3,276 research outputs found

    The Effects of European Structural Funds in the Spanish Regions Using CGE Models: a review

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    This paper reviews the few regional studies on the impact of European Structural funds in Spain using Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Models. While the models in these studies are widely used to evaluate the effects of very different public policies, they rarely have been used to quantify the impact of the Structural funds. In the pioneer papers elaborated for Madrid and Andalusia, the effects of the funds have been simulated through an exogenous change of final demand. I suggest avoiding any accounting of exogenous shocks in final demand of non-affected sectors by more-realistically splitting investment into various capital goods and evaluating the short-run effects of increasing investment in them.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    Factors associated with Chagas screening among immigrants from an endemic country in Madrid, Spain

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    INTRODUCTION: Approximately 120,000 people live with Chagas disease in Europe, 43% of whom are living in Spain. Early diagnosis and treatment are critical to improve outcomes for those living with Chagas, and also for the prevention of ongoing transmission. The decision to be tested for Chagas is affected by a range of factors. Studies have highlighted the need to consider the wider social determinants of healthcare seeking behaviour related to Chagas. In Madrid, 44% of Bolivians undergo Chagas screening, which is a higher rate than other European regions, but studies concerning the factors which determine testing have not been performed. This study aimed to assess, for a first time, the factors associated with screening for Chagas among Bolivians living in Madrid trying to help in developing strategies and health recommendations. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional survey about knowledge of Chagas and practices of Bolivians living in Madrid, Spain. A structured questionnaire was administered to 376 participants regarding Chagas health-seeking behaviour. Determinants were assessed by multiple logistic regressions adjusted by sex. RESULTS: After adjusting for others variables and sex, the factors shown to be associated with Chagas screening were to have between 35 and 54 years of age; coming from a department with high prevalence of Chagas (OR 2.17 95% CI 0.99-4.76); received information about Chagas in Spain (OR 2.44 95% CI 1.32-4.51); and received any advice to do the test, especially if the advice came from a professional. CONCLUSIONS: Health authorities should coordinate and promote strategies addressed to diagnose and treat Chagas taking into account all factors associated with screening. Our study suggests that professional advice appears to be the cornerstone to encourage Bolivians to undergo Chagas screening in Madrid. It is time to change the burden of the decision of being screened from the patient to the doctor. Being diagnosed for Chagas needs to become an institutional strategy.This study was funding by the Insituto de Salud Carlos III (www.isciii.es)PI15CIII/00047 to TBH. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Importancia del aprestamiento en Educación Inicial para la adquisición de la lectoescritura en niños y niñas del tercer nivel, del colegio San Luis del Municipio de Sébaco, durante el segundo semestre del año lectivo 2016

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    A través de la presente investigación se llevó a cabo el estudio del aprestamiento en Educación Inicial para la adquisición de aprendizaje. Se abordó específicamente la importancia del aprestamiento para la adquisición de la lectoescritura en niños y niñas del tercer nivel, del turno matutino; en el Colegio San Luis de Sébaco durante el curso escolar del II semestre del año 2016; con el objetivo de analizar los aspectos que hacen importante el aprestamiento en la adquisición de la lectoescritura en niños y niñas del tercer nivel de educación inicial. El valor de la temática abordada radica en el uso de estrategias para favorecer la adquisición de la lectoescritura en la etapa de aprestamiento, en niños y niñas de tercer nivel; ya que les permite brindarles oportunidades a los educandos para que exploren creativamente la escritura y la lectura. A su vez la ausencia de estas estrategias en las aulas de clase por falta de conocimiento del docente de los aspectos que por medio de un debido y correcto aprestamiento se favorece en esta etapa que el niño cursa. En conclusión se describe la importancia del aprestamiento para la adquisición de la lectoescritura en los niños y niñas de edad preescolar; ya que se estimulan las habilidades básicas y necesarias, para aprender leer y escribir. Además se identificó que la maestra utiliza pocas estrategias para el aprestamiento de la lectoescritura de los niños durante el desarrollo de la clase, también se propone una serie de actividades que le permiten al niño desarrollar habilidades necesarias para que construyan el placer por la lectura y escritur

    Comments on Hynes et al. Prevalence of Marijuana Use among University Students in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

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    We have read and analyzed the article entitled “Prevalence of marijuana use among university students in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru”. We propose some objective points which could enhance the internal validity of the study (i.e., we suggest to report participation proportions).Revisión por pare

    ¿Viejos o nuevos?: orientaciones actuales de los servicios sociales en España

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     Some methods and results of psycho-physiological human functions investigation in mountain conditions are given. These results form the base of developed approaches for professional selection of special contingents for the work in extreme conditions. Mathematic model for reliability of human nervous system functioning in extreme conditions is suggested. Описаны некоторые методы и результаты исследования психофизиологических функций человека в условиях высокогорья, которые легли в основу разработанных подходов к профессиональному отбору контингентов для работы в экстремальных условиях. Представлены математическая модель надежности функционирования нервной системы человека в экстремальных условиях. Описано деякі методи та результати дослідження психофізіологічних функцій людини в умовах високогір’я, що лягли в основу розроблених підходів до професійного відбору контингентів для роботи в екстремальних умовах. Подано математичну модель надійності функціонування нервової системи людини в екстремальних умовах

    Characterizing the hydrogeochemistry of two low-temperature thermal systems in Central Mexico

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    Two low-temperature geothermal systems located at the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt with presence of fluoride and arsenic were studied with the aim to determine hydrogeochemical indicators of the toxic elements' presence, and to propose adequate geothermometers. The hydrogeological and geochemical study was carried out in Ixtapan de la Sal and Tonatico (IxS-T) and Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas (JR), both located at the limits of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). In these regions, low-temperature geothermal activity is present (T = 32–47 °C), and various fault and fracture systems have been identified. Several faults are active, enabling the upward flow of deep geothermal water. The geothermal waters of IxS-T manifest in the form of springs and have high Na+ and Cl− concentrations, whereas those of JR are captured in wells and mainly present high Na+ and HCO3 – concentrations. The hydrochemistry of water samples was analyzed to determine the dominant hydrogeochemical processes in both regions. These data were also useful for understanding the natural origin of the high levels of arsenic and fluoride reported in the water, which are likely due to mineral dissolution processes. The concentrations of these elements surpassed the permissible limits according to Mexican law (Astot = 0.025 mg/L; F− = 1.5 mg/L) and represent a toxicity risk for the local populations. The groundwater at JR supplies all needs of the local population, while the water at IxS-T is mainly used for recreational and health spa purposes. Increasing trends of As and F− in the sedimentary aquifer of IxS-T are related with the increase in TDS, Cl−, HCO3 – and SiO2, while silicate alteration releasing Na and HCO3 – are related with As and F− presence in the volcanic aquifer of JR. Reservoir temperature was adequately estimated with K2 /Mg and Na-K-Ca (Mg corrected) geothermometers at IxS-T, and with chalcedony and quartz geothermometers at JRUAEM 3716/201