827 research outputs found

    An empirical study on the preferred size of the participant information sheet in research

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    Background: Informed consent is a requirement for all research. It is not, however, clear how much information is sufficient to make an informed decision about participation in research. Information on an online questionnaire about childhood development was provided through an unfolding electronic participant sheet in three levels of information. \ud Methods: 552 participants, who completed the web-based survey, accessed and spent time reading the participant information sheet (PIS) between July 2008 and November 2009. The information behaviour of the participants was investigated. The first level contained less information than might be found on a standard PIS, the second level corresponded to a standard PIS, and the third contained more information than on a standard PIS. The actual time spent on reading the information provided in three incremental levels and the participants' evaluation of the information were calculated. \ud Results: 77% of the participants chose to access the first level of information, whereas 12% accessed the first two levels, 6% accessed all three levels of information and 23% participated without accessing information. The most accessed levels of information were those that corresponded to the average reading times. \ud Conclusion: The brief information provided in the first level was sufficient for participants to make informed decisions, while a sizeable minority of the participants chose not to access any information at all. This study adds to the debate about how much information is required to make a decision about participation in research and the results may help inform the future development of information sheets by providing data on participants' actual needs when deciding about questionnaire surveys.\u

    Comparison of Two Detailed Models of Aedes aegypti Population Dynamics

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    The success of control programs for mosquito-­borne diseases can be enhanced by crucial information provided by models of the mosquito populations. Models, however, can differ in their structure, complexity, and biological assumptions, and these differences impact their predictions. Unfortunately, it is typically difficult to determine why two complex models make different predictions because we lack structured side-­by-­side comparisons of models using comparable parameterization. Here, we present a detailed comparison of two complex, spatially explicit, stochastic models of the population dynamics of Aedes aegypti, the main vector of dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, and Zika viruses. Both models describe the mosquito?s biological and ecological characteristics, but differ in complexity and specific assumptions. We compare the predictions of these models in two selected climatic settings: a tropical and weakly seasonal climate in Iquitos, Peru, and a temperate and strongly seasonal climate in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Both models were calibrated to operate at identical average densities in unperturbedconditions in both settings, by adjusting parameters regulating densities in each model (number of larval development sites and amount of nutritional resources). We show that the models differ in their sensitivityto environmental conditions (temperature and rainfall) and trace differences to specific model assumptions.Temporal dynamics of the Ae. aegypti populations predicted by the two models differ more markedly under strongly seasonal Buenos Aires conditions. We use both models to simulate killing of larvae and/or adults with insecticides in selected areas. We show that predictions of population recovery by the models differ substantially, an effect likely related to model assumptions regarding larval development and (director delayed) density dependence. Our methodical comparison provides important guidance for model improvement by identifying key areas of Ae. aegypti ecology that substantially affect model predictions, and revealing the impact of model assumptions on population dynamics predictions in unperturbed and perturbed conditions.Fil: Legros, Mathieu. University of North Carolina; Estados UnidosFil: Otero, Marcelo Javier. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Romeo Aznar, Victoria Teresa. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Solari, Hernan Gustavo. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Gould, Fred. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Lloyd, Alun L.. National Institutes of Health; Estados Unido

    Life table analysis of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) infesting sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) in SĂŁo Paulo

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    An ecological life table for eggs and nymphs of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) was constructed with data obtained from orange orchards (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) in 2 regions of the State of SĂŁo Paulo, over 4 generations in the period from XI-2006 to V-2007, comprising spring, summer, and fall seasons. Young growing shoots with D. citri eggs present were identifed, and live individuals were counted until adult emergence. No predatory arthropods were observed in association with D. citri eggs and nymphs during the study. The mean parasitism of fourth- and ffth-instar nymphs by Tamarixia radiata Waterston (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) was 2.3%. The durations of the egg–adult period were similar among the 4 generations, ranging from 18.0 to 24.7 d (at mean temperatures ranging from 21.6 to 26.0 °C) and followed the temperature requirement models obtained in the laboratory for D. citri. However, survival from the egg to the adult stage for the same period varied considerably from 1.7 to 21.4%; the highest mortalities were observed in the egg and small nymphal (frst- to thirdinstar) stages, which were considered to be key phases for population growth of the pest.Uma tabela de vida ecolĂłgica foi construĂ­da para ovos e ninfas de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) com dados obtidos em pomares de laranja (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) em 2 regiĂ”es do estado de SĂŁo Paulo, com 4 geraçÔes, no perĂ­odo de novembro de 2006 a maio de 2007, compreendendo as estaçÔes de primavera, verĂŁo e outono. Ramos jovens em crescimento com a presença de ovos de D. citri foram identificados e os indivĂ­duos vivos foram contados atĂ© a emergĂȘncia dos adultos. Nenhum predador foi observado associado a ovos e ninfas de D. citri durante o estudo. A taxa mĂ©dia de parasitismo de ninfas de quarto e quinto Ă­nstares por Tamarixia radiata Waterson (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) foi de 2.3%. A duração do perĂ­odo de ovo a adulto foi semelhante entre as quatro geraçÔes, variando de 18.0 a 24.7 dias (com temperaturas mĂ©dias de 21.6 a 26.0 °C) e seguiram os modelos de exigencias tĂ©rmicas obtidas em laboratĂłrio para D. citri. Todavia, a sobrevivencia de ovo atĂ© o estĂĄgio adulto variou consideravelmente para o mesmo perĂ­odo, de 1.7 a 21.4%, sendo que as maiores mortalidades foram observadas nos estĂĄgios de ovos e ninfas pequenas (de primeiro a terceiro Ă­nstares), as quais foram consideradas fases chaves para o crescimento populacional desta praga.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On the geography of activity: productivity but not temperature constrains discovery rates by ectotherm consumers

