminosity drops at the ring's outer edge and steeper radial SB profiles. We seek to understand this diversity of outer edge profiles under the ``natural'' collisional evolution of the system, without invoking external agents such as planets or gas. We use a statistical code to follow the evolution of a collisional population, ranging from dust grains (submitted to radiation pressure) to planetesimals and initially confined within a belt (the 'birth ring'). The system typically evolves toward a "standard" steady state, with no sharp edge and SB \propto r**-3.5 outside the birth ring. Deviations from this standard profile, in the form of a sharp outer edge and a steeper fall-off, occur only when two parameters take their extreme values: 1) When the birth ring is so massive that it becomes radially optically thick for the smallest grains. However, the required disc mass is here probably too high to be realistic. 2) When the dynamical excitation of the dust-producing planetesimals is so low ( <0.01) that the smallest grains, which otherwise dominate the total optical depth, are preferentially depleted. This low-excitation case, although possibly not generic, cannot be ruled out by observations. Our "standard" profile provides a satisfactory explanation for a large group of debris discs with outer edges and SB falling as r**-3.5. Systems with sharper outer edges, barring other confining agents, could still be explained by ``natural'' collisional evolution if their dynamical excitation is very low. We show that such a dynamically-cold case provides a satisfactory fit for HR4796AComment: Accepted for publication in A&A (abstract truncated here, full version in the pdf file); v2: typos corrected + rephrasing title of Section 5.1.2; v3 :final technical change

    Survival of icy grains in debris discs. The role of photosputtering

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    We put theoretical constraints on the presence and survival of icy grains in debris discs. Particular attention is paid to UV sputtering of water ice, which has so far not been studied in detail in this context. We present a photosputtering model based on available experimental and theoretical studies. We quantitatively estimate the erosion rate of icy and ice-silicate grains, under the influence of both sublimation and photosputtering, as a function of grain size, composition and distance from the star. The effect of erosion on the grain's location is investigated through numerical simulations coupling the grain size to its dynamical evolution. Our model predicts that photodesorption efficiently destroy ice in optically thin discs, even far beyond the sublimation snow line. For the reference case of beta Pictoris, we find that only > 5mm grains can keep their icy component for the age of the system in the 50-150AU region. When taking into account the collisional reprocessing of grains, we show that the water ice survival on grains improves (grains down to ~ 20 um might be partially icy). However, estimates of the amount of gas photosputtering would produce on such a hypothetical population of big icy grains lead to values for the OI column density that strongly exceed observational constraints for beta Pic, thus ruling out the presence of a significant amount of icy grains in this system. Erosion rates and icy grains survival timescales are also given for a set of 11 other debris disc systems. We show that, with the possible exception of M stars, photosputtering cannot be neglected in calculations of icy grain lifetimes.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. accepted by A&
