544 research outputs found

    Entanglement of two qubits mediated by one-dimensional plasmonic waveguides

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    We investigate qubit-qubit entanglement mediated by plasmons supported by one-dimensional waveguides. We explore both the situation of spontaneous formation of entanglement from an unentangled state and the emergence of driven steady-state entanglement under continuous pumping. In both cases, we show that large values for the concurrence are attainable for qubit-qubit distances larger than the operating wavelength by using plasmonic waveguides that are currently available.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Minor Changes. Journal Reference added. Highlighted in Physic

    Emitters of NN-photon bundles

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    We propose a scheme based on the coherent excitation of a two-level system in a cavity to generate an ultrabright CW and focused source of quantum light that comes in groups (bundles) of NN photons, for an integer NN tunable with the frequency of the exciting laser. We define a new quantity, the \emph{purity} of NN-photon emission, to describe the percentage of photons emitted in bundles, thus bypassing the limitations of Glauber correlation functions. We focus on the case 1N31\le N\le3 and show that close to 100% of two-photon emission and 90% of three-photon emission is within reach of state of the art cavity QED samples. The statistics of the bundles emission shows that various regimes---from NN-photon lasing to NN-photon guns---can be realized. This is evidenced through generalized correlation functions that extend the standard definitions to the multi-photon level.Comment: Introduce the n-th order N-photon correlation functions. Reorganized to emphasize the N-photon emitter, now extended to the antibunching regime, rather than only coherent emission as previsoul

    The natural hallucinogen 5-MeO-DMT, component of Ayahuasca, disrupts cortical function in rats: reversal by antipsychotic drugs

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    5-Methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) is a natural hallucinogen component of Ayahuasca, an Amazonian beverage traditionally used for ritual, religious and healing purposes that is being increasingly used for recreational purposes in US and Europe. 5MeO-DMT is of potential interest for schizophrenia research owing to its hallucinogenic properties. Two other psychotomimetic agents, phencyclidine and 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodo-phenylisopropylamine (DOI), markedly disrupt neuronal activity and reduce the power of low frequency cortical oscillations (<4 Hz, LFCO) in rodent medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Here we examined the effect of 5-MeO-DMT on cortical function and its potential reversal by antipsychotic drugs. Moreover, regional brain activity was assessed by blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). 5-MeO-DMT disrupted mPFC activity, increasing and decreasing the discharge of 51 and 35% of the recorded pyramidal neurons, and reducing (−31%) the power of LFCO. The latter effect depended on 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptor activation and was reversed by haloperidol, clozapine, risperidone, and the mGlu2/3 agonist LY379268. Likewise, 5-MeO-DMT decreased BOLD responses in visual cortex (V1) and mPFC. The disruption of cortical activity induced by 5-MeO-DMT resembles that produced by phencyclidine and DOI. This, together with the reversal by antipsychotic drugs, suggests that the observed cortical alterations are related to the psychotomimetic action of 5-MeO-DMT. Overall, the present model may help to understand the neurobiological basis of hallucinations and to identify new targets in antipsychotic drug development

    Seguimiento de dependientes del alcohol y/o de la cocaína después de su salida de una Comunidad Terapéutica: estudio piloto

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    En España, las Comunidades Terapéuticas (CT) constituyen un modelo de tratamiento común en las adicciones, aunque apenas existe investigación acerca de su eficacia y la persistencia de sus logros. Objetivos: Evaluar los efectos a corto, medio y largo plazo del tratamiento de la adicción al alcohol o cocaína en las CT de la “Fundación Salud y Comunidad”. Diseño: Estudio piloto descriptivo, con un diseño secuencial de cohorte. Se aplicó una encuesta diseñada ad hoc a 91 usuarios para conocer su evolución en los diferentes periodos de seguimiento (1, 3, 5 ó 10 años después de su salida de la CT): variables sociodemográficas, de uso de la/s sustancia/s psicoactiva/s y relacionadas con la estancia en la CT. Se describe el cambio entre antes de la CT y en la actualidad respecto a variables académicas, laborales, de consumo de droga/s, salud, adaptación socio-familiar y comportamiento delictivo. Resultados: las cohortes mostraron un patrón previo relativamente común, recibiendo un tratamiento similar. Los usuarios afirman haber disminuido el hábito de consumo frecuente de la droga principal, encontrando un 48.9% que no ha recaído ni siquiera mediante un consumo ocasional de la/s droga/s. También perciben haber mejorado su salud y sus relaciones familiares, así como el comportamiento agresivo y problemas legales derivados del consumo de droga/s. Conclusiones: tras su rehabilitación en una CT, los usuarios manifiestan una disminución global del consumo de drogas y perciben una mejora a nivel de salud, familia, violencia y problemáticas derivadas del consumo