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    Consumer activity—the rate that individuals move through and discover items in their environment—can constrain population interactions and ecosystem services. We introduce a model that assumes consumer activity is co‐limited by the abundance and velocity of consumers, which in turn are constrained by two global drivers: net primary productivity (NPP) and environmental temperature, respectively. We test it with data from a recent study showing how arthropod activity decreases with latitude and elevation. The maximum discovery rates (discoveries per day) of these ectotherms increased linearly with NPP and accounted for the observed latitudinal gradient in activity. The mean temperature of the warmest month in contrast had no consistent effect on activity. An ecosystem's NPP, which provides carbon to build individuals and sugars to fuel them, can thus be an important constraint on the activity of its ectotherm consumers.This work was supported by funding from NSF DEB‐1556280. Article processing charges funded in part by University of Oklahoma Libraries.Ye

    Sampling and distribution pattern of Trioza erytreae Del Guercio, 1918 (Hemiptera: Triozidae) in citrus orchard

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    Developing efficient sampling protocols is essential to monitor crop pests. One vector of the citrus disease HLB, the African citrus psyllid Trioza erytreae Del Guercio, 1918 (Hemiptera: Triozidae), currently threatens the lemon industry throughout the Mediterranean region. In this work, a pool of sampling methods devoted to monitoring the population of T. erytreae was compared, its spatial distribution in the orchard was assessed, and the minimum sampling effort for the best sampling method was estimated. Three lemon orchards in North-western Portugal were sampled for one year using two types of yellow sticky traps (standard yellow and fluorescent Saturn yellow), B-vac sampling and sweep net sampling. The method that best performed, in terms of cost-efficiency, was the yellow sticky traps. The two colours of the sticky traps tested did not yield a significantly different number of catches. The spatial distribution throughout the orchards was found to be aggregated towards the borders. A minimum of three sticky traps per hectare was found to be enough to estimate the population at 90% accuracy for the mean during the outbreak. These results should help to monitor and anticipate outbreaks that may even colonize neighbour orchards. Studies on the local dispersion patterns of T. erytreae throughout the orchard are mandatory to further refine and optimize efficient monitoring protocols.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal), for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) and to the project PRE-HLB-Preventing HLB epidemics for ensuring citrus survival in Europe (H2020-SFS-2018-2 Topic SFS-05-2018-2019-2020, proj. No. 817526).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modeling magnetospheric fields in the Jupiter system

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    The various processes which generate magnetic fields within the Jupiter system are exemplary for a large class of similar processes occurring at other planets in the solar system, but also around extrasolar planets. Jupiter's large internal dynamo magnetic field generates a gigantic magnetosphere, which is strongly rotational driven and possesses large plasma sources located deeply within the magnetosphere. The combination of the latter two effects is the primary reason for Jupiter's main auroral ovals. Jupiter's moon Ganymede is the only known moon with an intrinsic dynamo magnetic field, which generates a mini-magnetosphere located within Jupiter's larger magnetosphere including two auroral ovals. Ganymede's magnetosphere is qualitatively different compared to the one from Jupiter. It possesses no bow shock but develops Alfv\'en wings similar to most of the extrasolar planets which orbit their host stars within 0.1 AU. New numerical models of Jupiter's and Ganymede's magnetospheres presented here provide quantitative insight into the processes that maintain these magnetospheres. Jupiter's magnetospheric field is approximately time-periodic at the locations of Jupiter's moons and induces secondary magnetic fields in electrically conductive layers such as subsurface oceans. In the case of Ganymede, these secondary magnetic fields influence the oscillation of the location of its auroral ovals. Based on dedicated Hubble Space Telescope observations, an analysis of the amplitudes of the auroral oscillations provides evidence that Ganymede harbors a subsurface ocean. Callisto in contrast does not possess a mini-magnetosphere, but still shows a perturbed magnetic field environment. Callisto's ionosphere and atmospheric UV emission is different compared to the other Galilean satellites as it is primarily been generated by solar photons compared to magnetospheric electrons.Comment: Chapter for Book: Planetary Magnetis


