172 research outputs found

    Patient and Health Care Professional Perceptions of the Experience and Impact of Symptoms of Moderate-to-Severe Crohn’s Disease in US and Europe: Results from the Cross-Sectional CONFIDE Study

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    Background: Crohn’s disease (CD) significantly affects patients’ health-related quality of life and well-being. Aims: Communicating Needs and Features of IBD Experiences (CONFIDE) survey explores the experience and impact of moderate-to-severe CD symptoms on patients’ lives and identifies communication gaps between patients and health care professionals (HCPs). Methods: Online, quantitative, cross-sectional surveys of patients, and HCPs were conducted in the United States (US), Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom), and Japan. Criteria based on previous treatment, steroid use, and/or hospitalization defined moderate-to-severe CD. US and Europe data are presented as descriptive statistics. Results: Surveys were completed by 215 US and 547 European patients and 200 US and 503 European HCPs. In both patient groups, top three symptoms currently (past month) experienced were diarrhea, bowel urgency, and increased stool frequency, with more than one-third patients wearing diaper/pad/protection at least once a week in past 3 months due to fear of bowel urgency-related accidents. HCPs ranked diarrhea, blood in stool, and increased stool frequency as the most common symptoms. Although 34.0% US and 27.2% European HCPs ranked bowel urgency among the top five symptoms affecting patient lives, only 12.0% US and 10.9% European HCPs ranked it among top three most impactful symptoms on treatment decisions. Conclusion: Bowel urgency is common and impactful among patients with CD in the US and Europe. Differences in patient and HCP perceptions of experiences and impacts of bowel urgency exist, with HCPs underestimating its burden. Proactive communication between HCPs and patients in clinical settings is crucial for improving health outcomes in patients with CD

    Correlation of the score for subjective pain with physical disability, clinical and radiographic scores in recent onset rheumatoid arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: To analyse the relationship between subjective pain score and other measures of clinical, radiographic and functional status; in particular Larsen radiographic scores and Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ); in patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with a disease duration of less than 3 years. METHODS: In this cross sectional study of 105 patients with RA (76 women, 29 men: mean age 50.93; mean disease duration 15.86 months; 71% rheumatoid factor positive) subjective pain was assessed according to the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Correlation coefficients between pain score and disease activity measures (patients' global assessment of disease by VAS, number of tender and swollen joints, morning stiffness, erythrocyte sedimentation rate [ESR], C-reactive protein [CRP] and titre of rheumatoid factor, radiographic evaluations (Larsen-Dale scores for radiographic damage of the small joints of the hands, wrist and feet), disability measures (health assessment questionnaire [HAQ]), and demographic variables were calculated; hierarchical regression analysis was done with subjective pain score as the dependent variable. RESULTS: The Spearman's correlation coefficient comparing subjective pain and HAQ was 0.421 (p < 0.001), between subjective pain and global assessment of disease and morning stiffness was 0.573 (p < 0.001) and 0.427 (p < 0.001) respectively, and between pain and number of tender and swollen joints 0.037 and 0.050 respectively (p > 0.05). In regression analysis, global assessment of disease by patients explained 32.8% of the variation in pain intensity score, morning stiffness 10.7%, CRP 4.0%, HAQ 3.8% and Larsen-Dale scores explained 2.1%; other variables were not significant in the model. CONCLUSIONS: Pain scores of patients with early severe rheumatoid arthritis are correlated at higher levels with patients' global assessment of disease and with morning stiffness rather than with radiographic or other clinical variables such as number of tender and swollen joints

    Osteointegration of soft tissue grafts within the bone tunnels in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction can be enhanced

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    Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with a soft tissue autograft (hamstring autograft) has grown in popularity in the last 10 years. However, the issues of a relatively long healing time and an inferior histological healing result in terms of Sharpey-like fibers connection in soft tissue grafts are still unsolved. To obtain a promising outcome in the long run, prompt osteointegration of the tendon graft within the bone tunnel is essential. In recent decades, numerous methods have been reported to enhance osteointegration of soft tissue graft in the bone tunnel. In this article, we review the current literature in this research area, mainly focusing on strategies applied to the local bone tunnel environment. Biological strategies such as stem cell and gene transfer technology, as well as the local application of specific growth factors have been reported to yield exciting results. The use of biological bone substitute and physical stimulation also obtained promising results. Artificially engineered tissue has promise as a solution to the problem of donor site morbidity. Despite these encouraging results, the current available evidence is still experimental. Further clinical studies in terms of randomized control trial in the future should be conducted to extrapolate these basic science study findings into clinical practice. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.postprin

