135 research outputs found

    Collagenous Gastritis in A Korean Child : A Case Report

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    Collagenous gastritis, a counterpart of collagenous colitis, is an extremely rare disorder. The first case of collagenous gastritis in a Korean boy in his pre-teens who had been receiving treatment for refractory iron deficiency anemia has been reported. The patient had been suffering from intermittent abdominal pain, recurrent blood-tinged vomiting and poor oral intake. The gastric endoscopy revealed diffuse cobble-stone appearance of the mucosa with easy touch bleeding throughout the stomach but no abnormalities in the esophagus, duodenum, and colon. Pathologic examination of the gastric biopsies from the antrum, body and cardia showed a subepithelial collagen deposition with entrapped dilated capillaries, moderate infiltrates of lymphoplasma cells and eosinophils of the lamina propria, and marked hypertrophy of the muscularis mucosa. The collagen deposition appeared as discontinuous bands with focally irregular extension into the deeper part of the antral mucosa. It measured up to 150 ”m. Helicobacter pylori infection was not detected. The biopsies from the duodenum, esophagus and colon revealed no pathologic abnormalities

    Long-term budesonide treatment of collagenous colitis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo- controlled trial

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of longterm budesonide therapy for the maintenance of clinical remission in patients with collagenous colitis

    Art therapy for people with psychosis:a narrative review of the literature

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    Art therapy enables individuals to use art to creatively express themselves and communicate differently with themselves, others, and their reality. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines for psychosis and schizophrenia suggest that arts therapies, which include art therapy, are considered to improve negative symptoms of psychosis. We examined the effectiveness of art therapy for people with psychosis and explored whether art therapy is a meaningful and acceptable intervention in this Review. Seven electronic databases were searched for empirical papers that concerned the use of art therapy for adults with psychosis that were published from 2007 onwards. The search identified 18 papers. High-quality quantitative articles provided inconclusive evidence for the effectiveness of art therapy in adults with psychosis. However, high-quality qualitative articles indicated that therapists and clients considered art therapy to be a beneficial, meaningful, and acceptable intervention, although this conclusion was based on a small number of studies. In this Review, we discuss the theoretical, clinical, and methodological issues in light of the development of more robust research, which is needed to corroborate individuals' experiences and guide evidence-based practice

    Olika operationstekniker och deras komplikationer vid ileocekalresektion och högersidig hemikolektomi för Mb Crohn

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    Bakgrund: Mb Crohn Ă€r en kronisk inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom som gĂ„r i skov. Rökning Ă€r en riskfaktor för förvĂ€rrad Mb Crohn, men ocksĂ„ för behov av operation och reoperation. Mb Crohn har en komplex patofysiologi och det finns olika lĂ€kemedelsbehandlingar beroende pĂ„ sjukdomens förlopp. Vid större komplikationer dĂ€r lĂ€kemedelsbehandling inte rĂ€cker till kan operation behövas. De vanligaste vid ileocekal Mb Crohn Ă€r ileocekalresektion och högersidig hemikolektomi, och komplikation som kan fĂ„s efterĂ„t Ă€r abscesser och anastomoslĂ€ckage. Syfte: Undersöka medicinska och kirurgiska komplikationer, hos patienter som genomgĂ„tt en ileocekalresektion eller en högersidig hemikolektomi pĂ„ grund av primĂ€r ileocekal Mb Crohn sjukdom, samt vissa riskfaktorer och deras relation till postoperativa komplikationer. Metod: Studien Ă€r en retrospektiv journalgranskning. Patienter som granskades var de med primĂ€r ileocekal Mb Crohn som genomgĂ„tt en ileocekalresektion eller högersidig hemikolektomi pĂ„ Universitetssjukhuset i Örebro mellan 2010 och 2019. Det som granskades i journalerna var patientdata, riskfaktorer, operationsdata och postoperativt förlopp. Resultat: Det var 44 patienter som inkluderades i arbetet. Inom 30 dagar fick 31 (70%) patienter komplikationer. Upp till 90 dagar hade 14 (31%) patienter komplikationer. Det var 13 (30%) patienter som behövde Ă„terinlĂ€ggas efter operationen. De vanligaste komplikationerna patienter fick efter operation var djup infektion, sĂ„rinfektion och anastomoslĂ€ckage. Av rökarna var det 75% som fick komplikationer och av icke rökarna var det 69%. Av de multisjuka hade 93% komplikationer efterĂ„t och av de övrigt friska hade 59% komplikationer. Slutsats: Vid riskfaktorer som rökning, komorbiditet, högt BMI och hög Ă„lder var det möjligt att se en trend för ökad mĂ€ngd komplikationer men dessa var ej statistiskt signifikanta. PĂ„ grund av den ojĂ€mna fördelningen mellan operationsmetoder kunde inga statistiskt meningsfulla jĂ€mförelser göras mellan dessa

    Gastrogene Krankheiten im Zentralnervensystem

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