16 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Penempatan Dinding Geser Terhadap Perilaku Dinamik Struktur Bangunan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memodelkan tiga alternatif perencanaan dengan lokasi penempatan dinding geser yang berbeda. Analisis struktur menggunakan ETABS v18.1.1 sebagai alat bantu dan mengacu pada SNI 1726:2019 dan SNI 1727:2020. Hasil penelitian dari tiga pemodelan tersebut diatas, menunjukkan bahwa mode shape yang terjadi dari ketiga model tersebut adalah translasi pada mode shape 1 dan 2. Perencanaan alternatif 2 memiliki nilai simpangan yang paling kecil terhadap sumbu X dan sumbu Y, dan nilai simpangan rata-rata sebesar 19,787mm pada arah X dan 17,220mm pada arah Y. Syarat sistem ganda dengan rangka pemikul momen khusu juga terpenuhi pada perencanaan alternatif 2 dengan kontribusi gaya yang bekerja pada portal sebesar 36,7340% pada arah X dan 31,1996% pada arah Y. Jumlah partisipasi massa yang terjadi adalah diatas 90% dan sesuai dengan syarat yang ditentukan SNI

    Hubungan Faktor Demografi dengan Kepuasan Kerja di PT Sinar Plasindo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan faktor demografis dengan kepuasan kerja karyawan di PT Sinar Plasindo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 130 orang responden yang diambil dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis tabel silang, dan uji chi-square. Proses perhitungan menggunakan program IBM SPSS Statistics 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usia, status pernikahan, dan lama bekerja berhubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan. Tetapi hasil analisis penelitian ini juga memukan bahwa jenis kelamin tidak berhubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan

    Pengenalan Plat Kendaraan Bermotor dengan Menggunakan Metode Template Matching dan Deep Belief Network

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    The license plate of the vehicle is unique and is only owned by one vehicle per vehicle plate series, to make it easier for the police, especially the traffic police, to track traffic violators through the vehicle number plate. The Deep Belief Network algorithm works by processing the dataset through 3 stages, where the first layer is trained, the results of the first layer are then re-trained, and the results of the second layer calculation are made into the third layer count, the mean results on the calculation of the third layer become the result of learning Deep Belief Network then with the Template Matching algorithm, Deep Belief Network is assisted with the introduction of vehicle plates. In a study conducted using the DBN algorithm with the Template Matching method succeeded in recognizing a vehicle plate with a success percentage of 80% from 20 trials. The experiments carried out included plates that were not clearly seen. Failures that occur in the trials are generally due to under- or over-lighting on the vehicle plate

    Process Planning Review for Mobile Phone Remanufacturing in Indonesia

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    The increased number of mobile phone users has an impact on increasing electronic waste (E-Waste) without being offset by the act of product recovery management. Remanufacturing is one way to overcome this. Remanufacturing is a process to return used products to general aesthetics and operating standards. This paper aims to design a mobile phone remanufacturing process in Indonesia. Indonesia is a developing country where mobile usage is quite high. The mobile phones are chosen because it is one of the biggest e-waste takers of late. Several factories were visited in this study. This research uses a qualitative survey, which is carried out in mobile phone factories and service centers. From this research, a design has been made to remanufacture the process on mobile phones. The manufacturing plant verifies the design to obtain the input of the real constraints which will happen when the remanufacturing process is done. The steps in the process of remanufacturing are human machine interface & visual inspection, separation, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, sorting, reconditioning, reassembly, and final inspection

    Prototype of Demand Response Controller for Demand Side Management on Home Electricity using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    Demand Side Management (DSM) program can be implemented using electric load shedding approach. In practice, this can be realized using equipment called the Demand Response Controller (DRC). The discharge of electricity with DRC is one of the efforts to respond to the increasing electricity tariff. In further, such technology allows users to shift duration of electricity usage, for example from the peak load period to the off-peak period. This research develops a website-based prototype with devices that have been integrated with Raspberry Pi as a controller. Devices arrangement is connected to home electrical devices in order to allow users change the condition of electronic devices everywhere, in terms of its utilization period. To support DRC, there is a feature where users can enter the limits of electricity usage and then the PSO algorithm will set electronic devices so that it can be switched on and off in accordance with the restrictions of the users. The prototype has been able to perform the optimization by turning off the device in accordance with user requirements. The PSO algorithm has been tested and an accuracy of 96% can be achieved at most possible, finding a combination of kilowatt limits according to user requirements

