5,783 research outputs found

    On the Optimal Control of a Class of Non-Newtonian Fluids

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    We consider optimal control problems of systems governed by stationary, incompressible generalized Navier-Stokes equations with shear dependent viscosity in a two-dimensional or three-dimensional domain. We study a general class of viscosity functions including shear-thinning and shear-thickening behavior. We prove an existence result for such class of optimal control problems

    Existence of optimal boundary control for the Navier-Stokes equations with mixed boundary conditions

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    Variational approaches have been used successfully as a strategy to take advantage from real data measurements. In several applications, this approach gives a means to increase the accuracy of numerical simulations. In the particular case of fluid dynamics, it leads to optimal control problems with non standard cost functionals which, when constraint to the Navier-Stokes equations, require a non-standard theoretical frame to ensure the existence of solution. In this work, we prove the existence of solution for a class of such type of optimal control problems. Before doing that, we ensure the existence and uniqueness of solution for the 3D stationary Navier-Stokes equations, with mixed-boundary conditions, a particular type of boundary conditions very common in applications to biomedical problems

    TINA as a virtual market place for telecommunication and information services: the VITAL experiment

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    The VITAL (Validation of Integrated Telecommunication Architectures for the Long-Term) project has defined, implemented and demonstrated an open distributed telecommunication architecture (ODTA) for deploying, managing and using a set of heterogeneous multimedia, multi-party, and mobility services. The architecture was based on the latest specifications released by TINA-C. The architecture was challenged in a set of trials by means of a heterogeneous set of applications. Some of the applications were developed within the project from scratch, while some others focused on integrating commercially available applications. The applications were selected in such a way as to assure full coverage of the architecture implementation and reflect a realistic use of it. The VITAL experience of refining and implementing TINA specifications and challenging the resulting platform by a heterogeneous set of services has proven the openness, flexibility and reusability of TINA. This paper describes the VITAL approach when choosing the different services and how they challenge and interact with the architecture, focusing especially on the service architecture and the Ret reference point definitions. The VITAL adjustments and enhancements to the TINA architecture are described. This paper contributes to proving that the TINA-based VITAL ODTA allows for easy and cost-effective development and deployment of advanced end-user and operator services, and can indeed act as the basis for a virtual market place for telecommunications service

    Caracterização do perfil lesional na ginástica acrobática

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaEste estudo teve como propósito analisar as lesões ocorridas ao longo da época desportiva 2012/2013, em todos os ginastas portugueses do distrito do Porto dos vários escalões e, simultaneamente caracteriza-los a nível antropométrico e maturacional. A amostra foi constituída por 33 atletas de Ginástica Acrobática, com idades entre os 8 e 23 anos, treinando em média 14,79h/semana. Nestas ginastas foram avaliadas as medidas antropométricas e caracterização da maturação sexual. As lesões foram categorizadas em função da etiologia, tipo, distribuição anatómica e local de ocorrência (elementos individuais ou coletivos). Como principais resultados salienta-se: 54,55% dos atletas lesionaram-se, dos quais ocorreu 61,91% em elementos individuais, 52% no membro inferior, 50% de severidade ligeira, 48% do tipo entorse, e 40,91% por queda. Nos primeiros estágios de maturação observou-se atletas ‘volantes’ e referentes aos escalões iniciados e juvenis; enquanto que, ginastas ‘bases’ e ‘intermédios’ e pertencentes aos escalões juniores e seniores nos últimos estágios. Verificou-se maior prevalência nas ginastas ‘bases’, ginastas seniores e na realização de elementos individuais gímnicos, em relação ao número de lesões; quanto ao tipo, as entorses; quanto à localização é mais frequente no membro inferior, apresentando uma elevada prevalência de lesões por queda e de severidade ligeira. Observou-se que os atletas mais jovens encontravam-se nos primeiros estágios de maturação, enquanto que ginastas mais velhos, situam-se em últimos estágios.This study aimed to analyze the injuries occurred during the sports season 2012/2013, in all the Portuguese of the district Porto gymnasts of various ages and both featuring them anthropometric and maturational level. The sample consisted of 33 athletes Acrobatic gymnastics, aged 8 to 23 years, training on average 14.79 h / week. In these gymnasts, were assessed, anthropometric measurements and characterization of sexual maturation. The lesions were categorized by the etiology, type, anatomic distribution and place of occurrence (individual or collective elements). The main results show: 54.55% of athletes were injured, of which 61.91% occurred in individual elements, 52% of the lower limb, 50% of mild severity, 48% of type sprain, and 40.91 % by fall. In the early stages of maturation observed athletes 'top' and belonging to the echelon started and juveniles; while gymnasts 'bases' and 'intermediate' and belonging to the junior and senior level, in the last stages. A higher prevalence in gymnasts 'bases', senior gymnasts and performing gimmicks individual elements, in relation to the number of lesions; the type, as sprains; the most frequent location was in the lower limb, with a high prevalence of injuries from falls and mild severity. It was observed that the younger athletes were in the early stages of maturation, whereas older gymnasts are located in the last stages.N/

