248 research outputs found

    empirical model based on UTAUT2

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    Tavares, J., Goulão, A., & Oliveira, T. (2018). Electronic Health Record Portals adoption: Empirical model based on UTAUT2. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 43(2), 109-125. DOI: 10.1080/17538157.2017.1363759Background: The future of healthcare delivery is becoming more citizen centered, as today’s user is more active and better informed. Governmental institutions are promoting the deployment and use of online services such as Electronic Health Record (EHR) portals. This makes the adoption of EHR portals an important field to study and understand. Objective: The aim of this study is to understand the factors that drive individuals to adopt EHR portals. Methods: This study applies the extended unified theory of acceptance and usage technology (UTAUT2) to explain patients’ individual adoption of EHR portals. An online questionnaire was administered. We collected 386 valid responses. Results: The statistically significant drivers of behavioral intention are performance expectancy ((Formula presented.)=0.17; p < 0.01), effort expectancy ((Formula presented.)=0.17; p < 0.01), social influence ((Formula presented.)=0.10; p < 0.05), and habit ((Formula presented.)=0.37; p < 0.001). Habit ((Formula presented.)=0.28; p < 0.001) and behavioral intention ((Formula presented.)=0.24; p < 0.001) are the statistically significant drivers of technology use. The model explains 52% of the variance in behavioral intention and 31% of the variance in technology use. Conclusions: By testing an information technology acceptance model, we are able to determine what is more valued by patients when it comes to deciding whether to adopt EHR portals or not.authorsversionpublishe

    A relevância contabilistica: Fiscal da implantação das normas internacionais de relato financeiro em Moçambique

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    Num contexto de desenvolvimento e enquadramento do País nas melhores práticas internacionais, Moçambique adoptou as Normas Internacionais de Relato Financeiro (NIRF), reflectindo-as no seu Plano Geral de Contabilidade, por força da entrada em vigor do Decreto nº 70/2009, de 22 de Dezembro. A entrada em vigor das NIRF’S em Moçambique determinou uma adaptação do Código do Imposto sobre as Pessoas Colectivas (CIRPC). A presente dissertação visou analisar as alterações que, por força das novas normas contabilísticas, foram introduzidas no CIRPC, para o que se desenvolveu uma pesquisa descritiva qualitativa com base nos normativos contabilísticos e fiscais. Assim, foi elaborada uma matriz de equivalência das novas Normas Contabilísticas de Relato Financeiro que foram tomadas em consideração para a elaboração da Lei nº 20/2009, a qual alterou o CIRPC, tendo a dissertação analisado todos os preceitos desta Lei que reflectiram alterações legislativas resultantes da adopção das NIRF. Com base no presente estudo, concluiu-se que, nalguns casos, existirá variação da matéria colectável, decorrente da adopção dos normativos contabilísticos internacionais e das correspondentes alterações fiscais, e nestes casos, foi determinado o sentido de tais variações. Contudo, porque o primeiro ano de aplicação das novas normas foi 2010, não foi possível quantificar se a variação global será negativa ou positiva em termos de matéria colectável.In a context of development and accommodation of the country into the best international practices, Mozambique adopted the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by reflecting them in its accountancy general plan through of the implementation of the decree number 70/2009 from December 22nd. The implementation of IFRS determined an adaptation on the Corporate Income Tax Code. The present dissertation aims to analyze the changes that the new accountancy norms introduced in Corporate Income Tax Code brought. So, a descriptive qualitative research was developed based on accounting and fiscal normative. Consequently, a correlation matrix of the new accountancy norms of financial reports was elaborated and was taken into consideration for the elaboration of the Law number 20/2009 which changed the Corporate Income Tax Code. In this dissertation, it was evaluated all the precepts of this law which reflected the changes which resulted in the adoption of IFRS. From this study, it was concluded that in some cases, there will be a variation of the tax collectable subject, from the adoption of the international accountancy normative and the correspondent fiscal changes, and from these cases, it was determined the direction of those variations. Nevertheless, it was not possible to quantify whether the global variation will be positive or negative in terms of the collectable subject as 2010 was the first year of the application of the new norms

