91 research outputs found

    Late Burdigalian (Miocene) age for pectinids (Mollusca-Bivalvia) from the Pirabas Formation (northern Brazil) derived from Sr-isotope (87 Sr/86 Sr) data

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    The faunas of the highly fossiliferous Pirabas Formation belong to the southern part of the biogeographical unit known as "Neogene Tropical America". This unit developed prior to the closure of the Central American Seaway by the Isthmus of Panama. Until now, the age of the Pirabas Formation was inferred only from biostratigraphy. The Sr-isotope (87 Sr/86 Sr) values of pectinid shells from the Pirabas Formation show that most parts of this unit were deposited during the Late Burdigalian (about 16-17 Ma). This result does not contradict biostratigraphic data and it constrains the age of the Pirabas Formation more tightly than do previous estimates of age, it for future, more precise biogeographical comparisons

    Testing for ocean acidification during the Early Toarcian using ÎŽ44/40Ca and ÎŽ88/86Sr

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    During the Early Toarcian, volcanic gases released by the Karoo-Ferrar large igneous province are widely believed to have caused severe environmental disturbances, including ocean acidification. Here we show records of ÎŽ Ca and ÎŽ Sr through the Early Toarcian, as recorded in three groups of biogenic calcite: Megateuthididae belemnites, Passaloteuthididae belemnites, and brachiopods of the species Soaresirhynchia bouchardi. We evaluate the data to eliminate the influence on isotopic composition of varying temperature, calcification rate, and salinity, through the section that may mask the environmental signals. Neither ÎŽ Ca nor ÎŽ Sr show negative isotope excursions across the suggested acidification interval as would be expected had acidification occurred. A profile of ÎŽ B, re-interpreted from a published study, shows no variation through the interval. Taken together, these data provide little support for ocean acidification at this time. In our belemnites, values of ÎŽ Sr are independent of temperature or Sr/Ca. For brachiopods, too few data are available to determine whether such dependences exist. Values of ÎŽ Ca show a weak temperature control of magnitude +0.020 ± 0.004 ‰/°C (2 s.d.). In belemnites, ÎŽ Ca also correlates positively with Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca. 44/40 88/86 44/40 88/86 11 88/86 44/40 44/4

    Evidence for early Pliocene and late Miocene transgressions in southern Patagonia (Argentina): Sr-87/Sr-86 ages of the pectinid "Chlamys" actinodes (Sowerby)

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    Numerical ages based on 87Sr/86Sr dating of calcitic shells belonging to the pectinid “Chlamys” actinodes (Sowerby) document the only late Miocene (Tortonian) sea flooding event in the Austral Basin at Cabo Buentiempo (8.95 ± 0.82 Ma, 2 s.e.), and provide evidence of the first documented early Pliocene (Zanclean) transgression in Argentina recorded at CañadĂłn Darwin (5.15 ± 0.18 Ma, 2 s.e., Austral Basin) and at Terraces of Cerro Laciar (5.10 ± 0.21 Ma, 2 s.e.), southern San Jorge Basin). The sedimentary rocks deposited during the Tortonian are correlated with the youngest beds deposited by the “Entrerriense Sea” that covered northern Patagonia. The Zanclean marine episode is correlated with the long-term cycle represented in the Southern Hemisphere by the flooding events recorded in Cockburn and James Ross Islands (Antarctica) and in North-Central Chile

    How and when plume zonation appeared during the 132 Myr evolution of the Tristan Hotspot

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    Increasingly, spatial geochemical zonation, present as geographically distinct, subparallel trends, is observed along hotspot tracks, such as Hawaii and the Galapagos. The origin of this zonation is currently unclear. Recently zonation was found along the last B70 Myr of the Tristan-Gough hotspot track. Here we present new Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotope data from the older parts of this hotspot track (Walvis Ridge and Rio Grande Rise) and re-evaluate published data from the Etendeka and Parana flood basalts erupted at the initiation of the hotspot track. We show that only the enriched Gough, but not the less-enriched Tristan, component is present in the earlier (70–132 Ma) history of the hotspot. Here we present a model that can explain the temporal evolution and origin of plume zonation for both the Tristan-Gough and Hawaiian hotspots, two end member types of zoned plumes, through processes taking place in the plume sources at the base of the lower mantle

    Combined U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope analyses by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS : methodology and applications