    Influência do Ranavirus na estrutura etária de Tritões de Boscai

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    Relatório de projeto no âmbito do Programa de Bolsas Universidade de Lisboa/Fundação Amadeu Dias (2011/2012). Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Ciência

    Englanniksi, ruotsiksi, hindiksi? : Anjum-dokumenttielokuvan toteuttaminen vierailla kielillä

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    Tämä on toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö. Opinnäytetyön teososa on lyhytelokuva, henkilödokumentti Anjum, joka kertoo intialaisen runoilija-kirjailija Anjum Hasanin elämästä. Dokumentti on toteutettu ruotsin ja englannin kielillä. Kirjallinen osa koostuu havainnoista, kokemuksista ja ratkaisuista, joita dokumenttielokuvan tekeminen vierailla kielillä on saanut aikaan. Opinnäytetyön keskeisin tutkimusmateriaali on dokumentin tekijöiden haastattelut. Kirjallista tutkimusmateriaalia aiheesta ei ole, mutta tutkimushaastattelua ja siihen liittyvää kielellisyyttä käsittelevää kirjallisuutta on saatavana. Reflektoin omia kokemuksiani Anjum-dokumentin tekoprosessista ohjaajana, toimittajana, kuvaajana ja äänittäjänä keräämääni tutkimusmateriaaliin. Pyrin opinnäytetyössäni selvittämään, mihin dokumenttielokuvaa vieraalla kielellä tekevän on hyvä varautua jo elokuvan suunnitteluvaiheesta alkaen. Miten vieraan kielen käyttö vaikuttaa tuotantoprosessin eri vaiheissa ja mikä on vieraan kielen vaikutus elokuvan sisältöön. Lisäksi tutkin, mihin ongelmiin voi törmätä ja miten dokumentaristit ovat ratkaisseet kieleen liittyviä ongelmia tuotannoissaan. Suomalaisille dokumenttielokuvan tekijöille on itsestään selvää toimia vieraalla kielellä kuvaustilanteen niin vaatiessa. Vieraskielinen toteutus lisää kustannuksia, työmäärää ja väärinkäsitysten mahdollisuutta. Toimivan kuvausryhmän kokoaminen on erittäin tärkeää ja siinä käytetään apuna paikallista tuottajaa kuvauskohteessa. Opinnäytetyötä varten haastatellut dokumentaristit ovat kehittäneet omia toimintatapoja mm. tulkkaus- ja käännöstilanteita varten.This Final project comprises of two parts, namely the thesis and the artistic work. The artistic part of the project is short documentary of the life of an Indian poet and novelist Anjum Hasan. The production languages of the documentary are both Swedish and English. The thesis itself examines the production of a documentary film in a foreign language, namely a non-native language of the filmmaker. The main research methods of the thesis consist of interviews of the Finnish documentary makers. Written research material of the theme is, however, not available. Literature concerning linguistic issues in the research interview is found. In addition, I also reflect my own experiences when making the documentary Anjum as director, editor, camera- and soundman with respect to the material that I have collected during this process. The aim of the thesis is to find out which problems a documentary filmmaker that is working in a foreign language can encounter during the production and how it is possible to prepare for these in advance. The Finnish documentary makers find it axiomatic to work in a foreign language if the production requires that. There is increase in costs, more work, and a higher possibility for misunderstandings when a foreign language is used as a production language. It is very important to get a working production team and often a local producer is used to gather the team. The documentary makers that are interviewed for this thesis have developed own personal methods e.g. interpretation and translation

    The Subsídio Literário tax. Continuity or break?

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    This paper is part of the study carried out on education in the liberal period based on the minutes of the sessions of the Cortes. The analysis of parliamentary activity - the political debate and the consequent legislative action – indicates the importance paid to Instruction and Education matters with the aim of meeting the needs of the Liberal State. Based on the subsídio literário tax created by the Marquis of Pombal on 10 November 1772, nineteenthcentury society claimed the right to promote primary education, basing its claim on the fulfilment of tax duties. The continuity of Pombal’s political action embodied the interests and will of the liberal nation. However, the ideological demand of liberalism demanded its extinction in the parliamentary debate. The oscillation between continuity or break marked the political-economic views on the subsídio literário in the 1800s

    Childhood trauma victimization : relationship with emotion regulation difficulties and self-esteem in a Portuguese sample

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    Communication presented at the 2019 EAPL Annual Conference. July 17-20, 2019, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.N/

    Exploring the molecular footprints of natural selection in threespine stickleback

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    The primordial and prevailing goal of evolutionary biology is to elucidate how biological diversity emerges from the interaction of organisms and environments. Nowadays, we have the technology and analytical power to ask the same question at a much deeper scope and aim to identify the genomic processes underlying the adaptation of species to spatially and temporally changing environments. This has recently led to the emergence of a new research field – evolutionary genomics, which focuses on understanding the genetic basis of adaptive evolutionary change and ultimately establish the molecular links between phenotype, genome, development and ecology. Population genomic investigations embedded in strong ecological frameworks are still sparse but arguably represent the only way to empirically establish those links. My thesis focused on exploring the genomic and phenotypic footprints of natural selection, in threespine stickleback, contributing to further our understanding of the tempo and mode of natural adaptive change