    Initial teacher education and the relationship with research: student teachers’ perspectives

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    During the past few years, higher education institutions have been working to strengthen the link between research and teaching, which is widely referred to as the research–teaching (RT) nexus. This nexus is important because engagement with research is a distinctive feature of learning in higher education and because, in the specific case of teacher education, it is a crucial element for the professional development of teachers, contributing to enhancing their professional practices and, at the same time, improving the status of the teaching profession. The aim of this paper is to identify the perspectives of student teachers regarding the RT nexus within initial teacher education. To accomplish this, data were collected through semi-structured group interviews with Portuguese and English student teachers in different initial teacher education programmes in order to highlight their perspectives and their contributions to understanding and strengthening the RT nexus. The analysis shows that national contexts play a significant role in the way initial teacher education programmes are organized, the way research is valued, and, consequently, how student teachers are engaged with research

    Mercados municipais : estruturas decadentes ou polos de animação

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    Presentes em praticamente todo o território nacional, os Mercados Municipais são geralmente reconhecidos como estruturas tradicionais de comércio retalhista de proximidade, funcionando como posto de abastecimento das populações. Estes espaços apresentaram também ao longo dos tempos uma vertente socioeconómica, cultural e urbana muito forte, revelando-se como uma mais-valia para a evolução e dinamização dos centros dos aglomerados em que se inserem, sejam eles de cariz urbano ou rural. Apesar disso, os Mercados Municipais têm perdido algum destaque como lugar de sucesso, se comparado com o que acontecia noutros tempos. Por esse motivo, defende-se que tais estruturas precisam de ser reinterpretadas, preservadas e animadas, sendo esse o caminho a seguir na ótica da Reabilitação Urbana. Só assim se podem manter como relevantes e, desse modo, projetarem-se para o futuro. A resposta à pergunta base que está na origem deste trabalho (“Mercados Municipais: Estruturas decadentes ou polos de animação?”) começa por uma resenha histórica sobre a origem e evolução do Mercado ao longo dos tempos, debruçando-se depois sobre a caracterização e principais funções de referência dos Mercados Municipais no quotidiano. Uma análise sobre os cenários possíveis de evolução e as hipóteses de desenvolvimento futuro concluem num conjunto de formas possíveis de intervenção de modo a garantir que os Mercados se reinventem e garantam a sua continuidade. E, deste modo, continuarem a ser também polos dinamizadores das comunidades. Para ilustrar a importância deste equipamento coletivo na vida e identidade da comunidade, é desenvolvido um estudo sobre o Mercado de Febres, localizado no centro da vila de Febres, situado no concelho de Cantanhede

    Alcoolização crónica e circuito cerebeloso do rato adulto : Estudo morfológico

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Medicina, área de especialização em Morfologia Normal, apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Port

    Anal canal adenocarcinoma locally treated with abdominoperineal resection after chemoradiotherapy: case report and review of literature

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    Background: Primary adenocarcinoma of the anal canal is rare, representing less than 20% of anal canal cancers. Given the limited data regarding treatment and outcomes, the management of this type of cancer is focused on a combined modality therapy involving radical surgery and neoadjuvant/adjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Case study: A 74-year-old woman presented with pruritus and anal pain with 6 months duration. MRI showed a semi-concentric mass in anal canal posterior wall. After an incisional biopsy that revealed an adenocarcinoma, the patient underwent neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection. Conclusion: There is limited research into anal adenocarcinoma since the rarity of this condition. The prognosis of anal adenocarcinoma is poor and the management remains controversial. Therapy strategies are not well established, however, general agreement states that a combined multimodality (combination of radical surgical resection and pre or postoperative chemoradiotherapy) achieves the best outcome

    Inter-relações entre o desempenho no processo de aprendizagem escolar e o desenvolvimento das capacidades motoras: revisão da literatura

