136 research outputs found

    Cerebral venous hemodynamic abnormalities in episodic and chronic migraine

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    Alterations of cerebral venous drainage have been demonstrated in chronic migraine (CM), suggesting that cerebral venous hemodynamic abnormalities (CVHAs) play a role in this condition. The aim of the present study was to look for a correlation between CM and CVHAs. We recruited 33 subjects suffering from CM with or without analgesic overuse, 29 episodic migraine (EM) patients with or without aura, and 21 healthy subjects as controls (HCs). CVHAs were evaluated by transcranial and extracranial echo-color Doppler evaluation of five venous hemodynamic parameters. CVHAs were significantly more frequent in the CM and EM patients than in the HCs. In the migraine patients, CVHAs were not correlated with clinical features. Cerebral venous hemodynamic abnormalities in episodic and chronic migraine The significantly greater frequency of CVHAs observed in the migraineurs may reflect a possible relationship between migraine and these abnormalities. Prospective longitudinal studies are needed to investigate whether CVHAs have a role in the processes of migraine chronification

    Near-infrared interferometric observation of the Herbig Ae star HD144432 with VLTI/AMBER

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    We study the sub-AU-scale circumstellar environment of the Herbig Ae star HD144432 with near-infrared (NIR) VLTI/AMBER observations to investigate the structure of its inner dust disk. The interferometric observations were carried out with the AMBER instrument in the H and K band. We interpret the measured H- and K-band visibilities, the near- and mid-infrared visibilities from the literature, and the SED of HD144432 by using geometric ring models and ring-shaped temperature-gradient disk models with power-law temperature distributions. We derived a K-band ring-fit radius of 0.17 \pm 0.01 AU and an H-band radius of 0.18 \pm 0.01 AU (for a distance of 145 pc). This measured K-band radius of \sim0.17 AU lies in the range between the dust sublimation radius of \sim0.13 AU (predicted for a dust sublimation temperature of 1500 K and gray dust) and the prediction of models including backwarming (\sim0.27 AU). We found that an additional extended halo component is required in both the geometric and temperature-gradient modeling. In the best temperature- gradient model, the disk consists of two components. The inner part of the disk is a thin ring with an inner radius of \sim0.21 AU, a temperature of \sim1600 K, and a ring thickness \sim0.02 AU. The outer part extends from \sim1 AU to \sim10 AU with an inner temperature of \sim400 K. We find that the disk is nearly face-on with an inclination angle of < 28 degree. Our temperature-gradient modeling suggests that the NIR excess is dominated by emission from a narrow, bright rim located at the dust sublimation radius, while an extended halo component contributes \sim6% to the total flux at 2 {\mu}m. The MIR model emission has a two-component structure with \sim20% flux from the inner ring and the rest from the outer part. This two-component structure suggests a disk gap, which is possibly caused by the shadow of a puffed-up inner rim.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&

    Glutathione Decrement Drives Thermogenic Program in Adipose Cells

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    Adipose tissue metabolically adapts to external stimuli. We demonstrate that the induction of the thermogenic program in white adipocytes, through cold exposure in mice or in vitro adrenergic stimulation, is accompanied by a decrease in the intracellular content of glutathione (GSH). Moreover, the treatment with a GSH depleting agent, buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), recapitulates the effect of cold exposure resulting in the induction of thermogenic program. In particular, BSO treatment leads to enhanced uncoupling respiration as demonstrated by increased expression of thermogenic genes (e.g. Ucp1, Ppargc1a), augmented oxygen consumption and decreased mitochondrial transmembrane potential. Buffering GSH decrement by pre-treatment with GSH ester prevents the up-regulation of typical markers of uncoupling respiration. We demonstrate that FoxO1 activation is responsible for the conversion of white adipocytes into a brown phenotype as the "browning" effects of BSO are completely abrogated in cells down-regulating FoxO1. In mice, the BSO-mediated up-regulation of uncoupling genes results in weight loss that is at least in part ascribed to adipose tissue mass reduction. The induction of thermogenic program has been largely proposed to counteract obesity-related diseases. Based on these findings, we propose GSH as a novel therapeutic target to increase energy expenditure in adipocytes.Adipose tissue metabolically adapts to external stimuli. We demonstrate that the induction of the thermogenic program in white adipocytes, through cold exposure in mice or in vitro adrenergic stimulation, is accompanied by a decrease in the intracellular content of glutathione (GSH). Moreover, the treatment with a GSH depleting agent, buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), recapitulates the effect of cold exposure resulting in the induction of thermogenic program. In particular, BSO treatment leads to enhanced uncoupling respiration as demonstrated by increased expression of thermogenic genes (e.g. Ucp1, Ppargc1a), augmented oxygen consumption and decreased mitochondrial transmembrane potential. Buffering GSH decrement by pre-treatment with GSH ester prevents the up-regulation of typical markers of uncoupling respiration. We demonstrate that FoxO1 activation is responsible for the conversion of white adipocytes into a brown phenotype as the "browning" effects of BSO are completely abrogated in cells down-regulating FoxO1. In mice, the BSO-mediated up-regulation of uncoupling genes results in weight loss that is at least in part ascribed to adipose tissue mass reduction. The induction of thermogenic program has been largely proposed to counteract obesity-related diseases. Based on these findings, we propose GSH as a novel therapeutic target to increase energy expenditure in adipocytes

