1,383 research outputs found

    Factores asociados a la asistencia de embarazadas a la casa materna Adilia Trejos, San Juan de oriente, Masaya. II Semestre 2016.

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    Las casas maternas es una estrategia retomada de años pasados para reducir la mortalidad materna. Según estudios realizados, estas casas cuentan con un bajo índice de asistencia por parte de embarazadas. A partir de este precepto, surge el estudio con el objetivo de analizar los factores que influyen en la asistencia de embarazadas a la casa materna Adilia Trejos del municipio de San Juan de Oriente Masaya II semestre 2016, esta investigación se valió con un universo de 16 embarazadas que se les indicó asistir a la casa materna de las cuales únicamente acudieron 8 embarazadas. Los resultados de esta investigación se vieron ligados a los factores personales, familiares, culturales y económicos que les impidieron asistir a las embarazadas a la casa materna, debido al rol que se le impone la sociedad machista, al apoyo que reciben de sus familiares y parejas, el trabajo al que se dedican que es artesana. Por otra parte la atención que recibieron por el personal durante su albergue fue eficiente. Dentro de la percepción de las usuarias respecto a la importancia y comodidad de la casa materna es muy bueno, así mismo todas refirieron para la casa materna un concepto de albergue y alojamiento que reduce peligros en su vida y del bebé. Se recomienda al personal que labora en la casa materna continuar brindando una atención amable y eficaz y realizar actividades que promuevan información sobre la casa materna

    Relations between social services and urban policies. A review from the evidence

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    En las últimas décadas, las administraciones locales han adquirido progresivamente mayor protagonismo en la gestión urbana. En este contexto, las políticas urbanas (PP.UU.) como instrumentos para la mejora de las ciudades, resultan indispensables para la mejora de la calidad de vida de la ciudadanía. Esta razón, junto a derechos como proximidad o inclusión social, son compartidos por los Servicios Sociales (SS.SS.) y además guardan coherencia con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. La finalidad de esta investigación se centra en relacionar precisamente los conceptos de política urbana (P.U.) y SS.SS. con intención de recopilar, indagar y sintetizar la evidencia cualitativa, cuantitativa y mixta en torno a esta relación. Se realiza una investigación primaria que explora las temáticas que enfocan los estudios elegidos desde las bases de datos WOS, Scopus y 1finder (carácter complementario). Se evalúa la calidad de los hallazgos con una síntesis de evidencia cualitativa, cuantitativa y mixta, basada en el método Mixed-Methods Appraisal Tool. En cuanto a los resultados, por un lado, destacar que existe una mayoría de estudios con diseño cualitativo (n = 18) de un total de 23 estudios incluidos en la revisión, otros artículos comprenden diseños de estudios cuantitativos (n = 3) y mixtos (n = 2). Por otro lado, EE.UU. protagoniza el primer puesto como país objeto de estudio de estas obras (n = 6) y también las ciudades de gran tamaño poblacional (n = 13). Por último, reseñar que existe un diferente desarrollo de los artículos en los diferentes países con respecto a las PP.UU. centradas en los SS.SS., una diversidad temática influenciada por el concepto de gestión urbana.Urban policy as an instrument for improving cities has become indispensable for enhancing residents quality of life. This rationale, combined with the importance of rights such as proximity and social inclusion, is also shared by the social services (SS from here on) and consistent with UN sustainable development objectives. This study aim to assemble, investigate and summarize the mixed evidence available on topics centring studies of urban policy on SS. To this end a preliminary study was carried out to explore the topics using WOS, Scopus and 1finder (complementary) databases. The quality of the findings was assessed by the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. Of a total of 23 included in the review, were found to be of qualitative design (n = 18), quantitative (n = 3) and mixed (n = 2). USA was found to be the main country studied in these papers (n = 6); and most of the studies focused on cities with large populations (n = 13). A final finding was that divergences between countries in approaches to urban policy centred on SS led to studies being performed differently, and showing the influence of urban management in each country

    Comparative assessment of consolidation treatments on archaeological fragments of roman cornices and islamic plasterwork

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    Los revestimientos arquitectónicos de origen arqueológico presentan una problemática de conservación y restauración bastante compleja, sobre todo en lo que a términos de consolidación se refiere. Con este trabajo se ofrecen distintos ensayos de consolidación (resina acrílica, silicato de etilo, butiral de polivinilo y carbonatogénesis bacteriana) que se han realizado en fragmentos de cornisas de cronología romana procedentes del Conjunto Arqueológico de Castulo en Linares (Jaén) y en yeserías medievales del Alcázar de Guadalajara. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido extraer conclusiones acerca de los aspectos positivos y negativos de los diversos tratamientos y de su viabilidad para la conservación de este tipo de decoraciones arquitectónicas.Conservation and restoration of architectural coatings of archaeological origin is a complex issue, especially as far as consolidation terms are concerned. This work presents different consolidation treatments (acrylic resin, ethyl silicate, polyvinyl butyral and bacterial carbonatogenesis) carried out on fragments of Roman chronology cornices from the Archaeological Complex Castulo, located in Linares (Jaén), and on original plasterwork from the Alcázar of Guadalajara. The results of the study showed the strengths and weaknesses of each treatment, allowing us to conclude their viability for the conservation of this type of architectural decorations

    Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae Recovered from a Spanish River Ecosystem

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    The increasing resistance to carbapenems is an alarming threat in the fight against multiresistant bacteria. The dissemination properties of antimicrobial resistance genes are supported by their detection in a diverse population of bacteria, including strains isolated from the environment. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) collected from a river ecosystem in the Barcelona metropolitan area (Spain). Identification of β-lactamases and other resistance determinants was determined as was the antimicrobial susceptibility profile. Moreover, screening of virulence factors, plasmid addiction systems, plasmid partition systems and replicon typing was performed. The results identified 8 isolates belonging to different species (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Raoultella ornithinolytica). The most prevalent enzyme was KPC-2 (n = 6), followed by VIM-1 (n = 2) and IMI-2 (n = 1), whereas no OXA-48-type was detected. In addition, one strain was positive for both KPC-2 and VIM-1 enzymes. All the carbapenemase-encoding plasmids carried at least one plasmid addiction or partition system, being vagCD and parAB the most frequently detected, respectively. E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates carried a low number of virulence-associated factors and none of the detected clones has previously been identified in the clinical setting. These findings support the high dissemination potential of the carbapanemase-encoding genes and reinforce the idea that the environment is another reservoir that may play an important role in the capture, selection and dissemination of carbapenem resistance genes

    Antibiotic resistance genes in phage particles isolated from human feces and induced from clinical bacterial isolates

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    Phage particles have emerged as elements with the potential to mobilize antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in different environments, including the intestinal habitat. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of ARGs in phage particles present in fecal matter and induced from strains isolated from feces. Nine ARGs (blaTEM, blaCTX-M-1-group, blaCTX-M-9-group, blaOXA-48, qnrA, qnrS, mecA, sul1 and armA) were quantified by qPCR in the phage DNA fractions of 150 fecal samples obtained from healthy individuals. These subjects had not received antibiotic treatment or travelled abroad in the three months prior to the sample collection. On the suspicion that the detected particles originated from bacterial flora, 82 Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates possessing at least one identified ARG (blaTEM, blaCTX-M-1-group, blaCTX-M-9-group, armA, qnrA, qnrS, and sul1) were isolated and their capacity to produce phage particles carrying these ARGs after induction was evaluated. Seventy-two percent of samples were positive for at least one ARG, with blaTEM and blaCTX-M-9-group being the most prevalent and abundant. Fifty-one isolates (62%) showed an increase in the number of copies of the respective ARG in the phage fraction after induction, with blaTEM, blaCTX-M-1-group, blaCTX-M-9-group and sul1 being the most abundant. Phages induced from the isolates were further purified and visualized using microscopy and their DNA showed ARG levels of up to 10(10) gene copies/ml. This study highlights the abundance of phage particles harboring ARGs and indicates that bacterial strains in the intestinal habitat could be sources of these particles

    Population genomics and antimicrobial resistance dynamics of Escherichia coli in wastewater and river environments

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    Aquatic environments are key niches for the emergence, evolution and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance. However, the population diversity and the genetic elements that drive the dynamics of resistant bacteria in different aquatic environments are still largely unknown. The aim of this study was to understand the population genomics and evolutionary events of Escherichia coli resistant to clinically important antibiotics including aminoglycosides, in anthropogenic and natural water ecosystems. Here we show that less different E. coli sequence types (STs) are identified in wastewater than in rivers, albeit more resistant to antibiotics, and with significantly more plasmids/cell (6.36 vs 3.72). However, the genomic diversity within E. coli STs in both aquatic environments is similar. Wastewater environments favor the selection of conserved chromosomal structures associated with diverse flexible plasmids, unraveling promiscuous interplasmidic resistance genes flux. On the contrary, the key driver for river E. coli adaptation is a mutable chromosome along with few plasmid types shared between diverse STs harboring a limited resistance gene content

