1,124 research outputs found

    La Vida Cotidiana de la Niñez en el Campamento "Felipe Camiroaga"

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    Tesis (Trabajo Social)En la presente investigación, se expondrán los antecedentes de las denominadas “Tomas” en la Quinta región y el país, enfatizando la gran cantidad de campamentos, y como se evidencia en Chile desde la historia Socio-Política, desde la “Cuestión social” y cómo se construye la problematización del fenómeno investigado, a partir de las políticas de vivienda y sus distintas falencias en el sistema económico hegemónico. Esta investigación fue realizada en el territorio denominado “Campamento Felipe Camiroaga” por la observación constante del equipo de investigación, debido a la práctica profesional realizada en el mismo lugar. En el marco teórico se trabaja desde la visión Crítico-Marxista basada en Kosik y sus distintos documentos entorno a la dialéctica. Luego, se revisan las distintas visiones de “Vida Cotidiana” principalmente por Henri Lefebvre, Michel De Certau, entre otros autores basados en el paradigma mencionado anteriormente esto llegando a la urbanización Capitalista desde el análisis de Christian Topalov y el Derecho a la ciudad. Posteriormente se detalla el enfoque metodológico cualitativo, y la etnografía como método siendo lo que más se ajusta a la investigación. El Campamento Felipe Camiroaga, en relación a otros campamentos de la región, aún no cuenta con la antigüedad suficiente para estar dentro del “Registro Nacional de Campamentos” del MINVU, a pesar de ser uno de los más grandes a nivel Nacional. Mediante un acercamiento con las y los pobladores se expone de manera innovadora al grupo de investigación la riqueza e importancia de reconstruir a través de sus miembros la historia y sobre todo visibilizar cómo se plantea la convivencia a diario en el campamento con el objetivo de recabar en las diferentes variables que se presentan como obstaculizadores y facilitadores en su diario vivir, este interés se presenta para el equipo de investigación ya que, la práctica profesional que se está realizando ha permitido observar los distintos discursos planteados por parte de las y los pobladores quienes en la situación que se encuentran, en situación de precariedad, por las diferentes experiencias personales y por una falencia esencial del Estado en las Políticas de Vivienda y urbanismo, han tomado la decisión de tomarse un terreno y vivir de manera permanente, asumiendo todos los riesgos a los que se exponen, sobre todo la falta de servicios básicos y la irregularidad a la que se enfrentan, en los discursos planteados, se visualiza un enojo con la autoridad actual tanto Local como Nacional

    Проектирование технологического процесса изготовления детали «Шестерня 2-ой передачи»

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    Технологический процесс изготовления шестерни второй передачи, разработка приспособления для зубофрезерования.The technological process of manufacturing gear second gear, the development of devices for gear milling

    Intraspecific variability of popcorn S7 lines for phosphorus efficiency in the soil.

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    The expansion of agriculture, coupled with the need for sustainable cropping, is one of the greatest challenges of the scientific community working on the generation of new cultivars adapted to abiotic stress conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the variability of popcorn lines as to responsiveness and efficiency in phosphorus use, as a first step towards the implementation of a breeding program interested in the practice of sustainable agriculture. Twenty-five popcorn lines were evaluated in two locations with different phosphorus levels in the soil, using a randomized block design. The following traits were measured: plant height, ear height, female flowering date, male flowering date, male-female flowering interval, ear diameter, ear length, 100-grain weight, grain yield, popping expansion, and expanded popcorn volume per hectare. A combined analysis of variance and test of means were performed, and the lines were classified as to their phosphorus use efficiency, according to their production performance in the different environments. The genetic diversity between the lines was estimated by Tocher?s and UPGMA clustering methods, using generalized Mahalanobis distance. Lines L59, P7, P2, P3, P4, P8, P10, P9, L66, L70, L69, and P5 were efficient and responsive, whereas lines L75, L80, L61, L77, L63, L65, P1, L54, L53, L88, and L71 were inefficient and nonresponsive. Genetic variability was greater in the environments with low phosphorus in the soil, suggesting that the selection pressure exerted in the stressing environment is a decisive factor to obtain a higher expression of variability

