105 research outputs found

    Bamboo, Hope for the Wood Industry in Ghana

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    Over exploitation of some of the forest products in Ghana has led to their extermination. The current state of the Ghanaian woodland has drawn Government attention to wood sources that are renewable, environmentally supportive and fast growing. This is an attempt to check deforestation and to develop alternative resource for the fast dyeing wood industry which depends on the forest for its supply of timber? Studies made on bamboo, uncovered its capabilities and potentials as an appropriate material for adoption to replace Timber wood. Keywords: Bamboo, forest, extinction, timber wood, lamination, deforestatio

    Inteligencia emocional en las relaciones interpersonales de los estudiantes de la I.E.E. Nº 20820 “Nuestra Señora de Fátima”-Huacho, durante el año escolar 2022

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    El objetivo de este estudio es, determinar la influencia que ejerce la inteligencia emocional en las relaciones interpersonales de los estudiantes de la I.E.E. Nº 20820 “Nuestra Señora de Fátima”-Huacho, durante el año escolar 2022. Para este fin la pregunta de investigación es la siguiente: ¿De qué manera influye la inteligencia emocional en las relaciones interpersonales de los estudiantes de la I.E.E. Nº 20820 “Nuestra Señora de Fátima”-Huacho, durante el año escolar 2022? La pregunta de investigación se responde a través de lista de cotejo de la inteligencia emocional en las relaciones interpersonales, la misma que fue aplicada por el equipo de apoyo de la investigadora; para este caso la lista de cotejo consta de 15 ítems con 5 alternativas para la primera variable y 15 ítems con 5 alternativas para la segunda variable a evaluar a los estudiantes, donde la muestra estuvo conformada por 100 estudiantes de cuarto grado de la I.E.E. Nº 20820 “Nuestra Señora de Fátima”, se analizaron las siguientes dimensiones; autoconciencia, control emocional, automotivación, empatía, habilidades sociales de la variable inteligencia emocional y las dimensiones; manejo de comunicación, ambiente de colaboración, actitudes socioafectivas, resolución de conflictos de la variable relaciones interpersonales. Se comprobó que la inteligencia emocional influye significativamente en las relaciones interpersonales de los estudiantes de la I.E.E. Nº 20820 “Nuestra Señora de Fátima”, comprendiendo las diferentes emociones de los demás y de uno mismo, y de gestionar adecuadamente los estados emocionales a fin de precisar la educación con carencia de carácter y habilidad para comunicar sus sentimientos y emociones, careciendo de comportamientos éticos y morales, ya que la mejor forma de fomentar esta inteligencia es desarrollarla en los infantes para exhibir sus emociones y relacionarla con otras personas de igual género

    Prospect for new guidance in the design of FRP

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    Over the last twenty years, many innovative solutions have confirmed the usefulness of composite structures realized with FRPs (Fibre Reinforced Polymer or Plastic). The need of European standards for use of fibre-reinforced polymer composites in civil engineering was justified in 2007 in the JRC Report EUR 22864 EN. The new European technical rules will be developed using the existing organization of CEN/TC250. The present report has been worked out in the frame of CEN/TC250/WG4 activities. The report encompasses: • Part I, which introduces the policy framework and the CEN/TC250 initiative • Part II, which gives a prospect for CEN guidance for the design and verification of composite structures realized with FRPs The report presents scientific and technical background intended to stimulate debate and serves as a basis for further work to achieve a harmonized European view on the design and verification of such structures. This has been the main impulse to include the work item of the Fibre Reinforced Polymer Structures in the Mandate M/515 with high priority.JRC.G.4-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Desempeño del personal de enfermería sobre el manejo de residuos Biocontaminados en el centro quirúrgico del hospital regional docente clínico quirúrgico “Daniel Alcides Carrión” Huancayo - 2019

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    El estudio tuvo como Objetivo; Determinar el desempeño del personal de enfermería sobre manejo de residuos biocontaminados, centro quirúrgico del Hospital Regional Docente Clínico Quirúrgico Daniel Alcides Carrión Huancayo. Metodología estudio descriptivo prospectivo, transversal, se trabajo con una población de 30 profesionales de enfermería, la técnica fue la observación y el instrumento lista de cotejo de 25 ítems con una validez de P= 0.000, ά de Cronbach = 0.70 y r de Pearson mayor de 0.20. Se realizó análisis descriptivos, frecuencias simples, acumulados, media, desviación estándar.Concluyendo El desempeño del personal de enfermería sobre manejo de residuos biocontaminados en el centro quirúrgico fue regularTesis de segunda especialida

    Regen med therapeutic opportunities for fighting COVID-19.

