1,176 research outputs found

    Criterion for purely elastic Taylor-Couette instability in the flows of shear-banding fluids

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    In the past twenty years, shear-banding flows have been probed by various techniques, such as rheometry, velocimetry and flow birefringence. In micellar solutions, many of the data collected exhibit unexplained spatio-temporal fluctuations. Recently, it has been suggested that those fluctuations originate from a purely elastic instability of the flow. In cylindrical Couette geometry, the instability is reminiscent of the Taylor-like instability observed in viscoelastic polymer solutions. In this letter, we describe how the criterion for purely elastic Taylor-Couette instability should be adapted to shear-banding flows. We derive three categories of shear-banding flows with curved streamlines, depending on their stability.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Potential "ways of thinking" about the shear-banding phenomenon

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    Shear-banding is a curious but ubiquitous phenomenon occurring in soft matter. The phenomenological similarities between the shear-banding transition and phase transitions has pushed some researchers to adopt a 'thermodynamical' approach, in opposition to the more classical 'mechanical' approach to fluid flows. In this heuristic review, we describe why the apparent dichotomy between those approaches has slowly faded away over the years. To support our discussion, we give an overview of different interpretations of a single equation, the diffusive Johnson-Segalman (dJS) equation, in the context of shear-banding. We restrict ourselves to dJS, but we show that the equation can be written in various equivalent forms usually associated with opposite approaches. We first review briefly the origin of the dJS model and its initial rheological interpretation in the context of shear-banding. Then we describe the analogy between dJS and reaction-diffusion equations. In the case of anisotropic diffusion, we show how the dJS governing equations for steady shear flow are analogous to the equations of the dynamics of a particle in a quartic potential. Going beyond the existing literature, we then draw on the Lagrangian formalism to describe how the boundary conditions can have a key impact on the banding state. Finally, we reinterpret the dJS equation again and we show that a rigorous effective free energy can be constructed, in the spirit of early thermodynamic interpretations or in terms of more recent approaches exploiting the language of irreversible thermodynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, tutorial revie

    Minkowski Functionals of Abell/ACO Clusters

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    We determine the Minkowski functionals for a sample of Abell/ACO clusters, 401 with measured and 16 with estimated redshifts. The four Minkowski functionals (including the void probability function and the mean genus) deliver a global description of the spatial distribution of clusters on scales from 1010 to 60\hMpc with a clear geometric interpretation. Comparisons with mock catalogues of N--body simulations using different variants of the CDM model demonstrate the discriminative power of the description. The standard CDM model and the model with tilted perturbation spectrum cannot generate the Minkowski functionals of the cluster data, while a model with a cosmological constant and a model with breaking of the scale invariance of perturbations (BSI) yield compatible results.Comment: 10 pages, 13 Postscript figures, uses epsf.sty and mn.sty (included), submitted to MNRA

    Mechanism of Vanadium Leaching during Surface Weathering of Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel Slag Blocks: A Microfocus X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Electron Microscopy Study

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    © 2017 American Chemical Society. Basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steelmaking slag is enriched in potentially toxic V which may become mobilized in high pH leachate during weathering. BOF slag was weathered under aerated and air-excluded conditions for 6 months prior to SEM/EDS and μXANES analysis to determine V host phases and speciation in both primary and secondary phases. Leached blocks show development of an altered region in which free lime and dicalcium silicate phases were absent and Ca-Si-H was precipitated (CaCO 3 was also present under aerated conditions). μXANES analyses show that V was released to solution as V(V) during dicalcium silicate dissolution and some V was incorporated into neo-formed Ca-Si-H. Higher V concentrations were observed in leachate under aerated conditions than in the air-excluded leaching experiment. Aqueous V concentrations were controlled by Ca 3 (VO 4 ) 2 solubility, which demonstrate an inverse relationship between Ca and V concentrations. Under air-excluded conditions Ca concentrations were controlled by dicalcium silicate dissolution and Ca-Si-H precipitation, leading to relatively high Ca and correspondingly low V concentrations. Formation of CaCO 3 under aerated conditions provided a sink for aqueous Ca, allowing higher V concentrations limited by kinetic dissolution rates of dicalcium silicate. Thus, V release may be slowed by the precipitation of secondary phases in the altered region, improving the prospects for slag reuse