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    O sistema isotĂłpico LutĂ©cio-Hafnio representa uma das ferramentas mais recentes e poderosas para estudos isotĂłpicos e geocronolĂłgicos. AnĂĄlises combinadas in situ de U-Pb e Lu-Hf sobre zircĂŁo pelo LA-MC-ICP-MS permitem caracterizar isotopicamente o magma onde ele cristalizou, fornecendo valiosas informaçÔes para estudos de proveniĂȘncia de sedimento e de evolução crustal. Nesse trabalho descrevemos a sistemĂĄtica de Lu-Hf pelo LA-MC-ICP-MS implantada no laboratĂłrio de Geocronologia da Universidade de BrasĂ­lia e reportamos os resultados obtidos de repetidas anĂĄlises de trĂȘs padrĂ”es de zircĂŁo: GJ-1 = 0.282022 ± 11 (2SD, n=56), Temora 2 = 0.282693 ± 14 (2SD, n=25) and UQ-Z = 0.282127 ± 33 (2SD, n=11). Foi tambĂ©m caracterizada arazĂŁo isotĂłpica 176Hf/177Hf(0.282352 ± 22, 2SD, n=14) de um zircĂŁo usado como padrĂŁo interno do laboratĂłrio. Como aplicação geolĂłgica, analisamos dois zircĂ”es complexos selecionados a partir de uma amostra de migmatito da ProvĂ­ncia de Borborema, NE do Brasil. Sobre a base dos dados U-Pb e Lu-Hf foram identificados em ambos os zircĂ”es dois eventos de cristalização. Um evento mais antigo de 2.05 Ga nos nĂșcleos herdados, representa um evento magmĂĄtico Paleoproterozoico bem conhecido na ProvĂ­ncia Borborema. Um segundo evento de ~ 575 Ma, reconhecido nas bordas, representa um evento magmĂĄtico-metamĂłrfico NeoproterozĂłico (Brasiliano). ________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe Lutetium-Hafnium isotopic system represents one of the most innovative and powerful tools for geochronology and isotopic studies. Combined U-Pb and Lu-Hf in situ analyses on zircon by LA-MC-ICP-MS permit to characterize isotopically the host magma from which it crystallized furnishing significant information for sediment provenance and crustal evolution studies. In this paper e describe the Lu-Hf systematic by LA-MC-ICP-MS developed in the laboratory of Geochronology of the University of Brasilia and report the results obtained by repeated analyses of 176Hf/177Hf isotopic ratio of three zircon standards: GJ-1 = 0.282022 ± 11 (n=56), Temora 2 = 0.282693 ± 14 (n=25) and UQZ = 0.282127 ± 33 (n=11). The 176Hf/177Hf ratio (0.282352 ± 22, n=14) of gem quality zircon used as in-house standard have been also characterized. As a geological application, we analyzed two complex zircons selected from a migmatitic rocks from the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. On the basis of U-Pb and Lu-Hf data, two main crystallization events have been identified in both studied zircons. An older event at ca. 2.05 Ga recognized in the inherited cores represents a well-characterized paleoproterozoic magmatic event that affected the whole Borborema Province. A second crystallization event at ~ 575 Ma, recognized at the rims, represents a Neoproterozoic (Brazilian) high grade metamorphic-magmatic event

    Problems in obtaining precise and accurate Sr isotope analysis from geological materials using laser ablation MC-ICPMS

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    This paper reviews the problems encountered in eleven studies of Sr isotope analysis using laser ablation multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICPMS) in the period 1995–2006. This technique has been shown to have great potential, but the accuracy and precision are limited by: (1) large instrumental mass discrimination, (2) laser-induced isotopic and elemental fractionations and (3) molecular interferences. The most important isobaric interferences are Kr and Rb, whereas Ca dimer/argides and doubly charged rare earth elements (REE) are limited to sample materials which contain substantial amounts of these elements. With modern laser (193 nm) and MC-ICPMS equipment, minerals with >500 ppm Sr content can be analysed with a precision of better than 100 ppm and a spatial resolution (spot size) of approximately 100 Όm. The LA MC-ICPMS analysis of 87Sr/86Sr of both carbonate material and plagioclase is successful in all reported studies, although the higher 84Sr/86Sr ratios do suggest in some cases an influence of Ca dimer and/or argides. High Rb/Sr (>0.01) materials have been successfully analysed by carefully measuring the 85Rb/87Rb in standard material and by applying the standard-sample bracketing method for accurate Rb corrections. However, published LA-MC-ICPMS data on clinopyroxene, apatite and sphene records differences when compared with 87Sr/86Sr measured by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) and solution MC-ICPMS. This suggests that further studies are required to ensure that the most optimal correction methods are applied for all isobaric interferences

