2,175 research outputs found

    On Wittgenstein"s "One of the Most Fundamental\ud Language Games�

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    My interest in this topic springs from the controversy that\ud Wittgenstein"s language games have sparked in gametheoretic\ud approaches to logic. Hintikka (1996) has argued\ud that semantic games and language games share a mutual\ud concern on how language and the world are related. Such\ud links are codified in the practices of language games, and\ud are operationalised in semantic games by the mathematical\ud theory of games

    Some Logical Notations for Pragmatic Assertions

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    The pragmatic notion of assertion has an important inferential role in logic. There are also many notational forms to express assertions in logical systems. This paper reviews, compares and analyses languages with signs for assertions, including explicit signs such as Frege’s and Dalla Pozza’s logical systems and implicit signs with no specific sign for assertion, such as Peirce’s algebraic and graphical logics and the recent modification of the latter termed Assertive Graphs. We identify and discuss the main ‘points’ of these notations on the logical representation of assertions, and evaluate their systems from the perspective of the philosophy of logical notations. Pragmatic assertions turn out to be useful in providing intended interpretations of a variety of logical systems

    The lichen family Cladoniaceae in Paraiba, Pernambuco and Sergipe, Northeast Brazil

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    Field and herbarium studies of the lichen family Cladoniaceae in the states of Paraíba, Pernambuco and Sergipe, Northeast Brazil, yielded 22 species, many of them being new reports for the region. The phenolic compounds identified in each species are reported. Cladonia clathrata Ahti & Xavier Filho, Cladonia polita Ahti, Cladonia polyscypha Ahti & Xavier Filho, and Cladonia rugicaulis Ahti are described as new. C. clathrata, C. rhodoleuca Vainio, C. rugicaulis, C. salzmannii Nyl., and C. subminiata Stenroos appear to represent an element confined to northeastern Brazil

    Forecasting Commodity Prices with Nonlinear Models

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    Use of a tensiometer in measuring soil water tension.

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    Lannoituksen vaikutus fosforin ja kaliumin huuhtoutumiseen ojitetuilta soilta.

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    4 graphs, 4 tables12 ref. Summaries (En, Fi). Incl. 4 p. append

    Testing the Rational Expectations Competitive Storage Hypothesis

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    Motivations for Consumption of Second-hand Fashion: A Quantitative Study of Motivational Drivers of Finnish Consumers

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    Objectives The main objectives of this study were to explore and investigate the motivations that drive consumption in the second-hand fashion market. The factors investigated were the critical, economic, hedonistic, nostalgistic and fashion interest motivational factors that were recognised by previous literature. All the factors were researched utilizing quantitative research approach Summary Second-hand consumption of fashion has been increasing in popularity in the last few years. There is such a need for a better understanding of the consumers motivations for engaging actively in the market. After literature research of previously studied second-hand market motivations, a quantitative online survey was conducted. Conclusions The results show that these customers are highly driven by multiple factors, but that the economic motivations examined in previous studies are not as relevant today. Consumers are driven considerably highly by the hedonistic experiences of these stores. They provide shopping experiences that conventional stores cannot. The market of second-hand fashion is also motivated by interest in fashion. These clothes are deemed fashionable, unique and desirable and not just a cheaper alternative. The stores have therefore evolved from cheap commodities into their own fashion trend


