52 research outputs found

    Effects of the sea lice bath treatment pharmaceuticals hydrogen peroxide, azamethiphos and deltamethrin on egg-carrying shrimp (Pandalus borealis)

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    This study investigated effects of sea lice pharmaceuticals on egg-bearing deep-water shrimp (Pandalus borealis). Both mortality and sub-lethal effects (behavior, embryo development, and reproductive output) were studied for each of three pharmaceuticals alone and in different sequential combinations. The most severe effect was observed for deltamethrin where 2 h exposure to 330 times diluted treatment dose (alone and in sequential application with hydrogen peroxide and azamethiphos) induced almost 100% mortality within a few days after exposure. Similar effects were not observed for hydrogen peroxide or azamethiphos. However, sequential treatment of hydrogen peroxide and azamethiphos (2 h exposure to each pharmaceutical; 500 times dilution) resulted in >40% mortality during the first week following treatment. No sub-lethal effects or loss of eggs in female shrimp could be related to exposure to the bath treatments. Future studies should investigate potential sub-lethal effects at exposure concentrations close to the no-effect concentration

    Acute and Sublethal Effects of Deltamethrin Discharges from the Aquaculture Industry on Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis Krøyer, 1838): Dispersal Modeling and Field Investigations

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    Pharmaceutical deltamethrin (Alpha Max), used as delousing treatments in aquaculture, has raised concerns due to possible negative impacts on the marine environment. A novel approach combining different scientific disciplines has addressed this topic. Acute (mortality) and sublethal effects (i.e., fitness, neurological, immunological, and oxidative responses) of exposure of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) were studied in laboratory experiments. Passive water sampling combined with sediment analyses revealed environmental concentrations. Finally, dispersal modeling was performed to predict environmental concentrations. Ecotoxicological analyses showed mortality in shrimp after 1 h of exposure to 2 ng L–1 (1000-fold dilution of treatment dose), revealing a high sensitivity to deltamethrin. Sublethal effects included induction of acetylcholinesterase and acyl CoA oxidase activities and oxidative impairment, which may be linked to neurotoxic responses. Field concentrations of 10–200 ng L–1 in water (100 m from the pens) and <LOD-0.19 ng g–1 dw in sediment (0–400 m from pens) were measured. Ecotoxicological values were compared with measured and modeled concentrations. They showed that concentrations higher than those causing mortality could be expected up to 4–5 km from point of release, in an area of 6.4 km2, with lethal concentrations remaining up to 35 h in some areas. Hence, the study demonstrates that there is a considerable risk for negative effects on the ecologically and commercially important shrimp.publishedVersio

    Autonomous Surface and Underwater Vehicles as Effective Ecosystem Monitoring and Research Platforms in the Arctic—The Glider Project

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    Effective ocean management requires integrated and sustainable ocean observing systems enabling us to map and understand ecosystem properties and the effects of human activities. Autonomous subsurface and surface vehicles, here collectively referred to as “gliders”, are part of such ocean observing systems providing high spatiotemporal resolution. In this paper, we present some of the results achieved through the project “Unmanned ocean vehicles, a flexible and cost-efficient offshore monitoring and data management approach—GLIDER”. In this project, three autonomous surface and underwater vehicles were deployed along the Lofoten–Vesterålen (LoVe) shelf-slope-oceanic system, in Arctic Norway. The aim of this effort was to test whether gliders equipped with novel sensors could effectively perform ecosystem surveys by recording physical, biogeochemical, and biological data simultaneously. From March to September 2018, a period of high biological activity in the area, the gliders were able to record a set of environmental parameters, including temperature, salinity, and oxygen, map the spatiotemporal distribution of zooplankton, and record cetacean vocalizations and anthropogenic noise. A subset of these parameters was effectively employed in near-real-time data assimilative ocean circulation models, improving their local predictive skills. The results presented here demonstrate that autonomous gliders can be effective long-term, remote, noninvasive ecosystem monitoring and research platforms capable of operating in high-latitude marine ecosystems. Accordingly, these platforms can record high-quality baseline environmental data in areas where extractive activities are planned and provide much-needed information for operational and management purposes

    Adherence to antibiotic treatment guidelines and outcomes in the hospitalized elderly with different types of pneumonia