    BMP9 Protects Septal Neurons from Axotomy-Evoked Loss of Cholinergic Phenotype

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    Cholinergic projection from the septum to the hippocampus is crucial for normal cognitive function and degeneration of cells and nerve fibers within the septohippocampal pathway contributes to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) 9 is a cholinergic differentiating factor during development both in vivo and in vitro.To determine whether BMP9 could protect the adult cholinergic septohippocampal pathway from axotomy-evoked loss of the cholinergic phenotype, we performed unilateral fimbria-fornix transection in mice and treated them with a continuous intracerebroventricular infusion of BMP9 for six days. The number of choline acetyltransferase (CHAT)-positive cells was reduced by 50% in the medial septal nucleus ipsilateral to the lesion as compared to the intact, contralateral side, and BMP9 infusion prevented this loss in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, BMP9 prevented most of the decline of hippocampal acetylcholine levels ipsilateral to the lesion, and markedly increased CHAT, choline transporter CHT, NGF receptors p75 (NGFR-p75) and TrkA (NTRK1), and NGF protein content in both the lesioned and unlesioned hippocampi. In addition, BMP9 infusion reduced bilaterally hippocampal levels of basic FGF (FGF2) protein.These data indicate that BMP9 administration can prevent lesion-evoked impairment of the cholinergic septohippocampal neurons in adult mice and, by inducing NGF, establishes a trophic environment for these cells

    Focus on collagen: in vitro systems to study fibrogenesis and antifibrosis _ state of the art

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    Fibrosis represents a major global disease burden, yet a potent antifibrotic compound is still not in sight. Part of the explanation for this situation is the difficulties that both academic laboratories and research and development departments in the pharmaceutical industry have been facing in re-enacting the fibrotic process in vitro for screening procedures prior to animal testing. Effective in vitro characterization of antifibrotic compounds has been hampered by cell culture settings that are lacking crucial cofactors or are not holistic representations of the biosynthetic and depositional pathway leading to the formation of an insoluble pericellular collagen matrix. In order to appreciate the task which in vitro screening of antifibrotics is up against, we will first review the fibrotic process by categorizing it into events that are upstream of collagen biosynthesis and the actual biosynthetic and depositional cascade of collagen I. We point out oversights such as the omission of vitamin C, a vital cofactor for the production of stable procollagen molecules, as well as the little known in vitro tardy procollagen processing by collagen C-proteinase/BMP-1, another reason for minimal collagen deposition in cell culture. We review current methods of cell culture and collagen quantitation vis-à-vis the high content options and requirements for normalization against cell number for meaningful data retrieval. Only when collagen has formed a fibrillar matrix that becomes cross-linked, invested with ligands, and can be remodelled and resorbed, the complete picture of fibrogenesis can be reflected in vitro. We show here how this can be achieved. A well thought-out in vitro fibrogenesis system represents the missing link between brute force chemical library screens and rational animal experimentation, thus providing both cost-effectiveness and streamlined procedures towards the development of better antifibrotic drugs

    Exploiting the cancer niche: Tumor-associated macrophages and hypoxia as promising synergistic targets for nano-based therapy

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    The tumor microenvironment has been widely exploited as an active participant in tumor progression. Extensive reports have defined the dual role of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) in tumor development. The protumoral effect exerted by the M2 phenotype has been correlated with a negative outcome in most solid tumors. The high infiltration of immune cells in the hypoxic cores of advanced solid tumors leads to a chain reaction of stimuli that enhances the expression of protumoral genes, thrives tumor malignancy, and leads to the emergence of drug resistance. Many studies have shown therapeutic targeting systems, solely to TAMs or tumor hypoxia, however, novel therapeutics that target both features are still warranted. In the present review, we discuss the role of hypoxia in tumor development and the clinical outcome of hypoxia-targeted therapeutics, such as hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1) inhibitors and hypoxia-activated prodrugs. Furthermore, we review the state-of-the-art of macrophage-based cancer therapy. We thoroughly discuss the development of novel therapeutics that simultaneously target TAMs and tumor hypoxia. Nano-based systems have been highlighted as interesting strategies for dual modality treatments, with somewhat improved tissue extravasation. Such approach could be seen as a promising strategy to overcome drug resistance and enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy in advanced solid and metastatic tumors, especially when exploiting cell-based nanotherapies. Finally, we provide an in-depth opinion on the importance of exploiting the tumor microenvironment in cancer therapy, and how this could be translated to clinical practice

    El modelo de revaluación de bienes de uso y el derecho al dividendo de los accionistas

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    Repetitive elements take up >40% of the human genome and can change distribution through transposition, thus generating subfamilies. Repetitive element DNA methylation has associated with several diseases and environmental exposures, including exposure to airborne pollutants. No systematic analysis has yet been conducted to examine the effects of exposures across different repetitive element subfamilies. The purpose of the study is to evaluate sensitivity of DNA methylation in differentially\u2012evolved LINE, Alu, and HERV subfamilies to different types of airborne pollutants