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    Abstract Objective. To evaluate whether menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) alleviates climacteric-related symptoms among peri- or postmenopausal women with history of hysterectomy. The key interest of the study was to evaluate the effect of unopposed estradiol (E2) without the interference of progestin supplementation. Methods. Altogether 63 women were accepted to the research. We used both original and revised version of The Women’s Health Questionnaire to measure climacteric-related symptoms, which were included both as symptom domains and as separate items. MHT use was compared to the baseline and to placebo. The research included two 3-month treatment periods (MHT and placebo) and a 1-month wash-out period with placebo to minimize carry-over effect. Results. As symptom domains, vasomotor symptoms (VMS) (p<0.001), sleep problems (p<0.001), depressive symptoms (p=0.019), anxiety/fears (p=0.003), cognitive difficulties (p<0.001) and sexual functioning (p=0.012) decreased with MHT compared to baseline. As separate items, when the MHT use was compared to baseline, hot flushes (p<0.001), night sweats (p<0.001), difficulty in getting to sleep (p<0.001), difficulty in waking up early (p=0.015), feeling of irritability (p<0.001), sensations of butterflies in one’s stomach (p=0.006), feeling of clumsiness (p<0.001), feeling of poor memory (p=0.017), losing interest in sexual activity (p=0.015), feeling of sick or nauseous (p=0.023) and abdominal cramps (p=0.015) decreased. MHT increased tender breast (p<0.001). When the MHT was compared to placebo, as symptom domains, VMS (p <0.001), sleep problems (p=0.006) and sexual functioning (p=0.013) decreased . As separate items, compared to placebo, women with MHT had less hot flushes (p <0.001), night sweats (p <0.001), difficulties getting to sleep (p <0.001), they were less irritable (p=0.005) and tense (p=0.005) than usual and had more interest in sexual activity (p=0.013). There was no effect on somatic symptoms or cognitive difficulties. Compared to placebo, women reported more breast tenderness (p <0.001) during MHT. Conclusions. The results of our study bolster the hypotheses of MHT decreasing VMS (hot flushes and night sweats) and sleep problems. As to other symptoms, the diverge of results in different studies indicate the complex causes behind the symptoms: estrogen and other hormonal factors might be only one of the many reasons behind climacteric-related symptoms. Estrogen might not have that strong effect on mood symptoms, sexual functioning and cognitive difficulties, but indirect improvements are possible. MHT should be recommended for a treatment of VMS, but MHT should not be the first line treatment for other symptoms, which are likely to have various causes behind them.Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin hormonikorvaushoidon vaikutusta vaihdevuosioireisiin 63 peri- tai postmenopausaalisen naisen aineistossa. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin aiemmin valmiiksi kerättyä aineistoa. Vaihdevuosioireet mitattiin validoidulla kyselykaavakkeella, The Women’s Health Questionnaire:lla. Tutkittavat saivat vuoroin estrogeeniä ja lumetta ja toimivat siten omina verrokkeinaan. Tutkittavilta oli poistettu kohtu eri elämänvaiheissa, joten hormonikorvaushoito tapahtui pelkällä estrogeenilla. Aineisto käsiteltiin tilastotieteen keinoin. Hypoteesi oli, että hormonikorvaushoito lievittää ainakin tyypillisimpiä vaihdevuosioireita, kuumia aaltoja, yöhikoilua sekä uniongelmia. Oletimme, hormonikorvaushoidon vaikutuksen psyykkisiin oireisiin olevan vähäinen. Kirjallisuusviitteiksi haettiin artikkeleja Pubmed:istä 2017–2020. Tulokset olivat pääosin johdonmukaisia aikaisempien tutkimustulosten kanssa. Tutkimuksen tuloksista selvisi, että osa vaihdevuosioireista kuten kuumat aallot, yöhikoilu ja uniongelmat vähenivät merkitsevästi. Uniongelmia käsittelevistä oireista väheni tosin ainoastaan nukahtamisvaikeudet. Lisäksi havaittiin positiivinen vaikutus seksuaaliseen haluttomuuteen. Sivuvaikutuksena hormonikorvaushoidon todettiin aiheuttavan rintojen arkuutta. Estrogeenin vaikutukset mielialaoireisiin, seksuaaliseen toimintakykyyn ja kognitiivisiin vaikeuksiin olivat vähäiset: epäsuorat positiiviset vaikutukset muihinkin kuin vasomotorisiin oireisiin ovat mahdollisia, kun yleinen hyvinvoinnin kokemus kohoaa. Hormonikorvaushoitoa tulisi suositella vasomotorisiin oireisiin ja uniongelmiin, muttei ensisijaisena hoitona mielialaoireisiin. Vaihdevuosien aikana esiintyvien mielialaoireiden syynä on todennäköisesti usein muitakin tekijöitä kuin vain alentuneet hormonitasot