14 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Discrepancies between Forward and Reverse ABO Blood Grouping

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    ABSTRACT Analysis of discrepancies between forward and reverse ABO grouping and determining the etiology and root causes of discrepancies and resolving it for accurate and reliable ABO grouping. From June 2012 to February 2014, one hundred cases of discrepancy between forward and reverse methods were evaluated to determine the etiology and main cause of discrepancies. Eighty two (82) of the cases of discrepancy were due to age related weak or missing antibody, which had very low levels of antibody production or cannot produce the ABO antibodies. Sixteen (16) of the cases of discrepancies were due to Rouleaux formation and Cold agglutinins. Two cases of discrepancies were A 2 individuals which had Anti-A 1 in their serum. Accurate and reliable ABO grouping is the most important test in blood banking and transfusion medicine. For this reason, any discrepancy between forward and reverse methods should be resolved before transfusion of blood components