    Relationship of runoff, erosion and sediment yield to weather types in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Precipitation has been recognized as one of the main factors driving soil erosion and sediment yield (SY), and its spatial and temporal variability is recognized as one of themain reasons for spatial and temporal analyses of soil erosion variability. The weather types (WTs) approach classifies the continuumof atmospheric circulation into a small number of categories or types and has been proven a good indicator of the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation. Thus, themain objective of this study is to analyze the relationship betweenWTs, runoff, soil erosion (measured in plots), and sediment yield (measured in catchments) in different areas of the Iberian Peninsula (IP) with the aimof detecting spatial variations in these relationships. To this end, hydrological and sediment information covering the IP from several Spanish research teams has been combined, and related with daily WTs estimated by using the NMC/NCAR 40-Year Reanalysis Project. The results showthat, in general, a fewWTs (particularly westerly, southwesterly and cyclonic) provide the largest amounts of precipitation; and southwesterly, northwesterly and westerly WTs play an important role in runoff generation, erosion and sediment yield as they coincide with the wettest WTs. However, this study highlights the spatial variability of erosion and sediment yield in the IP according to WT, differentiating (1) areas under the influence of north and/or north-westerly flows (the north coast of Cantabria and inland central areas), (2) areas under the influence of westerly, southwesterly and cyclonic WTs (western and southwestern IP), (3) areas in which erosion and sediment yield are controlled by easterly flows (Mediterranean coastland), and (4) lastly, a transitional zone in the inland northeast Ebro catchment,wherewe detected a high variability in the effects ofWTs on erosion. Overall results suggest that the use of WTs derived fromobserved atmospheric pressure patterns could be a useful tool for inclusion in future projections of the spatial variability of erosion and sediment yield, as models capture pressure fields reliably

    Identidad Onubense: Opinión y prácticas sociales respecto a urbanismo, patrimonio y entorno

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    Presentation of the research results on the Huelva [Onubense] Identity, 2020-2021. The results were presented at the Conference on Knowledge Transfer held on November 25, 2021 (University of Huelva, ETSI). It corresponds to the project: Huelva Identity: Opinion and social practices regarding urban planning, heritage, and environment. See more information at: https://eseis.es/investigacion/identidad-onubensePresentation of the research results on the Huelva [Onubense] Identity, 2020-2021. The results were presented at the Conference on Knowledge Transfer held on November 25, 2021 (University of Huelva, ETSI). It corresponds to the project: Huelva Identity: Opinion and social practices regarding urban planning, heritage, and environment. See more information at: https://eseis.es/investigacion/identidad-onubenseCátedra de la Provincia, UHU - Diputación de Huelva. Facultad de Trabajo Social. Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva. Consejo Social, UHU. Grupo de investigación Estudios Sociales E Intervención Social (Grupo ESEIS). Centro de Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación para el Desarrollo Social (COIDESO

    Key Factors for Optimal Care Models for Heart Failure: An Integrative and Multidisciplinary Approach

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    [Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. La insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) supone un reto para los sistemas sanitarios que se puede responder a través del desarrollo de modelos integrales de atención. Un grupo multidisciplinar de expertos reflexionó sobre los factores clave para avanzar en el desarrollo de este tipo de modelos, planteando una hoja de ruta dirigida a todos los agentes (administraciones, gestores y profesionales sanitarios). Métodos. Se conformó un panel Delphi multidisciplinar integrado por un comité asesor de 15 expertos y un panel adicional de 31 expertos. A través de una revisión bibliográfica sistemática y entrevistas individuales semiestructuradas se realizó un diagnóstico e identificación de retos y áreas de mejora a lo largo del proceso asistencial. El panel Delphi consensuó y priorizó los factores clave con la metodología Delphi Rand/UCLA, valorando su adecuación y necesidad. Resultados. Tras 2 rondas de valoración Delphi se consensuó una propuesta de 7 retos y 75 factores clave para el desarrollo de modelos integrados para la IC. Los 25 factores clave considerados altamente prioritarios se relacionan con la necesidad de una mayor coordinación y planificación a nivel de gestión sanitaria, el abordaje integral durante la hospitalización y la implantación de medidas de continuidad y coordinación asistencial, garantizando que se cubren las necesidades específicas de diferentes perfiles de pacientes. Conclusiones. La propuesta y priorización de acciones para avanzar en modelos de atención integral a la IC debe surgir de reflexiones multidisciplinares y multinivel que incluyan la visión de los pacientes y cuidadores.[Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Heart failure (HF) is a challenge for health systems that can be responded through the development of comprehensive care models. A multidisciplinary group of experts reflected on the key factors that could facilitate the development of this type of models, proposing a roadmap aimed at all agents (politicians, managers, administrators, and health professional). Methods. A multidisciplinary Delphi panel was formed, made up of an advisory committee of 15 experts and an additional panel of 31 experts. After a systematic bibliographic review and semi-structured individual interviews, a diagnosis and identification of challenges and areas for improvement were made throughout the healthcare process. The Delphi panel agreed and prioritized the key factors applying Delphi Rand/UCLA methodology, assessing their appropriateness and need. Results. After 2 rounds of Delphi assessment, a proposal of 7 challenges and 75 key factors was agreed upon for the development of integrated models for HF. The 25 key factors considered high priority are related to the need for greater coordination and planning at the health management level, the comprehensive approach during hospitalization and the implementation of measures of continuity and care coordination, ensuring that the specific needs of different patient profiles. Conclusions. The proposal and prioritization of actions to advance in models of comprehensive care for HF must arise from multidisciplinary and multilevel reflections that include the vision of patients and caregivers.El proyecto MAIC ha sido financiado por Boehringer Ingelheim Españ