    The origin of hydrogen line emission for five Herbig Ae/Be stars spatially resolved by VLTI/AMBER spectro-interferometry

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    To trace the accretion and outflow processes around YSOs, diagnostic spectral lines such as the BrG 2.166 micron line are widely used, although due to a lack of spatial resolution, the origin of the line emission is still unclear. Employing the AU-scale spatial resolution which can be achieved with infrared long-baseline interferometry, we aim to distinguish between theoretical models which associate the BrG line emission with mass infall or mass outflow processes. Using the VLTI/AMBER instrument, we spatially and spectrally (R=1500) resolved the inner environment of five Herbig Ae/Be stars (HD163296, HD104237, HD98922, MWC297, V921Sco) in the BrG emission line as well as in the adjacent continuum. All objects (except MWC297) show an increase of visibility within the BrG emission line, indicating that the BrG-emitting region in these objects is more compact than the dust sublimation radius. For HD98922, our quantitative analysis reveals that the line-emitting region is compact enough to be consistent with the magnetospheric accretion scenario. For HD163296, HD104237, MWC297, and V921Sco we identify a stellar wind or a disk wind as the most likely line-emitting mechanism. We search for general trends and find that the size of the BrG-emitting region does not seem to depend on the basic stellar parameters, but correlates with the H-alpha line profile shape. We find evidence for at least two distinct BrG line-formation mechanisms. Stars with a P-Cygni H-alpha line profile and a high mass-accretion rate seem to show particularly compact BrG-emitting regions (R_BrG/R_cont<0.2), while stars with a double-peaked or single-peaked H-alpha-line profile show a significantly more extended BrG-emitting region (0.6<R_BrG/R_cont<1.4), possibly tracing a stellar wind or a disk wind.Comment: 20 pages; 11 figures; Accepted by A&A; a high quality version of the paper can be obtained at http://www.skraus.eu/papers/kraus.HAeBe-BrGsurvey.pd

    Imaging the dynamical atmosphere of the red supergiant Betelgeuse in the CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER

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    We present the first 1-D aperture synthesis imaging of the red supergiant Betelgeuse in the individual CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER. The reconstructed 1-D projection images reveal that the star appears differently in the blue wing, line center, and red wing of the individual CO lines. The 1-D projection images in the blue wing and line center show a pronounced, asymmetrically extended component up to ~1.3 stellar radii, while those in the red wing do not show such a component. The observed 1-D projection images in the lines can be reasonably explained by a model in which the CO gas within a region more than half as large as the stellar size is moving slightly outward with 0--5 km s^-1, while the gas in the remaining region is infalling fast with 20--30 km s^-1. A comparison between the CO line AMBER data taken in 2008 and 2009 shows a significant time variation in the dynamics of the CO line-forming region in the photosphere and the outer atmosphere. In contrast to the line data, the reconstructed 1-D projection images in the continuum show only a slight deviation from a uniform disk or limb-darkened disk. We derive a uniform-disk diameter of 42.05 +/- 0.05 mas and a power-law-type limb-darkened disk diameter of 42.49 +/- 0.06 mas and a limb-darkening parameter of (9.7 +/- 0.5) x 10^{-2}. This latter angular diameter leads to an effective temperature of 3690 +/- 54 K for the continuum-forming layer. These diameters confirm that the near-IR size of Betelgeuse was nearly constant over the last 18 years, in marked contrast to the recently reported noticeable decrease in the mid-IR size. The continuum data taken in 2008 and 2009 reveal no or only marginal time variations, much smaller than the maximum variation predicted by the current 3-D convection simulations.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    PIONIER: a visitor instrument for the VLTI

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    PIONIER is a 4-telescope visitor instrument for the VLTI, planned to see its first fringes in 2010. It combines four ATs or four UTs using a pairwise ABCD integrated optics combiner that can also be used in scanning mode. It provides low spectral resolution in H and K band. PIONIER is designed for imaging with a specific emphasis on fast fringe recording to allow closure-phases and visibilities to be precisely measured. In this work we provide the detailed description of the instrument and present its updated status.Comment: Proceedings of SPIE conference Optical and Infrared Interferometry II (Conference 7734) San Diego 201

    First AMBER/VLTI observations of hot massive stars

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    AMBER is the first near infrared focal instrument of the VLTI. It combines three telescopes and produces spectrally resolved interferometric measures. This paper discusses some preliminary results of the first scientific observations of AMBER with three Unit Telescopes at medium (1500) and high (12000) spectral resolution. We derive a first set of constraints on the structure of the circumstellar material around the Wolf Rayet Gamma2 Velorum and the LBV Eta Carinae