    Pengaruh Laba per Saham, Rasio Hutang dan Pengembalian atas Aset (ROA) terhadap Harga Saham: Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Pertambangan

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     The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of earning per share, debt to equity ratio, and return on assets (ROA) to stock price. This research was conducted on mining companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012-2017. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis, F test and T test. The analysis result of this research shows that stock price is influenced simultaneously by earning per share, debt to equity ratio, and return on assets (ROA). Meanwhile, the partial analysis shows that earning per share influences significantly on stock price, debt to equity ratio influences but insignificantly on stock price, and return on assets (ROA) doesn’t influence but is significant on the stock price

    In silico testing of C9H12ClNO2 and C6H5Cl2NO as derivatives of acetaminophen using molecular docking method

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    Paracetamol, a commonly used analgesic and antipyretic medication, is well-known for its ability to relieve pain and reduce temperature. However, there is a constant push to improve its therapeutic efficacy, especially towards increasing its oral bioavailability. The increase in bioavailability will lead to a better reception of the drugs by the body. This research aims to provide valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying paracetamol’s mode of action and propose novel strategies for enhancing its therapeutic effectiveness. We investigated the notion of functional group alteration by molecular docking as a strategy to increase the efficacy of paracetamol in this work. Using modern computational approaches, it could be conducted through the examination of the structural characteristics and active regions of paracetamol and its target receptors. Additionally, molecular docking simulations were used to examine the binding interactions between paracetamol and its target receptors, offering insights into the essential functional groups required for ligand-receptor recognition. Tests of several molecular docking techniques and scoring functions allowed the researchers to find potential alterations that might improve its pharmacological characteristics. By integrating structural analysis, molecular docking studies, and computational screening, the uncovering of promising modifications that can significantly improve paracetamol’s efficacy was expected. Ultimately, this work may lead to the development of next-generation analgesics with superior pharmacological profiles, providing enhanced pain relief and fever reduction for patients

    Enhancement of terahertz photoconductive antenna operation by optical nanoantennas

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    Photoconductive antennas are promising sources of terahertz radiation that is widely used for spectroscopy, characterization, and imaging of biological objects, deep space studies, scanning of surfaces, and detection of potentially hazardous substances. These antennas are compact and allow for generation of both ultrabroadband pulses and tunable continuous wave terahertz signals at room temperatures, with no need for high-power optical sources. However, such antennas have relatively low energy conversion efficiency of femtosecond laser pulses or two close pump wavelengths (photomixers) into the pulsed and continuous terahertz radiation, correspondingly. Recently, an approach to solving this problem that involves known methods of nanophotonics applied to terahertz photoconductive antennas and photomixers has been proposed. This approach comprises the use of optical nanoantennas for enhancing the absorption of pump laser radiation in the antenna gap, reducing the lifetime of photoexcited carriers, and improving the antenna thermal efficiency. This Review is intended to systematize the main results obtained by researchers in this promising field of hybrid optical-to-terahertz photoconductive antennas and photomixers. We summarize the main results on hybrid THz antennas, compare the approaches to their implementation, and offer further perspectives of their development including an application of all-dielectric nanoantennas instead of plasmonic ones

    Pengaruh profitability, liquidity, growth asset, firm value, dan structure value equity terhadap dividen policy pada perusahaan property & real estate yang terdaftar di bursa efek indonesia periode 2012-2016

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    The objective of the study is to test and analyze the effects of liquidity, leverage, company growth, firm value, and profitability on dividend policies in the Property & Real Estate companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period of 2012-2016. The research was based on information obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research used a purposive sampling technique. The research populations were Property & Real Estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2016 with the total samples of 15 companies. The research data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The result shows that profitability (ROA) has a significant effect on dividend policy on Property & Real Estate companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and simultaneously, Liquidity (CR), Leverage (DER), Growth Asset (TA) and firm value do not have any significant effect on dividend policy on Property & Real Estate companies in the Indonesia Stock Exchang