17 research outputs found

    Characterization of aerosol sources in León (Spain) using Positive Matrix Factorization and weather types

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    [EN] A one-year aerosol sampling campaign, between 2016 and 2017, was conducted in a suburban area of León city, Spain. An association between the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) results and air masses through circulation weather types was carried out, through the construction of linear models from the PM10 concentrations and its chemical composition. The aerosol sources, identified by PMF six-factor solution, were: traffic (29%), aged sea salt (26%), secondary aerosols (16%), dust (13%), marine aerosol (7%) and biomass burning (3%). Traffic and secondary factors showed the highest PM10 contribution in the hybrid cyclonic types with wind component from the first and second quadrant. Anticyclonic types with wind component from the first quadrant exhibited high values of secondary, aged sea salt and dust factors. The highest contributions of the dust factor were also associated with northerly types. The linear models built for estimating the source apportionment of PM10, from aerosol chemical composition and geostrophic flow, showed positive coefficients for: westerly flows (WF) in marine factor, southerly flows (SF) in secondary and traffic factors, and shear southerly vorticities (ZS) in dust factor. Negative dependences were observed for ZS in aged sea salt factor and for SF in dust factor. The PM10 mass concentration calculated by the linear models and by the PMF model were strongly correlated. This can be very useful to determine the contribution of a specific source to PM10 in León, only by knowing some meteorological and chemical variablesSIThis study was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant TEC2014-57821-R), the University of León (Programa Propio 2015/00054/001 and 2018/00203/001) and the AERORAIN project (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Grant CGL2014-52556-R, co-financed with European FEDER funds). F. Oduber acknowledges the grant BES-2015-074473 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. C. Blanco-Alegre acknowledges the grant FPU16-05764 from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Thanks are also due for the financial support to CESAM (UIDB/50017/2020+UIDP/50017/2020), to FCT/MCTES through national funds, and the co-funding by the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 202

    Predictive Factors Of Species Composition Of Follower Fishes In Nuclear-follower Feeding Associations: A Snapshot Study