    Environmental impact of early palaeometallurgy: pollen and geochemical analysis

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    International audienceInterdisciplinary research was carried out in mid-level mountain areas in France with the aim of documenting historical mining and smelting activities by means of pollen and geochemical analyses. These investigations were made on cores collected in French peatlands in the Morvan (northern Massif Central), at Mont LozÚre (southern Massif Central) and in the Basque Country (Pyrénées). Different periods of mining were recognised from Prehistory to modern times through the presence of anthropogenic lead in peat. Some of these were already known from archaeological dates or historical archives, especially for mediaeval and modern periods. However prehistoric ancient mining activities, as early as the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 1700 b.c.), were also discovered. They had all led to modifications in plant cover, probably related in part to forest clearance necessary to supply energy for mining and smelting

    Oxygen isotope heterogeneity of the mantle beneath the Canary Islands : insights from olivine phenocrysts

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162 (2011): 349-363, doi:10.1007/s00410-010-0600-5.A relatively narrow range of oxygen isotopic ratios (ÎŽ18O = 5.05.4‰) is preserved in olivine of mantle xenoliths, mid-ocean ridge (MORB) and most ocean island basalts (OIB). The values in excess of this range are generally attributed either to the presence of a recycled component in the Earth’s mantle or to shallow level contamination processes. A viable way forward to trace source heterogeneity is to find a link between chemical (elemental and isotopic) composition of the earlier crystallized mineral phases (olivine) and the composition of their parental magmas, then using them to reconstruct the composition of source region. The Canary hotspot is one of a few that contains ~1-2 Ga old recycled ocean crust that can be traced to the core-mantle boundary using seismic tomography and whose origin is attributed to the mixing of at least three main isotopically distinct mantle components i.e., HIMU, DMM and EM. This work reports ion microprobe and single crystal laser fluorination oxygen isotope data of 148 olivine grains also analyzed for major and minor elements in the same spot. The olivines are from 20 samples resembling the most primitive shield stage picrite through alkali basalt to basanite series erupted on Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Gomera, La Palma and El Hierro, Canary Islands, for which shallow level contamination processes were not recognized. A broad range of ÎŽ18Oolivine values from 4.6 to 6.1‰ was obtained and explained by stable, long-term oxygen isotope heterogeneity of crystal cumulates present under different volcanoes. These cumulates are thought to have crystallized from mantle derived magmas uncontaminated at crustal depth, representing oxygen isotope heterogeneity of source region. A relationship between Ni×FeO/MgO and ÎŽ18Oolivine values found in one basanitic lava erupted on El Hierro, the westernmost island of the Canary Archipelago, was used to estimate oxygen isotope compositions of partial melts presumably originated from peridotite (HIMU-type component inherited its radiogenic isotope composition from ancient, ~12 Ga, recycled ocean crust) and pyroxenite (young, <1 Ga, recycled oceanic crust preserved as eclogite with depleted MORB-type isotopic signature) components of the Canary plume. The model calculations yield 5.2 and 5.9±0.3‰ for peridotite and pyroxenite derived melts, respectively, which appeared to correspond closely to the worldwide HIMU-type OIB and upper limit N-MORB ÎŽ18O values. This difference together with the broad range of ÎŽ18O variations found in the Canarian olivines cannot be explained by thermodynamic effects of oxygen isotopic fractionation and are believed to represent true variations in the mantle, due to oceanic crust and continental lithosphere recycling.This work was supported by the CNRS “poste rouge” grant to AG, the NSF EAR-CAREER-0844772 grant to IB and the CRPG-CNRS and at its initial stage by the DFG (grant SCHM 250/64) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Wolfgang Paul Award to A.V. Sobolev who provided access to the electron microprobe at the Max Planck Institute, Mainz, Germany)

    In Situ Microscopy Analysis Reveals Local Innate Immune Response Developed around Brucella Infected Cells in Resistant and Susceptible Mice

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    Brucella are facultative intracellular bacteria that chronically infect humans and animals causing brucellosis. Brucella are able to invade and replicate in a broad range of cell lines in vitro, however the cells supporting bacterial growth in vivo are largely unknown. In order to identify these, we used a Brucella melitensis strain stably expressing mCherry fluorescent protein to determine the phenotype of infected cells in spleen and liver, two major sites of B. melitensis growth in mice. In both tissues, the majority of primary infected cells expressed the F4/80 myeloid marker. The peak of infection correlated with granuloma development. These structures were mainly composed of CD11b+ F4/80+ MHC-II+ cells expressing iNOS/NOS2 enzyme. A fraction of these cells also expressed CD11c marker and appeared similar to inflammatory dendritic cells (DCs). Analysis of genetically deficient mice revealed that differentiation of iNOS+ inflammatory DC, granuloma formation and control of bacterial growth were deeply affected by the absence of MyD88, IL-12p35 and IFN-Îł molecules. During chronic phase of infection in susceptible mice, we identified a particular subset of DC expressing both CD11c and CD205, serving as a reservoir for the bacteria. Taken together, our results describe the cellular nature of immune effectors involved during Brucella infection and reveal a previously unappreciated role for DC subsets, both as effectors and reservoir cells, in the pathogenesis of brucellosis

    The evolution and storage of primitive melts in the Eastern Volcanic Zone of Iceland: the 10 ka Grímsvötn tephra series (i.e. the Saksunarvatn ash)

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    Major, trace and volatile elements were measured in a suite of primitive macrocrysts and melt inclusions from the thickest layer of the 10 ka GrĂ­msvötn tephra series (i.e. Saksunarvatn ash) at Lake HvĂ­tĂĄrvatn in central Iceland. In the absence of primitive tholeiitic eruptions (MgO > 7 wt.%) within the Eastern Volcanic Zone (EVZ) of Iceland, these crystal and inclusion compositions provide an important insight into magmatic processes in this volcanically productive region. Matrix glass compositions show strong similarities with glass compositions from the AD 1783–84 Laki eruption, confirming the affinity of the tephra series with the GrĂ­msvötn volcanic system. Macrocrysts can be divided into a primitive assemblage of zoned macrocryst cores (An_78–An_92, Mg#_cpx = 82–87, Fo_79.5–Fo_87) and an evolved assemblage consisting of unzoned macrocrysts and the rims of zoned macrocrysts (An_60–An_68, Mg#_cpx = 71–78, Fo_70–Fo_76). Although the evolved assemblage is close to being in equilibrium with the matrix glass, trace element disequilibrium between primitive and evolved assemblages indicates that they were derived from different distributions of mantle melt compositions. Juxtaposition of disequilibrium assemblages probably occurred during disaggregation of incompatible trace element-depleted mushes (mean La/Yb_melt = 2.1) into aphyric and incompatible trace element-enriched liquids (La/Yb_melt = 3.6) shortly before the growth of the evolved macrocryst assemblage. Post-entrapment modification of plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions has been minimal and high-Mg# inclusions record differentiation and mixing of compositionally variable mantle melts that are amongst the most primitive liquids known from the EVZ. Coupled high field strength element (HFSE) depletion and incompatible trace element enrichment in a subset of primitive plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions can be accounted for by inclusion formation following plagioclase dissolution driven by interaction with plagioclase-undersaturated melts. Thermobarometric calculations indicate that final crystal-melt equilibration within the evolved assemblage occurred at ~1140°C and 0.0–1.5 kbar. Considering the large volume of the erupted tephra and textural evidence for rapid crystallisation of the evolved assemblage, 0.0–1.5 kbar is considered unlikely to represent a pressure of long-term magma accumulation and storage. Multiple thermometers indicate that the primitive assemblage crystallised at high temperatures of 1240–1300°C. Different barometers, however, return markedly different crystallisation depth estimates. Raw clinopyroxene-melt pressures of 5.5–7.5 kbar conflict with apparent melt inclusion entrapment pressures of 1.4 kbar. After applying a correction derived from published experimental data, clinopyroxene-melt equilibria return mid-crustal pressures of 4±1.5 kbar, which are consistent with pressures estimated from the major element content of primitive melt inclusions. Long-term storage of primitive magmas in the mid-crust implies that low CO_2 concentrations measured in primitive plagioclase-hosted inclusions (262–800 ppm) result from post-entrapment CO_2 loss during transport through the shallow crust. In order to reconstruct basaltic plumbing system geometries from petrological data with greater confidence, mineral-melt equilibrium models require refinement at pressures of magma storage in Iceland. Further basalt phase equilibria experiments are thus needed within the crucial 1–7 kbar range.D.A.N. was supported by a Natural Environment Research Council studentship (NE/1528277/1) at the start of this project. SIMS analyses were supported by Natural Environment Research Council Ion Microprobe Facility award (IMF508/1013).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00410-015-1170-
