13 research outputs found

    AQP5 enriches for stem cells and cancer origins in the distal stomach

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    LGR5 marks resident adult epithelial stem cells at the gland base in the mouse pyloric stomach(1), but the identity of the equivalent human stem cell population remains unknown owing to a lack of surface markers that facilitate its prospective isolation and validation. In mouse models of intestinal cancer, LGR5(+) intestinal stem cells are major sources of cancer following hyperactivation of the WNT pathway(2). However, the contribution of pyloric LGR5(+) stem cells to gastric cancer following dysregulation of the WNT pathway-a frequent event in gastric cancer in humans(3)-is unknown. Here we use comparative profiling of LGR5(+) stem cell populations along the mouse gastrointestinal tract to identify, and then functionally validate, the membrane protein AQP5 as a marker that enriches for mouse and human adult pyloric stem cells. We show that stem cells within the AQP5(+) compartment are a source of WNT-driven, invasive gastric cancer in vivo, using newly generated Aqp5-creERT2 mouse models. Additionally, tumour-resident AQP5(+) cells can selectively initiate organoid growth in vitro, which indicates that this population contains potential cancer stem cells. In humans, AQP5 is frequently expressed in primary intestinal and diffuse subtypes of gastric cancer (and in metastases of these subtypes), and often displays altered cellular localization compared with healthy tissue. These newly identified markers and mouse models will be an invaluable resource for deciphering the early formation of gastric cancer, and for isolating and characterizing human-stomach stem cells as a prerequisite for harnessing the regenerative-medicine potential of these cells in the clinic. AQP5 is identified as a marker for pyloric stem cells in humans and mice, and stem cells in the AQP5(+) compartment are shown to be a source of invasive gastric cancer in mouse models

    Lgr5+ve Stem/Progenitor Cells Contribute to Nephron Formation during Kidney Development

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    Multipotent stem cells and their lineage-restricted progeny drive nephron formation within the developing kidney. Here, we document expression of the adult stem cell marker Lgr5 in the developing kidney and assess the stem/progenitor identity of Lgr5+ve cells via in vivo lineage tracing. The appearance and localization of Lgr5+ve cells coincided with that of the S-shaped body around embryonic day 14. Lgr5 expression remained restricted to cell clusters within developing nephrons in the cortex until postnatal day 7, when expression was permanently silenced. In vivo lineage tracing identified Lgr5 as a marker of a stem/progenitor population within nascent nephrons dedicated to generating the thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop and distal convoluted tubule. The Lgr5 surface marker and experimental models described here will be invaluable for deciphering the contribution of early nephron stem cells to developmental defects and for isolating human nephron progenitors as a prerequisite to evaluating their therapeutic potential

    Heteronormativity and sexuality politics in Singapore: the female-headed households of divorced and lesbian mothers

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    This article explores the family practices of female-headed households in Singapore, specifically, those of lesbian and divorced mothers as they negotiate the entrenched normative orders of sexuality and gender in Singapore. In examining the non-normative lives of lesbian and divorced mothers, this article marshals two distinct fields of study to explore the profound effects of heteronormativity on all who stand outside its fold. Using empirical data collected from in-depth interviews with Singaporean lesbian and divorced mothers, this article provides insights into how the women lead, organise and practise family; identifies the challenges they face in an unfavourable policy and social environment in which heteronormativity is assumed at every turn; and asks after the hopes and aspirations of these women for their non-normative households. Based on these accounts, the paper outlines a broader vision for government policy positions on the family and for sexuality politics relevant for contexts deeply invested in a heteronormative ideal