    Postmortem CT pulmonary findings in SARS-CoV-2-positive cases: correlation with lung histopathological findings and autopsy results

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    Introduction/purpose Postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) is a valuable tool for analyzing the death of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between PMCT lung findings in autopsy cadavers positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection and the severity of COVID-19 lung disease by histopathological analysis.Materials and methods We reviewed chest PMCT findings, paying particular attention to the lung parenchyma, in 8 autopsy cases positive for SARS-CoV-2. Correlations between chest PMCT and histopathological findings were assessed. Clinical conditions and comorbidities were also recorded and discussed. The primary cause of death was finally considered.Results In 6/8 cases, pulmonary PMCT findings were massive consolidation (4/8) and bilateral diffuse mixed densities with a crazy-paving pattern (2/8). These cases showed severe pulmonary signs of COVID-19 at histopathological analysis. In the remaining 2/8 cases, pulmonary PMCT findings were scant antideclive ground-glass opacities in prevalent gradient densities attributed to hypostasis. In 4/8 cases with massive consolidations, important comorbidities were noted. In 6/8 cases with severe pulmonary histopathological signs of lung COVID-19, autopsy found that the cause of death was cardiorespiratory failure. In the remaining 2/8 cases, histopathological analysis revealed lung alterations due to edema and some signs of SARS-CoV-2 infection; the cause of death was not attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection (Table 1).Discussion and conclusion Chest PMCT findings correlate with the severity of COVID-19 lung disease at histopathology examination. According to our results, there may also be a relationship between cause of death and PMCT findings in COVID-19, which must be critically analyzed considering clinical antemortem data

    Tracing the young massive high-eccentricity binary system Theta 1 Orionis C through periastron passage

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    The nearby high-mass star binary system Theta 1 Orionis C is the brightest and most massive of the Trapezium OB stars at the core of the Orion Nebula Cluster, and it represents a perfect laboratory to determine the fundamental parameters of young hot stars and to constrain the distance of the Orion Trapezium Cluster. Between January 2007 and March 2008, we observed T1OriC with VLTI/AMBER near-infrared (H- and K-band) long-baseline interferometry, as well as with bispectrum speckle interferometry with the ESO 3.6m and the BTA 6m telescopes (B'- and V'-band). Combining AMBER data taken with three different 3-telescope array configurations, we reconstructed the first VLTI/AMBER closure-phase aperture synthesis image, showing the T1OriC system with a resolution of approx. 2 mas. To extract the astrometric data from our spectrally dispersed AMBER data, we employed a new algorithm, which fits the wavelength-differential visibility and closure phase modulations along the H- and K-band and is insensitive to calibration errors induced, for instance, by changing atmospheric conditions. Our new astrometric measurements show that the companion has nearly completed one orbital revolution since its discovery in 1997. The derived orbital elements imply a short-period (P=11.3 yrs) and high-eccentricity orbit (e=0.6) with periastron passage around 2002.6. The new orbit is consistent with recently published radial velocity measurements, from which we can also derive the first direct constraints on the mass ratio of the binary components. We employ various methods to derive the system mass (M_system=44+/-7 M_sun) and the dynamical distance (d=410+/-20 pc), which is in remarkably good agreement with recently published trigonometric parallax measurements obtained with radio interferometry.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, accepted by A&

    Progress towards sustainable control of xylella fastidiosa subsp. Pauca in olive groves of salento (apulia, italy)

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    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca is the causal agent of “olive quick decline syndrome” in Salento (Apulia, Italy). On April 2015, we started interdisciplinary studies to provide a sustainable control strategy for this pathogen that threatens the multi-millennial olive agroecosystem of Salento. Confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorescence quantification showed that a zinc-copper-citric acid biocomplex—Dentamet® —reached the olive xylem tissue either after the spraying of the canopy or injection into the trunk, demonstrating its effective systemicity. The biocomplex showed in vitro bactericidal activity towards all X. fastidiosa subspecies. A mid-term evaluation of the control strategy performed in some olive groves of Salento indicated that this biocomplex significantly reduced both the symptoms and X. f. subsp. pauca cell concentration within the leaves of the local cultivars Ogliarola salentina and Cellina di Nardò. The treated trees started again to yield. A1 H-NMR metabolomic approach revealed, upon the treatments, a consistent increase in malic acid and γ-aminobutyrate for Ogliarola salentina and Cellina di Nardò trees, respectively. A novel endotherapy technique allowed injection of Dentamet® at low pressure directly into the vascular system of the tree and is currently under study for the promotion of resprouting in severely attacked trees. There are currently more than 700 ha of olive groves in Salento where this strategy is being applied to control X. f. subsp. pauca. These results collectively demonstrate an efficient, simple, low-cost, and environmentally sustainable strategy to control this pathogen in Salento
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