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    We analyzed data from riffle and snag habitats for 39 small cold water streams with different levels of watershed urbanization in Wisconsin and Minnesota to evaluate the influences of urban land use and instream habitat on macroinvertebrate communities. Multivariate analysis indicated that stream temperature and amount of urban land use in the watersheds were the most influential factors determining macroinvertebrate assemblages. The amount of watershed urbanization was nonlinearly and negatively correlated with percentages of Ephemeroptera-Plecoptera-Trichoptera (EPT) abundance, EPT taxa, filterers, and scrapers and positively correlated with Hilsenhoff biotic index. High quality macroinvertebrate index values were possible if effective imperviousness was less than 7 percent of the watershed area. Beyond this level of imperviousness, index values tended to be consistently poor. Land uses in the riparian area were equal or more influential relative to land use elsewhere in the watershed, although riparian area consisted of only a small portion of the entire watershed area. Our study implies that it is extremely important to restrict watershed impervious land use and protect stream riparian areas for reducing human degradation on stream quality in low level urbanizing watersheds. Stream temperature may be one of the major factors through which human activities degrade cold-water streams, and management efforts that can maintain a natural thermal regime will help preserve stream quality.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72139/1/j.1752-1688.2003.tb03701.x.pd

    Habitat filtering determines spatial variation of macroinvertebrate community traits in northern headwater streams

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    Although our knowledge of the spatial distribution of stream organisms has been increasing rapidly in the last decades, there is still little consensus about trait-based variability of macroinvertebrate communities within and between catchments in near-pristine systems. Our aim was to examine the taxonomic and trait based stability vs. variability of stream macroinvertebrates in three high-latitude catchments in Finland. The collected taxa were assigned to unique trait combinations (UTCs) using biological traits. We found that only a single or a highly limited number of taxa formed a single UTC, suggesting a low degree of redundancy. Our analyses revealed significant differences in the environmental conditions of the streams among the three catchments. Linear models, rarefaction curves and beta-diversity measures showed that the catchments differed in both alpha and beta diversity. Taxon- and trait-based multivariate analyses also indicated that the three catchments were significantly different in terms of macroinvertebrate communities. All these findings suggest that habitat filtering, i.e., environmental differences among catchments, determines the variability of macroinvertebrate communities, thereby contributing to the significant biological differences among the catchments. The main implications of our study is that the sensitivity of trait-based analyses to natural environmental variation should be carefully incorporated in the assessment of environmental degradation, and that further studies are needed for a deeper understanding of trait-based community patterns across near-pristine streams

    Global observations of magnetospheric high‐m poloidal waves during the 22 June 2015 magnetic storm

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    We report global observations of high‐m poloidal waves during the recovery phase of the 22 June 2015 magnetic storm from a constellation of widely spaced satellites of five missions including Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS), Van Allen Probes, Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorm (THEMIS), Cluster, and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES). The combined observations demonstrate the global spatial extent of storm time poloidal waves. MMS observations confirm high azimuthal wave numbers (m ~ 100). Mode identification indicates the waves are associated with the second harmonic of field line resonances. The wave frequencies exhibit a decreasing trend as L increases, distinguishing them from the single‐frequency global poloidal modes normally observed during quiet times. Detailed examination of the instantaneous frequency reveals discrete spatial structures with step‐like frequency changes along L. Each discrete L shell has a steady wave frequency and spans about 1 RE, suggesting that there exist a discrete number of drift‐bounce resonance regions across L shells during storm times.Key PointsObserved long‐lasting high‐m poloidal waves associated with second harmonics of field line resonances during a major magnetic stormDemonstrated global spatial extent of storm time poloidal FLR region using observations from a constellation of widely spaced satellitesRevealed discrete spatial structures of resonant L shells with step‐like frequency changesPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137558/1/grl55775_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137558/2/grl55775.pd

    Measuring Energy Expenditure in Sub-Adult and Hatchling Sea Turtles via Accelerometry

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    Measuring the metabolic of sea turtles is fundamental to understanding their ecology yet the presently available methods are limited. Accelerometry is a relatively new technique for estimating metabolic rate that has shown promise with a number of species but its utility with air-breathing divers is not yet established. The present study undertakes laboratory experiments to investigate whether rate of oxygen uptake (o2) at the surface in active sub-adult green turtles Chelonia mydas and hatchling loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta correlates with overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA), a derivative of acceleration used as a proxy for metabolic rate. Six green turtles (25–44 kg) and two loggerhead turtles (20 g) were instrumented with tri-axial acceleration logging devices and placed singly into a respirometry chamber. The green turtles were able to submerge freely within a 1.5 m deep tank and the loggerhead turtles were tethered in water 16 cm deep so that they swam at the surface. A significant prediction equation for mean o2 over an hour in a green turtle from measures of ODBA and mean flipper length (R2 = 0.56) returned a mean estimate error across turtles of 8.0%. The range of temperatures used in the green turtle experiments (22–30°C) had only a small effect on o2. A o2-ODBA equation for the loggerhead hatchling data was also significant (R2 = 0.67). Together these data indicate the potential of the accelerometry technique for estimating energy expenditure in sea turtles, which may have important applications in sea turtle diving ecology, and also in conservation such as assessing turtle survival times when trapped underwater in fishing nets
