1,047 research outputs found

    Assessing and improving quality of QVTo model transformations

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    We investigate quality improvement in QVT operational mappings (QVTo) model transformations, one of the languages defined in the OMG standard on model-to-model transformations. Two research questions are addressed. First, how can we assess quality of QVTo model transformations? Second, how can we develop higher-quality QVTo transformations? To address the first question, we utilize a bottom–up approach, starting with a broad exploratory study including QVTo expert interviews, a review of existing material, and introspection. We then formalize QVTo transformation quality into a QVTo quality model. The quality model is validated through a survey of a broader group of QVTo developers. We find that although many quality properties recognized as important for QVTo do have counterparts in general purpose languages, a number of them are specific to QVTo or model transformation languages. To address the second research question, we leverage the quality model to identify developer support tooling for QVTo. We then implemented and evaluated one of the tools, namely a code test coverage tool. In designing the tool, code coverage criteria for QVTo model transformations are also identified. The primary contributions of this paper are a QVTo quality model relevant to QVTo practitioners and an open-source code coverage tool already usable by QVTo transformation developers. Secondary contributions are a bottom–up approach to building a quality model, a validation approach leveraging developer perceptions to evaluate quality properties, code test coverage criteria for QVTo, and numerous directions for future research and tooling related to QVTo quality

    Єврорегіон як елемент інтеграції у європейський простір

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    1 Introductie Rechters en raadsheren ervaren spanning tussen productiedruk enerzijds en de kwaliteit van de Rechtspraak anderzijds. Professionele standaarden kunnen helpen bij het bepalen wat wel en niet acceptabel is in relatie tot de kwaliteit van werk. In opdracht van de Raad voor de rechtspraak deed USBO (Universiteit Utrecht) vergelijkend onderzoek naar professionele standaarden van medisch specialisten, accountants en politieagenten, met als doel lessen te genereren voor de ontwikkeling van professionele standaarden in de Rechtspraak. 2 Vraagstelling en aanpak De leidende onderzoeksvraag was: ‘Op welke wijze zijn professionele standaarden in andere beroepsgroepen tot stand gekomen en geïntroduceerd, hoe worden deze standaarden geborgd en actueel gehouden en welke lessen kan de Rechtspraak hieruit trekken?’ We startten met literatuuronderzoek. Vervolgens voerden we desk research uit naar professionele standaarden in de drie beroepsgroepen (medisch specialisten, accountants en politieagenten) en interviewden we sleutelfiguren. Voor de vertaling van de resultaten naar de Rechtspraak spraken we in (groeps) interviews met rechters en raadsheren. 3 Theoretische inkadering Professionele standaarden richten zich op het formeel en informeel definiëren, coderen en ijken van de beroepsuitoefening, door beroepsgroepen zelf, als onderdeel van verdergaande professionalisering van een beroepsgroep. In figuur 1 werken we de professionele standaarden verder uit. De kern van professionele standaarden bestaat uit idealen (de ambitiecode). De educatieve code vult deze idealen verder in, zodat standaarden op casusniveau binnen de beroepspraktijk toepasbaar zijn. De regulerende code formuleert vervolgens normen en protocollen die bij niet-naleven gekoppeld kunnen worden aan sancties. Naast deze codes hebben professionals steeds meer te maken met aanvullende standaardisering door beleidskaders (wettelijke kaders en beleidsbepalingen) en organisatorische kaders (tijd, geld en capaciteit). Professioneel werk vraagt om verbinding tussen de binnenste drie ringen en de buitenste ring. Organiseren en management zijn onlosmakelijke onderdelen van professioneel werk. Naast handelen vanuit de eigen professie moeten professionals ook ‘organisatieverantwoordelijk’ handelen

    Targeted Delivery of siRNA

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    Therapeutic application of siRNA requires delivery to the correct intracellular location, to interact with the RNAi machinery within the target cell, within the target tissue responsible for the pathology. Each of these levels of targeting poses a significant barrier. To overcome these barriers several strategies have been developed, such as chemical modifications of siRNA, viral nucleic acid delivery systems, and nonviral nucleic acid delivery systems. Here, we discuss progress that has been made to improve targeted delivery of siRNA in vivo for each of these strategies

    Role of ß-adrenoceptors in human obesity

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    Model-Based Engineering of Supervisory Controllers using CIF

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    In the Model-Based Engineering (MBE) paradigm, models are the core elements in the design process of a system from its requirements to the actual implementation of the system. By means of Supervisory Control Theory (SCT), supervisory controllers (supervisors) can be synthesized instead of designingthem manually. In this paper, a framework based on the Compositional Interchange Format for hybrid systems (CIF) has been developed that integrates the MBE andthe SCT paradigms. To illustrate the framework, an industrial-size case study has been performed: 'synthesis of a supervisory controller for the patientsupport system of an MRI scanner'. In this case study, we address 1) modelling of the components and the control requirements; 2) synthesis of the supervisor;3) simulation of the synthesized supervisor and a hybrid model of the plant; and 4) real-time, simulation based control of the supervisor and the actual patient support system of the MRI scanner

    Supervisory control synthesis for a patient support system

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    The increasing complexity of systems and the increasing market pressure necessitate the need for methods to maximize reuse and to minimize the effort to develop new systems. Modelbased engineering is one of these methods. It uses models and model-based techniques in the development process to analyze and synthesize systems and components. In this report, Supervisory Control Synthesis is used to design a supervisory controller for a patient support system. This system is used to position a patient in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner. To improve the evolvability of the design, the uncontrolled system and the control requirements are modeled independently, using small loosely coupled minimal restrictive automata. An implementation of the synthesized supervisor is realized by means of a transformation to an automaton in the Compositional Interchange Format (CIF). The supervisor is validated by means of hardware-in-the-loop simulation, using the real patient support system