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    Background: Few studies evaluated the clinical outcomes of Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP), Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) and Health Care-Associated Pneumonia (HCAP) in relation to the adherence of antibiotic treatment to the guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS) in hospitalized elderly people (65 years or older). Methods: Data were obtained from REPOSI, a prospective registry held in 87 Italian internal medicine and geriatric wards. Patients with a diagnosis of pneumonia (ICD-9 480-487) or prescribed with an antibiotic for pneumonia as indication were selected. The empirical antibiotic regimen was defined to be adherent to guidelines if concordant with the treatment regimens recommended by IDSA/ATS for CAP, HAP, and HCAP. Outcomes were assessed by logistic regression models. Results: A diagnosis of pneumonia was made in 317 patients. Only 38.8% of them received an empirical antibiotic regimen that was adherent to guidelines. However, no significant association was found between adherence to guidelines and outcomes. Having HAP, older age, and higher CIRS severity index were the main factors associated with in-hospital mortality. Conclusions: The adherence to antibiotic treatment guidelines was poor, particularly for HAP and HCAP, suggesting the need for more adherence to the optimal management of antibiotics in the elderly with pneumonia

    Acquired Hemophilia A Treated with Recombinant Porcine Factor VIII: Case Report and Literature Review on Its Efficacy

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    Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a bleeding disorder due to the presence of neutralizing autoantibodies named inhibitors in patients with a previously normal hemostasis. Recent international recommendations suggest the use of bypassing agents or substitutive therapy as the first-line treatment, usually preferring the former. The adequate hemostatic therapy needs an accurate balance between bleeding and thrombotic risks. We report a clinical case of acquired hemophilia A successfully treated with recombinant porcine factor VIII (Susoctocog alfa) as the first-line treatment. Despite the patient having a high-risk thrombotic score and a history of recent myocardial infarction, our experience showed the absence of thrombotic complications related to the use of Susoctocog alfa and a complete restoration of hemostatic parameters. Limited literature is present on the use of recombinant porcine factor VIII as a first-line treatment, and our report supports its use, especially when the thrombotic risk is high

    Mass strandings of seven toothed and baleen whale species in Northern Norway in March 2020 call for further investigation

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    Monitoring whale strandings are a key aspect of ecosystem management as stranded animals can provide indications on ecosystem health, pollution and adverse efects due to anthropogenic activities. Most mass mortality events are reported for toothed whales and rarely involve baleen whales. In the course of one month in spring 2020, 17 whales belonging to seven diferent species, stranded on the shores of Northern Norway, above the Arctic circle. This multi-species event included humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae), fn (Balaenoptera physalus) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), that were accompanied by northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus), a white-beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris), a long-fnned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) and a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). We discuss some potential causes of death based on the previous literature and available information for the area, highlighting the need for further investigation on cetacean strandings at high latitudes. Ultimately, the reasons for the stranding could only be identifed by a thorough examination of all the animals, which was unfortunately not conducted. As the threats to polar ecosystems and access to local shores are likely to increase, reports of cetacean mortality are also expected to surge, particularly in high latitude regions where climate variations and anthropogenic activities are increasing. This study makes recommendations for future steps and considerations for monitoring networks and standardized sampling methods for future marine mammal stranding events. Finally, we suggest that national and international eforts based on the collaborative relationships are implemented, considering the multiple facets of animal ecology and health as an achievable step in the near future

    Neutralisation of hydrogen peroxide after delousing events; technology development and environmental risk assessment

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    The present project has conducted experiments in laboratory and pilot scale with chemical neutralisation of hydrogen peroxide, which, in combination with technological treatment pose a possible solution for onboard well boat treatment of delousing water. The suggested treatment solution has been tested on northern shrimps (Pandalus borealis) to assess ecotoxicological effects. By reducing hydrogen peroxide with the proposed chemical/technological solution, the swimming behaviour among shrimps were barely affected and histopathological changes in gills were mild. If implemented onboard well boats. the suggested solution will efficiently reduce the environmental risk related to hydrogen peroxide and provide the aquaculture industry with a pharmaceutical delousing tool with low environmental impact

    Data from: Underwater hyperspectral classification of deep sea corals exposed to 2-methylnaphthalene

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    Tropical corals are routinely monitored from satellite and aeroplane using remote sensing techniques, revealing the health of coral reefs. Notably, coral bleaching is continuously monitored using multi- or hyperspectral imagery from satellites and aeroplanes. For deep-water corals, however, no established remote sensing technique exists, and for this reason, much less is known about the status of their habitats over time. The purpose of the present work was to evaluate the use of underwater hyperspectral imaging to detect changes in health status of both orange and white color morphs of the coral species L. pertusa. In this study, we examine the feasibility of similar ecosystem health monitoring by the use of underwater hyperspectral imagery. A total of 66 coral samples were exposed to 2-methylnaphthalene concentrations from 0 mg L-1 to 3.5 mg L-1, resulting in corals of varying health condition. By use of a machine learning model for classification of reflectance spectra, we were able to classify exposed corals according to lethal concentration (LC) levels LC5 (5% mortality) and LC25 (25% mortality). This is a first step in developing a remote sensing technique able to assess environmental impact on deep-water coral habitats over larger areas underwater
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