    Towards a gendered political economy of water and tourism

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    In many holiday destinations, the tourism industry exerts an enormous strain on water supplies. This generates a range of social problems, not least because local inhabitants often have to compete with the tourism sector over the access, allocation and use of water for their personal and domestic needs. Nevertheless, there has been very little academic research on the link between tourism and the impact of water scarcity on destination populations in developing countries. While there is a wealth of literature on gender and tourism development, such research has tended to focus on employment relations and tourism policy and planning, neglecting ecological issues such as water. Drawing on original ethnographic research conducted in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, in 2013, this paper makes a preliminary attempt to address this gap in the literature by developing a gendered political economy approach to water in tourism development. Three key themes are identified from this research: the salience of intersectional inequalities of gender, class and nationality, in particular the different experiences of Nicaraguan women, Costa Rican women and women from the Global North; how the role of social reproduction is vital to understanding gender and water in Tamarindo due to enduring assumptions about women’s perceived responsibility for water; and the gendered dimensions of conflicts over water. Such conflicts are highly gendered and contribute to reshaping of power relations in this international tourism destination. In the conclusions, we argue that our findings demonstrate the need to pay attention to both intersectionality and social reproduction, as well as to identify a future research agenda for developing a gendered political economy approach to tourism and water

    Evolution of genetic networks for human creativity

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    The genetic basis for the emergence of creativity in modern humans remains a mystery despite sequencing the genomes of chimpanzees and Neanderthals, our closest hominid relatives. Data-driven methods allowed us to uncover networks of genes distinguishing the three major systems of modern human personality and adaptability: emotional reactivity, self-control, and self-awareness. Now we have identified which of these genes are present in chimpanzees and Neanderthals. We replicated our findings in separate analyses of three high-coverage genomes of Neanderthals. We found that Neanderthals had nearly the same genes for emotional reactivity as chimpanzees, and they were intermediate between modern humans and chimpanzees in their numbers of genes for both self-control and self-awareness. 95% of the 267 genes we found only in modern humans were not protein-coding, including many long-non-coding RNAs in the self-awareness network. These genes may have arisen by positive selection for the characteristics of human well-being and behavioral modernity, including creativity, prosocial behavior, and healthy longevity. The genes that cluster in association with those found only in modern humans are over-expressed in brain regions involved in human self-awareness and creativity, including late-myelinating and phylogenetically recent regions of neocortex for autobiographical memory in frontal, parietal, and temporal regions, as well as related components of cortico-thalamo-ponto-cerebellar-cortical and cortico-striato-cortical loops. We conclude that modern humans have more than 200 unique non-protein-coding genes regulating co-expression of many more protein-coding genes in coordinated networks that underlie their capacities for self-awareness, creativity, prosocial behavior, and healthy longevity, which are not found in chimpanzees or Neanderthals.Peer reviewe

    Divergent abiotic spectral pathways unravel pathogen stress signals across species

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    Abstract: Plant pathogens pose increasing threats to global food security, causing yield losses that exceed 30% in food-deficit regions. Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) represents the major transboundary plant pest and one of the world’s most damaging pathogens in terms of socioeconomic impact. Spectral screening methods are critical to detect non-visual symptoms of early infection and prevent spread. However, the subtle pathogen-induced physiological alterations that are spectrally detectable are entangled with the dynamics of abiotic stresses. Here, using airborne spectroscopy and thermal scanning of areas covering more than one million trees of different species, infections and water stress levels, we reveal the existence of divergent pathogen- and host-specific spectral pathways that can disentangle biotic-induced symptoms. We demonstrate that uncoupling this biotic–abiotic spectral dynamics diminishes the uncertainty in the Xf detection to below 6% across different hosts. Assessing these deviating pathways against another harmful vascular pathogen that produces analogous symptoms, Verticillium dahliae, the divergent routes remained pathogen- and host-specific, revealing detection accuracies exceeding 92% across pathosystems. These urgently needed hyperspectral methods advance early detection of devastating pathogens to reduce the billions in crop losses worldwide

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Systems Analysis of the 21st Century

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    This paper overviews research being done at IIASA with use of machine learning (ML) methods. We elaborate on promising areas of application and advantages and challenges of using ML. These reflections are done as a part of strategic planning process going on at IIASA at the moment, which aims to come up with a new research strategy for 2021-2030, as well as a supporting research plan. It has been recognized that while applications of ML in commercial sector are numerous and become more and more powerful day to day, it is not yet so common to use ML for creating societal impact. To explore the opportunities in this context and to reflect on what IIASA’s role might be, an internal working group was initiated. This paper emerged from the internal workshop held by the working group at IIASA on June 24, 2019; the workshop invited all IIASA scientists to contribute. The workshop program can be found in Appendix A to this paper