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    This perspective from a Regenerative Medicine Manufacturing Society working group highlights regenerative medicine therapeutic opportunities for fighting COVID-19. This article addresses why SARS-CoV-2 is so different from other viruses and how regenerative medicine is poised to deliver new therapeutic opportunities to battle COVID-19. We describe animal models that depict the mechanism of action for COVID-19 and that may help identify new treatments. Additionally, organoid platforms that can recapitulate some of the physiological properties of human organ systems, such as the lungs and the heart, are discussed as potential platforms that may prove useful in rapidly screening new drugs and identifying at-risk patients. This article critically evaluates some of the promising regenerative medicine-based therapies for treating COVID-19 and presents some of the collective technologies and resources that the scientific community currently has available to confront this pandemic

    A scalable xeno-free microcarrier suspension bioreactor system for regenerative medicine biomanufacturing of hMSCs

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    An economical biomanufacturing paradigm for human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (hMSCs) is in critical need, as indicated by over 800 clinical trials investigating the use of hMSCs for regenerative medicine. To meet the demand for clinical manufacturing, a scalable process and production technology platform that can generate billions to trillions of cells per manufacturing lot is needed. Suspension bioreactors show great promise in reaching commercially-viable working volumes, however, scalability of cell production remains an issue. Overcoming this challenge is necessary to drive widespread adoption of this culture system for hMSCs. We have taken the Quality by Design (QbD) approach to develop a scalable xeno-free (XF) hMSC bioreactor process that maintains the final cell population doubling level (PDL) within the recommended range of 16-20 to ensure product quality. Our strategic XF bioprocess was designed using high volume XF cell banks, an optimized XF fed-batch media system, and XF microcarriers, all combined in a scalable bioreactor system to meet our design criteria and streamlined production at different culture scales. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Prospect for new guidance in the design of FRP : support to the implementation and further development of the Eurocode

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    Over the last twenty years, many innovative solutions have confirmed the usefulness of composite structures realized with FRPs (Fibre Reinforced Polymer or Plastic). The need of European standards for use of fibre-reinforced polymer composites in civil engineering was justified in 2007 in the JRC Report EUR 22864 EN. The new European technical rules will be developed using the existing organization of CEN/TC250. The present report has been worked out in the frame of CEN/TC250/WG4 activities. The report encompasses: • Part I, which introduces the policy framework and the CEN/TC250 initiative • Part II, which gives a prospect for CEN guidance for the design and verification of composite structures realized with FRPs The report presents scientific and technical background intended to stimulate debate and serves as a basis for further work to achieve a harmonized European view on the design and verification of such structures. This has been the main impulse to include the work item of the Fibre Reinforced Polymer Structures in the Mandate M/515 with high priority

    Clinical Potential of DNA Methylation in Gastric Cancer: A Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Accumulating evidence indicates aberrant DNA methylation is involved in gastric tumourigenesis, suggesting it may be a useful clinical biomarker for the disease. The aim of this study was to consolidate and summarize published data on the potential of methylation in gastric cancer (GC) risk prediction, prognostication and prediction of treatment response. Methods: Relevant studies were identified from PubMed using a systematic search approach. Results were summarized by meta-analysis. Mantel-Haenszel odds ratios were computed for each methylation event assuming the random-effects model. Results: A review of 589 retrieved publications identified 415 relevant articles, including 143 case-control studies on gene methylation of 142 individual genes in GC clinical samples. A total of 77 genes were significantly differentially methylated between tumour and normal gastric tissue from GC subjects, of which data on 62 was derived from single studies. Methylation of 15, 4 and 7 genes in normal gastric tissue, plasma and serum respectively was significantly different in frequency between GC and non-cancer subjects. A prognostic significance was reported for 18 genes and predictive significance was reported for p16 methylation, although many inconsistent findings were also observed. No bias due to assay, use of fixed tissue or CpG sites analysed was detected, however a slight bias towards publication of positive findings was observed