    Bichromatic dressing of a quantum dot detected by a remote second quantum dot

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    We demonstrate an information transfer mechanism between two dissimilar remote InAs/GaAs quantum dots weakly coupled to a common photonic crystal microcavity. Bichromatic excitation in the s state of one of the dots leads to the formation of dressed states due to the coherent coupling to the laser field, in resonance with the quantum dot. Information on the resulting dressed structure is read out through the photoluminescence spectrum of the other quantum dot, as well as the cavity mode. The effect is also observed upon exchange of the excitation and detection quantum dots. This quantum dot intertalk is interpreted in terms of a cavity-mediated coupling involving acoustic phonons. A master equation for a three-level system coherently pumped by the two lasers quantitatively describes the behavior of our system. Our result presents an important step towards scalable solid-state quantum networking based on coupled multi-quantum-dot-cavity systems, without the need to use identical quantum emittersThis work was supported by the Spanish MINECO under Contract No. MAT2011-22997, by CAM under Contract No. S2009/ESP-1503, and by the FP7 ITN Spin-optronics (237252). C.S-M. and E.C. acknowledge FPI gran

    How the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Stalled COVID-19 for 22 Months and Managed its First Significant Community Transmission

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    OBJECTIVE: The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) is a remote Pacific island territory with a population of 47 329 that successfully prevented the significant introduction of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) until late 2021. This study documents how the response to the introduction of COVID-19 in CNMI in 2021 was conducted with limited resources without overwhelming local clinical capacity or compromising health service delivery for the population. METHODS: Data from COVID-19 case investigations, contact tracing, the Commonwealth\u27s immunization registry and whole genome sequencing were collated and analysed as part of this study. RESULTS: Between 26 March 2020 and 31 December 2021, 3281 cases and 14 deaths due to COVID-19 were reported in CNMI (case fatality rate, 0.4%). While notification rates were highest among younger age groups, hospitalization and mortality rates were disproportionately greater among those aged \u3e 50 years and among the unvaccinated. The first widespread community transmission in CNMI was detected in October 2021, with genomic epidemiology and contact tracing data indicating a single introduction event involving the AY.25 lineage and subsequent rapid community spread. Vaccination coverage was high before widespread transmission occurred in October 2021 and increased further over the study period. DISCUSSION: Robust preparedness and strong leadership generated resilience within the public health sector such that COVID-19 did not overwhelm CNMI\u27s health system as it did in other jurisdictions and countries around the world. At no point was hospital capacity exceeded, and all patients received adequate care without the need for health-care rationing

    Novel index for quantification of ecosystems effects of fishing as removal of secondary production

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    Exploited ecosystems are characterised by exports of secondary production from each fished trophic level that reduce the energy available for upper levels at the ecosystem scale, thus impinging on overall secondary production. Depletion in secondary production is proposed here as a proxy for quantifying the ecosystem effects of fishing. Theoretical analysis of trophic web interactions permits the quantification of the ‘loss in production’ and provides an ecological basis for defining a new synthetic index (L index) that takes into account both ecosystem properties (primary production and transfer efficiency) and features of fishing activities (trophic level of catches and primary production required). Quantitative meta-analysis of ecological models, representing 51 exploited ecosystems previously classified as overexploited or sustainably exploited, allows the association of a probability of the ecosystem being sustainably fished with each index value. Moreover, by fixing the reference level for this probability, the index provides a basis for estimating the maximum allowable catches. The L index is applied here to several ecosystems worldwide using landings data and ecological models, providing quantification of the disruption of energy flows for ecosystems subjected to different types and levels of fishing pressure. Its application to outputs of calibrated dynamic models enables the evaluation of sustainability of fisheries in past and future scenarios of alternative fisheries management policies. Results highlight the usefulness of this index for quantifying the impacts of fishing and providing directional advice for fisheries management. Thus, the L index may be used to support ecosystem-based management of fisheries

    Firing temperature determination and thermoluminescence dating of a brick with cuneiform characters found in the ruins of Ancient Babylon

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo estudar um tijolo com inscrições em caracteres cuneiformes cujas sentenças estão praticamente completas. Estudos tipológicos correspondentes aos relatos históricos sugerem que o tijolo foi manufaturado no século VI a.C., durante a dinastia de Nabucodonosor II, grande monarca da Babilônia. A amostra foi estudada através da difração de raios X (DRX), ressonância paramagnética de elétron (RPE), termoluminescência (TL) e técnicas de análise por ativação instrumental com nêutrons (AAIN). Os resultados demonstraram que o tijolo tem 2350 anos de idade (± 40) e queima menor que 400o C.This paper aims to study a brick with inscriptions in cuneiform characters in&nbsp; which the sentences are almost complete. Typological studies in agreement with historical records suggest that the tablet was manufactured in the 6th century&nbsp; BCE during the dynasty of Nebuchadnezzar II, Great King of Babylon. The&nbsp; sample was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), thermoluminescence (TL), and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) techniques. The results showed that the brick is 2350 years old (± 40) and its firing temperature was lower than 400 °C

    Quantum Electrodynamics in a Topological Waveguide

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    While designing the energy-momentum relation of photons is key to many linear, nonlinear, and quantum optical phenomena, a new set of light-matter properties may be realized by employing the topology of the photonic bath itself. In this work we experimentally investigate the properties of superconducting qubits coupled to a metamaterial waveguide based on a photonic analog of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. We explore topologically induced properties of qubits coupled to such a waveguide, ranging from the formation of directional qubit-photon bound states to topology-dependent cooperative radiation effects. Addition of qubits to this waveguide system also enables direct quantum control over topological edge states that form in finite waveguide systems, useful for instance in constructing a topologically protected quantum communication channel. More broadly, our work demonstrates the opportunity that topological waveguide-QED systems offer in the synthesis and study of many-body states with exotic long-range quantum correlations