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    We tested whether habitat, identity, size of nuclear fishes, and intensity of bottom disturbance caused by their foraging can predict the composition of fish followers in nuclear-follower feeding associations. The study was carried out in a stream of the Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Southwestern Brazil. We performed underwater observational sessions (total 12 h) of such interspecific interactions to obtain data about the identity and abundance of the followers in the association, as well as the identity and size of the nuclear fish. We also evaluated whether different intensities of bottom disturbance due to the nuclear fish foraging and type of habitat may influence interactions. We recorded 38 episodes involving nuclear and follower species. Using a multivariate analysis with distance matrices, we noted that the intensity of bottom disturbance caused by nuclear fishes was the main predictor of the composition of the follower species (r = 0.55, p < 0.01), as well as the identity of the nuclear species, although this latter relation was weak (r = 0.09, p = 0.05). Such results indicate that followers react readily to sediment suspension, which reflects the trophic plasticity and opportunistic foraging characteristic of most tropical freshwater fishes.124913920Abelha, C.F., Agostinho, A.A., Goulart, E., Plasticidade tröfica em peixes de âgua doce (2001) Acta Scientiarum, 23, pp. 425-434Angermeier, P.L., Karr, J.R., Fish communities along environmental gradients in a system of tropical streams (1983) Environmental Biology of Fishes, 9, pp. 117-135Baker, J.A., Foster, S.A., Observations on a foraging association between two freshwater stream fishes (1994) Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 3, pp. 137-139Carvalho, L.N., Zuanon, J., Sazima, I., Natural history of Amazon fishes (2009) Tropical Biology and Conservation Management: Case studies, pp. 113-144. , Del-Claro, K., P. S. Oliveira & V. Rico-Gray (Orgs.), Eolss Publishers Co. Ltd., OxfordCasatti, L., Langeani, F., Silva, A.M., Castro, R.M.C., Stream fish, water and habitat quality in a pasture dominated basin, southeastern Brazil (2006) Brazilian Journal of Biology, 66, pp. 681-696Casatti, L., Romero, R.M., Teresa, F.B., Sabino, J., Langeani, F., Fish community structure along a conservation gradient in Bodoquena Plateau streams, central West of Brazil (2010) Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 22, pp. 50-59Costa-Pereira, R., Small fishes follow large mammals suspending sediment (2012) Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 85, pp. 361-364Frissell, C.A., Iliss, L.J., Warren, C.E., Hurley, M.D., A hierarchical framework for stream habitat classification-viewing streams in a watershed context (1986) Environmental Management, 10, pp. 99-214Fugi, R., Hahn, N.S., Agostinho, A.A., Feeding styles of five species of bottom-feeding fishes of the High Paranâ River (1996) Environmental Biology of Fishes, 46, pp. 297-307Garrone-Neto, D., Sazima, I., The more stirring the better: Cichlid fishes associate with foraging potamotrygonid rays (2009) Neotropical Ichthyology, 7, pp. 499-501Gerking, D.S., (1994) Feeding ecology of fish, , Academic Press, San DiegoGorman, O.T., Karr, J.R., Habitat structure and stream fish communities (1978) Ecology, 59, pp. 507-515Goulding, M., (1980) The fishes and the forest: Explorations in amazon natural history, , University of California Press, BerkeleyKrajewski, J.P., How do follower reef fishes find nuclear fishes? (2009) Environmental Biology of Fishes, 86, pp. 379-387Leitâo, R.P., Caramaschi, E.P., Zuanon, J., Following food clouds: Feeding association between a minute loricariid and a characidiin species in an Atlantic Forest stream, Southeastern Brazil (2007) Neotropical Ichthyology, 5, pp. 307-310Lichstein, J.W., Multiple regression on distance matrices: A multivariate spatial analysis tool (2007) Plant Ecology, 188, pp. 117-131Lowe-McConnell, R.H., (1995) Ecological studies in tropical fish communities, , Cambridge University Press, CambridgeLukoschek, V., McCormick, M.I., A review of multispecies foraging associations in fishes and their ecological significance (2002) Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, pp. 467-474. , Okinawa, JulyMatsumoto, K., Kohda, M., Differences in feeding associations of benthophagous fishes in two locations (2001) Environmental Biology of Fishes, 61, pp. 111-115Montgomery, W., Interspecific associations of Sea-Basses (Serranidae) in the Gulf of California (1975) Copeia, 1975, pp. 785-787Ott, G.H.F., Fressgemeinschaften zwischen Schmerlen, Grundeln und Karpfenfischen (Cyprinidae) in SilBgewassern Taiwans (2007) Bulletin of Fish Biology, 9, pp. 89-92Rocha, F.C., Casatti, L., Carvalho, F.R., Silva, A.M.S., Fish assemblages in stream stretches occupied by cattail (Typhaceae, Angiospermae) stands in Southeast Brazil (2009) Neotropical Ichthyology, 7, pp. 241-250Sazima, C., Krajewski, J.P., Bonaldo, R.M., Guimarâes, P.R., The goatfish Pseudupeneus maculatus and its follower fishes at an oceanic island in the tropical west Atlantic (2006) Journal of Fish Biology, 69, pp. 883-891Sazima, C., Krajewski, J.P., Bonaldo, R.M., Sazima, I., Nuclear-follower foraging associations of reef fishes and other animals at an oceanic archipelago (2007) Environmental Biology of Fishes, 78, pp. 1-11Strand, S., Following behavior: Interspecific foraging associations among Gulf of California reef fishes (1988) Copeia, 1988, pp. 351-357Teresa, F.B., Carvalho, F.R., Feeding association between benthic and nektonic Neotropical stream fishes (2008) Neotropical Ichthyology, 6, pp. 109-111Teresa, F.B., Romero, R.M., Influence of the riparian zone phytophysiognomies on the longitudinal distribution of fishes: Evidence from a Brazilian savanna stream (2010) Neotropical Ichthyology, 8, pp. 163-170Teresa, F.B., Romero, R.M., Casatti, L., Sabino, J., Habitat simplification affects nuclear-follower foraging association among stream fishes (2011) Neotropical Ichthyology, 9, pp. 121-126Valerio, S.B., Suarez, Y.R., Felipe, T.R.A., Tondato, K.K., Ximenes, L.Q.L., Organization patterns of headwater-stream fish communities in the Upper Paraguay-Paranâ basins (2007) Hydrobiologia, 583, pp. 241-25