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     Esta revisão da literatura teve como objetivo identificar as principais relações existentes entre as dificuldades de aprendizagem (DA) e déficits no desenvolvimento motor, assim como analisar os principais déficits motores associados a tal condição. Realizou-se busca eletrônica nas principais bases de dados (Lilacs, Medline/ Pubmed, Bireme, Portal Capes, SciELO), com artigos publicados entre 2006 e 2014, cuja amostra contemplasse crianças em idade escolar, matriculadas na rede de ensino, com histórico de baixo desempenho escolar. Os artigos apontaram evidências da relação entre as DA e os impactos no desenvolvimento motor, visto que crianças com DA geralmente apresentam pobres habilidades motoras em comparação com seus pares com desenvolvimento típico. Conclui-se a necessidade de avaliar não somente as dificuldades específicas e funções neurológicas ligadas à aprendizagem, mas também os aspectos motores envolvidos no desenvolvimento da criança em idade escolar. Tais percepções são eficazes na elaboração de planos de intervenção preventivos/reabilitadores, reduzindo os impactos de tais dificuldades no processo de aprendizagem, auxiliando assim no melhor desempenho escolar.This literature review aimed to identify the main relationships between the learning difficulties (LD) and deficits in motor development, as well as analyze the main motor deficits associated with this condition. We conducted a survey of the available evidences by electronic search at the main databases (Lilacs, Medline/Pubmed, Bireme, Portal Capes, SciELO), with articles published between 2006 and 2014 whose sample contemplate school children enrolled in the school system, with a history of poor school performance. The articles provide evidences of the relation between the LD and the impacts on the engine development, since children with LD generally have poor motor skills compared to their typically developing peers. The conclusion is the need to evaluate not only the specific difficulties and neurological functions related to learning, but also the motor aspects involved in the development of children of school age. Such perceptions are effective in developing preventive intervention plans / rehabilitators, reducing the impacts of such difficulties in the learning process, helping a better school performance

    Sob o signo de vesálio: Abel Sampaio Tavares na tradição anatómica da Escola do Porto

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    Por ocasião do centenário do nascimento de Abel Sampaio Tavares (28.09.1920) evoca-se a sua vida como médico, professor da FMUP, homem de ciência e investigador, continuador fecundo de uma escola de anatomia prestigiada, cujos progressos e intercâmbio científico, então por si potenciados, se continuariam a multiplicar para além da sua vida e do espaço europeu de Portugal, nomeadamente no quadro da lusofonia.On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Abel Sampaio Tavares (28.09.1920) his life is evoked as a doctor, professor at FMUP, man of science and researcher, as a fruitful follower and dynamizer of a school of anatomy whose progress and scientific exchanges at that time would be extended beyond his life and Portugal's borders

    Resistance and virulence distribution in enterococci isolated from broilers reared in two farming systems

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    Research Areas: Veterinary SciencesBackground: The impact of enterococci in human health has been growing for the last decades, mainly due to their resistance to several antimicrobial agents. Human consumption of contaminated meat, especially poultry, has been identified as a possible route of transmission. The aim of the present study was to evaluate and compare the antimicrobial resistance profiles and virulence genes of enterococci isolated from Portuguese conventional and free-range broiler farms. Results: Antibiotic susceptibility testing showed high frequencies of resistance to tetracycline in both farming systems. Resistance to erythromycin and gentamicin were detected in about half of the isolates. Resistance to penicillin was the less frequently observed and no vancomycin resistant isolates were identified. The majority of the enterococcal isolates, from either farming systems, were resistant to more than one antibiotic, and no statistical associations were found, except for penicillin resistance which associated with the genetic clusters. No differences were found between farming systems regarding the prevalence of tet(M), erm(B), aac (6′)-Ie-aph (2″)-Ia and pbp5 genes, nevertheless pbp5 prevalence was associated with the different genetic clusters. Hemolytic activity was identified in 26.47% of all isolates and gelatinase activity in 50%. The gelE gene was identified in the majority of the isolates, whereas esp and agg genes were rarely detected. The cylA determinant was not detected in any of the isolates. Conclusions: Overall, results suggest that similar resistance patterns and virulence genes can be found in both farming systems, though enterococci in free-range conditions should be less prone to acquire further resistance genes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio