Open Journal System (OJS) Universitas Bumigora
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    1440 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Maggot Sebagai Organisme Kecil Pengolah Sampah Organik

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    Each major city in Indonesia generally produces about 10 tonnes of waste per year. Efforts and strategies in effective waste management are to manage waste from its source. One of the sources of waste generation is households. The solution to the waste problem can be solved with bioconversion technology using insects. Black Soldier Fly (BSF) functions to decompose organic waste to produce economic value. The cultivation of maggots (Hermetia illuciens) in addition to breaking down organic waste can also be used as a source of animal feed. Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae are used as an alternative animal feed because they have a high source of protein. Biomass from waste products produced by maggot can still be used as a support in agricultural activities that can be used as organic fertiliser. Compost from maggot waste is part of the circular economy and zero waste measures. The implementation of this service aims to provide insight and knowledge and understanding of how to manage waste and recycle waste so as to produce a new product that is beneficial for plant survival and to socialise the use of maggot as a small organic waste processing organism is an important step in utilising waste into a useful result and the realisation of a healthy environment

    Pelatihan Pengolahan dan Pengemasan Keripik Buah

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    The purpose of this community service is to provide solutions through providing tools and training for processing and packaging fruit chips in Gelangsar Village, Gunungsari, West Lombok. This training activity is one of Kosabangsa's programs for 2023. Participants in this training consist of village owned enterprises and farmer groups totalling 26 people. The method used in this service is socialization and training related to technology and innovation in processing and packaging fruit chips. The results of implementing community service through questions and answers and discussions are that the community strongly agrees with the training on processing and packaging fruit chips because it can increase understanding, skills and new, more innovative business ideas to improve the economy of Gelangsar village residents. Through this training, the community has new insights regarding the latest technology and innovation in processing chips from post-harvest fruit and packaging them so that they are durable and long-lasting. The continuation of this program is related to product marketing assistance which will collaborate with various related parties such as Business and Technology Incubator of Universitas Islam Al-Azhar and Nusa Tenggara Barat Mall. The impact of this program is the local people are able to increase their income through the training

    The Autoregresiive Integrated Moving Average and Fuzzy Time Series Cheng Hybrid for Predicting Stock Price

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    Background: PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk is the largest company in the telecommunications sector in Indonesia. PT Telkom's share price always rises every year, attracting investors to invest. In investing, it is very important to analyze shares in order to know the situation and condition of the shares. Objective: This research aims to predict the share price of PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk. Methods: The method used is the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)-Fuzzy Time Series Cheng hybrid method. Cheng's FTS model is able to overcome nonlinearity problems in ARIMA model residuals. In this research, the first modeling uses the ARIMA model, where the data is divided into two, namely January to November 2019 data used as training data, and December 2019 data used as testing data. Next, residual modeling was carried out with FTS Cheng. Hybrid forecasting is obtained by adding up the results of ARIMA and FTS Cheng forecasts. Result: Model evaluation is based on MAPE values and in this study the MAPE value of the ARIMA-FTS Cheng hybrid model was obtained at 1.03\% for training data and 1.09\% for testing data. Conclusion: The hybrid model has a MAPE value of less than 10\%, so it can be concluded that the ARIMA-FTS Cheng hybrid model can predict PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk stock closing price data accurately

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Bimbingan Skripsi Online Berbasis Android Dengan Metode Human Centered Design

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    Application-based services are currently increasingly being used, one of which is thesis guidance services for final year students. The process of completing students' final assignments is sometimes difficult to monitor due to the lack of time for supervisors and students to meet. In this research, it is proposed to create an online thesis guidance service system based on an Android application. In the application that will be built, all features will be tailored to the specific needs of users, namely the needs of supervisors and students in providing online thesis guidance services. Therefore, it is proposed to design applications using the Human Centered Design (HCD) method. HCD is a method of developing software that focuses on the needs of certain user groups by conducting needs analysis directly with potential users. By using this method, it was found that the application that was built functioned very well and met user expectations, where the level of user satisfaction with the features provided was very good.Layanan berbasis aplikasi saat ini semakin banyak digunakan salah satunya yakni layanan bimbingan skripsi untuk mahasiswa tingkat akhir. Proses pengerjaan tugas akhir mahasiswa terkadang sulit untuk dimonitoring karena kurangnya waktu untuk bertemu antara dosen pembimbing dengan mahasiswa Pada penelitian ini, diusulkan untuk membuat suatu sistem layanan bimbingan skripsi online berbasis aplikasi Android. Pada aplikasi yang akan dibangun, semua fitur akan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pengguna secara khusus yakni kebutuhan antara dosen pembimbing dan mahasiswa dalam melakukan layanan bimbingan skripsi online. Oleh karenanya, diusulkan untuk merancang aplikasi dengan metode Human Centered Design (HCD). HCD merupakan metode dalam mengembangkan perangkat lunak yang berfokus pada kebutuhan kelompok pengguna tertentu dengan melakukan analisis kebutuhan secara langsung kepada calon pengguna. Dengan menggunakan metode tersebut didapat bahwa aplikasi yang dibangun berfungsi dengan sangat baik dan sesuai dengan harapan pengguna yang mana tingkat kepuasan pengguna terhadap fitur yang disediakan sangat baik

    Pelatihan Inseminasi Buatan pada Mahasiswa Magang Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM)

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    Artificial Insemination Training is an activity carried out to teach students about the techniques needed in collecting, processing, and storing cow semen properly and correctly. The purpose of this training is so that students can know the handling of bovine semen that is done properly and correctly to maintain the quality and viability of semen besides that students can also choose superior males, semen collection techniques, semen quality testing, handling, and treatment of semen and the right strange method which is expected after mastering students can apply it directly to the community. This training was conducted at the Artificial Insemination and Semen Production Service Unit in Pucak Village, Tompobulu Subdistrict, Maros District, Livestock and Animal Health Service Office of South Sulawesi Province. The object of this training was beef cattle in the Artificial Insemination Service Unit. The insemination stage is carried out through 6 stages, namely the semen storage stage (drum storage), semen quality evaluation stage (laboratory), equilibration process stage, pre-freezing stage, freezing stage, and straw storage stage. The method used in this activity is the lecture method and hands-on practice guided by field supervisors. The results of this PKM artificial insemination training are that students learn various aspects related to artificial insemination trainin

    E-Market Electronic Products Using Cross Selling

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    Background: CV Permata Hijau Delapan is a shop engaged in Electronic sales that has not implemented a strategy on product sales and marketing, this shop has introduced a sales system through social media, but has not used a recommendation system on the website.Objective: To examine the application of cross selling strategies in the e-market of electronic products owned by CV Permata Hijau Delapan.Methods: The system can recommend products that are widely purchased by consumers of CV Permata Hijau Delapan by applying the cross selling method.Result: The system built accommodates the process of sales transactions and product orders online. Survey through google form to customers. It can be seen that the average percentage of each customer satisfaction is towards the product by 65.1%, towards the price by 74%, towards customer service by 75.6%, and towards the shopping experience by 79.8% overall. It can be seen that the dominant customer satisfaction in the survey is towards the shopping experience of 79.8%.Conclusion: This study shows that the implementation of cross-selling strategies in the e-market of electronic products CV Permata Hijau Delapan is efective in increasing sales.Background: CV Permata Hijau Delapan is a shop engaged in Electronic sales that has not implemented a strategy on product sales and marketing, this shop has introduced a sales system through social media, but has not used a recommendation system on the website.Objective: To examine the application of cross selling strategies in the e-market of electronic products owned by CV Permata Hijau Delapan.Methods: The system can recommend products that are widely purchased by consumers of CV Permata Hijau Delapan by applying the cross selling method.Result: The system built accommodates the process of sales transactions and product orders online. Survey through google form to customers. It can be seen that the average percentage of each customer satisfaction is towards the product by 65.1%, towards the price by 74%, towards customer service by 75.6%, and towards the shopping experience by 79.8% overall. It can be seen that the dominant customer satisfaction in the survey is towards the shopping experience of 79.8%.Conclusion: This study shows that the implementation of cross-selling strategies in the e-market of electronic products CV Permata Hijau Delapan is efective in increasing sales

    Sosialisasi Strategi Packaging dan Branding untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Produk

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    The purpose of this activity is to promote the socialization of packaging and branding strategies to increase the competitiveness of UMKM products. The activity partner is the UMKM Forum of Mega Mendung District, Bogor Regency. The problem partners is the lack of product competitiveness in the market, related to the use of product packaging that is not yet innovative and contemporary and still lacks member knowledge about packaging strategies and building good product brand identification. The activities are carried out in three stages. The first stage is a survey of service locations and conducting interviews with partners; the second stage is identifying partner problems and socialization needs; and the third stage is implementing activities. This community service activity was held on Saturday, August 7th, 2021. The method of implementing the activity is through material socialization on packaging and branding strategies, questions and answers, discussions, and video playback through the Zoom application. From the evaluation before and after socialization, it can be seen that there is an increase in participants' understanding of the importance of packaging and branding strategies in increasing product competitiveness

    Defensive Driving bagi Awak Angkutan Barang Berbahaya untuk Peningkatan Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan

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    The background of this community service is due to the need for knowledge of personnel working in the transportation and logistics as a manager, supervisor, driver and assistant driver related to the delivery  of dangerous goods in accordance with national and international regulation. The purpose of this Community Service is to prevent incident during transporting the dangerous goods in accordance  with the applicable regulations. This service activity is carried out on 13th May 2023 for member and non member of an National Logistic association namely National Logistic Community. The method used in the implementation of this service is by Webinar  using a relaxed but focused conversation approach with online media zoom to the participants registered. The result of this service is the understanding of participant was 19%, an average increase from 78% to 97% obtained from pre and post tests of 15 participants from those National Logistic Community’s member

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Platform Ajar Online Terintegrasi Game Edukatif untuk Mendukung Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka

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    Many teachers are not ready to fulfill all the demands contained in the Independent Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka). In the field, the teachers experience challenges in creating interactive hybrid learning. One of the challenges is the use of the Internet of Things in creating teaching platforms and integrating online educational games into every learning meeting. Therefore, this community service activity aims at providing an assistance on how to create an online teaching platform integrated educational games. The method used in this activity was an adopted combination method including lecturing, discussions, demonstrations, exercises/practice, working instructions, and simulations. This activity was attended by 21 junior high school teachers consisting of various fields of study. This activity succeeded in making every teacher who took part in this activity have a teaching platform on a Padlet account according to their field of study and integrated with Quizizz game. Besides, this training also changed teachers’ perception. They found the integrated platform is easier to create after receiving training. In addition, they were also motivated to apply hybrid learning to support the implementation of the independent curriculum

    Meningkatkan Self-Efficacy Pasien Hemodialisis melalui Program Afirmasi Positif

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    Positive affirmations are positive statements that are used to get rid of negative thoughts where these statements are instilled in oneself. The purpose of this activity is to increase the self-efficacy of hemodialysis patients. The method of carrying out structured activities such as screening for patients, education preparation, delivering teaching to the patient, and conducting monitoring and evaluation. This activity results, mostly patients reported that their positive affirm and self-efficacy are getting better. Positive affirmations can be given to someone who is experiencing powerlessness or fatigue about what is currently being lived. Based on our survey we found that the majority of the hemodialysis patients reported the powerless, and that impact self-efficacy of the patients. In order to improve self-efficacy among those patients we delivered an affirmation therapy education for self-efficacy improvement. The impact of this activity is to assist people in reducing stress and feeling depression leading to healthy life and better life


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