    Binary separation in very thin nematic films: thickness and phase coexistence

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    The behavior as a function of temperature of very thin films (10 to 200 nm) of pentylcyanobiphenyl (5CB) on silicon substrates is reported. In the vicinity of the nematic/isotropic transition we observe a coexistence of two regions of different thicknesses: thick regions are in the nematic state while thin ones are in the isotropic state. Moreover, the transition temperature is shifted downward following a 1/h^2 law (h is the film thickness). Microscope observations and small angle X-ray scattering allowed us to draw a phase diagram which is explained in terms of a binary first order phase transition where thickness plays the role of an order parameter.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PRL on the 26th of Apri

    Temporal-spatial structure of magnetic merging at the magnetopause inferred from 557.7-nm all-sky images

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    We demonstrate that high-resolution 557.7-nm all-sky images are useful tools for investigating the spatial and temporal evolution of merging on the dayside magnetopause. Analysis of ground and satellite measurements leads us to conclude that high-latitude merging events can occur at multiple sites simultaneously and vary asynchronously on time scales of 30s to 3min. Variations of 557.7nm emissions were observed at a 10s cadence at Ny-Ålesund on 19 December 2001, while significant changes in the IMF clock angle were reaching the magnetopause. The optical patterns are consistent with a scenario in which merging occurs around the rim of the high-latitude cusp at positions dictated by the IMF clock angle. Electrons energized at merging sites represent plausible sources for 557.7nm emissions in the cusp. Polar observations at the magnetopause have directly linked enhanced fluxes of ≥0.5keV electrons with merging. Spectra of electrons responsible for some of the emissions, measured during a DMSP F15 overflight, exhibit "inverted-V" features, indicating further acceleration above the ionosphere. SuperDARN spectral width boundaries, characteristic of open-closed field line transitions, are located at the equatorward edge of the 557.7nm emissions. Optical data suggest that with IMF <i>B<sub>Y</sub></i>>0, the Northern Hemisphere cusp divides into three source regions. When the IMF clock angle was ~150° structured 557.7-nm emissions came from east of the 13:00 MLT meridian. At larger clock angles the emissions appeared between 12:00 and 13:00 MLT. No significant 557.7-nm emissions were detected in the prenoon MLT sector. MHD simulations corroborate our scenario, showing that with the observed large dipole-tilt and IMF clock angles, merging sites develop near the front and eastern portions of the high-altitude cusp rim in the Northern Hemisphere and near the western part of the cusp rim in the Southern Hemisphere

    Blood ties: ABO is a trans-species polymorphism in primates

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    The ABO histo-blood group, the critical determinant of transfusion incompatibility, was the first genetic polymorphism discovered in humans. Remarkably, ABO antigens are also polymorphic in many other primates, with the same two amino acid changes responsible for A and B specificity in all species sequenced to date. Whether this recurrence of A and B antigens is the result of an ancient polymorphism maintained across species or due to numerous, more recent instances of convergent evolution has been debated for decades, with a current consensus in support of convergent evolution. We show instead that genetic variation data in humans and gibbons as well as in Old World Monkeys are inconsistent with a model of convergent evolution and support the hypothesis of an ancient, multi-allelic polymorphism of which some alleles are shared by descent among species. These results demonstrate that the ABO polymorphism is a trans-species polymorphism among distantly related species and has remained under balancing selection for tens of millions of years, to date, the only such example in Hominoids and Old World Monkeys outside of the Major Histocompatibility Complex.Comment: 45 pages, 4 Figures, 4 Supplementary Figures, 5 Supplementary Table

    Defining human-machine micro-task workflows for constitution making

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    This paper presents a novel task-oriented approach to crowdsource the drafting of a constitution. By considering micro-tasking as a particular form of crowdsourcing, it defines a workflow-based approach based on Onto2Flow, an ontology that models the basic concepts and roles to represent workflow-definitions. The approach is then applied to a prototype platform for constitution-making where human workers are requested to contribute to a set of tasks. The paper concludes by discussing previous approaches to participatory constitution-making and identifying areas for future work.This work is part-funded by FEDER Funds, by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the COMPETE Programme (Operational Programme for Competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within the project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028980 (PTDC/EEI-SII/1386/2012). The work of Nuno Luz is supported by the doctoral grant SFRH/BD/70302/2010. The work of Marta Poblet draws from previous research within the framework of the project “Crowdsourcing: instrumentos semánticos para el desarrollo de la participación y la mediación online” (DER 2012-39492-C02-01) by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio