9 research outputs found

    Epiphytic lichen diversity in Estonian and Fennoscandian old coniferous forests

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    Lichen species richness and species composition were compared between Estonian and Fennoscandian old coniferous forests, with a special emphasis on woodland key habitat indicator species. Altogether 42 Picea abies and 40 Pinus sylvestris sample plots were studied in Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Norway. In every plot lichens were recorded on five randomly selected trees; in addition, tree age and canopy openness by the sampled trees were measured. The results revealed clear differences in lichen species composition; the occurrence of many species differed between Estonia and Fennoscandia. Several indicator species were recorded only in one or two sample plots; the relatively frequent indicators differed between the two studied areas. The number of lichen species per sample plot was significantly higher in Fennoscandia compared to Estonia. Maximum tree age was positively correlated with species richness in Estonian spruce sample plots, and mean canopy openness with species richness in Estonian pine sample plots.

    Spring wheat grain yield and quality depending on site-based fertilizing

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    In 2011 the experiment with spring wheat 'Manu' was carried out on the experimental field of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The experiment was carried out in the soils with different content of organic carbon (Corg): background A with higher Corg content > 1.7% and background B with lower Corg content ≤ 1.7%. Four fertilizing treatment were used: 1) unfertilized, control (K); 2) conventional fertilizing (T), where all amounts of mineral fertilizers (N120P52K100) were applied before sowing; the amount of fertilizer was supposed to ensure the grain yield level of 4 t ha-1; 3) application of fertilizers according to the soil information (MI) – all amounts of mineral fertilizers (NPK) were applied before sowing; the amounts of mineral fertilizers were adjusted according to the nutrient content of the soil; 4) application of fertilizers according to the soil and plant information (MILV) – mineral fertilizers applied firstly as in MI treatment and additionally at plant development stage BBCH4 the foliar fertilizer added according to the plant nutrition level (determined by chlorophyll meter). Grain yield levels of different backgrounds (A and B) differed in site based fertilization treatments (MI and MILV) less than in control and conventional treatments (26.7 and 19.4% versus 47.4 and 45.5%, respectively). Despite the fact that the amounts of fertilizers were in MI treatment up to one third smaller than of conventional treatment T, the majority values of grains quality of these treatments were statistically the same

    Põllukultuuride valik ja sobivus valkude eraldamiseks

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    MTÜ Taimsete Valkude Innovatsiooniklaster viis läbi koostöö- ning teadus- ja arendustegevuse projekti, mille jaoks saadi toetust „Eesti maaelu arengukava 2014–2020“ meetmest „Innovatsiooniklaster“. Projekti teostamise periood oli veebruar 2019 kuni veebruar 2023 ja see koosnes neljast innovatsioonitegevusest. Innovatsioonitegevuse „Põllukultuuride valik ja sobivus valkude eraldamiseks“ eesmärk oli varasematele uuringutele tuginedes teha Eestis kasvatamiseks sobivatest kanepi-, kaera-, põldoa- ja põldhernesortidest eelvalik ning viia kolmel aastal läbi põldkatsed selgitamaks sordi, kasvuaasta ja kasvatustehnoloogia mõju saagi valgusisaldusele. Lisaks hinnati ka vähem viljeldud, kuid valgurikaste kultuuride (kikerherne, hirsi ja läätse) ning õlikanepi sobivust taimse valgu allikana. Määrati toorvalgusaak hektari kohta, analüüsiti valkude aminohappelist koostist ja hinnati valgu omastamist takistavate inhibiitorite sisaldust in vitro valgu seeduvuse mudeli abil.Rahastajad: Eesti maaelu arengukava 2014–2020 ja Euroopa Maaelu Arengu Põllumajandusfond (EAFRD)Rahastajad: Eesti maaelu arengukava 2014–2020 ja Euroopa Maaelu Arengu Põllumajandusfond (EAFRD

    Report of the Regional Co-ordination Meeting for the North Sea and Eastern Arctic (RCM NS&EA) 2013

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    Report of the Regional Co-ordination Meeting for the North Sea and Eastern Arctic (RCM NS&EA) 2013 final report European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) Vigo, Spain 09/09/2013-13/09/2013The Regional Coordination Meeting for the North Sea & Eastern Arctic (RCM NS&EA) was held in September 2013 in Vigo (Spain). The main task of the RCM’s is to coordinate the National Programmes (NP), which propose the national data collection to be carried out by the Member States (MS) under the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF). It was envisaged that, from 2104 onwards, data collection by the MS would be carried out under a new framework (DC-MAP). However, the legislation for this framework is not ready yet. Therefore the Commission has decided to extend the present DCF for the time being and the most recent NPs have been adopted for 2014. Since these NP have been adopted without any changes, there is no need for major coordinatio

    The sustainability of crop growing company Agrostem OÜ in 2019-2022

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    Bakalaureusetöö Maamajandusliku ettevõtluse ja finantsjuhtimise õppekavalPõllumajandustootjate ees seisavad järjest suuremad väljakutsed seoses kliima soojenemise, tootmise keskkonnamõjude, sisendite hindade tõusu ja teiste teguritega. Väiksemad põllumajandusettevõted ei pruugi omada piisavalt ressursse selleks, et tagada konkurentsivõime. Järjest suurenevate ressursi hinnatõusudega võib muutuda ettevõtete majandamine keeruliseks, kui seda ei tehta efektiivselt ja jätkusuutlikult. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on välja selgitada taimekasvatusettevõtte Agrostem OÜ jätkusuutlikus aastatel 2019-2022. Töö teoreetilises osas on vaatluse alla võetud jätkusuutlikkuse olemus, hindamise meetodid, EL põllumajanduspoliitika roll jätkusuutlikkuse kujundamisel ja muutused põllumajanduses seoses kliimamuutuse ja tehnoloogia arenguga. Empiirilises analüüsis esitati Agrostem OÜ aastate 2019–2022 majandusliku jätkusuutlikuse hinnang ning käsitleti ettevõtjaga läbi viidud intervjuus ka ettevõtte keskkonna alast ja sotsiaalset jätkusuutlikust. Lähtudes ettevõtte müügitulu kasvust, tasuvusest ja tootlikkusest ning investeerimisvõimekusest, on ettevõte olnud aastatel 2019-2022 majanduslikult jätkusuutlik. Samuti võib ettevõtet hinnata keskkonna alaselt jätkusuutlikuks, lähtudes nii valitud tootmispraktikatest kui ka sellest, et ettevõtja arvestab tootmise planeerimisel suurema osa intervjuusse kaasatud jätkusuutlikkuse näitajatega. Sotsiaalse jätkusuutlikuse osas saaks alati paremini, kuid paljud nendest faktoritest ei ole väga mõjutatavad ettevõtja poolt. Vaadates ettevõtte tulevikuplaane, siis võib eeldada, et ettevõte jätkab ka vähemalt lähematel aastatel jätkusuutlikult.Farmers face increasing challenges related to climate warming, the environmental impact of production, rising input prices, and other factors. Smaller farms may not have enough resources to ensure competitiveness. With increasing resource prices, managing companies can become difficult if it is not done efficiently and sustainably. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to evaluate the sustainability of the plant growing company Agrostem OÜ in the years 2019-2022. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the nature of sustainability ant it’s assessment methods, the role of EU agricultural policy in shaping sustainability and the changes in agriculture in connection with climate change and technological development are examined. An assessment of the economic sustainability of Agrostem OÜ for the years 2019–2022 was presented in the thesis, and the company's environmental and social sustainability were also discussed in the interview conducted with the entrepreneur. Based on the growth of the company's sales revenue, profitability and productivity, as well as investment capacity, the company has been economically sustainable in 2019-2022. The company can also be assessed as environmentally sustainable based on the selected production practices as well as the fact that the company takes into account most of the sustainability indicators included in the interview when planning production. In terms of social sustainability, it could always be better, but many of these factors are not very much influenced by the entrepreneur. Looking at the company's future plans, it can be assumed that the company will continue sustainably at least in the coming years

    High-Throughput Sequencing in Studies of Lichen Population Biology

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