    Evaluation of meso-substituted cationic corroles as potential antibacterial agents

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    ABSTRACT Cationic derivatives of 5,10,15-tris[4-(pyridin-4-ylsulphanyl)-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorophenyl]-corrolategallium(III)pyridine and 5,10,15-tris[4-(pyridin-2-ylsulfanyl)-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorophenyl]-correlategallium(III)pyridine were synthesized and their photosensitizing properties against the naturally bioluminescent Gram-negative bacterium Allivibrio fischeri were evaluated. The cationic corrole derivatives exhibited antibacterial activity at micromolar concentrations against this Gram-negative bacterium strain

    Tropical headwater streams and the role of non-native species on fish assemblage’s diversity

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    Non-native species cause several impacts on freshwater biodiversity, but studies focusing on the Neotropical stream’s biota are still incipient. We used a data set of 586 headwater stream’s fish assemblages from the Brazilian Upper Paraná ecoregion to test whether the presence/absence of non-native species affect: species richness (S), functional diversity (MPD) and taxonomic diversity (Δ+). We compared diversity patterns of fish assemblages formed only by native species against those of assemblages formed by native and non-native species (Scenario 1); then, we removed non-native species from their original assemblages and recalculated their diversity values to compare them with those of fish assemblages formed only by native species again (Scenario 2). We also investigated: (1) whether non-native’s fish assemblages are associated with land use, topographic and watercourse connectivity variables; (2) fish ecological traits-environment relationship. In Scenario 1, S was higher in assemblages with the presence of non-native species, while in Scenario 2, both S and MPD were higher in assemblages where non-native species were removed. Non-native species were not directly related to land use, topographic or connectivity variables and most of them had a similar response to the environment when compared with native species. Findings show that non-native fish species are related to high-rich assemblages in headwaters, and they increase species richness and the functional redundancy of assemblages, decreasing functional diversity. Moreover, in most cases, native and non-native species seem to respond similarly to the environmental influence on their occurrence

    Evaluation of meso-substituted cationic corroles as potential antibacterial agents

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Cationic derivatives of 5,10,15-tris[4-(pyridin-4-ylsulphanyl)-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorophenyl]-corrolategallium(III)pyridine and 5,10,15-tris[4-(pyridin-2-ylsulfanyl)-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorophenyl]-correlategallium(III)pyridine were synthesized and their photosensitizing properties against the naturally bioluminescent Gram-negative bacterium Allivibrio fischeri were evaluated. The cationic corrole derivatives exhibited antibacterial activity at micromolar concentrations against this Gram-negative bacterium strain.</p></div

    Välttelevän kiintymyssuhteen merkitys lapsen hyvinvoinnille

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    Tarkoituksena tässä opinnäytetyössä on koota tutkimustietoa välttelevästä kiintymyssuhteesta ja sen merkityksestä lapsen hyvinvoinnille. Tavoitteena oli kehittää ammatillista osaamista teoriapohjan osalta ja käsitellä tutkittavaa aihetta psykiatrisen hoitotyön näkökulmasta, mikä on suuntautumiseni. Tutkimuskysymys on jaettu kahteen osaan: vanhempien ja lapsen välinen kiintymyssuhde ja lapsen kehitys ja hyvinvointi. Näiden osien ulottuvilta on haettu tutkimusartikkeleita, tutkimusraportteja ja asiantuntijakirjoituksia, joista on koottu tiivistelmiä kirjallisuuskatsauksen tapaan. Pohdinnassa on eritelty aineistoa tarkemmin tutkimuskysymyksen osalta. Kiintymyssuhde kehittyy lapsella varhaisen vuorovaikutuksen kautta 0–2-vuotiaana. Jos vanhemmat laiminlyövät kommunikoinnin lapsen kanssa, emotionaalinen kehitys jää vajaaksi eikä lapsi opi ilmaisemaan omia tarpeitaan ja tunteitaan. Välttelevän kiintymyssuhteen seuraukset voivat olla laajat epäsosiaalisuudesta kognitiivisiin häiriöihin. Epäsosiaalisuuteen kytkeytyviin häiriöihin kuuluu puhumattomuus, eristäytyminen ja laajemmin kroonistunut masennus, mihin taas liittyy vahva itsetuhoisuuden riski